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Sequels Who should be the villain in an Avengers sequel? (Poll)

I mean, if the fall is condensed, why wouldn't the redemption? I see where you're coming from, and if Wright focuses Pym AND doesn't making a sequel, it works, otherwise, the fall has no power and too much setup and ruins Pyms solo franchise by making him, essentially, a villain. And that's kinda the point of Stark!Ultron that you would explore Civil War Tony in Ultron, and the dark of Tony would be explored without Tony actually doing anything wrong. It'd be like a cleaner Tower of Babel thing... the more I think about it, the more it sounds like something they would do to me. It makes Tony look more awesome, but still guiltless.

Bendis just planted that seed in the latest preview for his Ultron story. he has Pym outright state that he didn't create Ultron. Ultron created itself. i'm not making this up. there's a preview up at comicbookresources. the beginning of the preview is Tony Stark working on rebuilding the Vision (post-diassembled).
Bendis just planted that seed in the latest preview for his Ultron story. he has Pym outright state that he didn't create Ultron. Ultron created itself. i'm not making this up. there's a preview up at comicbookresources. the beginning of the preview is Tony Stark working on rebuilding the Vision (post-diassembled).
What a jerk.
Bendis just planted that seed in the latest preview for his Ultron story. he has Pym outright state that he didn't create Ultron. Ultron created itself. i'm not making this up. there's a preview up at comicbookresources. the beginning of the preview is Tony Stark working on rebuilding the Vision (post-diassembled).

What a jerk.

except that all the other characters were saying "we know you don't want to take credit" yada yada, which is basically exactly what i think he is doing, not wanting to take credit for this.

He said he only created Ultron's AI.........soo....he created ultron.
except that all the other characters were saying "we know you don't want to take credit" yada yada, which is basically exactly what i think he is doing, not wanting to take credit for this.

He said he only created Ultron's AI.........soo....he created ultron.
Yeah, I meant Bendis. What's with Marvel allowing its characters to not take responsibility for themselves these days?
if Kang ever appears i think i have a new way to incorporate him. he'd start out as an ambitious bureaucrat (or munitions maker or military figure) in the far flung future where superhumans are prevalent. and his time would have experienced a large scale superhero civil war. Kang would have played a role similar to Norman Osborn, in the books (during Secret Invasion). that would be how he rose to power. of course, he goes full-Caeser and his policing of the superhero community reaches the level of fascism. yadda yadda yadda, he needs to travel back in time to deal with a threat to his future rule; maybe something Stark or Pym created.
The best and equal villians would be:
Iron Man = Wolvarine
Captain America = Bane (Turned with Batman)
Thor = Batman
Hulk = Superman
Hawkeye = Spider-Man
The best and equal villians would be:
Iron Man = Wolvarine
Captain America = Bane (Turned with Batman)
Thor = Batman
Hulk = Superman
Hawkeye = Spider-Man

I concur. Those would be the best and equal villains.

Anyway, Joss hints toward Thanos in Phase 3? I'll run with it. He's also mentioned "villains" plural.

I assume some combination of Ultron and/or the MoE for Phase 2. Also, if he insists on using Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch they will indeed likely start out as MoE.
Anyway, Joss hints toward Thanos in Phase 3? I'll run with it. He's also mentioned "villains" plural.

I assume some combination of Ultron and/or the MoE for Phase 2. Also, if he insists on using Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch they will indeed likely start out as MoE.

I think Thanos will be the main villain in A2 but in the sense that, and this is a bad example, Cobra Commander was the main villain in G.I. Joe: Retaliation.

Everything Cobra was doing was his plan but Firefly and Zartan were the ones who were really carrying it out and it was Firefly and Zartan who the Joes went head to head with and in the end, they were defeated while Cobra Commander got away.

I expect we'll see Thanos and the Masters of Evil have a similar dynamic, leaving the big battle w/ Thanos himself for Phase 3.
Haven't seen GI Joe. lol so I wont comment on it being a bad example. It could very well be a great example. idk.

But It's logical to assume Thanos, who was made aware of the Avengers existence at the end of Phase 1, still would think himself above them and instead dispatch underlings to deal with them. He knows they are team and that Loki couldn't stop them alone, so he sends a team.

As far as who the MoE consist of? Man... thats some real speculation fodder right there...

Will it be baddies we've seen before?
Batroc the Leaper
The Leader

Will it be completely new folks?
Scarlet Witch
Baron Zemo

What will make QS and SW change sides (if they do)? Do they realize Zemo/Ultron's plan is too radical?
if the MoE are inolved..I doubt they will have anything to do with Thanos
if the MoE are inolved..I doubt they will have anything to do with Thanos

What makes you doubt that?

Joss says "Like he did in the comics, you want him threading through the universe and to save the big finale for the big finale. He is definitely a part of what I have got going on."

And I think that MoE (Thanos involved) is far more likely than MoE (Thanos not involved). In fact whatever villains they choose "Thanos involved" seems far more likely than "Thanos not involved."
What makes you doubt that?

Joss says "Like he did in the comics, you want him threading through the universe and to save the big finale for the big finale. He is definitely a part of what I have got going on."

And I think that MoE (Thanos involved) is far more likely than MoE (Thanos not involved). In fact whatever villains they choose "Thanos involved" seems far more likely than "Thanos not involved."

It makes no sense. How does he get them? Why do they decide to work for him? it will get wearysome. Thanos got loki..loki failed. thanos gets the masters..they fail.
It makes no sense. How does he get them? Why do they decide to work for him? it will get wearysome. Thanos got loki..loki failed. thanos gets the masters..they fail.

I don't want to see Thanos get pussyfied in the MCU. If all he does is fields loser henchman after loser henchman before finally getting to the "if you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself" stage, then general audiences are going to consider him a laughingstock.
I don't want to see Thanos get pussyfied in the MCU. If all he does is fields loser henchman after loser henchman before finally getting to the "if you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself" stage, then general audiences are going to consider him a laughingstock.

Bingo. I'm all for some sort of MoE. Just, not as thanos lackies
From Jim Starlin's Facebook page:
Setting the record straight: It keeps getting reported that I claimed that Thanos will be in both the upcoming ‘Guardians of the [Galaxy]’ and ‘The Avengers 2’ movies. Sort of true but not really. All I said, in some interview way back when, was that I had heard (as in convention scuttlebutt) that the Titan would be in both movies. I have absolutely nothing to do with Marvel films and not all that much with Marvel Comics. So I am no reliable source to quote on anything to do with what’s happening in any future Marvel film.
It's going to end up being the MOE people need to start accepting it. Thanos is going to be the big bad of the third movie.
Joss confirmed Thanos being saved for A 2, so it's safe to say Ultron or MOE are gonna be villains.
I like how we all know more than the mother****er directing the thing.
Masters of evil
1.Baron Zemo
2.The Abomination
3.Scarlet Witch
6.Wrecking Crew

I think this group could definitely give the Avengers trouble.

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