Thor's power level

and say, "this ship, I like it--another!":woot:
^That made me spit some iced tea a little LG. This will really be my last bit about MOS... You're right BT. They "only" threw some cars. RAILROAD CARS! I know it's easy to slide into boosterism here on the net. But I like to think of the CBM arms race as a healthy competition. Right now, for me, what they did effect wise in MOS was go above and beyond what has come before for superpowered characters. I would hope the MCU crew, or anyone else involved with larger than life, god like characters looks at it and says, "ball is in our court now. We need to up our game." Because we, the consumers are the ones that benefit. I love Supes to death, however if a Thor film were to out do the feats they had him do in the MOS series (I know that's getting ahead of myself, but ya got's to be positive.) I will be the first to say, "Damn... The Thor team knocked it out of the park." So bring on the God Blasts, Lightning barrages, and hammer smashes that create gigantic craters! The Legend that is The God of Thunder deserves no less.
In the MCU universe (redundancy there) is thor really supposed to be as strong as the hulk as some here are suggesting he should be?

I'm sort of under the impression that Hulk really is their top brawn to the point they consider him a weapon ala tony stark's comment. I think thor is depicted more like a jack of all trades where he has some hulk type feats and some iron man energy strike powers in him etc.
^That made me spit some iced tea a little LG. This will really be my last bit about MOS... You're right BT. They "only" threw some cars. RAILROAD CARS! I know it's easy to slide into boosterism here on the net. But I like to think of the CBM arms race as a healthy competition. Right now, for me, what they did effect wise in MOS was go above and beyond what has come before for superpowered characters.

Hulk stopped a giant space whale with one punch and Thor BLOCKED one of those punches from that same fist. So Thor is basically strong enough to stop one of the space whales himself, it just would probably take two hands instead of one. I say this because those space whales are alot heavier than any type of vehicle the Kryptonians threw in MOS railroad cars included.

I would hope the MCU crew, or anyone else involved with larger than life, god like characters looks at it and says, "ball is in our court now. We need to up our game." Because we, the consumers are the ones that benefit. I love Supes to death, however if a Thor film were to out do the feats they had him do in the MOS series (I know that's getting ahead of myself, but ya got's to be positive.) I will be the first to say, "Damn... The Thor team knocked it out of the park." So bring on the God Blasts, Lightning barrages, and hammer smashes that create gigantic craters! The Legend that is The God of Thunder deserves no less.

I agree, but MOS is a Zack Snyder film and there's not many directors than can compete with him on an action front. He's one of the most imaginitive action directors around, if he directed a Thor or Hulk film the results would've been the same. It doesn't have anything to do with Warner Brothers, Marvel Studios, DC or any of that.

In the MCU universe (redundancy there) is thor really supposed to be as strong as the hulk as some here are suggesting he should be?

I'm sort of under the impression that Hulk really is their top brawn to the point they consider him a weapon ala tony stark's comment. I think thor is depicted more like a jack of all trades where he has some hulk type feats and some iron man energy strike powers in him etc.

Hulk is definately stronger, but Thor IS in Hulk's league which means he's strong enough to compete with him.
BT I would not be surprised if stepping up their game to compete is more a part of things than you'd like to believe. Even within the same company, even when some people are actually competing against themselves. After seeing Avengers I have to think, based on pride alone the creative team for DARK WORLD would want to be just as good if not better. I think that giant ship is the sure sign of that.
I am not going to defend my take on what I think of the difference is in strenght/power between MOS Superman and MCU Thor because A. You guys are right. I am biased towards The Son Of Jor-El (Read that with Terrance Stamp voice) and B. To go into my reasoning I have give away to much of the film and people don't come here to get detailed spoilers for MOS. (cough... gravity beam... cough) But I loves me some Scion of Asgard brothers and sisters, and I want him as powerful and bold as I've known him since I picked up most of Simonson's run in a flea market when I was a wee lad in the '90's.
EVERY character has his/her moments where nobody can beat them. If they STAYED that way they wouldn't be interesting because nobody could touch them
True. It's nice to see your hero get knocked down, because you know the nature of superhero fiction means he's going to come back and whup some tail. But if the audience is given a clear idea about what the hero is capable in the first place, I think it helps too. It shows that the villain is nothing to be trifled with as well. Before a confrontation with Kurse, it would be nice to establish Thor's strength in the film. Doing something more associated with Hulk, sans Mjolnir, like say ripping through a fortress wall, or picking up a massive object would help to clarify things. I think that there has been a lot of thinking done about MCU Thor's strength because things are a little vague. When I saw the Iron Man fight in Avengers it put such a smile on my face. I thought it was a fine first glimpse at his godly strength that was not really shown in Thor. The way they had him just manhandling Stark was great. The slams, the gauntlet crushing. But, and I am sure there are legitimate creative reasons, the things he does later in the film kind of don't live up to that start. Not that there is anything wrong with what we got. But they could have had him toss a truck with a punch or a kick. His fight with Loki could have (and should have) been slightly more damaging to Stark Tower. I want DARK WORLD to have the term god like be truly expressed through Thor's physical actions. He is a god (yeah, I know "technically pan dimensional alien humanoid". Screw that nonsense. They are gods. deal with it middle america). Having him be god like should be a priority.
Yup tho alot of us wished we saw more of Rune Thor's powers. We saw maybe one comic with him all powerful and barely anything but minor displays of power before he fell into the Godsleep. Wish there were a what-if or something.
See, we could get something close to that in the MCU. They haven't established an Odin Force yet, but he does the Odin Sleep. I find it hard to believe such and important part of the Marvel Thor mythos is just going to be absent like that. And if certain rumors about the mortality of certain 'immortal' characters come to pass, the Odin Force would become an issue for Thor. (What I mean is Odin could end up meeting Obi-Wan, Merlin, Gandalf, Jagga and Jor-el in the hero mentor's meeting place in the sky. By the way, I think I just came up with the idea to pitch for my new screenplay.)
Well being Immortal can be presented in different ways. For example in the Comics Asgardians aren't immortal in the normal sense because they DO die only to be reborn after the Ragnarok (which hasn't taken place in the MCU yet) and these days in the Comics if you know how you CAN bring someone back as Thor did with Loki. Not sure why he hasn't brought Balder back tho.

was recalling people wanting the Ultimate Mjolnir and remembering Hemsworth saying the one they use is clumsy, imagine what he'd say about the Ulty version? lol
I am more concerned about the passage of the Odin Force. It would make Thor a huge threat. I mean even Thanos could not take him head on if he had the Odin Force. But having that power with Thor complicates a lot of what they got going on. Does Thor keep the Odin Force in an Avengers follow up? Does he stay on Asgard and leave the universe alone the way Odin seemed to have at the beginning of the first film? It's problematic from a story point of view, yet I can't help think it's so established in Thor that they wouldn't just ignore it either.
Well, even receiving the OdinForce really would be a bit difficult to explain to the GA. I'm hoping IF thy do pass it along in THIS movie it's easy for most to understand since they seem to be avoiding the Sacrifices both Odin and Thor did in the comics
In the MCU universe (redundancy there) is thor really supposed to be as strong as the hulk as some here are suggesting he should be?

I'm sort of under the impression that Hulk really is their top brawn to the point they consider him a weapon ala tony stark's comment. I think thor is depicted more like a jack of all trades where he has some hulk type feats and some iron man energy strike powers in him etc.

They had Thor *grapple* with the Hulk. They clearly were at least similar strength, if with Hulk having the advantage.
I hope to see some massive collateral damage in Thor: The Dark World. As my name indicates I am a fan of citiesvgetting leveled by destructive forces be the cause supervpowered beings or giant, radioactive flame breathing self regenerating lizards. ;)
I am more concerned about the passage of the Odin Force. It would make Thor a huge threat. I mean even Thanos could not take him head on if he had the Odin Force. But having that power with Thor complicates a lot of what they got going on. Does Thor keep the Odin Force in an Avengers follow up? Does he stay on Asgard and leave the universe alone the way Odin seemed to have at the beginning of the first film? It's problematic from a story point of view, yet I can't help think it's so established in Thor that they wouldn't just ignore it either.

It's tough. It depends on which thor as well, there were Multiple instances where Thor had the Odinforce, I think that only the rune thor, and the thor when he ruled midgard and asgard would be the only ones who could take Thanos.

But again, we have to remember it's movies. Films, they ARE going to slightly deviate. If Thanos is being shaped up to be THE big bad of the franchise, I find it unlikely that even an Odin powered Thor will be able to take him one on one, under their own power...he's probably going to be very powerful. If we scaled it up to the different levels of power in the comics, where you have guys like thor, and the surfer who are herald levels, then thanos who are high end trans, then high end skyfathers like Odin...if we were to scale it down to the MCU, I would guess MCU Thanos, even under his own power would be more powerful than a high end skyfather....including Odin. Which I know will piss BT off haha, but this is the main villain of the franchise it seems. I'd be willing to bet that they will push it far enough to the point where he can't physically be killed

They had Thor *grapple* with the Hulk. They clearly were at least similar strength, if with Hulk having the advantage.

I saw it as Hulk had a size advantage, if we matched them up pound for pound, they would be equal
I always thought Thor's power varied on where he was. In Asgard he's the 2nd most powerful being (behind Odin), but he's also fighting against all powerful warriors. Also when he goes to some of the other realms, he's extremely powerful, but has powerful opponents.

I think you really get a sense of Thor's power in Avengers. He's pulling his punches against Iron Man, because he has no with to kill a mortal, but just wants to stop him, still we see he can damage Tony's armor with his bare hands, and his head butt, leaves a dent on Tony's face plate.

Then against the Hulk, he fights him for several minutes without Mjolnir and is relatively unharmed, a bit of a bloody nose. Look at Blonsky, when he took the SS serum, he was still left broken into a million pieces after facing the Hulk.

Look at the way Hulk ragdolled Loki, and he was alive, with only a few scrapes to show for it, and Thor is massively more powerful than Loki in fighting strength. Loki has other skills that Thor does not, but Loki is no weakling. Other than getting caught off guard by cap reflecting a bolt back at him from his scepter, he handled Cap pretty easily, and he was trying to get caught.
I always thought Thor's power varied on where he was. In Asgard he's the 2nd most powerful being (behind Odin), but he's also fighting against all powerful warriors. Also when he goes to some of the other realms, he's extremely powerful, but has powerful opponents.

I think you really get a sense of Thor's power in Avengers. He's pulling his punches against Iron Man, because he has no with to kill a mortal, but just wants to stop him, still we see he can damage Tony's armor with his bare hands, and his head butt, leaves a dent on Tony's face plate.

Then against the Hulk, he fights him for several minutes without Mjolnir and is relatively unharmed, a bit of a bloody nose. Look at Blonsky, when he took the SS serum, he was still left broken into a million pieces after facing the Hulk.

Look at the way Hulk ragdolled Loki, and he was alive, with only a few scrapes to show for it, and Thor is massively more powerful than Loki in fighting strength. Loki has other skills that Thor does not, but Loki is no weakling. Other than getting caught off guard by cap reflecting a bolt back at him from his scepter, he handled Cap pretty easily, and he was trying to get caught.

Okay that's what I thought at first, but why would he attack Cap with his hammer. If that shield was made of iron or something, the blast would have killed Cap, and Thor didn't know it was strong. I would blame Loki's influence, but then that would mean he would have no problem killing Iron Man. Plus Iron Man could have been an android for all he knew, while Cap was obviously a person. So the idea of him not willing to kill IM during the fight being the reason why IM held his own (a little bit) confuses me.
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BT I would not be surprised if stepping up their game to compete is more a part of things than you'd like to believe. Even within the same company, even when some people are actually competing against themselves. After seeing Avengers I have to think, based on pride alone the creative team for DARK WORLD would want to be just as good if not better. I think that giant ship is the sure sign of that.

Oh I don't mind Marvel stepping up there game, I just don't want to discredit the MCU's action scenes just because of MOS. I'm all for more displays in power and strength esoecially in a Thor film, but that doesn't mean they haven't shown him doing cool things so far.

MOS was filmed around the same time as Thor:TDW so I doubt it has any impact on it.
Oh I don't mind Marvel stepping up there game, I just don't want to discredit the MCU's action scenes just because of MOS. I'm all for more displays in power and strength esoecially in a Thor film, but that doesn't mean they haven't shown him doing cool things so far.

MOS was filmed around the same time as Thor:TDW so I doubt it has any impact on it.
I thought MOS had finished filming in 2012 and had taken all this time in post because Snyder and Co. needed that extra time to bring the sfx up to snuff? Wasn't it supposed to be released in winter 2012 but was pushed back? And isn't DARK WORLD still in post now? It could be possible that seeing MOS' finished sfx does make them not want to seem like they are behind the curve. Of course I could be wrong and both were filming and doing post more concurrently than I know of.

BT, please don't think I am bringing up MOS JUST because Supes is my homeboy. I am not trying to put down anything in the MCU at all. THOR is one of my favorite PHASE ONE films. It's a great adventure film with a sweet romance that I totally buy. Loki is a great character that Tom totally sells, and what can be said of Chris other than he is perfection. He is THOR. I saw Avengers 5 times in theatres. Watching that tie in shot with all of them in action it was Thor and Hulk fighting on that Leviathan's back that made me go, "they're pulling this off! My God, they are pulling this off!" I have my favorites for sure, and Supes will always be at the tops but I have bought more than enough MARVEL comics and seen and own all the MARVEL STUDIOS live action films. Crass boosterism is not my intent. I really do hope that the T:TDW sfx team can go to MARVEL and say, "We need X amount of extra money and people to do this right. We just saw MOS and that's a gauntlet thrown down like it or not for our side." I'm just a THOR fan that wants him done justice and receive his fair share of big screen glory brother.
I thought MOS had finished filming in 2012 and had taken all this time in post because Snyder and Co. needed that extra time to bring the sfx up to snuff? Wasn't it supposed to be released in winter 2012 but was pushed back? And isn't DARK WORLD still in post now? It could be possible that seeing MOS' finished sfx does make them not want to seem like they are behind the curve. Of course I could be wrong and both were filming and doing post more concurrently than I know of.

BT, please don't think I am bringing up MOS JUST because Supes is my homeboy. I am not trying to put down anything in the MCU at all. THOR is one of my favorite PHASE ONE films. It's a great adventure film with a sweet romance that I totally buy. Loki is a great character that Tom totally sells, and what can be said of Chris other than he is perfection. He is THOR. I saw Avengers 5 times in theatres. Watching that tie in shot with all of them in action it was Thor and Hulk fighting on that Leviathan's back that made me go, "they're pulling this off! My God, they are pulling this off!" I have my favorites for sure, and Supes will always be at the tops but I have bought more than enough MARVEL comics and seen and own all the MARVEL STUDIOS live action films. Crass boosterism is not my intent. I really do hope that the T:TDW sfx team can go to MARVEL and say, "We need X amount of extra money and people to do this right. We just saw MOS and that's a gauntlet thrown down like it or not for our side." I'm just a THOR fan that wants him done justice and receive his fair share of big screen glory brother.

Oh no I don't have any hard feelings bro I see where you're coming from, I can tell you have good intentions. I think Thor:TDW finished filming around December of last year, which means it was filmed before MOS' teaser even came out.

Now this film is basically going to be in post production for almost a year since it doesn't come out until November. So from the sounds of it Thor:TDW is not going to go light on the FX and it would be very cool if they upped the FX after seeing MOS. Like I said I'm all for seeing Thor displayed as powerful as possible, so I can't wait to see how far they pushed the envelope in this film.
^That made me spit some iced tea a little LG. This will really be my last bit about MOS... You're right BT. They "only" threw some cars. RAILROAD CARS! I know it's easy to slide into boosterism here on the net. But I like to think of the CBM arms race as a healthy competition. Right now, for me, what they did effect wise in MOS was go above and beyond what has come before for superpowered characters. I would hope the MCU crew, or anyone else involved with larger than life, god like characters looks at it and says, "ball is in our court now. We need to up our game." Because we, the consumers are the ones that benefit. I love Supes to death, however if a Thor film were to out do the feats they had him do in the MOS series (I know that's getting ahead of myself, but ya got's to be positive.) I will be the first to say, "Damn... The Thor team knocked it out of the park." So bring on the God Blasts, Lightning barrages, and hammer smashes that create gigantic craters! The Legend that is The God of Thunder deserves no less.

yes yes !!
If his power levels rise, his enemies power levels should rise too. And become bigger threats while they're at it.
:doh: I found it amusing in the MOS threads where they were asking if the Avengers could handle Zod and his crew...They stated that only Thor would stand a chance but would loose in the end...
Let me get this straight, Thor who is on all accounts equal if not more powerful than superman due to his combined powers would fall to Zod...
Superman was only 33 years old and had little or no battle experience, yet he prevails..
Thor on the other hand has thousands of years worth of battle experience under his belt, as well as being a God....and would loose..
Thor would merely smile at Zod during the battle and say..(Your Big....Fought Bigger...) before ending the battle quickly...
:doh: I found it amusing in the MOS threads where they were asking if the Avengers could handle Zod and his crew...They stated that only Thor would stand a chance but would loose in the end...
Let me get this straight, Thor who is on all accounts equal if not more powerful than superman due to his combined powers would fall to Zod...
Superman was only 33 years old and had little or no battle experience, yet he prevails..
Thor on the other hand has thousands of years worth of battle experience under his belt, as well as being a God....and would loose..
Thor would merely smile at Zod during the battle and say..(Your Big....Fought Bigger...) before ending the battle quickly...

how was he mmore powerful than that superman?
MOS Supes and MCU Thor are closer in power than most think, MOS was just flashier with strength displays.
We can't go by the current movie comparison, Thor is extremely powerful in the comics, His combined strength has no equal in the marvel comics world...Plus he is a God, Superman is not...Something one cannot dismiss as irrelevant.
Head to head Thors combined powers would defeat Superman...Please note even Thor has enemies he cannot handle one on one...So I am not saying Thor is the end all of super heroes...He is clearly not...But with his extensive battle experience, being a god, the power to summon magical powers unseen by man and his planetary control of the elements and lets not forget his hammer, Superman but most importantly Zod are clearly outclassed...
Thor has faced threats his whole life which spans thousands of years,his sole purpose is to defend the realms... Superman is young and has a long way to go before he can stand as Thor"s equal....
Remember we are talking the comic book world...As for the movie world we shall see how much of Thors true power is revealed in TTDW...

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