The Jaimie Alexander/Lady Sif thread

I'll never understand Marvel when it comes to placing Darcy & Co above The Warrior's 3 and Sif in importance.

Same here. If they had use Sif and the Warriors 3 instead of Darcy & the intern in the last battle, it would've been much more intense and even excited. But what we got instead was comedy relief and it completely robbed the movie out of any tense moments. It was a gigantic letdown.
Same here. If they had use Sif and the Warriors 3 instead of Darcy & the intern in the last battle, it would've been much more intense and even excited. But what we got instead was comedy relief and it completely robbed the movie out of any tense moments. It was a gigantic letdown.

Can you imagine Darcy pitching in at the end of Captain America: The Winter Soldier? That would have been... just... ARGH.

Really hoping Thor 3 will finally give Sif & the Warriors 3 some much needed screen time, both for character and for bad ass battle sequences. I'm not holding my breath though.
Can you imagine Darcy pitching in at the end of Captain America: The Winter Soldier? That would have been... just... ARGH.

Really hoping Thor 3 will finally give Sif & the Warriors 3 some much needed screen time, both for character and for bad ass battle sequences. I'm not holding my breath though.

I think Sif and the Warriors 3 should've been the supporting cast for Thor like BW and Falcon did for Cap, which they provided some humor and banters to lighten the moments, but when the action is required they can also bring their badassness into battle as well. I read that Feige ordered several rewrites for TDW, but none of them could've done something to make the 3rd Act better than what we got instead.
I agree completely, Sif & the Warriors 3 would fit much better in that regard and I've thought that for the longest.

Like I said before, I love Kat Dennings but if I want to see her & her comedic streak I'll just watch her show.

They really need to give Sif & the Warriors 3 the proper screen time before its too late. Get rid of Natalie Portman & Kat Dennings, they're only holding back the potential of what this franchise could truly be.
I agree completely, Sif & the Warriors 3 would fit much better in that regard and I've thought that for the longest.

Like I said before, I love Kat Dennings but if I want to see her & her comedic streak I'll just watch her show.

They really need to give Sif & the Warriors 3 the proper screen time before its too late. Get rid of Natalie Portman & Kat Dennings, they're only holding back the potential of what this franchise could truly be.

I would give Jane a small but important role in Thor 3, just to tie up her storyline/relationship with Thor. But I would absolutely leave Darcy, Ian, and even Selvig out of Thor 3 and give their screen time to Sif and the Warriors 3, or to new characters.
That would be perfect. I'd like for them to wrap up the whole Jane thing & set up Thor/Sif even if they don't go into great detail as far as showing their relationship goes.
Thanks. IMO they don't have to make any big moves on the Thor/Sif front, but some subtle character moments that acknowledge Sif's feelings would be great, continuing some of the foundation they've started in T:TDW (and even AoS). As you said, some set up would be enough.
Absolutely. I want it to move past Sif being the girl harboring the centuries old crush but being looked over. She's such a great character & Jaimie Alexander is so awesome that they need to really give her a chance to shine.
Absolutely. I want it to move past Sif being the girl harboring the centuries old crush but being looked over. She's such a great character & Jaimie Alexander is so awesome that they need to really give her a chance to shine.

Guess we just have to play the wait & see game. I have a good feeling towards Sif getting more of a chance to shine but you never know...
I want more Sif please! Seeing her on Agents of SHIELD was great but more would be nice!
I want more Sif please! Seeing her on Agents of SHIELD was great but more would be nice!

Trust me, I know your pain. Rather than potentially awesome action scenes with Thor & Sif working together as both warriors & a couple, we get Jane in the mix adding a bunch of comedic elements

Don't get me wrong, I love to laugh, but her character is pretty much a waste at this point.

Whereas you can point out multiple important tasks a character like Black Widow or Pepper Potts has accomplished, it's not the same for Jane. Sure, she helped a little in TDW but she hasn't ever been as useful as BW or Pepper.

Throw more Sif in there, there's tons she can do to help in a big battle. :woot:
still pisses me off I haven't seen more than the first two shows of Avengers Assembled on Disney. Can't even find the danged dvds!
I can't get ANY I-tunes stuff to play on my laptop, it's worthless
when are they going to introduce Sif's partner in crime, Brunnhilde?
No clue. Was kind of hoping that would have happened on Shield.
Here's hoping we see Brunnhilde in Thor 3.
Would love to see the Valkyries as like a Medical Retrieval squad of sorts, more like Space Ambulances for the Asgardians
It would work and explain why our ancestors thought something else lol
It would work and explain why our ancestors thought something else lol

I could see it. They could work for her, or something:
In mythology Eir is listed among the Valkyrie

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