Clone Wars Did the Star Wars: The Clone Wars change your views of Anakin in the prequel

No, the tv series can't repair the damage done by the prequels.

I will always see Anakin as a whiny, pretty boy who went to the dark side and killed countless other jedi because he had a bad dream about losing his spouse. Not ambition, hatred or greed but a silly attempt to stop a premonition of his girl dying. I guess Lucas wanted to make Anakin's transition to the dark side somewhat noble but betraying the jedi order and becoming a sith shouldn't be noble at all. It should be a morally bankrupt decision through and through.

Sorry but nothing about Darth Vader's origin embellishes or improves the character. In fact, everything about Anakin is a disappointment.

The Clone Wars makes Anakin somewhat less laughable but it's too little, too late.
Having Anakin turn to the dark side to save Padme was a direct tie-in to this quote from Return of the Jedi:

"Give yourself to the dark side. It is the only way you can save your friends."

Anakin fell for that trick and it costed him everything so now, he's trying to trick Luke the same way that PalpSidious tricked him.
Having Anakin turn to the dark side to save Padme was a direct tie-in to this quote from Return of the Jedi:

"Give yourself to the dark side. It is the only way you can save your friends."

Anakin fell for that trick and it costed him everything so now, he's trying to trick Luke the same way that PalpSidious tricked him.

Nice pick up. :up:
Here's the thing though, at the end of the day Lucas dropped the ball in a big way with the Prequel Trilogy (obviously some disagree, but it's a widely accepted opinion). To me nothing can ever TRULY fix the issues I have with those movies; so in that sense I'd have to agree with MessiahDecoy123.

That said, I LOVE the Clone wars cartoon. It is (closer to) what I imagined the prequels to be before they were released. If Episodes I-III had been in the same vein as this show, I think there would have been a much less vehement dislike for the films. As it is, we got the films we got, and while 'The Clone Wars' certainly doesn't fix everything, it allows me to view the prequel trilogy as three very oversized, and disappointing episodes, in an otherwise enjoyable series (clone wars). Whereas before I had difficulty even considering them as a legitimate part of the saga.
No, the tv series can't repair the damage done by the prequels.

I will always see Anakin as a whiny, pretty boy who went to the dark side and killed countless other jedi because he had a bad dream about losing his spouse. Not ambition, hatred or greed but a silly attempt to stop a premonition of his girl dying. I guess Lucas wanted to make Anakin's transition to the dark side somewhat noble but betraying the jedi order and becoming a sith shouldn't be noble at all. It should be a morally bankrupt decision through and through.

Sorry but nothing about Darth Vader's origin embellishes or improves the character. In fact, everything about Anakin is a disappointment.

The Clone Wars makes Anakin somewhat less laughable but it's too little, too late.

See the problem again isn't what Lucas did it's preconsived notion of why Anakin turned to the Dark Side. You wanted there to be some big dark reason such as a for power and ambition. Instead you got something else.

You're right Anakin was a whiny teenager who thought he knew better and that the older wiser grown ups around him knew nothing. Let me tell you secret that's not uncommon in Teenagers. Granted it's a bit over exaggerated but not uncommon to a degree.

Anakin's initial turn was to save Padme life. However as episode three progress past that point his reason for the turn change. It become less about saving Padme and more about gaining more power. I'll tell you why this happen.

Anakin turned to the dark side to save Padme. He sacrificed himself for what he believed to be the greater good. However I really believe that he though he could go over to the dark side and not loose himself but that is exactly what happen. However there was still a shred of goodness in him. It was why he was making a plea to Padme about ruling the galaxy together.

When he finds out Padme is dead and his vision was full filled all aspects of Anakin vanished until he finds out about Luke. This is the Darth Vader that we see in episode 4. He older and been through more so his personality will be different but for most part that is the same Vader. Only we don't really get to see that Vader.

Now when you get to empire Vader finds out that the person that destroyed the Death Star was Luke and that he had a son. This awoke something in Vader that he thought was long gone. It awoke his true self; Anakin Skywalker. What we see is a back paddle from that point on. He makes the same exact plea with Luke that he made with Padme.

What Lucas was trying to do was show the tragidy of Anakin Skywalker. He wanted fans to see a man who was good but had a lot of flaws and made a lot of bad choices that cost the universe. He wanted us to see the man not the machine that we see in ep 4-7.

One other thing I want to point out and then I need to leave. When Anakin left to become a Jedi he grew up from that moment on hearing about the prophecy. He grew with every one having this expectation of him to do all these great things. It had to have weighted on him a great deal. This is part of the reason why he was so frustrated in EP 2 after his mother death. He had all this power and yet he was powerless to stop her from dying. Imagine how frustrating that could be. He blamed Obi-Won for holding him back even through apart of him knew it wasn't Obi-Won fault.

Anakin is a tragic character and that was the point of what Lucas was trying to show. Vader was a villain that had no motivation other then serving the empire and that was the point of the character. When you get to Return of the Jedi it is the two characters at conflict with one another. The fight between the death start with Luke, Vader and Emperior is an internal fight and less of an external fight.

Any way that is my take on it. I have to run.
I think we get what Lucas wanted to do with Anakin in the PT, it's just the execution that sucked.
I just finished the Clone Wars for the first time last night. It changed my view a little bit, but the character is so much more different in the show, then he is in the movies.

It also seemed like the Jedi Council trusted him a lot in the show, then when you watch Revenge Of The Sith, they're right back to keeping him from things.

There's some good moments throughout the show, but I don't think it's something I will watch in the future if I'm doing another marathon.
No. The Anakin in the cartoon is way more likeable than the Anakin in Lucas' films.

He's pretty much a different person.
Having Anakin turn to the dark side to save Padme was a direct tie-in to this quote from Return of the Jedi:

"Give yourself to the dark side. It is the only way you can save your friends."

Anakin fell for that trick and it costed him everything so now, he's trying to trick Luke the same way that PalpSidious tricked him.

No, no I don't think that was it. I don't think Anakin's motive for turning to the dark side we bad, I just don't think they were conveyed well. I think there were a lot of aspects of the prequels that weren't conveyed well actually. For instance Lucas had a deleted scene with Qui-Gon explaining to Yoda that the secret to immortality was love and compassion and that the Jedi fell because they did not embrace these emotions. This explains in-part why Yoda thought there was still hope for Anakin in Empire, and helps clear up the prophecy of the chosen one a bit too. Imo anyone who thinks Anakin turning to the dark side over a girl is weak, has probably been single all their lives and never experience a true heartbreak. Girls make us do some stupid things :woot:
If Yoda thought there was still hope for Anakin, he wouldn't have said this:

"Twisted by the dark side, young Skywalker has become. The boy you trained, gone he is. Consumed by Darth Vader."

Yoda wouldn't have encouraged Obi-wan to kill Anakin and he also would've told Luke the truth about Vader being his father before he hopped onto his ship for his trip to Bespin.
If Yoda thought there was still hope for Anakin, he wouldn't have said this:

"Twisted by the dark side, young Skywalker has become. The boy you trained, gone he is. Consumed by Darth Vader."

Yoda wouldn't have encouraged Obi-wan to kill Anakin and he also would've told Luke the truth about Vader being his father before he hopped onto his ship for his trip to Bespin.

No even then he wouldn't have told Luke. Yoda explain why he didn't tell him. He was supposed to finish his training and then Yoda would reveal that fact. However Luke screwed that up by running off to save his friends.

No, no I don't think that was it. I don't think Anakin's motive for turning to the dark side we bad, I just don't think they were conveyed well. I think there were a lot of aspects of the prequels that weren't conveyed well actually. For instance Lucas had a deleted scene with Qui-Gon explaining to Yoda that the secret to immortality was love and compassion and that the Jedi fell because they did not embrace these emotions. This explains in-part why Yoda thought there was still hope for Anakin in Empire, and helps clear up the prophecy of the chosen one a bit too. Imo anyone who thinks Anakin turning to the dark side over a girl is weak, has probably been single all their lives and never experience a true heartbreak. Girls make us do some stupid things

Anakin didn't turn to the dark side because of love. He turned to the dark side to save the woman he loved. My opinion and it fits if you really look at the movies is that Anakin believe he could learn from the emperor everything he need to save Padma with out going to the dark side. The problem was he didn't read the fine print.

As he was going through the temple and killing off all the Jedi some where in his mind he was justifying his actions. By time he faced Obi-Won he has changed so completely but the whole time he believes he right. He truly believes the Jedi are evil.

What ultimatly saved him was at his core he was doing it to save Padma. He really was trying to make the galaxy a better place. The problem is that all that got lost over all the justification of his actions and twisted view points that he had formed. It took Luke cutting through that to reach the core of who Anakin was. To make Anakin question what he was doing and why he was doing it. That is what saved him.
Didn't know where to put this, but just wanted to say that I've just watched Season 1 and really enjoyed it. I see why this show has so many fans.

On to Season 2...
Dave Filoni and Co. along with Matt Lanter's portrayal made Anakin a more likable character and after one mentioned about Eps I-III being what they are - episodes makes me dream that maybe Disney oughta get Filoni & Co. to remake Eps I-III in animation improving the dialogue and add some flourishes like say more dialogue from Darth Maul in TPM especially during his duel with Qui Gon and Obi-Wan, better introduction for Count Dooku and why he turned to the Dark Side. Like I say, it's a dream. :p

And to bloody Disney for cancelling TCW - so unfair!!!! They were planning on going for 8 Seasons. Hopefully they can come back to TCW and make a few animated movies which will pretty much make up a single arc. So much fandom and petitioning out there wanting the show to continue.
Here's the thing though, at the end of the day Lucas dropped the ball in a big way with the Prequel Trilogy (obviously some disagree, but it's a widely accepted opinion). To me nothing can ever TRULY fix the issues I have with those movies; so in that sense I'd have to agree with MessiahDecoy123.

That said, I LOVE the Clone wars cartoon. It is (closer to) what I imagined the prequels to be before they were released. If Episodes I-III had been in the same vein as this show, I think there would have been a much less vehement dislike for the films. As it is, we got the films we got, and while 'The Clone Wars' certainly doesn't fix everything, it allows me to view the prequel trilogy as three very oversized, and disappointing episodes, in an otherwise enjoyable series (clone wars). Whereas before I had difficulty even considering them as a legitimate part of the saga.

I agree. While Rots still remains my favorite of the prequels, TCW series blows the crap of the other two out of the water at best. I understand the dislike that ppl had about Anakins characterization and yes if it weren't for lucas handling of him, perhaps the PT would have been regarded in the same manner of how we feel towards the OT.

Ive been binge watching the show and im on season V. Its been a while since i saw it but going back to viewing certain episodes andd the arcs themselves, there are so many unique concepts that could have work just as easily in the actual films than what we intentionally saw... least the show is still part of the current canon...right?

See the problem again isn't what Lucas did it's preconsived notion of why Anakin turned to the Dark Side. You wanted there to be some big dark reason such as a for power and ambition. Instead you got something else.

You're right Anakin was a whiny teenager who thought he knew better and that the older wiser grown ups around him knew nothing. Let me tell you secret that's not uncommon in Teenagers. Granted it's a bit over exaggerated but not uncommon to a degree.

Anakin's initial turn was to save Padme life. However as episode three progress past that point his reason for the turn change. It become less about saving Padme and more about gaining more power. I'll tell you why this happen.

Anakin turned to the dark side to save Padme. He sacrificed himself for what he believed to be the greater good. However I really believe that he though he could go over to the dark side and not loose himself but that is exactly what happen. However there was still a shred of goodness in him. It was why he was making a plea to Padme about ruling the galaxy together.

When he finds out Padme is dead and his vision was full filled all aspects of Anakin vanished until he finds out about Luke. This is the Darth Vader that we see in episode 4. He older and been through more so his personality will be different but for most part that is the same Vader. Only we don't really get to see that Vader.

Now when you get to empire Vader finds out that the person that destroyed the Death Star was Luke and that he had a son. This awoke something in Vader that he thought was long gone. It awoke his true self; Anakin Skywalker. What we see is a back paddle from that point on. He makes the same exact plea with Luke that he made with Padme.

What Lucas was trying to do was show the tragidy of Anakin Skywalker. He wanted fans to see a man who was good but had a lot of flaws and made a lot of bad choices that cost the universe. He wanted us to see the man not the machine that we see in ep 4-7.

One other thing I want to point out and then I need to leave. When Anakin left to become a Jedi he grew up from that moment on hearing about the prophecy. He grew with every one having this expectation of him to do all these great things. It had to have weighted on him a great deal. This is part of the reason why he was so frustrated in EP 2 after his mother death. He had all this power and yet he was powerless to stop her from dying. Imagine how frustrating that could be. He blamed Obi-Won for holding him back even through apart of him knew it wasn't Obi-Won fault.

Anakin is a tragic character and that was the point of what Lucas was trying to show. Vader was a villain that had no motivation other then serving the empire and that was the point of the character. When you get to Return of the Jedi it is the two characters at conflict with one another. The fight between the death start with Luke, Vader and Emperior is an internal fight and less of an external fight.

Any way that is my take on it. I have to run.

Great post. I would have written something similar but you beat to the punch.
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