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Supergirl Supergirl Season 2 Episode 2 - "Last Children Of Krypton" MAJOR SPOILERS

I loved Winn cutting off J'onn after he revealed the shields. And Kara's, 'Are you crying?' '...no...'
well technically winn's been mouthing off to j'on from the start of this very episode after both kara and superman stopped those robbers in the car.And kara was having too much fun about it & kinda leave the deo out on things when she should updated them certain things being taken care of .

hank / J'on did remind winn initially "does he really want to work at the DEO? " n which meanv watch boy. lol as interesting and funny as it was.

I hope winn doesn't do this often or he'll end up in the postion his dad had been put in only his might be justified unlike his dad boss was a true ahole and thief and his dad didn't have back bone til after his own boss abused him. if Winn get's fired for his mouthing off , he won't have an excuse to act out.
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Real good episode. The affection and playfulness between Kara and Kal were the best. I especially loved her laughing over the comm while they were battling the alien thing. They were just having fun, which was awesome. And definitely the tag-team smackdowns were a highlight. But let's give Alex a better looking suit. Something a little sleeker and not so clunky looking. Get Winn on it, STAT!!
And get her a sexy costume while you're at it...:drl:

That was the suit that Non made to have Alex fight Supergirl. Apparently the DEO had confiscated it.
And on short notice that was all they had for Alex to use.
That was the suit that Non made to have Alex fight Supergirl. Apparently the DEO had confiscated it.
And on short notice that was all they had for Alex to use.
well they do have the number of jailer gear from fort raz. but they chose what non forced on alex. something I think most people would have had an issue with if it was on them selves so they'd be forced to kill their family.

most people wouldn't want that on them again or would had it destroyed if possible after an event like that.

I had this conversation with meta physician in another thread. though I had to re explain my self about the master jailer gear being reversed engineered tech derived from the master jailer gear, if not the gear it's self. And for it to be used for capture, restraining and subduing purpose's which is more of superman's and kara's style of fighting. and that was he was doing (minus the executions at his hide out) as opposed to out right lethal force like that krytonite sword / machete and to avoid what happened with Astra as first approach tactic's thing.

if the master jailer gear turns out to be too sophisticated.
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With this episode, I can watch this back to back with the season premiere and it will feel like a Superman/ Supergirl movie. I wish WB television would put out a DVD with these two episodes only.
With this episode, I can watch this back to back with the season premiere and it will feel like a Superman/ Supergirl movie. I wish WB television would put out a DVD with these two episodes only.
they might if there's big enough demand for it.
they might if there's big enough demand for it.

Which I can see because of Superman. Make a seamless movie version of the first two episodes instead of the usual parts from a season DVD set.
Alex came off real needy this episode. She tried to put a guilt trip on Kara. Winn tried to put some sense into Alex.
There was supposed to be tension between Superman and Supergirl over what it means to be a hero. It may have been deleted from the screen.
Another great episode, especially with those team-up fights! Supes and MM together was awesome, especially liked how MM finally took out Metallo.

I really didn't like Snapper Carr though, the characterization was too far off from the one in the DCAU Timmverse (and WB/DC's other animated movies where he also shows up), and I would've preferred an actor with more hair too. :p I don't get why he had to be so unlikeable at first, it really put me off. I'll give the character the benefit of the doubt for now though, hopefully he'll have some time to develop.

I wasn't very impressed by Metallo either, but then again every live-action Metallo that I've seen over the years has been underwhelming from Lois & Clark to Smallville and now Supergirl. I vastly prefer how he's done in the DCAU (and with Malcolm McDowell's voice to boot) and the other animated interpretations (like Superman/Batman Public Enemies). Can't really put a finger on why, but I think part of it is because the animated material allows him to really show off his cyborg nature with the robotic parts, while live-action is naturally more limited in that. And he had one line in STAS that really resonated as the essence of the character when he said "It's all I am now! It's who I am... Metallo." that hasn't carried over to any of the live-action versions. The live-action versions have all felt like he was a puppet controlled by someone else, but the STAS/JL/JLU Metallo allows him to feel like a better-formed character that accepts who he's become and has his own villainous intentions and genuinely hates Superman and wants to kill him. None of the live-action versions have been able to pull that off, this one included.

Oh and I kinda hope that Supes didn't just toss that stash of Kryptonite into space or something, and would like to believe that he probably gave it to the un-seen DCTV version of Batman that will hopefully show up some day. ;)
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That Carr dude came off like such a massive tool.

J'onn screaming, "Strength in numbers!" was the most hilarious and campy moments Ive ever seen.
In the opening credits, they replaced a shadowy Superman with Tyler.
This was even better than last weeks episode (though only slightly):

The positives:

- Tyler Hoechlin was once again off the hook as Superman, I loved his final scene as Clark aswell really brought the whole thing full circle, I have no doubts he will be back.
- The Superman & Kara vs Mettallo (first) fight was awesome, I loved the symbolising to Crisis on Infinite Earths aswell (even though I knew it was coming).
- Superman & J'onn at the Fortress was awesome.
- I loved Superman/J'onn and Kara/Alex (even though she looks terrible in her suit) vs the Mettallo's. They did it in a way I did not expect I was worried they would make one look bad to save the other but they twisted it.
- I totally called 2 Mettalo's ages ago and I also got the end cliffhanger yet again.
- I really loved how they end Cat been a regular on the show, I really felt a finality to her story here. I have no doubt that the emotions between her and Kara were real.
- Winn was just a delight this episode, I like this newfound confidence he has which shows he's at home in the DEO. His final scene with Superman was hilarious.
- I liked Snapper Carr, he was such a jerk.
- I freaked out when Mettallo's hand went all Terminator too.
- I am glad they laid off the Superman the Movie references this week, I was fine with them last week but have squeezed more in would have been way too far.

The negatives:

- People can disagree with me but I felt the tension between Alex and Kara over Clark felt so forced. It was unnecessary aswell and they could have used that screen time better
- I really do feel James is no longer needed and I think given his cameo appearance in this episode (with a very predictable promotion) it really showed how unnecessary his character has become. He didn't even get a final scene with his best friend Clark, says it all really.
- The way Kara spoke to Carr, sure he was a git but I don't know anyone that would speak to their boss that way.

I gave the Season 2 Premiere an 8.7 but I'm gonna give this one an 8.9 (9)/10
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My rating comes in at a 9 again. A little better than last week's great opener.

Kara Danvers is Mary Richards with superpowers. And Snapper lives up to Lou Grant 2.0...and he shares the week's d-bag of the week award with The Doctor...BECAUSE SHE IS INSANE!

Now I temper Snapper with something I saw at the media watchdog site NewsBusters, a so-called conservative website.

For as much as I think of Snapper Carr as Lou Grant 2.0, he hits with the truth...

Snapper: Oh, you chose it? But you didn't earn it. You don't just become a reporter. This isn't a Facebook status update. You're a reporter because you went to journalism school or because you walked the beat. Either way, journos live to tell stories, to get to the truth, to get their hands dirty.

Well, how do we know if Kara went to J-School? And as far as the media culture these days and take it from someone who worked in the media, electronically and who took a journalism course at a community college, as I go on a rant...which is in spoiler format...

[RANT]That is the problem with the corporate media these days, they cannot tell the truth, all they can do is sell papers, get ratings and get hits online without ANY hint of integrity whatsoever. Even journalism schools do not teach about things like Operation Mockingbird where the CIA gets involved with journalism outlets and have for years and years. Just ask Idaho DEMOCRATIC Senator Frank Church in 1975. Or even perhaps one of Mr. Carr's heroes Carl Bernstein in 1977 Thank goodness for Breitbart News Online, and other groups like Infowars, Drudge and Project Veritas, whom some will call far right...REALLY?! Looking for the truth is far right?! And if you think I am Fox News all the way...I DON'T EVEN TRUST THEM ANYMORE![/RANT]


High fives...Melissa, Chyler, Tyler, Jeremy David and Calista...and a kiss on the cheek for her. I will miss Cat Grant. Jeremy, you dude are Supergirl's Cisco Ramon. If during that crossover, Cisco and Winn teamup with Felicity...MAJOR GEEK OUT!

The camera crew...that dual Metallo fight had great camera work.

The chemistry with Tyler and Melissa was still there.

And Alex Danvers is her supersuit...WHAT A BADASS! And Chyler had a major mic drop with Kara...bend but not break for the sisterhood of the traveling Danvers.

And Kara skipping and having fun with Kal...I mean I would love to see a loop of Kara skipping, jumping and having fun to Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and The Waves, because she is sunshine. Melissa Benoist is STILL TV's cutest superhero. She is a birthday cake, a massive ice cream sundae and a batch of puppies AND kittens rolled into one..I l:ilv:ve her.

There was a scene where SG caught a bullet where I would've put in a line that may be thought of as cheesy, but hey it's the CW

SG: Oh you gave me this for a gift? Let me give you a kiss.


SG: GOOD NIGHT SWEETHEART! (A noted closing line from the golden age of raido show Sam Spade, based on the character from author Dashiell Hammet, author of The Maltese Falcon)

As for next week

Well I get to see Lynda Carter TWICE...This Saturday on MeTV for the episode "Formicida" on Wonder Woman...and of course next Monday.
Awesome episode.

My biggest quibble is - Jimmy filling in for Cat Grant? Seriously? A year ago, he was a photographer for the Daily Planet. Then he got a job as Art Director with CatCo, although he seemed to quit that job or at least moonlighted as an on the street reporter / photographer whenever he felt like it (or the script required it). In no way, shape or form is he suitable to run Cat's media empire!

Not to mention the fact that, unit he appeared, I hadn't even noticed that he was missing from the episode. Which clearly indicates that he has no solid role to play amongst the cast, something which was also clear in season 1. Combined with the fact that Jimmy will apparently be filling in for Cat Grant (a role which demands only 2 hours sleep) while moonlighting as The Guardian and the whole thing is just ridiculous. I may believe that a woman can fly, but I don't believe that Jimmy is in any way suitable to replace Cat.

That aside, my only other quibble was Alex hitting Metallo with her bare fists and feet. Sure, she was in her power suit, but her bones should have still been crushed upon impact given Metallo's exoskeleton.

Everything else was pretty much awesome. Snapper is good and I'm glad that he's less than impressed with being saddled with an uneducated and inexperienced "reporter". Superman was awesome. Cat was great. Martian Manhunter was awesome. The Metallos and Doctor were all good. Even Alex and Winn had their moments to shine (although Alex referencing Clark's abandonment of Kara was a little harsh, if true).

And of course, Supergirl was super!
My biggest quibble is - Jimmy filling in for Cat Grant? Seriously? A year ago, he was a photographer for the Daily Planet. Then he got a job as Art Director with CatCo, although he seemed to quit that job or at least moonlighted as an on the street reporter / photographer whenever he felt like it (or the script required it). In no way, shape or form is he suitable to run Cat's media empire!

To be fair, he did run the company for her during one of the season one episodes and maybe she feels like he's the only one she can trust.
To me that made Kara more human.... :)

I'm sorry to see Clark go as well, but damn I loved the Kara/Alex team up I will enjoy seeing more of THAT :)....that was my favorite part of the entire episode, except maybe the "jerk guy" scene...that made me LOL.

I wouldn't worry to much about Clark. Something tells me will see him again. I would love to see Lois Lane show up and pair up with Kara for a story. That would be awesome.
I really enjoyed this episode. So far Supergirl is starting out the strongest of the DC shows, which i'm pretty happy about.

The great:

I love Kara and Clark on screen together. They really shine. I would have probably been happy if the whole episode was just one long montage of them saving people like the first few minutes of the episode.

Ms Grant was great as usual. It's kind of a shame that she's become this trope, of "oh, time to go get a pep talk/inspiration from Cat" instead of really having a place. But I mean, when you're THAT good at those scenes, that's where she clearly shines. Hopefully having less of her this season will make those moments more special.

Alex and Kara were good together here. I actually kinda liked that they played up the Alex being jealous of Clark thing. Clark is like the "fun" family that shows up for a little while and doesn't need to stick around when things get rough. I can understand her motivations there.

Manhunter and Superman. I loved this pair. This trust building exercise of an episode was great. And seeing them fight together at the end was rad.

The Effects. Man. This switch over to CW has done WONDERS for their effects, some how. I'm guessing they've moved away from a lot of the wire work they used in season one (which always kinda looks garbagy on a tv budget) and just introduced more CG. Either way, the fight scenes looked gorgeous, and in season one you didn't see a lot of cars getting tossed around, or people getting slammed through buildings.

Snapper. I really liked him. Despite the fact that he didn't seem to be doing anything but zoning out whenever he was on screen. It's really good that someone is standing up to Kara. She was getting to be a little self righteous with the whole "but Cat said!"

The Meh:

Metallo. He was ok. I thought he certainly seemed intimidating. But I don't care for how they had two. It definitely reduced the specialness of metallo himself. I also wish they'd built Corban up over a series of episodes being a bad guy before turning him into a super powered one. Would have added a bit more weight to it. Besides that he just had little character. The beauty of the Metallo from the Animated Series was his loss of humanity. He blamed Superman for losing his ability to feel or touch, and that was a driving force. This guy was just like "oh, cool, i'm metal now. What did you want me to do?"

Jimmy. They should either write him off, or give him something proper to do. The fact that Clark was in these last two episodes and you barely saw Jimmy have any screen time with him says wonders. I like Mehcad, but if they don't have a logical, realistic story to tell for Jimmy then he's superfluous.
I'll have to wait on my pros and cons....not many cons this go around. I will leave it at this for now...

Out of the 22 episodes we now have, this one is definitely my favorite.
The only thing that sort of bugged me was the explanation for Cat's absence. That she feels the need to step away from the company...after season one that in and of itself felt out of place to me. Even with the himts in the season premiere. Now if the need to step away was due to wanting to spend more time with family, getting closer with Adam & more time with Carter (after Myriad) to me that would have fit better than what we were given. Or even just not HAVE a leave of absence, With Kara having a new job & a nee boss, seems that in itself is reason enough not to see Cat as much.
Ugh, this show is really not for me. I was so excited for Hoechlin's Supes. They should have given him more depth. He seemed like a Marty-Sue to me. But I see where they are coming from. It was just a cameo, and they didnt have proper time to develop him. The show is very average though. Its cringey at times, and the dialogue is poorly mostly. Some of the stuff is also very cliched. Anyway, I was just here for the first 2 episodes because of Supes. I'll move on now. Thankfully I have another Supes in live action.
Ugh, this show is really not for me. I was so excited for Hoechlin's Supes. They should have given him more depth. He seemed like a Marty-Sue to me. But I see where they are coming from. It was just a cameo, and they didnt have proper time to develop him. The show is very average though. Its cringey at times, and the dialogue is poorly mostly. Some of the stuff is also very cliched. Anyway, I was just here for the first 2 episodes because of Supes. I'll move on now. Thankfully I have another Supes in live action.

Sorry it wasn't for you, but yep, we have another live action Supes, with a forum all his own. :)
The only thing that sort of bugged me was the explanation for Cat's absence. That she feels the need to step away from the company...after season one that in and of itself felt out of place to me. Even with the himts in the season premiere. Now if the need to step away was due to wanting to spend more time with family, getting closer with Adam & more time with Carter (after Myriad) to me that would have fit better than what we were given. Or even just not HAVE a leave of absence, With Kara having a new job & a nee boss, seems that in itself is reason enough not to see Cat as much.

I didn't see it that way at all. I'm in that same boat myself, and I can assure you....looking on to the next chapter is definitely realistic at her age and juncture in life. My calling wasn't journalism, it is education, but I'm exactly where she is right now, and it felt totally plausible to me.
Just realized Jimmy hasn't been in the episode. Honestly been kind of nice without him.

Yeah I'm enjoying his abcense. Seeing as I'm not a fan of the way they've been handling his and Kara's relationship. Not having him in this episode was a plus for me.

This episode was great, 2 for 2 this season so far! This show should've been on CW from the start.
Sorry it wasn't for you, but yep, we have another live action Supes, with a forum all his own. :)

Yeah I really tried to like this show. And this Superman. Just wasnt ment to be. I like the optimistic and mature Superman they are trying to represent, I wished it was more like Rebirth Supes and had more depth. Hopefully he gets a spinoff and we see more of a 3-d character from him.

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