MCU Fight: Thor Vs. Vision


God of Thunder
Dec 14, 2010
Reaction score
We will be doing VS. battles for the MCU every week and will be using the Winners and Losers to create an accurate power tier list created by some of it's biggest fans (you). So don't forget to VOTE and after voting for a Winner please include a comment on which power tier, both the Winner and Loser should reside within. Also, see below for more details on the characters abilities as well as for a list of available power tiers to choose from.

Don't forget to put which Tier group you think Thor and Vision belong to in your posts. :up:

So, without further delay here is this week's match up.





- Superhuman Strength: As an Asgardian, specifically the son of Odin, Thor is the third strongest Asgardian alive, apart from Odin and his elder sister Hela. He can lift or move immensely heavy objects effortlessly, such as when he was able to easily catch a falling car with one arm during Battle of Sokovia, saving the family trapped inside. He can also easily crush extremely durable objects - such as Iron Man's gauntlets. Thor was even able to tear space ships apart with his bare hands during his escape from Sakaar and held the upperhand while grappling with the Hulk during their gladiator battle.

-Superhuman Reflexes: Thor can react and dodge objects traveling at high speeds, with him blocking many differences kinds of weapons with his hammer such as Dark Elf lasers and Chitauri lasers.

- Superhuman Durability: Thor possesses nigh-invulnerability, including resistance to powerful energy blasts, immense blunt force trauma, falls from great heights, explosions and various other opposing forces. He withstood the extreme cold of Jotunheim, the extreme heat of Muspelheim, survived a direct near point-blank range blast from Gungnir blasting him out of Odin's chamber, and falling several hundred feet to the ground, showing no visible signs of injury. Thor withstood a 400%-charged repulsor blast from Iron Man.

Regenerative Healing Factor: Due to his Asgardian physiology, Thor is able to heal at a rate much faster than a normal human. After the brutal beating he suffered from Kurse, upon arriving to Earth several minutes later, he had nearly completely recovered from his bleeding wounds. While fighting Hela, Thor was painfully pierced multiple times by her Necroswords, getting his right eye gouged out in the process, and while Thor was unable to regenerate his eye, he recovered from all of the stabs mere minutes later, despite the Warriors Three all perishing from a single stab from Hela each.

- Weather Manipulation: Thor displayed the ability to manipulate parts of the weather even before he lost his hammer to Hela. His focus always seemed to be somewhere else, so whenever events of him displaying his power occurred his mind was elsewhere. Among them was when he was able to keep rain from touching Jane Foster as a downpour occurred, and when he began to generate sparks of lightning from his hands after becoming furious. He began to unlock the full potential of his abilities during his encounter with Hela, now being able to generate rather large storm clouds and create thunder.

- Lightning Manipulation: Thor can generate, control and project electrical energy, with him thus being dubbed the "God of Thunder". Following Odin's death, Thor's electrokinetic powers are further enhanced to the point where he could generate electrical energy from his own body and summon thunder and lightning from the sky, without the use of Mjølnir. Indeed, Thor's generated lightning bolts were powerful enough to take down a Chitauri Leviathan, to blacken an Aether-enhanced Malekith, to send an enraged Hulk flying back, and to even temporarily stun Hela herself, all with a single respective blast. Additionally, he could pull enemies towards him using lightning and he was able to destroy a proportion of Rainbow Bridge that Hela was standing on.

-Mjølnir: Due to the enchantments placed upon the mystical hammer, Thor was granted the ability to focus his innate mystical abilities and harness them. It allowed him to easily harness his dominion over thunder and lightning and that allowed for several other sub-abilities to follow suit.


- Synthetic Body: Vision is a sapient construct, a perfect hybrid between organic and inorganic material. His entire body is a mix between a synthetic simulacrum of organic tissue and Vibranium, all of which are enhanced by the cosmic powers of the Mind Stone to function as a living body. His very flesh is made from Helen Cho's synthetic tissue generation technology being used to form a body, the tissue being further enhanced by Vibranium being merged with it. Originally, the body was designed to be Ultron's final form. The combination of the vibranium and the cosmic energy from the Mind Stone embedded in his forehead grants Vision a wide plethora of powers.

-Superhuman Durability: The Vibranium composition of Vision's body allows him to withstand attacks of immense force with no visible damage to his exterior, with Hawkeye's baton breaking against him, for instance. Vision is also able to increase the durability of his physical form even further by manipulating his density and weight, to the point of a huge bus that crashed into Vision at great speed, broke apart and lost all of its forward momentum.

- Density Manipulation: An ability attributed to the Mind Stone, Vision can increase or decrease his own density and weight at will, allowing him to increase the durability of his physical form or make himself completely weightless. Effects of this ability include the following three abilities

Superhuman Strength: Vision can greatly increase his physical strength to immense superhuman levels by increasing his density, demonstrated by Vision effortlessly overpowering Hawkeye, taking down numerous Ultron Sentries with his bare hands, grappling with Ultron himself while the latter was in his most powerful vibranium form, sending Ultron flying with a single blow of Mjølnir, and even making the gigantic Ant-Man stumble with a mighty blow. Given his vibranium-enriched flesh, even when his density manipulating abilities aren't in use, Vision's basic physical strength is still also considerably high.

- Intangibility: Vision's control over his density, weight and mass give him the ability to phase through solid objects. As he does so, an aura of greenish-yellow light envelopes the part of his body that is phased through matter. When phasing, Vision can increase his density to destroy the object he phases through from the inside. With this ability, Vision can walk through walls, fly right through the gigantic Ant-Man, rip apart numerous Ultron Sentries, and even phase his fingers through Ultron's vibranium outer shell.

- Flight: Vision can minimize his density to its lowest point in order to hover above the ground, granting him the power of flight. He can control his own motion-based force to move through the air at great speeds and instantly stop moving while in the air by completely, freezing his motion.

-Energy Blasts: Vision is capable of drawing raw power from the Mind Stone to fire beams of intense energy from his forehead. This beam is incredibly powerful, enough to slice down an airport tower in seconds, and even damage Ultron's most powerful Vibranium-coated body.

*****Below is the list of power tiers to choose from. Please select a power tier for each character doing battle (the characters below in Red are not in any particular order). Be aware both characters can share the same power tier*****

The character's current statuses below are as follows


*****NOTE: Characters that are OFFICIAL will always be Placed above characters that are UNOFFICIAL.*****

Cosmic Tier (cosmic/interdimension level power/presence on a planetary scale, at the minimum)


Eson The Searcher with Infinity Stone

Surtur Prime

Ego The Living Planet


Doctor Strange (w/ time gem)

Transcendent Tier (City to planetary level power & Cosmic/interdimensional level influence on a local scale)]


Ronan with the Power Stone



Ultron Prime (Vibranium)


Powerhouse Tier (Beyond top tier, power/interdimensional power on a block to city Level)



Ghost Rider

Doctor Strange

Malekith (W/ reality gem)

Ancient One

The Destroyer Armor

Giant Man


Top Tier (Street to block level)

Aldrich Killian


Drax the Destroyer



Iron Monger

Scarlet Witch


War Machine








Korath The Pursuer







Pepper Potts with Extremis




Baron Mordo

Master Wong

Superhuman Tier (Street Level)
Black Panther

Captain America



Winter Soldier


Red Skull





Iron Fist

Luke Cage

Jessica Jones

Eric Savin (Extremis Soldier)

Ellen Brandt (Extremis Soldier)

Emil Blonsky (Super Soldier)

Madame Gao

Mr. Hyde





The Patriot

Carl Creed the Absorbing Man




Ant Man

Yellow Jacket

Street Tier (non super human, agent level)


Black Widow

Rocket Racoon




Coleen Wing

Batroc the Leaper






Peggy Carter

Sharon Carter Agent 13

Dum Dum Dugan

Mocking Bird

Maria Hill

Misty Knight

The Punisher

Nick Fury

Phil Coulson

*****As I mentioned earlier, as fights occur an official tier list will be created and updated by me and that can be viewed here.*****

So enjoy and we are looking forward to the results. Spread the word.[/QUOTE]
Vision is vulnerable to electricity so Thor should beat him.
This is tough. Thor is upper powerhouse tier, and Vision, I think should be about in the same place. If we saw what it's implied he can do he should probably be at the bottom of the transcendent tier, but even as is, he has shown his ability to do phasing attacks, to survive being slammed through hundreds of feet of solid Earth, to recover from the few attacks that he doesn't tank. There'll be a lot of talk of electricity in this thread, but no evidence that it actually hurts Vision.

Speaking, a lot of people talk about tanking things. This is actually tanking things:


Thor's got a lot of durability, but he doesn't just... no sell stuff. Every inch of Thor isn't made of a substance that absorbs impact harmlessly. Thor is made of the same stuff, however tougher, that Frigga and Odin were made of. Thor is supposed to be a powerhouse, but Vision, thematically, is transcendent. While that characterization seems somewhat lost in Civil War, his feats have not been. I think I have to give this one to Vision, but just by a hair because he will never get that 'Oh, THIS is my power' moment Thor got.
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Vision. Thor has been hurt, and Vision has basically shrugged off everything or seemed uneffected.
Don't know why people assume electricity would hurt Vision when it played a big part in bringing him to life.
Tough fight.

The deleted scene of their fight had Thor seem more skilled (landing more hits), Vision got stunned by Hawkeye's electricity arrows, and that Thor has gotten a big upgrade since they last met I'll go with Thor.

Had Thor not had such mastery of lightning now it would have seemed tougher as it seems far harder to hurt Vision physically, but every hit from Thor will be lightning charged now so that changes things. Thor having Mjolnir in this fight is a big plus for him, since that allows him some way to block the beam from the mind gem, which is Vision's most powerful weapon.

The phasing would be an interesting aspect. It was available when they fought in the deleted scene but no phasing into the body attack. Would Mjolnir be able to hurt Vision solidifying again like in the comics? Does lightning still affect Vision when he's phasing? Unknown aspects.

It feels like this fight could have been a bit more fun in three weeks, after Infinity War. It think that will add interesting things about both characters.

In the end I'll go with Thor as my preference. He's beaten an infinity stone wielder before.
Don't know why people assume electricity would hurt Vision when it played a big part in bringing him to life.

Because of Hawkeye's electricity attack in Civil War. It just stunned Vision for a short while (he seemed to have to destroy the arrows to get out though, rather than just powering out) but Thor's mega bolt on Hela is a few orders of magnitude greater, to put it mildly.
This is tough. Thor is upper powerhouse tier, and Vision, I think should be about in the same place. If we saw what it's implied he can do he should probably be at the bottom of the transcendent tier, but even as is, he has shown his ability to do phasing attacks, to survive being slammed through hundreds of feet of solid Earth, to recover from the few attacks that he doesn't tank. There'll be a lot of talk of electricity in this thread, but no evidence that it actually hurts Vision.

Speaking, a lot of people talk about tanking things. This is actually tanking things:


Thor's got a lot of durability, but he doesn't just... no sell stuff. Every inch of Thor isn't made of a substance that absorbs impact harmlessly. Thor is made of the same stuff, however tougher, that Frigga and Odin were made of. Thor is supposed to be a powerhouse, but Vision, thematically, is transcendent. While that characterization seems somewhat lost in Civil War, his feats have not been. I think I have to give this one to Vision, but just by a hair because he will never get that 'Oh, THIS is my power' moment Thor got.

Vision. Thor has been hurt, and Vision has basically shrugged off everything or seemed uneffected.

But Thor has been hit with more powerful stuff, Vision hasn't faced the opposition or withstood the same caliber of attacks Thor has. Punches, slams, and hammer blows from Hulk, blasts from Odin's spear Gungnir, falls from 10,000 feet, blasts from the Reality Stone, blades from Hela who one shots other Asgardians, The Destroyer exploding at point blank range, a city being destroyed at point blank range, Oh and when the city of Novi Grad was lifted by Ultron's machine, the rest of the city that wasn't lifted was dropped on top of Thor's head to no lasting effect.

What has Vision withstood? Some Hawkeye arrows and he blocked that bus by increased his density. Scarlett Witch was actually using his density against him with her powers causing him to fall through the ground, he wasn't actually being slammed into the ground like some may think.

I've not decided on who I think wins yet, just providing some context to the whole durability thing since Thor has faced more powerful attacks and Vision is largely untested.
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But Thor has been hit with more powerful stuff, Vision hasn't faced the opposition or withstood the same caliber of attacks Thor has. Punches from and hammer blows from Hulk, blasts from Odin's spear Gungnir, falls from 10,000 feet, blasts from the Reality Stone, blades from Hela who one shots other Asgardians, The Destroyer exploding at point blank range, a city being destroyed a point blank range, Oh and when the city of Novi Grad was lifted by Ultron's machine, the rest of the city that wasn't lifted was dropped on top of Thor's head to no lasting effect.

What has Vision withstood? Some Hawkeye arrows and he blocked that bus by increased his density. Scarlett Witch was actually using his density against him with her powers causing him to fall through the ground, he wasn't actually being slammed into the ground like some may think.

I've not decided on who I think wins yet, just providing some context to the whole durability thing since Thor has faced more powerful attacks and Vision is largely untested.

Yeah, I've been thinking about all this since I voted...I've come around to Thor's side. I voted for Vision but I think I should change my vote. Sorry.
Yeah, I've been thinking about all this since I voted...I've come around to Thor's side. I voted for Vision but I think I should change my vote. Sorry.

It's a hard decision for a tough match up, trust me I understand.
It's an interesting one because between the vibranium body and the infinity stone MCU Vision's one of the most powerful Avengers whereas he isn't in the comics. I still think Thor takes this though.

But Thor has been hit with more powerful stuff, Vision hasn't faced the opposition or withstood the same caliber of attacks Thor has. Punches, slams, and hammer blows from Hulk, blasts from Odin's spear Gungnir, falls from 10,000 feet, blasts from the Reality Stone, blades from Hela who one shots other Asgardians, The Destroyer exploding at point blank range, a city being destroyed at point blank range, Oh and when the city of Novi Grad was lifted by Ultron's machine, the rest of the city that wasn't lifted was dropped on top of Thor's head to no lasting effect.

What has Vision withstood? Some Hawkeye arrows and he blocked that bus by increased his density. Scarlett Witch was actually using his density against him with her powers causing him to fall through the ground, he wasn't actually being slammed into the ground like some may think.

I've not decided on who I think wins yet, just providing some context to the whole durability thing since Thor has faced more powerful attacks and Vision is largely untested.

This is the heart of the argument for me. We haven't seen Vision pushed to his limits on durability so we can imagine him taking hits from Kurse, Hela, Hulk, a 10,000 foot fall etc or even better if we want but his best actual feat is tanking a bus kicked by Giant Man. (On a sidenote we did see in Age of Ultron that Ultron's Vibranium had a melting point Thor's lightning helped heat it to. It seems likely that Vision's vibranium body has that same melting point so there's one potential limit.)

With phasing attacks again, we can only imagine how effective they might be because we've only seen Vision use them against the kind of Ultron drone Thor was casually tearing apart and even the weakest Avengers were beating.

With the mind stone we have Vision using an Infinity Stone to create beams you'd expect to be incredibly powerful. He cut down an airport tower, knocked back Ultron and alongside Thor/Iron Man he contributed to melting Ultron's vibranium. It's impressive. However, in Civil War Vision admits he doesn't fully understand/control the mind stone (presumably why he can't use it for mind control like Loki did) and we've seen Thor beat Loki when he was wielding the same stone (including blocking mind stone blasts) and fight evenly with Malekith when he was wielding the reality stone and clearly knew how to use it.

With physical strength we do actually know that Thor and Vision are both below Ultron Prime who was stronger than either of them. Besides that though we've seen Thor's hits hurting Hulk/pre-flame Surtur/Destroyer/Loki/reality stone powered Malekith. I'm not sure how Vision compares, besides the time Thor lent him Mjolnir to surprise Ultron with we haven't seen him contend with/hurt anyone in Thor's league with strength alone.

The deciding factor for me is that Thor isn't a god of strength or durability, he's the God of Thunder and that's his clear advantage here.
We saw in Civil War that Hawkeye's electricity arrows stunned Vision and had him grunting/clenching his teeth either in pain or because (like a human) it was messing with his nervous system. Vision was able to power through it/escape by shooting the arrows but I'm not sure those arrows would even compare to Thor's weakest lightning.
If post-Ragnarok Thor hits him with the kind of lightning blast that ragdolled Hela/destroyed the rainbow bridge, the kind of strikes that were casually disintegrating undead Asgardians or the lightning charged punches that overpowered Hulk and at the same time is emanating a storm whenever Vision gets close then I can only see this fight ending one way.
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Mjölnir;36490977 said:
Because of Hawkeye's electricity attack in Civil War. It just stunned Vision for a short while (he seemed to have to destroy the arrows to get out though, rather than just powering out) but Thor's mega bolt on Hela is a few orders of magnitude greater, to put it mildly.

Yeah I know that, but it didn't do Vision any harm, just stopped him in his tracks for a moment. Thor's lightning brought Vision to life though, so I am not sure it's as big a factor in this fight as some think.

I haven't voted yet BTW. Just weighing up all the options.
Thor takes this.

Vision has a more varied power set:
- mind stone blasts
- intangibility
-density control ( which increases his durability)
- flight
- super strength and durability

But, let's look at those powers.

As far as mind stone blasts go, these would probably hurt Thor, but then Thor has stood up to Infinity stone blasts before Ragnarok, and kept on fighting.

Intangibility, well if Hawkeye's taser arrows stop Vision, even while intangible Thor's lightning will almost certainly seriously harm him- given that they've knocked over Hela, who's the most physically powerful being we've seen so far in the MCU.

In the comics Vision's most deadly attack is phasing his hands into an opponent and then increasing his density.
He does something similar to this to the Ultron drones in AoU.

To do that he has to get very close , in the comics he used to do it as a surprise attack, by phasing up through the ground or from behind. I don't see Thor allowing that but also if he's charged up with lightning that might prevent such an attack.

As far as turning super dense, while this makes Vision more durable, notice that he's stationary when he does it ? Against Hawkeye and the bus he stands still and takes the hit - which might not work so well against Thor's lightning punches which are powerful enough to stagger an angry Hulk.

Vision could keep his distance with his flight and blast Thor with the mind stone, but that would make him more vulnerable to lightning blasts.

Thor's big advantage, other than electrical attacks, is his higher level of fighting skill.

To be honest I feel that pre Ragnarok Thor would lose to Vision, as Vision can use Mjolnir against him ( just the hammer, but that packs a big wallop).

However, post Ragnarok Thor is just too powerful, and his power set includes the one attack we know is effective against Vision.

I think this would be an epic battle and Thor would be badly hurt, but eventually he's put Vision down.
Yeah I know that, but it didn't do Vision any harm, just stopped him in his tracks for a moment. Thor's lightning brought Vision to life though, so I am not sure it's as big a factor in this fight as some think.

I haven't voted yet BTW. Just weighing up all the options.

When Thor used his lightning to bring Vision to life he's charging the casket he's in, not just shooting Vision with it. You see a shot of a monitor showing the casket being overloaded with energy. My personal view is that if Vision just gets charged up by electricity then I don't think that Hawkeye's arrows would have had any detrimental effect.

And just to be clear, I was just answering the question and am now just having a discussion because it's fun, I'm not actively trying to change your mind in any direction. You should of course vote for whatever you feel is right.
It's definitely a close call but i'll go with Thor.
The Hawkeye encounter with Vision is key. Hawkeye was able to stop Vision using electrical arrows to render him immobile. The only way Vision got out of that trap was to use the beam from the soul stone in order to destroy those little gadgets.

Thor is the God of Thunder. His hole thing is about being able to generate high powered lightning, being totally engulfed in it... he is able to summon lighting and strike opponents from the distance without even focusing to much on it. Thor's lightning is also infinitely more powerful than a couple of arrows.

Vision would not be able to attack Thor at close range because of all the lighting emanating from Thor's body and he would likely have to focus on longe range attacks. Even in that scenario Thor could fend off against the Stone beam with his own lighting powered blast and at the same time he could strike Vision out of nowhere with other lighting rays.

Post Ragnarok Thor is able to take out Vision.



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Yeah I know that, but it didn't do Vision any harm, just stopped him in his tracks for a moment. Thor's lightning brought Vision to life though, so I am not sure it's as big a factor in this fight as some think.

I haven't voted yet BTW. Just weighing up all the options.
Hawkeye electric arrows stopped Vision and he was feeling some sort of pain because we could see it in his face that he was struggling to free himself from that trap. Thor lighting helped to jump-start the process of reviving Vision. It just overloaded the machine Vision was laying in.
My counter to this is he basically shrugged it off immediately once he got out of it. Thor can blast him, but I don't think it would have any lingering effects on him.
My counter to this is he basically shrugged it off immediately once he got out of it. Thor can blast him, but I don't think it would have any lingering effects on him.
Vision was still immobilized for a while and nothing else was attempted on him while he was on that state. Again Thor's lighting powers are way more impactful than 2 arrows, it's his godhood... If Hawkeye is able to immobilize Vision for 30 seconds with 2 electric arrows then it stands to reason that Thor, with all his mighty thunder, would be able to stop Vision for a much longer period of time. And while Vision is there immobile and defenseless, Thor can come in and really deliver his powerful blows eventually taking Vision out.
Vision was still immobilized for a while and nothing else was attempted on him while he was on that state. Again Thor's lighting powers are way more impactful than 2 arrows, it's his godhood... If Hawkeye is able to immobilize Vision for 30 seconds with 2 electric arrows then it stands to reason that Thor, with all his mighty thunder, would be able to stop Vision for a much longer period of time. And while Vision is there immobile and defenseless, Thor can come in and really deliver his powerful blows eventually taking Vision out.

But Thor's lightning isn't designed like Hawkeye's were. Hawkeye was using it more like a taser, while Thor just makes a blast. To this point, nothing I have seen has had any sustainable effect on Vision, so I think he'd shrug it off.
But Thor's lightning isn't designed like Hawkeye's were. Hawkeye was using it more like a taser, while Thor just makes a blast. To this point, nothing I have seen has had any sustainable effect on Vision, so I think he'd shrug it off.
What's the difference between Thor's lighting and Hawkeye's electric arrows? Hawkeye's electric arrows are just of human construct. Thor electric powers are his own godly power. It's basically the same principle just that in Thor's case it's augmented and way more powerful.

Are we saying that Hawekeye electric arrows are capable of tasering Vision and Thor lightning powers aren't? I don't agree with that at all. Thor elemental powers are still electricity based at their core.
What's the difference between Thor's lighting and Hawkeye's electric arrows? Hawkeye's electric arrows are just of human construct. Thor electric powers are his own godly power. It's basically the same principle just that in Thor's case it's augmented and way more powerful.

Are we saying that Hawekeye electric arrows are capable of tasering Vision and Thor lightning powers aren't? I don't agree with that at all. Thor elemental powers are still electricity based at their core.

No, Thor's lightning doesn't sustain itself in a field. Hawkeye's arrows produced kind of like an electric force field effect. Thor doesn't do that. He just generates raw power for a single burst. With Hawkeye's electricity, it had no lingering effects on Vision. Which is why I don't see it having lingering effects on Vision, either. Especially since he has a vibranium body and can absorb impact.
What has Vision withstood?

To put it bluntly, Vision has withstood being made out of vibranium.


So when we're asking what has he withstood, the challenge is that Vision is written out of the battlefield because the writer's can't explain why he'd be hurt, why he's not an instant win, because we all know what Vibranium has withstood, and that was with flesh behind it. The best they could do is have electricity slow him down.

Vision was still immobilized for a while and nothing else was attempted on him while he was on that state.

The electricity argument has four huge flaws:

1) Vision was not immobilized, we see him moving slowly the entire time, which was why he could free himself.
2) No indication is given that Vision was hurt, so there is no basis for what degree a greater blast would hurt him, if it even could
3) This was a sustained electrical attack that affected him, and Thor's attacks are not sustained, and thus would not have the same slowing effect
4) Thor's lightning brought Vision to life, which means that it is not fundamentally damaging to him when he is struck with Thor-level bolts of electricity.


So if we're saying "Oh, higher levels of electricity would hurt him because lower levels made him grunt" how do we explain this?



To put it bluntly, Vision has withstood being made out of vibranium.


So when we're asking what has he withstood, the challenge is that Vision is written out of the battlefield because the writer's can't explain why he'd be hurt, why he's not an instant win, because we all know what Vibranium has withstood, and that was with flesh behind it. The best they could do is have electricity slow him down.

The electricity argument has four huge flaws:

1) Vision was not immobilized, we see him moving slowly the entire time, which was why he could free himself.
2) No indication is given that Vision was hurt, so there is no basis for what degree a greater blast would hurt him, if it even could
3) This was a sustained electrical attack that affected him, and Thor's attacks are not sustained, and thus would not have the same slowing effect

4) Thor's lightning brought Vision to life, which means that it is not fundamentally damaging to him when he is struck with Thor-level bolts of electricity.


So if we're saying "Oh, higher levels of electricity would hurt him because lower levels made him grunt" how do we explain this?




THANK YOU!!! Exactly what I've been saying :up:

As for the point we don't have a measure of Vision's strength, well...Thor has been the star of 3 films and a major side character in 2 other ones so far. Vision has been in 2 films, 1 of which he didn't appear until the movie was almost in Act 3. So the sample size is much smaller. But in the sample size we have, Vision has not even had to flinch.
You explain it by acknowledging Thor's lightning did NOT bring Vision to life.

The casket brought him to life. That was the plan. To give the machine the power needed to give birth to Vision.

His lightning provided the casket with the power needed to bring Vision to life.

The casket brought him to life...Thor powered the casket. Thor did not power Vision. He was merely the powersource for the device that brought him to life. Suggesting otherwise is seemingly incorrect

And the electric arrow arguement used against Thor's lightning doesn't make sense. It doesn't matter...his electric arrows slowed Vision down. It doesn't matter why the writers did that..its canon, it happened. It has an effect on him unless there is a future deliberate retcon.

Yes, it's sustained tiny electric charges that slowed Vision down, but even that doesn't have close to e
The energy output of Thor's lightning...which was magical in nature, and (make note of this) was powerful enough to KO (although briefly) a transcendent character in Hela

Vision is not going to be unaffected by Thor's lightning like that. Not a chance. Vision isnt OP. We've seen him pass out. Furthermore, his brain is synthetic, and he has never been hit as hard as Thor's lightning charged fists. Not even remotely close. Who's to say that with enough concussive force, that synthetic brain wont get rattled around and have an impact on Vision? Thats hard to say.

He needs more feats. Thor has better striking feats, energy output feats, combat skill feats, even durability feats.

Thor wins this fight. Hela couldn't KO Thor after stabbing him, kicking his ass, and removing his eye. Hulk couldnt KO him after pounding on him about 15 times.

What does Vision have in his arsenol that can KO Thor? Can we quantify the power of the mind gem energy blast? Can we then compare that and prove that blast is stronger than things Thor has taken?

What is its best feat? One shotting War Machine (which isnt a trans feat..its a powerhouse feat), slices a building in a half, and a shared feat with Thor and Iron man melting Vibranium.

All advantages Vision actually has over Thor are speculative.

Thor's advantage more or less comes from the assessment of the electric arrows.

This fight is more or less a tie..but with Thor's greater variety of better feats against more powerful characters..I dont really see how one can make a legitimate case for Vision.

Thor is the king of Powerhouse tier imo.

He got a few votes for transcendent tier in his last fight too, but I dont know about that one
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We actually never see Hela loses consciousness in Thor: Ragnarok. Only evidence of that is an something from the script, which was never specifically shown. Further, Thor himself said it did nothing to her. So within the MCU itself, no evidence Hela actually was unconscious.

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