Original Obi-Wan Kenobi Starring Ewan McGregor on Disney+ Thread

I can't believe we've made it to the point in the Star Wars fandom where people are Jazzed for Christensen to come back. At one point that would've felt insane. :funny:
Hayden Christensen was under terrible direction from George Lucas. Now, I'm not saying he's an amazing actor, but he's proven himself to be capable of delivering good performances, and I hope this show gives him the chance to show how really great he can be as Anakin/Vader.
Vader and Obi-Wan didn’t see each other between ROTS and ANH, so I don’t see what role Vader would have in an Obi-Wan show.

Or why Hayden Christensen is coming back to play Vader when Vader is masked 100% of the time and voiced by JEJ.
I'm assuming there will be flashbacks to pre-ROTS events.
Force visions of some sort? Who the hell knows?
Vader and Hayden being back for this just raised my excitement for this even further. I always thought people were way too harsh on Hayden in the prequels.

Also if people remember ANH, the dialogue between Vader and Obi-Wan is vague enough that they can play with it. “I sense something a presence I have not felt since.........”

“When I left you I was but the learner, now I am the master.”

Nothing ever says they never saw each other between ROTS and ANH and they have 30 years in between to play with.
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It's funny how the prequels are getting much more appreciation now than when they were released because I never thought that day would come.

I think that's largely due to the sequel trilogy and also how it's frequently used in meme culture.
I think that's largely due to the sequel trilogy and also how it's frequently used in meme culture.
Yeah, people have just moved on to hating the next trilogy, which will happen again when we have another complete trilogy. :D
Me, I am totally fine with having a new Obi-Wan/Vader duel. Yes, ANH strongly suggests they never met between the Clone Wars and the present. However, ANH suggested a *lot* of things that have since been rendered dubious by, among other things, the prequel trilogy. If the choice is "Be beholden to early worldbuilding calls made by Lucas in the 70s, that even Lucas basically redid later", versus "Make a story that fleshes out the overall world further"? I choose the latter, just like with any "there should not be any other Jedi than ____" complaints.
I'm not too concerned with how it lines up with the original trilogy because of how much I headcanon. I ignore the prequels (among other things) while watching the OT, anyway, so for me this is a continuation of the prequels.
Well, Obi-Wan thought after their battle on Mustafar that Anakin had died. I imagine there could be a force connection where Obi-Wan learns who Vader is. Or maybe a brief scene with the two together without a lightsaber fight where Vader tells Obi-Wan who he truly is?
Chow confirmed we’ll see them clash again.

Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi Footage Description from Disney Investor Day 2020

Lucasfilm president and producer Kathleen Kennedy confirmed the limited series takes place a decade after the events of Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, where Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) and the fallen Anakin Skywalker (Christensen) have a heated battle on the planet of Mustafar. In Obi-Wan Kenobi, the friends-turned-enemies will have the "rematch of the century" ahead of their final battle in Star Wars: A New Hope.

"There's a hunger for this character to come back," McGregor said in footage screened exclusively for investors during Thursday's presentation. "The fans have been waiting long enough, you know?"

Added Chow, "This is quite a dark time that we're coming into with him, just being a Jedi — it's not safe. There's Jedi hunters out there."

"There's a hunger for this character to come back," McGregor said in footage screened exclusively for investors during Thursday's presentation. "The fans have been waiting long enough, you know?"

Added Chow, "This is quite a dark time that we're coming into with him, just being a Jedi — it's not safe. There's Jedi hunters out there."

Concept art shows a Jedi, lightsaber blade ignited, defending a trio of Younglings as the newly-anointed Darth Vader marches on the Jedi Temple with a legion of Clone Troopers. "He has this one task left," McGregor said of his exiled Jedi, "which is to keep Luke safe."

More concept art shows a stingray-like creature floating above slave workers toiling away in the barren, sandy landscape of Tatooine. "We start on Tatooine, and we go on a rollicking adventure," McGregor teased over a glimpse at a watery planet, where armed soldiers fire upon a many-armed sea creature.

"We couldn't tell the story of Obi-Wan Kenobi without addressing Anakin or Vader," Chow added over an image of the armored Vader seated on a throne as he communicates with a hologram — possibly his master, the reigning Emperor of the Galactic Empire.

"The most beautiful thing of all is that it's brought me back together with Hayden," a giddy McGregor said. "It'll be amazing to bring those characters back together again, very unexpectedly."

Chow confirmed that audiences will "definitely see Obi-Wan and Darth Vader get into it again" as we see the blue blade of a hooded Obi-Wan clash with the fiery red blade of Darth Vader, evoking imagery of their previous encounter in Revenge of the Sith.

"Having another swing at each other might be quite satisfying for everybody," McGregor teased. "We hope that you enjoy it as much as we're going to enjoy making it."
Hopefully this version of Vader has all the presence of the original and Ewan brings his A game. If so we are in for a wild ride.
I’m totally okay with a meeting/rematch.

In fact, their meeting in ANH seems way too tame and impersonal for their first reunion since ROTS, what with Obi-Wan merely calling him a master of evil, and no discussion on Anakin’s appearance, of which Obiwan is responsible. Even Obiwan calling him Darth seems strange in a way.

I imagine in these ten years, there will be a sense of guilt brewing in Obi-Wan and perhaps a lingering hope that he could bring Anakin back to the light, and that’s what their first meeting will be like, with Obi-Wan still referring to him as Anakin and still talking to him like his old friend.

Basically I think Obi-Wan will learn the hard way that even he can’t save Anakin (perhaps with Anakin murdering Obiwan’s new love interest..?), and will realize that he’s truly gone, truly evil, thus why he no longer calls him Anakin in ANH.

But given the dialogue in ANH I imagine Obi-Wan will be the victor (the master), claiming that Vader will forever be the learner.

I expect to see a scene between Obi-Wan and a defeated Vader, unmasked, with Obi-Wan no longer seeing Anakin in there, and finally referring to him as Darth/Vader, perhaps even blaming him for betraying and murdering Anakin, Obi-Wan’s way of coping with the guilt, by truly viewing him as a separate entity.
I have hopes, that Obi visits Alderaan and meets a young Leia (she knew him). I always wanted to see more of Alderaan than that what we’ve seen in RotS
Ok full disclosure Hayden Christensen was one of my first crushes when I was a kid, so I'm happy he's back and getting work. Whilst he's not the best actor and his decision/instruction to play Anakin monotone in his own words to match Vader was a big mistake, I'm interested to see what he'll do with someone else in the writing/directing department and 20 years later.

I saw the OT first (special editions) but I do have a soft spot for *some* of the PT. And I always grin when someone who isn't a SW fan uses Padawan in casual conversation.
Hopefully we see Inquisitors in this show

Definitely this. Inquisitors are one of those world elements that are, in retrospect, really obvious and logical, and a regular presence. . . but only in the secondary elements of the canon. They've never shown up in live action, and it'd be nice for this to change.
Hopefully we see Inquisitors in this show
I really want to see these badass characters somewhere, have been hoping for a live action version for a very long time.
Hopefully this has a bit of a time jump within. 2-3 episode aces with gaps in between arcs “with time” showing Obi age from 10 years post Sith up to the year or so right before ANH, which is roughly a 9 year period.
When they filmed ANH in 1976/1977, did Lucas know that Darth Vader was Anakin Skywalker? I always thought that at that point Darth Vader and Anakin were two different people and Lucas hadn't thought of making him Luke's father yet.
Filming begins in March, Hayden will be playing Vader, Kennedy is pitching it as the "rematch of the century."

I have a slight problem with this. Because it contradict Star Wars: Episode IV : A New Hope confrontation on the Death Star which seems to heavily imply that Vader hadn’t met his former master since their duel on Mustarfar .

futhermore if theirs a rematch Vader will still lose to Obi-Wan again because he doesn’t kill him

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