Season 1 / Episode 8: What If… Ultron Won?

So much damn awesomeness in this episode and as much as I loved all the Widow/Hawkeye stuff and seeing Ultron Prime be a complete beast of a villian I defintely think Jeffrey Wright was the MVP of this episode.

I was not expecting him to get the amount of shine that he did, but my god was that fight between The Watcher and Ultron Prime was EPIC asf, especially the bit where they finally start trading blows.

I actually think I loved it even more than that great fight that we got in the last episode between Thor and Carol, but now I'm curious to see how they will top this in the final episode.

I know I said this before but I really wish some of these episodes where longer just to see certain characters get more character development like Uatu or even a bit more build up for Ultron Prime.
Fantastic episode. Bleak as all heck but fun in the way that it's fun watching a big ass fight haha

Not been wowed by the Watcher / Wright but I loved him in this.

I really enjoyed/lol'd his humanity when Clint almost took the box hahaha!
Loved the episode! There were so many beautiful shots throughout it!

Seeing Ultron battle Captain Marvel and the Watcher was a whole lot of fun! Even though it wasn’t Spader’s voice, I still thought Ross did a great job as the episode went on, and Ultron felt way more menacing than in AOU.

Was a lot of fun seeing Hawkeye and Black Widow together again bantering and kicking ass! Loved seeing them look through the files and seeing stuff like Red Guardian’s shield, and commenting on Raiders of the Lost Ark. Also was great seeing the Watcher trying to guide them towards the file, which was a nailbiter! Did not expect to see Zola, which was a nice surprise, as was the final fight with Ultron and that Galactus nod!!!! :wow:

Much props to Jeffrey Wright in this episode as he did a great job capturing his clairvoyance, utter despair, and the will to fight against Ultron!

Loved seeing Doctor Strange Supreme again at the end!
Also Ultron with only the Mind Stone took out Thanos with an almost fully assembled gauntlet like it was nothing.
Thanos had five Infinity Stones in the gauntlet and he did absolutely nothing to defend himself? Also, that just makes Vision in Infinity War look that much weaker if that was an option the whole time.
I joked with my brother about Ultron saying to a dead Thanos:

"Maybe you shouldn't have tried to control the stones using a mechanism that depends on you moving your hand."

There was definitely some use of the different Infinity Stones but i thought they could’ve made some better and more inspired choices regarding the different powers of the stones and what they can accomplish separately.

For the most part it felt like it was just crazy energy beams fights while I would’ve liked seeing more of the individual capabilities of each infinity stone.

Of the top of my head I still remember seeing some reality warping, time jumping and power blasts. I’m gonna have a closer look at the episode and see how much the different capabilities from the stones came into play.
Space stone? Getting to the Watcher. Maybe also Reality stone?
Power stone? Energy blasts
Mind stone? Thanos Remover and maybe, with Soul stone, being aware of the Watcher
Time stone?

I guess I'll be forced to watch it again!
This episode was great. Probably neck and neck with the Doctor Strange episode for me. Jeffrey Wright as The Watcher acting all anxious and “WTF?!? throughout was deliciously entertaining. Kind of missed Spader, but the writing and premise more than made up for it.

Seeing conceptually the way the apocalypse was handled here and how tense the scene with Natasha and Clint escaping the Ultron drones like zombies was just makes the tonal misfire that was episode 5 even more egregious.
This Ultron is genuinely terrifying. He isn't the jokester from AoU. He's just a cold, calculating monster hellbent on exterminating all life. This episode really makes me wish that we could have gotten a more serious and scary Ultron in AoU. One who actually felt like a threat.

I loved how this episode emphasised just how much worse Ultron having the Infinity Stones is than it was with Thanos. At least Thanos only wanted to kill half of life and was left physically crippled by the Snap. Whereas Ultron wants to kill everyone, everywhere and because he has an indestructible Vibranium body, he can use the Stones at their full power as many times as he likes without any negative side effects.
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having Cap Marvel call Ultron Skynet was funny and I loved how Widow found Red Guardian's shield and now I hope they make a figure of this version of widow with shield like they did with Capt Carter and other What If figs.
This Ultron is genuinely terrifying. He isn't the jokester from AoU. He's just a cold, calculating monster hellbent on exterminating all life. This episode really makes me wish that we could have gotten a more serious and scary Ultron in AoU. One who actually felt like a threat.

I loved how this episode emphasised just how much worse Ultron having the Infinity Stones is than it was with Thanos. At least Thanos only wanted to kill half of life and was left physically crippled by the Snap. Whereas Ultron wants to kill everyone, everywhere and because he has an indestructible Vibranium body, he can use the Stones at their full power as many times as he likes without any negative side effects.
It's amazing how much more terrifying he is when he's not written by Whedon. The scariest part about it was that he got his second wind when he realized that multiverses existed. Just when it seemed he was satisfied once he brought "peace" to the known universe, it was like he got a thrill realizing that there were even more universes out there that could effectively give him an infinite amount of worlds to destroy.
I wish Disney wouldn't feel so uncomfortable with serious toons outside of Marvel/Star Wars. After all these What If... episodes like....bring us back Gargoyles. Or a show that is as mature.
Best episode yet. Not sure I necessarily buy that Ultron could have easily defeated Thanos or even Ego but it was well executed.

So how many episodes has Tony died in now?

I believe he’s died in four episodes so far. There was a supposed to be a comedic episode focused on him for the 10th episode, but that got pushed back to S2.
Yeah, Tony's died four times in this show. I also noticed that Hawkeye isn't far behind him since he's died three times.
Really good episode. I’ve loved The Watcher’s intros to the show and great to see him actually get screentime. Ultron Vision Prime was also great. Shame we didn’t see something like that in the films instead of the Ultron we got.
Prime Ultron vs The Watcher
(How the Infinity Stones where used.)
- UP used his weapon and the Power Stone to knock the Watcher down.

- UP used his weapon to shoot a energy beam from the Power Stone which the Watcher blocked with a force field.

- UP shot a combined energy beam from the Reality and Time Stones and the Watcher blocked it and counter attacked.

- UP hit the Watcher with his weapon and the Power Stone knocking him out of his parallel reality.

- The Watcher managed to block another attack from UP’s weapon and the Power Stone and even gained the upper hand.

- When the Watcher armoured up, UP went into a punching match with him using all the Infinity Stones to load up his punches with each punch loaded by a different Infinity Stone. The Watcher was blocking, evading and countering. At this point they seemed evenly matched.

- UP grabbed the Watcher and flew with him smashing through different realities, then UP pulled the “Galactus move” and grew bigger than a whole galaxy and ate the planet and galaxy the Watcher was in. The Watcher got knocked down and UP finally got the upperhand.

- UP proceeded to pummel the Watcher through realities with supercharged punches from the Power and Space stone until he knocked the Watcher out for good. UP then used the Reality Stone to finish the Watcher off but the the Watcher mustered all the power he had left and escaped from UP.
Did they ever say what happened to Wanda and Pietro in the episode? Their exclusion was kinda weird considering Ultron probably doesn't get to make Vision's body without them.

Also, were we to assume that Hawkeye and Black Widow were the only humans alive?
**Tony dies**
Cap - “Oh my God, they killed Tony!”
Thor - “You bastards!”
South Park predicted it. :o
having Cap Marvel call Ultron Skynet was funny
Though I'm not sure I buy she'd know that. But that's a different thing. Also, no sequel?! Carol Danvers, you really ARE a PARTY POOPER! lol!
This episode was frightening. Ultron was frightening. I wish they got James Spader back to voice him though.

Did anyone else get Galactus vibes from that part in Uatu and Ultron's fight when Ultron bit into the multiverse?

Can't wait to see how they resolve this.
...That was Galactus.

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