Marvel Films Most anticipated 2023 Marvel movie!

Aug 19, 2004
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I'm doing this thread, as we are getting the trailer of Quantumania soon, and that it might get an unfair advantage of getting more votes if I created this poll neXt month. So until we haven't seen an official clip from any 2023 Marvel fliX, its best to create this thread now.

For me, maybe the Marvels. But I'm not really that eXcited for any of these films to be honest.
Always excited to see ANY marvel movie!! But I’m here are not making me lose sleep because of m so excited!! Ant man2guatdians tie for most want to see. Say…8. Marvels 7.
Definitely The Marvels for me.
1. The Marvels - always here for a female led Marvel movie but I'm not a huge fan of any of the characters here.

2. Quantumania - I want to see Kang and how we would assemble his Dynasty

3. Guardians of the GalaXy - I really hope its the last one. After all these years, I'm still not a fan of the IP or any of the characters.

4. Kraven the Hunter - only here to witness another Sony mess. Can you imagine if one day, there isn't a single critically panned Marvel movie in a span of 3 of 5 years. That won't happen because Sony.
I'm probably mosted hyped for Quantumania. I'm not terribly hyped for Guardians 3 but I have a seeking suspicion I will be when I see a trailer for it.
If I had to pick, I'd say GOTG Vol 3... both 1&2 are in the top 8-ish MCU flicks for me. (alongside TWS, CW, IW, Ragnarok, Strange, MOM, etc.) Those movies are just fun to me.

Next, The Marvels for pretty much the same reason you listed OP.

The Ant-Man sequel was so terribly uneventful and boring, one of the worst of any MCU or DCEU movie I have zero interest in Quantumania but I will probably still see it at some point maybe just not in theaters. I like Paul Rudd & Evangeline Lily.

But mostly... for me it's a weak Marvel year, to be honest.
Guardians by far, but I'm interested in Ant-Man as well. I couldn't care less for the other two.
For me it would definitely be Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3
Quantumania but depends if it’s set in Chronopolis
How about ant man wuantumanis being in the negative zone?? At the very end or mid/end credit scene they see a spaceship!! On closer look the spaceship has s giants “4” four on earth he side!!
Across the Spider-Verse.


Sorry folks!! I have worst auto correct of any phone!! Might be my fat fingers lol. Meant to say quantumania. Then giant “4” on side of a ship!!
4. Kraven the Hunter - only here to witness another Sony mess. Can you imagine if one day, there isn't a single critically panned Marvel movie in a span of 3 of 5 years. That won't happen because Sony.
If Sony concentrated on the hero characters in the Spider-Man universe to lead films while using all the Spidey villains within that they could put out better quality IMO. This villain's universe seems like a terrible idea.
If Sony concentrated on the hero characters in the Spider-Man universe to lead films while using all the Spidey villains within that they could put out better quality IMO. This villain's universe seems like a terrible idea.
Don’t think that would matter!! I might be jaded but I really don’t have faith in SONY!!
Don’t think that would matter!! I might be jaded but I really don’t have faith in SONY!!
The Holland films have been ok and the Spider-Verse was great. If they stuck to things like that maybe it would be better. Can understand people not having faith in Sony at this point though.
But Sony really had nothing to do with holland Spider-Man movies!! Marvel did all the heavy lifting and Sony slapped their name on it and distributed it!! For the most part
Easily The Marvels for me. Loved Captain Marvel and while I'm not a huge fan of some of the changes made to Ms. Marvel, I am a huge fan of the character in general and Iman Vellani has her characterization down perfectly so I can't wait to see her on the big screen, either.

Guardians 3 will definitely be fun and I'm super curious but it feels *really* late at this point (for obvious reasons) so it's harder to get hyped for.

Ant-man... I really want to be hyped. I still think with a few more passes at the script, the first Ant-Man could've been one of the best superhero movies in existence. AMatW looked from trailers like it might be truly great and then turned out to be the most boring MCU movie in existence. I love Cassie and I really want to believe this movie will be the perfect father/daughter team-up that has all the heart and fun of Ant-man 1 with much stronger story chops while also bringing the themes of the series full circle... But it's setting up Kang for the big crossover and it's following up Ant-man and the Wasp, so I doubt it will actually focus on Cassie and Scott as much as it should and it's hard to have faith it will actually be a great movie anyway.

Really could not care less about Kraven, though I like Taylor-Johnson well enough so I'll check it out eventually.
Guardians Vol. 3, but Quantumania and The Marvels are basically neck and neck in second place.
If Sony concentrated on the hero characters in the Spider-Man universe to lead films while using all the Spidey villains within that they could put out better quality IMO. This villain's universe seems like a terrible idea.
Spider-Woman, Silver Sable, Black Cat, Miles.

Yet we get Morbius, Kraven the Hunter, Madame Web and El Muerte instead. I could give them a pass to Venom if only the movies were good. They could have made Spider-Man movies featuring Venom, Carnage, Riot, Shriek, Kraven and Morbius as villains. That would be good enough for 4 to 6 movies.

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