I'm new to these boards, but Ive always wanted to see a batman that measures brutality with finess equally. One on one he should be a man of few hits, but they are brutal. Like short of coma and or killing brutal. But in a multiple attackers he won't be as successful and can take hits, but won't feel it until afterwards. He's supposed to be a master of all fighting styles, let him show it. He could be fighting multiple attackers the way he would one on one and start to lose, then switch up to Krav Maga to take out the armed attackers, then use jujitzu on the big and final attackers. Show he has the strength and fighting capability but is also just a man, with a crap load of knowledge. After the fight thats when you see him fall and be in pain. In some ways he could even escape if he's overpowered and outnumbered and use his gadgets and stealth. The one and possibly only thing I loved in the bvs warehouse fight is you saw him take on multiple people at once, not one while the other 5 wait for their turn.
Finesse is crucial to Batman along with the brutality. I’d love to see evidence when you watch these long fights back of different real world styles being integrated and combined smoothly. He will surely have trained heavily for multiple attackers and I think there is a likelihood of facing that often. But as was mentioned above, once the odds look a bit too difficult, bring out all the tricks and gadgets to win with stealth rather than pure fighting ability. Welcome to the hype and good first post. :up:
I’ve got a lot of little storytelling ideas I’d love to see in a Batman movie’s fight choreography.

One would be to have Batman basically have two fighting style and the film having two different types of fight scenes - the ones where Batman is ready, initiating the struggle on his terms, and ruthlessly and surgically takes out his opponents with grace and gadgets, and ones where Batman has to deal with some unexpected encounter, takes some hits, but his superior training and conditioning shine through... but so does his mortality and the fact that he has to push his body with willpower.

Basically, have a scene where he *is* full on non-lethal Baba Yaga, using gadgets and brutally swift and debilitating moves to just wrap up an opposing force with an intimidating lack of fanfare... then later on, have a Batman concussed by an explosion or ambushed by a cunning trap have to fight to re-establish momentum, maneuver to safety if the situation gets out of control, and is visibly dealing with some pain and fatigue after.

He never quite gets into a true brawl the way Daredevil or Punisher do... but he does have some down fights where his wits and training aren’t enough to prevent him from emerging with a bloody nose, torn lip, or needing to rest his shoulder. The difference would be that while Daredevil usually just powers through with more brute force and willpower when in trouble, we should see Batman make sometimes tough decisions that will still end a fight earlier and better.

Like where Daredevil choreography would have him get tackled from behind, take a beat down, then just start punching ferociously until he can come out on top and exhausted, Batman would get tackled from behind, put up a block, and either wait for the perfect counter to safe energy, or take one free enemy hit so he can grab his grappler and just incapacitate the guy immediately.


I’d really like a flirtatious and energetic confrontation between Catwoman and Batman. Maybe she’s usually a grappler with her claws and whip/other entangling gear, so they end up in a... Compromising situation that Batman can only escape with even more compromising position or something.
I definitely don't need to see Batman struggling in fights like Netflix Daredevil did, unless the opponent is much bigger and stronger than he is.
But a fight scene without struggle is a fight scene without tension. Why would you like to see a fight scene that doesn't have any tension?
, , . I was excited to see Jean working on The Batman!

Camera is moving beautifully to properly move from one enemy to the next without shaking on the way. 10/10 for action cinematography.
I'm guessing Batman's gonna be a brawler type with this suit.

Camera is moving beautifully to properly move from one enemy to the next without shaking on the way. 10/10 for action cinematography.
I know the movie is funny and action packed! I hope Batman will fight like that in the new movie!
He's only listed as a stunt performer. Not a choreographer.
The choreographer is Robert Alonzo.
That is cool also,Robert been in the game for years. I doubt they would add Jean to the stunt team without wanting some of his input for the fights.Heck just adding Jean to the team is a good sign the fights might be crazy :)
I'm guessing Batman's gonna be a brawler type with this suit. I love it! Its like Batman Zero Year mix with Batman Arkham Origins! I heard that Matt beef up the action in the movie. A lot of people are complaining now and saying that they lost faith in the movie!? They didn't learn anything from the first Black Panther pics? Or the first Spidey pics or Ultron pics? Wait until the movie get done for you complain! OMFG!

I do hope so, cause for a vigilante known for mastering some Chinese martial arts he should show it.
I think Matt Reeves might knock it out of the park with the fights and Batman using his brains in this movie.(Not dissing the past Batman movies either,they were special and great for what they were like Raimi Spider-Man )
But a fight scene without struggle is a fight scene without tension. Why would you like to see a fight scene that doesn't have any tension?
The tension can be for the bad guys lol, like in the first appearance in Begins at the docks. The first showing of Batman fighting could be like a demo reel to showcase his abilities and intimidation factor. The later fights is where you want the tension for Bats himself.
This stuff is great. :up: I’d love to see Batman moving like this against multiple opponents.
I know! I was watching Jailbreak today and if Batman/Catwoman move like the actors in the movie. We are in for a real treat and something special :):btf::batman::batty::up::up:
But a fight scene without struggle is a fight scene without tension. Why would you like to see a fight scene that doesn't have any tension?

Not all fight scenes need to have someone struggling as hard as Daredevil in order for it to be good. In fact, a lot of good fights don't.
I know! I was watching Jailbreak today and if Batman/Catwoman move like the actors in the movie. We are in for a real treat and something special :):btf::batman::batty::up::up:
I would be more than happy with this level of action, wouldn’t even need to improve. Just stick a Bat-outfit over it. :D
The tension can be for the bad guys lol, like in the first appearance in Begins at the docks. The first showing of Batman fighting could be like a demo reel to showcase his abilities and intimidation factor. The later fights is where you want the tension for Bats himself.
Except you wouldn't care if the bad guys got hurt, so it wouldn't be much tension :cwink: But I see your point, and I kinda agree. I think the Bourne movies handled it well. There were moments where Bourne just delivered some really quick beatdowns to people that were no real danger to him, but then he had to struggle hard against more dangerous fighters.
Not all fight scenes need to have someone struggling as hard as Daredevil in order for it to be good. In fact, a lot of good fights don't.
But why wouldn't you want the protagonist to struggle? It's just good storytelling to have your protagonist struggle. The antagonism he faces should be as strong or stronger than he is. Would you really rather have a fight scene where you go "Oh, a fight scene where Batman doesn't have to struggle and there's no danger at all because he's such a badass." than a fight scene where you're on the edge of your seat because you don't know if Batman will actually prevail? I also don't know exactly what you mean with "struggling as hard as Daredevil". There were a lot of different fights in that show and every one of them offered a different struggle. And funnily enough, the most talked about fights in Daredevil were when he struggled the most. I'm curious though, what fight scene do you find great that has no struggle for the protagonist?

I think Matt Reeves is going to do a good job with the fight scenes. I know its CGI apes but judging the way he filmed this, I think we're going to actual see Batman's fighting style and not the shaky cam quick cut fight scenes that we see in a lot of action movies.
But why wouldn't you want the protagonist to struggle?

I never said he should never struggle. Save this question for someone who actually posed that opinion, because at this point, all this is is straw man. I said he shouldn't struggle in the same way Daredevil did on his show, unless the opponent was bigger and/or stronger than him. Funny how you keep forgetting that I mentioned that last part.
Except you wouldn't care if the bad guys got hurt, so it wouldn't be much tension :cwink: But I see your point, and I kinda agree. I think the Bourne movies handled it well. There were moments where Bourne just delivered some really quick beatdowns to people that were no real danger to him, but then he had to struggle hard against more dangerous fighters.
Yeah, the early fights are to establish that we have a serious badass on our hands. The later ones are to show that the threat the badass is facing is extremely dangerous even to this badass. This all adds to the feeling that we are witnessing something special.
I never said he should never struggle. Save this question for someone who actually posed that opinion, because at this point, all this is is straw man. I said he shouldn't struggle in the same way Daredevil did on his show, unless the opponent was bigger and/or stronger than him. Funny how you keep forgetting that I mentioned that last part.
Well, I didn't forget about it, but sure, I can address that if you want. So Batman should struggle when he's fighting someone bigger and/or stronger than him, but not when he's fighting multiple people like 15 henchmen? Because that's what Daredevil would do often, he would fight many people at the same time and struggle.
I don’t think Batman should be struggling against 15 standard henchmen but 15 skilled henchmen, sure. Same goes for someone bigger and stronger. He should only be struggling against them if they are highly skilled. Batman shouldn’t struggle against a massive WWE wrestler for eg unless they happened to be UFC champion too. Would people want Batman to struggle against Brock Lesnar or 15 cops? If he was up against 15 average UFC fighters of average size I could definitely see him struggling.

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