Captain Britain and MI-13

I know. I really wish they'd follow up on that Black Knight comment about joining the Avengers and put him on the Secret Avengers, but I guess he'd probably be redundant with Valkyrie there anyway. I'll just have to tuck him and Faiza having a happy time adventuring about the UK with MI-13 in the back of my mind.
It's possible that Fred Van Lente's mysterious AVENGERS project isn't SPACE AVENGERS but some sort of International Avengers. Until we know more, anything is on the table.

I imagine the next writer who uses Black Knight will assume Faiza never existed because he never read this run, and all Marvel editorial knows how to say is, "Yes, Mr. Bendis, sir", or, "That's a wonderful idea, Mr. Quesada" and don't demand any cohesion. But that's just me being cynical. The best you can do is enjoy a run while it lasts and love it enough to never forget it when it is pulled apart and made irrelevant and worthless at some inevitable point in the near or far future.
That would be impressive if they started up an international Avengers book and a cosmic Avengers book. I imagine they'd cancel one or both pretty quickly; at that point, they'd just be oversaturating the market with the massive Avengers line. Of course, they'd at least have clear conceptual differences, as opposed to Bendis' "big three + cash cow + a couple characters I just feel like writing" Avengers and the "bunch of characters I don't want to stop writing" New Avengers. :o
That would be impressive if they started up an international Avengers book and a cosmic Avengers book. I imagine they'd cancel one or both pretty quickly; at that point, they'd just be oversaturating the market with the massive Avengers line. Of course, they'd at least have clear conceptual differences, as opposed to Bendis' "big three + cash cow + a couple characters I just feel like writing" Avengers and the "bunch of characters I don't want to stop writing" New Avengers. :o

True. If it the creative teams are good, I don't mind.

Don't forget about Brubaker's Avengers book. CAPTAIN AMERICA REBORN did very well and probably helped earn him the spot of having a big Avengers book.
You know what would be absolutely ideal to me? Van Lente merging the new God Squad with the cosmic heavyweights team in The Thanos Imperative and writing a series for them as the Cosmic Avengers. Gladiator, Sersi, Quasar, Nova, Hercules, the Silver Surfer, Ronan, Super-Skrull, Beta Ray Bill, and, f*** it, throw in She-Hulk too (both teams are pretty low on the ladies). Give DnA a New Nova Corps series and resume Guardians of the Galaxy and that would be a cosmic line to kick the ass of just about any other attempt at a cosmic line out there.
Ten team members for an Avengers squad is a bit much. Ultimately some characters don't do much but stand in the background, get in 1-2 lines an issue, and show up for fights. GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY couldn't even avoid that problem. While DnA keeping Groot relatively "simple" didn't hurt him too much, Major Victory for long stretches of time was/is a non entity on that book. You go stretches of time between seeing entire handfuls of characters. THANOS IMPERATIVE #2 had Major Victory get captured and all I could think of is, "he stayed at Knowhere, so where are the others who stayed", like Jack Flag or Moondragon? Most teams don't manage equal character fleshing with more than 7 members, and depending on the writer, even 7 is too many. I can't for the life of me find anything relevant that War Machine has done in SECRET AVENGERS. U.S. Agent did more in THUNDERBOLTS than he did in MIGHTY AVENGERS, frankly. Having 10 Cosmic Avengers ensures that, at best, 4 of them will just be combat scenery.

Besides, every time Gladiator has come to earth, he's usually been trashing something fighting the X-Men or the Fantastic Four (he damn near flattened Manhattan for that one). I'd imagine to SHIELD Kallark should ideally be seen as a threat if he popped in again. Not to mention, of course, Ronan and Super-Skrull. Especially Super Skrull. I also think removing She-Hulk from the HULK titles is about as impossible as removing Colossus from the X-MEN books at this point.

Has there been an old Nova Corps series? I don't see why a relaunch couldn't just be NOVA CORPS.

Part of me is wondering if the Guardians that went into the Fault with Thanos either die or just go missing, which is why Groot & Rocket have their own mini, maybe to look for them. But now we're digressing.

To get back on track, while some people would compare it to when DC spammed the Justice League in the 80's, but AVENGERS INTERNATIONAL has a nice yet stoic ring to it.
Who said anything about Earth? They'd be the "Cosmic Avengers" for a reason. Anyway, drop She-Hulk because she's probably chained to Incredible Hulks for no good reason, Super-Skrull because he's apparently dropped off the face of the universe, and Gladiator because he'd probably be busy ruling the Shi'ar, and that leaves Quasar (probably the leader), Beta Ray Bill, Sersi, Hercules (also a leader candidate), Ronan, and the Surfer with Nova as kind of a reserve/part-time member due to the Nova Corps. You could bring Adam Warlock back and sub him in for Nova, too.

And I'd call the Nova Corps series New Nova Corps to signify that the Nova Corps was destroyed and this is a new version. They could drop the "new," though. I don't really care. I just want more Philo.
The Impossible Man's too busy worrying about marketing and brand recognition now. :o
Bug: *tik* Another green person? That's it, I'm *tik* outta here. I'm losing my identity around you *tik* bastards.
Bug: That's enough out of you, *tik* tree-boy! Always with the yak, yak, *tik* yakkin' all the time!

Cosmo: Bozhe moi! Comrade Bug is needink to take chill pill!

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