Friday The 13th Video Game

Fresh Prince

Jun 30, 2008
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Is their any possible way they can create a Friday The 13th video game?...It can be a stealth like game and sandbox style, were you play as the main character Jason...not the zombie version by the way the human/hunter/hillbilly version, so your not unstoppable and can have a challenge....what you people think?
That game was garbage...and i'm talking about you playing Jason not any of the camp people.
Yeah I would like to see a new Friday the 13th video game also. You can have the wooded areas, the camp and of course the lake. I would also go with the Jason from Part 3 the more human version. It has the potential to be a great horror based game.
I might be wrong but I believe at one point there was supposedly a proper Michael Myers game in development.. I'm not talking about the Atari 198(?) game.

But this is talking around the time when the PS2 was in full flourish & the PS3 was way in the future.
I thought you were going to say they're making a F13 game from the title. I think it would be cooler to be the camp people running away from Jason. Having to be stealthy and watch out for traps and what not.
Yeah I would like to see a new Friday the 13th video game also. You can have the wooded areas, the camp and of course the lake. I would also go with the Jason from Part 3 the more human version. It has the potential to be a great horror based game.

I would like the JAson from Part 2..he was my favorite version in the franchise and also liked the Rambo style he cool if for the first game he wear the bag over his head the entire game then in a sequel game the hockey mask.
There's a new Splatterhouse game in development. Is that close enough?

No Timstuff I want Jason not no stuff like that.....JASON!
MY god, how I'd love to be jason in a sandbox styeld gameplay. Just kill the camp counselors at my choosing.
^ Exactly SpidermanHero 12...Rockstar games should make it they create awesome games.
I don't really get how a Jason game where you play as Jason is supposed to work though. Considering that you opponents in the game are just a bunch of frightened, oversexed camp counselors, where exactly is the challenge supposed to come from? And once you've killed all of them (which honestly shouldn't take long enough to fill a 12 hour game with), what left is there to do?

I think that the reason why there isn't a new Friday the 13th game is because developers don't see any gameplay potential in it. Otherwise, someone would have done it by now, or at least tried to get one going.
I thought the Splatterhouse games did have Jason in them?

They were awesome BTW. But ridiculously hard.
Yeah, I don't know how i'd feel about a Jason game... I'm not particularly sensitive to violence or anything, but if the games sole motivation was killing innocent teenagers, I'd take issue with that. At least with the movies, no matter how many kids die, or how stupid they are, its done like a suspense horror film, and it doesn't portray Jason as the hero... Just killing teenagers for sport is pretty sick. If it was Jason vs Freddy or something, sure, but otherwise, I dont know.
It could also be made where you play like chapters from the movie franchise. Maybe have you start off with Jason from part 2 then move on from there. A option to play as either Jason or someone from the camp could be a good idea also.
Whats wrong with playing as the villian Jason?...I mean he does not kill teenagers for fun he kills them for was them type of people who let him supposedly drown to death and kill his he is getting even and avenging his mother's death...also you play as human Jason people not zombie Jason...Teenagers would give you somewhat of a challenege, since your human you can be killed...Tommy Jarvis can be in the game, Freddy and Ash Campbell can be in the game...Like someone said go throught chapeters based off the movies...But only based them off Parts 2-4, the new movies and Freddy vs. Jason.
Whats wrong with playing as the villian Jason?...I mean he does not kill teenagers for fun he kills them for was them type of people who let him supposedly drown to death and kill his he is getting even and avenging his mother's death...also you play as human Jason people not zombie Jason...Teenagers would give you somewhat of a challenege, since your human you can be killed...Tommy Jarvis can be in the game, Freddy and Ash Campbell can be in the game...Like someone said go throught chapeters based off the movies...But only based them off Parts 2-4, the new movies and Freddy vs. Jason.

Those TYPE of people? How is it revenge if its not actually the people responsible? it's just psychotic killing... Like a psychotic ex-vietnam veteran wanting to kill vietnames people because those TYPE of people tortured him. And like i said, it would get rid of the horror element of the movies (in which you empathise with the victims) and basically just turns it into torture porn, ala Saw or Hostel, where the pleasure comes simply from the killing rather than the genre.
I honestly can't see anyway they could fill an entire game from Jason's POV. IMO make it a survival horror type, you play a camp goer and have to survive. Lot's or running and hididng, weapons only slow Jason, but don't stop him, setting up traps, etc. You also have to protect others adding in tension. If you HAVE to play as Jason, just toss in some kind of extra feature where they reuse the maps and have you simply go around and slaughter everyone, don't make the game center soley around that.

A MP feature would be nice around that idea tho. Have 10 ppl playing campers, 1 person playing an invulnerable Jason.
Those TYPE of people? How is it revenge if its not actually the people responsible? it's just psychotic killing... Like a psychotic ex-vietnam veteran wanting to kill vietnames people because those TYPE of people tortured him. And like i said, it would get rid of the horror element of the movies (in which you empathise with the victims) and basically just turns it into torture porn, ala Saw or Hostel, where the pleasure comes simply from the killing rather than the genre.

When has Friday the 13th ever had horror element?...Outside the first movie?...the horror element is already out anyways and is known as a slasher flick...Also I know Jason is crazy was just saying he does not kill people for sport, rather to avenge his mom's death....Same way how Punisher kills mobsters and other criminals to avenge his family and they had nothing to do with his family's death.

You can I suppose play as the campers though...or Tommy Jarvis...either way helping other campers is alright but other then that and fighting Jason what esle can one do as one of them?

Another idea maybe a Evil Dead/Friday the 13 game play as Ash who has to fight demons, zombies and Jason, while saving campers too....How about that?
If they made a crappy Saw video game, I see no reason why they can't have a crappy Friday the 13th game.
lso I know Jason is crazy was just saying he does not kill people for sport, rather to avenge his mom's death....Same way how Punisher kills mobsters and other criminals to avenge his family and they had nothing to do with his family's death.
The punisher kills criminals, including murderers, rapists, drug dealers... Thats very different from butchering a homecoming queen, and enjoying that as a gamer.

I like the evil dead idea better, because theres an angle there that can be worked. You need to be able to connect to and empathise with a character, otherwise its just mindless killing. Like I said before, I have no qualms killing in games, I love a good GTA rampage just as well as anyone, but for that to be the whole focus of a game, killing innocent teenagers, I actually think i would side with Jack Thompson on that one lol.
If they made a crappy Saw video game, I see no reason why they can't have a crappy Friday the 13th game.

But you were a survivor in that one... it would have been a whole different kettle of fish if you were playing as jigsaw.

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