Fringe Thread - Part 2

I liked the final very much. Satisfying ending better than the religious crap that Lost pulled.
The tulip : fate can be changed.
I was expecting Walter to tell Astrid her real name at last and he did :)

IMO, this is one of the best scifi show of the last two decades next with X-Files season 1 to 5.

Thank you JJ Abrams, that was a very good show with a class A casting.
The Observer character, look and mannerism will be remembered, you did well designing your antagonists.

Now, I am sad, there is no show of that kind and quality coming up soon :(
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what was it that Peter mouthed to Walter as he was about to leave with Michael into the wormhole?...

I couldn't quite catch that...
Peter have called Walter "dad" even after he knew he was from the other side. I think.
I liked the final very much. Satisfying ending better than the religious crap that Lost pulled.
The tulip : fate can be changed.
I was expecting Walter to tell Astrid her real name at last and he did :)

IMO, this is one of the best scifi show of the last two decades next with X-Files season 1 to 5.

Thank you JJ Abrams, that was a very good show with a class A casting.
The Observer character, look and mannerism will be remembered, you did well designing your antagonists.

Now, I am sad, there is no show of that kind and quality coming up soon :(

Shut that hole in your face! :argh:
I am sorry, this hole is as the Spartan Pit...bottomless.

PS : you are welcome :)
Eh. That's how I feel about that finale. One of the least satisfying finales I've experienced with a show.

And looking back at JJ and others saying this finale was huge and they couldnt believe they pulled something like this off on tv, come on, this was typical Fringe stuff. Felt like a typical season finale. This whole season just left me with a dissatisfied feeling.

I loved this season and the finale, but I have to agree that nothing about the finale felt especially bigger than anything the series has done before.
Anna Torv and Joshua Jackson have said they won't be making themselves available for pilot season this year. I wonder if Noble will do the same. Given the quality of work he's done, I'm guessing yes, but I hope not. I'd love to see that guy on my TV again and soon.

I kinda want him to play Merlin whenever Once Upon a Time decides to do that character. Or the Wizard of Oz.
I also wanna see Michael Cerveris on more stuff. :o:up:
The last 3 episodes of the season should've been much earlier, they were very intriguing and I was very very glad to see the other side one more time. They should've played that card in the middle of the season and play with it a little more.
I think they spent too much time on this Observer-ruled world, and I missed the feel of the old seasons.
Still, I think it was a decent finale -with a scene that reminded me of the last act in Cabin in the Woods- great acting and character moments. It felt a little rushed towards the end, but it was still good. I mean, is the best possible version of a finale that this mediocre season could have.

Now that I've seen the entire season 5, I can honestly say I didn't like it that much. It had some very intriguing and interesting ideas, but ultimately, I wasn't invested in this world, I didn't care much for it.

I'm gonna miss Walter Bishop so much. What a great character.

So long Fringe, you were a breath of fresh air and I'm very glad I watched you.
So, finally watched the finale last night and overall, I thought it was pretty good and a very satisfying ending to the trilogy.

Things I liked -

- John Noble, and anything he did. Give the man an emmy already, for crying out loud.
- The father/son parallels and dynamic with John/Peter and September/Michael
- Seeing some old faces
- Seeing the alternate reality again
- Walter's sacrifice and the chat between him and Peter ......... tear jerking stuff
- Olivia's determination to get Michael back
- Olivia destroying Windmark just through sheer will and anger

There was probably more I liked but that's all I can think of now.

I had one slight gripe with the finale though, and it's more about the story itself than any of the cast. At the end, Walter takes Michael to the future and we effectively see time reset - we go back to 2015 and see Peter/Olivia/Etta in the park, but this time the observers don't arrive and we have to assume Walter's plan worked.

This - in effect - wipes out Season 5 completely. We are essentially exactly where we were at the end of Season 4, only just a few years farther into the future. I know there was huge character progression throughout the season, and we got introduced to Etta and many other characters, which was enriching for us as viewers and fans ......................but I just felt that basically undoing Season 5, it detracted very slightly from the overall impact of the storyline itself. I'd have preferred an ending which still showed some more consequences and impact (not just Walter's sacrifice) from the actions of the Observers on humanity as a whole, something that the world could learn from.

But you know what, it was a minor gripe. Overall Fringe has been a fantastic show and there's nothing else like it on TV. I'll miss the show, but most of all, I'll miss the characters - and that's a sign of just how well written and how strong they were as fictional characters. I hope they continue the stories somehow on other media.

I've been suggesting Joshua Jackson for the Batman reboot, maybe someone at WB with an open mind will cast John Noble as Alfred and Anna Torv as Catwoman :D
I was happy with the finale, but indifferent about the season. Really, they spent way too much time on the easter egg hunt. The finale was good, but it didn't reach the epic level I was hoping it would
Yeah pretty much It all goes back to Peter disappearing erasing all the **** September did saving Peter from Raiden lake.
Ah! I think you nailed it. Peter exists in this timeline because Septembers interference was already written out thanks to earlier events!

Good Finale. It really feels like they're missing a season though between 4 and 5.
Could you imagine how awesome it would be if in the days leading up to the invasion, the observer appearances in each episode started slowly increasing? I think it would have made the jump to the current season a lot less jarring. Perhaps that was their original idea, but because of low ratings, they decided to speed things up.

Also, did it seem to anyone else that Agent took on more of the appearance and personality of his alternate self? It would seem he just straight up stole his identity.

Good finale. too bad September didn't have anything cool to do.
I loved Donald's role in the finale... :csad:
It was good, I was just hoping for something unexpectedly badass. High expectations, I know.

Also kind of surprised one handed (robot handed?) Belle never came back.
bioattack was awesome, though it was a bit convenient that the room holding Broyles didn't have ventilation.

I figured out an explanation for why Michael stepped off the train:
Olivia had to have cortexiphan to take out Windmark. The only reason she had it was because she had to take it to save Michael by going back and forth between the universes.

I was pretty satisfied with it, in lieu of more seasons of Fringe I think it's a good way to wrap things up, they did plenty of callbacks to previous seasons to make it worthwhile as an ending. I think it did a better job than BSG, Firefly, etc., it did a WAY better job than LOST, that's for sure...

It was better than the ending of Season 4 as an ending, in any case.
bioattack was awesome, though it was a bit convenient that the room holding Broyles didn't have ventilation.

I figured out an explanation for why Michael stepped off the train:
Olivia had to have cortexiphan to take out Windmark. The only reason she had it was because she had to take it to save Michael by going back and forth between the universes.

I was pretty satisfied with it, in lieu of more seasons of Fringe I think it's a good way to wrap things up, they did plenty of callbacks to previous seasons to make it worthwhile as an ending. I think it did a better job than BSG, Firefly, etc., it did a WAY better job than LOST, that's for sure...

It was better than the ending of Season 4 as an ending, in any case.

No, it ****ing didn't. :o

Nor did it do a better job than BSG.
I enjoyed the finale. Gonna have to re watch to get a better overall feeling. One thing I do wanna say that I think hurt this show's story the most was basically undoing the first three seasons. There towards the end the only characters that retained any memories from before Peter was erased are him, Olivia and Walter. I just feel like that just did something to the the story that never sat right with me. We have no idea what was and wasn't all different between the two timelines. I really think this show would have benefitted more from keeping the war between the universes going with the observers being thrown in at some point but not as evil invaders. Was never too big on the time jump to the future either although it was cool seeing Fauxlivia aged. Also, whatever happened to our Lincoln Lee? I really needa rewatch season 4 though, some of it I have trouble remembering. All in all though, this series was great and as state before is in the top 5 science fiction series from the last 20 years. Goodbye Fringe, fun 5 years.
Our Lincoln Lee is their Lincoln Lee. He crossed over when they closed off the bridge.
No, it ****ing didn't. :o

Nor did it do a better job than BSG.

Well sheesh you're hardly being objective about it being better than LOST, I'm sure, Mr. Sawyer. :oldrazz:

BSG left us with some ridiculous philosophical questions. Season 4 was all over the place.
I'm with Sawyer on this one. Lost and BSG both were just barely shy of perfect.
I can be perfectly objective in saying that I love Fringe as a whole as much as I do LOST. But the finales? Fringe comes nowhere close. I wouldn't call it bad, but I just really found it lacking in many regards.
I'm with Sawyer on this one. Lost and BSG both were just barely shy of perfect.
. . . they did plenty of callbacks to previous seasons to make it worthwhile . . .

I've read other comments mentioning this . . but I guess I didn't pick up on the callbacks.

Could you give some examples?


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