Gay DC Superhero - Part 1

I just had a conversation about it with my father and explained everything, he was kinda miffed that they decided to change it, then I said, wtf do you care? You never read Green Lantern in your life probably wont after. :o
my aunt and her family had me over for dinner and were basically ready to go on one of their talk radio style derpathons about the gay agenda infesting entertainment

I tried to explain it to them reasonably, but they were breathing through theirs mouths too hard to hear me

and I'm pretty sure they think it's hal who's gay
Maaann! i told myself i was going to stay out this thread. (it's just not my style since i think its just a big stupid publicity stunt by DC, but this is Great!!

freaking David Letterman did a monologue on it! hahahaha but he just said "green lantern." this is soooooo ironic since as everybody knows.. the main dude Hal is a womanizing SOB! Now all the civilians think "GREEN LANTERN" is gay without knowing there's dozen of these guys. i knew this was going to happen!!hahaha. now i wonder if they ever make another movie what will it be like!this whole stunt has got cluster*&^% written all over.Now if Hal, Kyle or Guy shows up. I bet the civilians will think its them .( even john for that matter)this could turn into something DC didnt expect.
hahahahaha hmm now I have to rethink about wearing my Green Lantern symbol shirt in public! (an ex girlfriend told me once to take off my Daredevil symbol shirt when i was in los angeles cause she said they would confuse me for a "Blood" member) man oh man! the stuff you have to contend with these days just to be a comic nerd!:cwink:
Honestly, who cares if the general public think all the Green Lanterns are gay? Let them. People need to get over it sooner or later.
Spideyboy 111 said:
Emma frost also has a gay brother. Black cat was indicated to be bisexual with Kevin Smiths writing, buying don't really like shoe horning a label on them for just a brief experience.

Black Cat is indeed bisexual and that was actually revealed before Kevin Smith mentioned it. In the possible future in the Spider Girl series Felicia has a wife

So yep it is canon that Black Cat is bisexual which makes me happy :up:

Just one more reason to love that fabulous lady :)
hahahahaha hmm now I have to rethink about wearing my Green Lantern symbol shirt in public! (an ex girlfriend told me once to take off my Daredevil symbol shirt when i was in los angeles cause she said they would confuse me for a "Blood" member) man oh man! the stuff you have to contend with these days just to be a comic nerd!:cwink:

Really, are you that uncomfortable with your sexuality? "Oh, no! THEY'RE GONNA THINK I'M GAY!!!1"

I don't know if you're trying to be funny, but that's kind of sad.. :whatever:. Nobody will remember this months from now, except us particular folk in the gay community that actually benefits and can get a kick out of new stories like this..

This isn't that big of a deal.
Black Cat is indeed bisexual and that was actually revealed before Kevin Smith mentioned it. In the possible future in the Spider Girl series Felicia has a wife

So yep it is canon that Black Cat is bisexual which makes me happy :up:

Just one more reason to love that fabulous lady :)

that's not canon to her present day status though. it's "elseworlds" plenty of people are written different in those.
I thought that it didn't count as an Elseworlds?

My mistake

In that case you're correct it was Kevin Smith who made it canon that Black Cat is bisexual :)

I wasn't a big fan of that mini series overall but I do love that he made it canon that Felicia is bisexual in it. So that's something good that came of it at least :up:
I thought that it didn't count as an Elseworlds?

My mistake

In that case you're correct it was Kevin Smith who made it canon that Black Cat is bisexual :)

I wasn't a big fan of that mini series overall but I do love that he made it canon that Felicia is bisexual in it. So that's something good that came of it at least :up:

that was my least favorite thing.. it was done so just to make her even more "sexual" than she already was. I like his arc though, gave alot more humanity to Felicia with her being raped
Really, are you that uncomfortable with your sexuality? "Oh, no! THEY'RE GONNA THINK I'M GAY!!!1"

I don't know if you're trying to be funny, but that's kind of sad.. :whatever:. Nobody will remember this months from now, except us particular folk in the gay community that actually benefits and can get a kick out of new stories like this..

This isn't that big of a deal.
hahahahahhaha see this is why i wanted to stay out this thread. you guys like to debate and Black Vulcan hates to debate! ( i just like to come on here and say my stuff)... actually no not really. again i am straight but i could care less if you are gay, orange or whatever.. but now the general populace has gotten ahold of this and see Black Vulcan has entered that " bitter Old man" hehe stage of life ( i think its happens to us all) only black vulcan dont exactly fit "Old" i work out allllllloooooottt ( i mean ALOOOOOOT!) and if some "smarky hipster know it all, i am so cool KID" calls me something with that shirt on... welll i am going to go " "Puny God" on them.( i got enough of that *^%% when wearing Superhero shirts wasnt cool back in the day) i really think ALL this *&^% IS surreally funny!... but people are stupid and say stupid things.... only i would hate to knock out some kid and tell his mamma why!:cwink: i think i will get a Red Lantern shirt anyways! i am feeling those guys more these days anyways.

* oh and and sorry i talk about my self like Dr. doom in 3rd person what i do Maxy.
hahahahahhaha see this is why i wanted to stay out this thread. you guys like to debate and Black Vulcan hates to debate! ( i just like to come on here and say my stuff)... actually no not really. again i am straight but i could care less if you are gay, orange or whatever.. but now the general populace has gotten ahold of this and see Black Vulcan has entered that " bitter Old man" hehe stage of life ( i think its happens to us all) only black vulcan dont exactly fit "Old" i work out allllllloooooottt ( i mean ALOOOOOOT!) and if some "smarky hipster know it all, i am so cool KID" calls me something with that shirt on... welll i am going to go " "Puny God" on them.( i got enough of that *^%% when wearing Superhero shirts wasnt cool back in the day) i really think ALL this *&^% IS surreally funny!... but people are stupid and say stupid things.... only i would hate to knock out some kid and tell his mamma why!:cwink: i think i will get a Red Lantern shirt anyways! i am feeling those guys more these days anyways.

* oh and and sorry i talk about my self like Dr. doom in 3rd person what i do Maxy.

I kind of liked George Clooneys response when asked about peoples suggesting that he might be gay, something like "so what the ***k if I am?"

That shows class. And if you really don't care what people think then it would be the same- you know you aren't gay, you don't have a problem with those are; so it really shouldn't matter.
I hate george clooney 1) the dude has stacy keibler who hast the greatest set of legs ever and I want her *ahem( sorry went off a bit there) and 2) he made"Batman and robin!"

Whattsamatter with you guys I had that tongue in cheek wink after my tshirt comment ( see you guys like to debate!)I live to fight.. and acutally wearing the green lantern one would set someone up so I can beat the %^&&** outta some kid!! Hmmm thanks for the idea. I never thought about it from that view( the fightning thing I ain't joking about)
Oopsie double posted sorry
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I hate george clooney 1) the dude has stacy keibler who hast the greatest set of legs ever and I want her *ahem( sorry went off a bit there) and 2) he made"Batman and robin!"

Whattsamatter with you guys I had that tongue in cheek wink after my tshirt comment ( see you guys like to debate!)I live to fight.. and acutally wearing the green lantern one would set someone up so I can beat the %^&&** outta some kid!! Hmmm thanks for the idea. I never thought about it from that view( the fightning thing I ain't joking about)

Not sure if serious...
I hate george clooney 1) the dude has stacy keibler who hast the greatest set of legs ever and I want her *ahem( sorry went off a bit there) and 2) he made"Batman and robin!"

Whattsamatter with you guys I had that tongue in cheek wink after my tshirt comment ( see you guys like to debate!)I live to fight.. and acutally wearing the green lantern one would set someone up so I can beat the %^&&** outta some kid!! Hmmm thanks for the idea. I never thought about it from that view( the fightning thing I ain't joking about)

to be fair... in appearance (and his acting calibur) Clooney should have been the best bruce .. i really don't think HE was the problem with that film... script, director, etc... were
that was my least favorite thing.. it was done so just to make her even more "sexual" than she already was. I like his arc though, gave alot more humanity to Felicia with her being raped
Wait, your least favourite thing was her being named bisexual, rather than her being raped? That was such a cheap move by Smith. You don't need to be raped to be more human.
Honestly, who cares if the general public think all the Green Lanterns are gay? Let them. People need to get over it sooner or later.

Some of the Green Lanterns don't even have a gender, from what I can tell.

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