The Force Awakens General Star Wars Episode VII News/Speculation/SPOILER Thread - - Part 51

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eh. I still think it really has to do with Rey. just too much of a coincidence.

Im just going to go with what the script writers and director say happened.

About Ben, if Ben is redeemed he better not die. I want his ass put on trial for war crimes, treason, murder etc and I want him to rot in a prison cell. That little **** isnt getting any forgiveness from me.
Im just going to go with what the script writers and director say happened.

About Ben, if Ben is redeemed he better not die. I want his ass put on trial for war crimes, treason, murder etc and I want him to rot in a prison cell. That little **** isnt getting any forgiveness from me.

I figure if I can accept the fact that Anakin built C-3P0 on Tatooine, ending with 3P0 being bought by the Lars family in Attack of the Clones and ending up back there with R2 in A New Hope conviniently in the company of Luke, Anakin's son, to come across Obi-Wan and regrouping with Leia, Luke's sister, on the Death Star with Vader waddling around - I think I can accept that R2 wakes up from BB8 speaking with him about the map.

Maybe it could have been executed better, but it's fine as is. It's not like R2 had a secondary piece of the map. He had what I assume was the map of the entire Galaxy, minus a fairly large portion. It would be nice to know where that piece went and who took it out though. Unless it was removed and hidden by the Jedi after the rise of the Empire. Then our friend on Jakku finds it and contacts the Resistance.

:loco: On a side note I think I'm going loopy. I've become so used to CGI, and finding it extremely frustrating to see in films, that I swear I'm seeing CGI in this where there is none - like h hanger as Poe and Finn get to the fighters. I know some of it will be CGI, but it's just the way the lighting is. Some of he lighting in this film is gorgeous, and I know I'm seeing real sets, but after so much CG, my mind is struggling to grasp it now. :(
So 3PO is technically Luke and Leia's brother right?
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I figure if I can accept the fact that Anakin built C-3P0 on Tatooine, ending with 3P0 being bought by the Lars family in Attack of the Clones and ending up back there with R2 in A New Hope conviniently in the company of Luke, Anakin's son, to come across Obi-Wan and regrouping with Leia, Luke's sister, on the Death Star with Vader waddling around - I think I can accept that R2 wakes up from BB8 speaking with him about the map.

Maybe it could have been executed better, but it's fine as is. It's not like R2 had a secondary piece of the map. He had what I assume was the map of the entire Galaxy, minus a fairly large portion. It would be nice to know where that piece went and who took it out though. Unless it was removed and hidden by the Jedi after the rise of the Empire. Then our friend on Jakku finds it and contacts the Resistance.

:loco: On a side note I think I'm going loopy. I've become so used to CGI, and finding it extremely frustrating to see in films, that I swear I'm seeing CGI in this where there is none - like h hanger as Poe and Finn get to the fighters. I know some of it will be CGI, but it's just the way the lighting is. Some of he lighting in this film is gorgeous, and I know I'm seeing real sets, but after so much CG, my mind is struggling to grasp it now. :(

in star wars rebels and the NU-expanded universe, it's said that the empire along with the inquisitors have been essentially hunting down remaining jedi and finding all the jedi temples. as well as exploring the far reaches of the galaxy. The missing piece of the map, that R2 got from the death star is the area they simply had not explored or reached yet. Which just so happened to also be home to the first jedi temple.
in star wars rebels and the NU-expanded universe, it's said that the empire along with the inquisitors have been essentially hunting down remaining jedi and finding all the jedi temples. as well as exploring the far reaches of the galaxy. The missing piece of the map, that R2 got from the death star is the area they simply had not explored or reached yet. Which just so happened to also be home to the first jedi temple.

I'll need to watch Season 1 and the current run of Season 2 of Rebels again. There's a lot I can't remember, sadly.

I get that though. Poe retrieves the piece from Jakku. R2 has the remainder from the Empire archives, the same chunk the First Order had. I'd love to know when/who removed the piece they were all searching for though. I'd be fine if they did leave it as a mystery, but clearly before the Empire got their hands on the map, it had that piece missing, so I wouldn't be against finding out how that piece disappeared.
Seemed obvious to me that Luke removed the piece and left it with Lor San Tekka.
I don't know about that, cause The First Order would have whatever R2 has from the Empire Archives. Pretty sure Kylo said as much.

I think the map that leads to the first Jedi temple was always separate, and then recovered at some point...maybe by Luke and/or Lor San Tekka.
I don't know about that, cause The First Order would have whatever R2 has from the Empire Archives. Pretty sure Kylo said as much.

I think the map that leads to the first Jedi temple was always separate, and then recovered at some point...maybe by Luke and/or Lor San Tekka.

He does. That's why I was wondering where that piece went. The opening crawl says an old ally, Lor, obviously, may have discovered a clue to Luke's whereabouts. It's later said Luke went on a journey to find the first temple. We could assume he went based off vague ideas from the map R2 has in his system and he used the Force to guide him.

It came across to me the map has always been incomplete. Unless Luke managed to remove it directly from the Empire's archives. But I never felt it was implied he did remove the piece himself and deliver it to Lor, and then go on a quest based on information he already knows. I was under the impression the map was a map of Jedi temples but was not complete. I mean we know now that Lor was an explorer, right? It isn't implausible he found the remaining portion of the map - somewhere - in his travels.

Or maybe I am looking to much into it. I like a good mystery, and it wasn't explicitly stated how the map lost a piece.
The question is, if Lor found the map years after Luke disappeared, then how did Luke find the first Jedi temple in the first place?

The funny thing about it all is we're only going to be finding out now, in 2016, about how the Rebels obtained the Death Star plans. So this could just be another one of those unexplained things that is theorized about forever. Or, maybe we get a Lor San Tekka novel that goes into it.
The question is, if Lor found the map years after Luke disappeared, then how did Luke find the first Jedi temple in the first place?

The funny thing about it all is we're only going to be finding out now, in 2016, about how the Rebels obtained the Death Star plans. So this could just be another one of those unexplained things that is theorized about forever. Or, maybe we get a Lor San Tekka novel that goes into it.

Maybe. I mean, in the grander scheme of things it's insignificant. It doesn't really need explaining, and like I said I think I'm more interested because it adds a fun mystery into the mix. It may well be an easy explanation that Luke found it himself and gave it to Lor. Or Luke found it on a mission/self assigned mission and deleted it. Or he was guided by the Force exploring that missing area. It could have been removed by a Jedi after Palpatine's rise, before that - long after by Palpatine and eventually lost.

But like I said I may be overthinking it out of that love for a mystery, and it's a simple explanation.
I don't know about that, cause The First Order would have whatever R2 has from the Empire Archives. Pretty sure Kylo said as much.

I think the map that leads to the first Jedi temple was always separate, and then recovered at some point...maybe by Luke and/or Lor San Tekka.

I just assumed Luke ammended the map R2 had to show where he was and how to get there in case someone needed to find him. I dont think that was a part of the map when R2 got it. The map was whole it just didnt indicate directions to or the location of the First Jedi Temple.

After Luke ammended it and added directions to the First Temple, he cut that part out and left it with Lor, and left the rest of the map with R2 and left him with. Thereby ensuring that the First Order would be less likely to find him.
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Maybe. I mean, in the grander scheme of things it's insignificant. It doesn't really need explaining, and like I said I think I'm more interested because it adds a fun mystery into the mix. It may well be an easy explanation that Luke found it himself and gave it to Lor. Or Luke found it on a mission/self assigned mission and deleted it. Or he was guided by the Force exploring that missing area. It could have been removed by a Jedi after Palpatine's rise, before that - long after by Palpatine and eventually lost.

But like I said I may be overthinking it out of that love for a mystery, and it's a simple explanation.
Yeah, I mean that is kind of the double-edged aspect of them introducing so many mysteries in TFA. There's no way the answers to all of them are going to be as great as our imagination might build them up to be. Unless you've never seen Star Wars before, it can't be like 1977 again where you're just dropped into a world you know nothing about with all these wheels in motion, because we're already deeply attached to these characters and desperately want to know everything about what's happened.

I just assumed Luke ammended the map to show where he was and how to get there in case someone needed to find him. I dont think that was a part of the map when R2 got it. After Luke ammended it he cut that part out and left it with Lor, and left the rest of the map with R2. there by ensuring that the First Order would be less likely to find him.

That could be possible. But then again, the opening crawl makes it sound like Lor has just recently gotten a hold of the map.
Has it been confirmed that where Luke is is actually the First Jedi Temple?
So I guess the actual temple complex is under water and you enter it somewhere on the small rock island that Luke inhabits.
So I guess the actual temple complex is under water and you enter it somewhere on the small rock island that Luke inhabits.

The first Jedi were mermaids. :o
The first Jedi were mermaids. :o

Its possible that the first jedi were an aquatic species. But my guess is that either the water levels on yhe planet have changed, or the complex itself is sealed from the water and maybe even contiues downward beneth the sea floor.
Thinking on it, the art book mentioned an earlier draft involving them searching an underwater Death Star wreckage. I wonder if they may have wanted to keep the underwater element and moved it to the temple.
Seemed obvious to me that Luke removed the piece and left it with Lor San Tekka.

And it seems to me that Luke has signalled him to get it to Leia to come find him. And more probably Luke had a vision that starting this would bring Rey back to him because the force needs him to, so he was the one that set the wheels in motion for this chapter.
Thinking on it, the art book mentioned an earlier draft involving them searching an underwater Death Star wreckage. I wonder if they may have wanted to keep the underwater element and moved it to the temple.

Seems likely.
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