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#GIVEMARGOTKIDDERASCENE! Margot Kidder is not a fan of Amy Adams’ Lois Lane in Batman

If Lois's investigation was the reason Lex went to prison then, yes, she was integral to the plot. If not then the whole bullet subplot was a waste (well, more of one than it already was).

He would have gone to prison either way.
geez its just one scene dude.. a stan lee-esqe walk on say a couple lines so the audience can go :applaud and move on..no one is saying make her an intergral part of the franchise

Then give her a scene on Supergirl or Flash.

Amy Adams was great and the first movie Lois I could actually understand why Clark was attracted too. What is wrong with you guys? Can literally nothing be right?

I'll take Amy's version of Lois over Margot's any day of the week. She's brave and capable with appropriate sprinkles of humor.
If someone wants to talk about that they don't think they're all bad then that makes more sense to me.

I really can't understand why anyone would like any more than 3 of the love stories told by Marvel, DC, SONY, or FOX recently. But that's OT

I can't think of a love story by any of these studios you just named that has less substance than the Lois and Clark romance, save for the ones in Suicide Squad. So yes, I don't think all CBM romances are that bad save for the ones in the DCEU, all things considered. Again, even the worst examples from other studios have more meat on the bone.
Why do you think Clark/Kal would not be attracted to her? That sounds like the real question (for you).

Margot Kidder's Lois seemed The cliche' of the profession woman ***** to me as well as pretty incompetent and not very bright. The chick in Superman Returns was just bland and her Lois was written as pretty dim also

Amy Adams I actually like her lois.
How would you feel if someone asked you this after one of your anti-Nolan posts?

There's nothing "Wrong" with anyone. They just don't like Adams' Lois, simple as that.

Thank you.
I respect Margot's stance, but completely disagree with it, how you can say she wasn't given anything to do in BvS when one of the main criticisms the movie had was she was involved in the story too much is baffling.

Plus for me Amy has been great in the role, were as I always found Margot annoying.
1. The bullet story ends up being a convoluted mess, which wasn't needed because you had a perfectly valid in-story reason for the "fear Superman thing" already (the Zod incident/destruction in Metropolis). Economy of storytelling Snyder, look it up.

2. It makes Lex look like an idiot for basically gift-wrapping the evidence of his involvement for Lois to find.

3. She "saves Clark," in one of the dumbest (imo) and most nonsensical scenes in the movie.

4. She gets damseled THREE freaking times in the same movie, that's too much imo.

Agreed. Amy Adams Lois pointless in movie.
I always though Adams was miscast from the start. She comes across as too sweet and soft spoken. I never once felt Lois appeared in either film. It just felt like watching Superman (or Clark) interacting in a scene with Amy Adams.

With Lois, you need a girl who has grit and moxy...

We've had plenty of great Lois' in the past. Adams' version falls way short.
I respect Margot's stance, but completely disagree with it, how you can say she wasn't given anything to do in BvS when one of the main criticisms the movie had was she was involved in the story too much is baffling.

Plus for me Amy has been great in the role, were as I always found Margot annoying.

I dont think that's one of the main criticisms at all. From what I've seen is that her story doesn't go anywhere in the theatrical plot. Being involved in the story a lot =/= having a lot to do.
I dont think that's one of the main criticisms at all. From what I've seen is that her story doesn't go anywhere in the theatrical plot. Being involved in the story a lot =/= having a lot to do.

I have seen plenty criticising her being in the final battle, many saying she shouldn't have been in it at all.
I'll say this though. As much as I don't care for Adams' Lois, at least it's nowhere near as bad as to how they portrayed poor Lex in that last film. Goddamn. :(
I have seen plenty criticising her being in the final battle, many saying she shouldn't have been in it at all.

ive seen that too and theyre saying that she shouldnt have been in the final battle at all because she doesn't do anything.
-Tells Bats what Martha is (which is a whole nother can of worms)
-She tries to get the spear
-Cries when Superman dies
I'll say this though. As much as I don't care for Adams' Lois, at least it's nowhere near as bad as to how they portrayed poor Lex in that last film. Goddamn. :(

I agree with that I wasn't a fan of Lex's portrayal at all.
I would like to see Amy bring some of that spitfire she displayed as Amelia Earhart.
Yeah, The Thor and Portman thing is so fire. You can feel the chemistry and tension in the air.
Agreed. Amy Adams Lois pointless in movie.

"Agreed something bad about DCEU" Jeez guys, I know you've got the mod upper hand here but do you have hammer every single thing constantly and actually IMO embarrassingly for yourself. Its Ok not the dismiss every single aspect of something you dislike.
Why get upset/whine just because someone expresses an opinion. An opinion about a movie...
"Agreed something bad about DCEU" Jeez guys, I know you've got the mod upper hand here but do you have hammer every single thing constantly and actually IMO embarrassingly for yourself. Its Ok not the dismiss every single aspect of something you dislike.


Come on, dude.
To quote yourself:

Or he could just have a different opinion than you about things.
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Why get upset/whine just because someone expresses an opinion. An opinion about a movie...

Like I told you some these DCEU fans get salty over the most insignificant things.
Like I told you some these DCEU fans get salty over the most insignificant things.

As do the haters

And in fairness it's ok to not like something but when criticsms like Lois had nothing to do in MOS in BvS are branded out they're just factually incorrect. She had plenty to do and she was integral to both stories. The haters just seem to hate on everything and go as far as to make **** up or stretch the truth further back up their hatred. It's ok to simply dislike something without having to push that dislike further.
As do the haters

And in fairness it's ok to not like something but when criticsms like Lois had nothing to do in MOS in BvS are branded out they're just factually incorrect. She had plenty to do and she was integral to both stories. The haters just seem to hate on everything and go as far as to make **** up or stretch the truth further back up their hatred. It's ok to simply dislike something without having to push that dislike further.

Thank you.
People are "haters" a term used to describe people who dislike something for no reason because you have separate opinions on the movie. It's such a sad an immature way to deal with people that have differing opinions than you. Are there DC haters out there? For sure. But to lump everyone who doesnt praise the movie in that tent is silly. Same with lumping every DCEU fan as a DCEU nut.
As pointed out, Steamteck you say maybe people have different opinions when someone criticizes, but then you whine about when people have something negative to say and have a differing opinion. Does it pass you how silly it is?

Lois didn't have anything of substance to do in BvS. Maybe she does in the directors cut. Screentime =/= she had a lot to do. Really what does she do the whole movie? Besides getting kidnapped, explaining Martha to Batman is, and attempting/failing to get the Kryptonite spear.
She has her investigation, which really has no bearing on the rest of the movie because Batman's beef with Superman happens regardless, Luthor still created Doomsday and gets Superman killed, the JL is still starts to get formed...those are all the main events by the conclusion of the movie and Lois didn't have any bearing on any of them. Even her investigation storyline is superfluous because Bats finds Luthor guilty for crimes too. For the screen time she's given her story doesn't lead anywhere. It's never said if her investigation gets Luthor convicted or anything
So I'm actual curious what does she do in the movie? I'm guessing i know what the reply will be because I'm a "hater"
In Adams/the DCEU's defense, their version of Lois Lane and the lack of chemistry, love story, all that is just something thats wrong with most CBMs.

Cap-Peggy is the only time they've gotten a love story decent in a recent superhero movie...and even still I have problems with that one too. Either they give the love interest a boring personality or they fall in love for ridiculous reasons/way too quickly. It's all messed up

Love stories are just something that arent handled that well in most CBMs. Everyone needs to step their game up in that regard

I feel the Raimi Spidey films had one of the better depictions of such a relationship. Probably because it was a major focus of Spidey himself and it was pretty much something that took years (almost his whole life if you count the backstory).
I feel the Raimi Spidey films had one of the better depictions of such a relationship. Probably because it was a major focus of Spidey himself and it was pretty much something that took years (almost his whole life if you count the backstory).

True but even besides that they way they handled MJ wasnt good. All she was was a damsel in distress that Spidey had to save. Also her personality was weak.
I think Peggy Carter, and I dont love the character like some do, is actually a good love interest that has something to do/a purpose (she is a soldier after all), isn't a damsel, and the reason she falls in love with Steve is believable. But even then, that whole arc she had about being mad at Cap for kissing Natalie Dormer was stupid.

For me a good love interest would: 1) have relevance to the plot besides being someone the hero wants to smash 2) isn't a damsel 3) actually is a good character in his/her own right. 4) and then on top of that the love story is believable. Honestly I'd settle for 3 of those, but it's rare in not just SH movies but blockbusters in general.

EDIT: I forgot to have that the love interest should actually have chemistry with the hero
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People are "haters" a term used to describe people who dislike something for no reason because you have separate opinions on the movie. It's such a sad an immature way to deal with people that have differing opinions than you. Are there DC haters out there? For sure. But to lump everyone who doesnt praise the movie in that tent is silly. Same with lumping every DCEU fan as a DCEU nut.
As pointed out, Steamteck you say maybe people have different opinions when someone criticizes, but then you whine about when people have something negative to say and have a differing opinion. Does it pass you how silly it is?

Lois didn't have anything of substance to do in BvS. Maybe she does in the directors cut. Screentime =/= she had a lot to do. Really what does she do the whole movie? Besides getting kidnapped, explaining Martha to Batman is, and attempting/failing to get the Kryptonite spear.
She has her investigation, which really has no bearing on the rest of the movie because Batman's beef with Superman happens regardless, Luthor still created Doomsday and gets Superman killed, the JL is still starts to get formed...those are all the main events by the conclusion of the movie and Lois didn't have any bearing on any of them. Even her investigation storyline is superfluous because Bats finds Luthor guilty for crimes too. For the screen time she's given her story doesn't lead anywhere. It's never said if her investigation gets Luthor convicted or anything
So I'm actual curious what does she do in the movie? I'm guessing i know what the reply will be because I'm a "hater"

The Nairomi plot soured the public's perception of Superman. Some people thought he was a monster for heat visioning a bunch of rebels in the desert. And some people, rightfully, began fearing him. The story the media went with snowballed that fear into hate. And people, like Batman, started wondering if Superman were to take things into his own hands what's stopping him from burning the place down.

Lois' investigation not only cleared Superman, but went on further to prove he was setup.

What this does is frame Superman's death as a heroic sacrifice instead of an act of redemption to the public. And that's why we get the #MenAreStillGood scene in the epilogue.

Lois represented the part of humanity that refused to believe Superman was a bad guy. Granted, she has a vested interest in seeing Superman exonerated, but it's an important role she played nonetheless.

An aside of the investigation squarely pins everything on Lex. Maybe the USDJ would have gotten something on him eventually, but Lois had the "smoking gun", or in this case bullet, needed to put him away.

This is just what she did BvS. If I were to break down her significance in MoS I'd be texting on my phone all day.

Compare that to Margot Kidder in the Donner films...

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