Hypothetical Crossovers: Film Continuities that would be cool in a shared universe.

The main takeaway I'm getting from this thread so far is that a Hannibal Lecter musical would have a huge built-in audience.
Do we get to see the Rock and Vin transformed into hybrid Lycan/Vamps fighting alongside Milla at some point?

Sure. One of the human subjects escapes and manages to infect them with the LVT-Virus. Thinking to use them as spies within the cartels. Only Rock and Vin defect and go over to Milla's side.
The main takeaway I'm getting from this thread so far is that a Hannibal Lecter musical would have a huge built-in audience.

Apparently so. Seems NBC made a big mistake with that Walken Peter Pan thing, when they had the makings for a great musical on another part of their schedule.
It would be cool if most of the major horror icons existed in the same universe.

Friday the 13th/ Nightmare on Elm Street/ Aliens/ Preadator/ Halloween

( well Freddy VS Jason implied that Jason and Freddy exist in the same universe).

Matrix/ Terminator

Cliche but the xmen, spider man, fantastic four movies existing in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Harry Potter/ Marvel Cinematic Universe

Evil Dead also almost became part of this universe. It did in comics, but then, in Army of Darkness comics, it shares a shared universe (aka multiple realties) with Darkman, Re-Animator, and the Marvel Zombies.
Dark City and The Matrix.

Fifth Element & GOTG.

Captain America- Ethan Hunt
Dark City and The Matrix.

Fifth Element & GOTG.

Captain America- Ethan Hunt

Hmm... Rufus Sewell's character, now practically a God to the remnants of humanity on his "world" finds the actual Earth and lands the population there, only to find Earth a scarred hellscape, with Human Kind still at war with the machines despite the sacrifice of Neo in the final Matrix film. Seems that there are elements of the machine A.I.s lead by the Merovingian that would rather have the Matrix, and for that they need the collective unconsciousness of the humans on Earth. Sewell's character John and the returning population have all learned how to tap into the psychic "Tuning" power that allowed Murdoch to defeat the Strangers to one degree or another. This gives them a fighting chance against the real world machines, but in order to learn more on how to defeat the machines once and for all, Murdoch enters the Matrix to seek answers from "The One", a legend he has been dreaming about. Upon plugging in, John learns he has no Tuning Power in the Matrix world, but he soon gets a face to face meeting with the psychic echo of Neo, of every version of Neo that has ever existed in the Matrix. Neo reveals that the machines have studied the tuning techniques and will be able to destroy both Murdoch's people and the remaining humans on Earth once they have the power perfected. Only by combining consciousness can they hope to finally bring peace to the planet. Once combined, John's Tuning power in the real world goes through the roof and he is now capable of doing things Neo did in the Matrix FOR REAL. Thus leading to the final showdown with a Tuning empowered Merovingian who has possessed the body of Morpheus.
Hmm... Rufus Sewell's character, now practically a God to the remnants of humanity on his "world" finds the actual Earth and lands the population there, only to find Earth a scarred hellscape, with Human Kind still at war with the machines despite the sacrifice of Neo in the final Matrix film. Seems that there are elements of the machine A.I.s lead by the Merovingian that would rather have the Matrix, and for that they need the collective unconsciousness of the humans on Earth. Sewell's character John and the returning population have all learned how to tap into the psychic "Tuning" power that allowed Murdoch to defeat the Strangers to one degree or another. This gives them a fighting chance against the real world machines, but in order to learn more on how to defeat the machines once and for all, Murdoch enters the Matrix to seek answers from "The One", a legend he has been dreaming about. Upon plugging in, John learns he has no Tuning Power in the Matrix world, but he soon gets a face to face meeting with the psychic echo of Neo, of every version of Neo that has ever existed in the Matrix. Neo reveals that the machines have studied the tuning techniques and will be able to destroy both Murdoch's people and the remaining humans on Earth once they have the power perfected. Only by combining consciousness can they hope to finally bring peace to the planet. Once combined, John's Tuning power in the real world goes through the roof and he is now capable of doing things Neo did in the Matrix FOR REAL. Thus leading to the final showdown with a Tuning empowered Merovingian who has possessed the body of Morpheus.

I'm going to print this post and roll it up with some fiiine herb. Smoke it for summer.
Hunger Games/Battle Royale.

The Japanese kids come and kick the crap out of the lame copys characters.
And then this man shows up.
hmmmmmm.......This is a tricky one. It's not hard to come up with silly stuff, like Hunger Games/High School musical, where the kids pause between slaughtering each other to sing in powerful harmonies about how tough it is to be a teen in a dystopian future.

However, I often think very literally, and as such would be thinking of a crossover that would actually work.

Contrary to what many say, I think that the whole Predator/Alien crossover wasn't a bad thing at all. With a bit better creative team and maybe a bigger budget it could produce a real standout movie. I actually enjoyed AVP requiem, I think it gets a lot of undeserved hate. Not a great movie, but not a bad one at all.

Having said that what about...... Pacific Rim / Hellboy

You've got the concept of interdimensional travel, so why not have the evil creatures from Hellboy's world infiltrate the world of Pacific Rim.

Hell, on that note, what about Godzilla/Pacific Rim. I mean, Godzilla's really the ultimate Kaiju. Maybe he and the other giant monsters find themselves drawn through a breach and wind up on the alternate Earth ?

I would pay to see giant robots kick Godzilla's ass (I loved PR, saw it in 3D, and have to say it's one of the best 3D films ever, very satisfying).

Also, Guillermo Del Toro who directed Hellboy and PR could combine the aesthetic really seamlessly.

Otherwise, I suppose all the Marvel characters are subject to cross-overs.
I mean, the mid-credits scene in Thor 2 was effectively a Thor/Guardians of the Galaxy cross-over.

I feel like there's sort of scope for a Matrix/Tron crossover, as they have some remarkable similarities. Anyway, I think that the aesthetic that Kosinski created in Tron legacy was just mesmerizing, and would like to see it again ( having seen Tron Legacy a bunch of times on DVD, I've grown to appreciate it, as it has some very lofty themes, just not executed that well).
The Tron legacy world has so much potential, it would be great to see it
feature in a story alongside some other well established characters. Hmmm.... I'll have to go away and think about that some more.

Oh wait, the obvious one, Robocop/Terminator ! There was even a comic and video game back in the early 90's. What a great concept, because Robocop is the exact inversion of the Terminator. Yeah, that had a lot of potential for a film or Tv series, or something.

I think that Green Lantern would be a potential crossover, as an animated character, with the Star Wars Rebels (again animated). For some reason I don't think it would fly (literally) live action. But there's no reason out there in the depths of space that there wouldn't be a GL for that Galaxy that's far far away.

Hell, while we're on Star Wars. Imagine this...... Darth Vader vs Alien or Darth Vader vs Predator. Either one of those would be such a great comic.

(the Superman vs Alien comic was great !) Imagine either a predator hunting jedi, or an alien infects a stormtrooper and gets loose on Vader's star destroyer. If it was a comic, and it was drawn by Dave Gibbons, it would be
out of this world ! (literally)

I realise I'm moving away from the film medium, but I think that a lot of crossovers wouldn't work on the big screen, but would be absolutely kick-ass either as a comic or a 3D animated series.

Spider-Man vs Predator, wow that would be awesome. Spider-Man stories that have a cat and mouse element to them are always entertaining. Spidey is often at his best when he's being hunted.

I'm inspired now......WOLVERINE VS PREDATOR ! I think someone may have done this on Youtube.

Sorry Krypton, I know I'm getting off topic, and more into a "VS" sort of paradigm, but that's often the underlying concept of any crossover.
Heck, the classic JLA/Avengers starts with a brawl (in which we see one of my favourite Superman moments where he KO's Thor cold !).

I remember reading the Darkseid/Galactus crossover, by John Byrne, it was a-mazing ! So I think that comics really are the safest place to have crossovers, there's just something about the medium that allows us to further suspend disbelief.

In terms of TV series, I'm waiting for a Supernatural Crossover. There are so many shows that would be compatible with the Supernatural universe (Sam and Dean have visited at least one alternative world).

Sorry, again getting off topic. Anyway, I agree with the OP that there's a lot of scope for crossovers, particularly with sci-fi/ supernatural continuities.
Man, I haven't even touched on DR WHO, you could pretty much drop him into any other continuity (including Guardians of the Galaxy).

I'll be back when I've thought of something else interesting.

And then this man shows up.
"Get to de choppah, kids!"

hmmmmmm.......This is a tricky one. It's not hard to come up with silly stuff, like Hunger Games/High School musical, where the kids pause between slaughtering each other to sing in powerful harmonies about how tough it is to be a teen in a dystopian future.

However, I often think very literally, and as such would be thinking of a crossover that would actually work.

Contrary to what many say, I think that the whole Predator/Alien crossover wasn't a bad thing at all. With a bit better creative team and maybe a bigger budget it could produce a real standout movie. I actually enjoyed AVP requiem, I think it gets a lot of undeserved hate. Not a great movie, but not a bad one at all.

Having said that what about...... Pacific Rim / Hellboy

You've got the concept of interdimensional travel, so why not have the evil creatures from Hellboy's world infiltrate the world of Pacific Rim.

Hell, on that note, what about Godzilla/Pacific Rim. I mean, Godzilla's really the ultimate Kaiju. Maybe he and the other giant monsters find themselves drawn through a breach and wind up on the alternate Earth ?

I would pay to see giant robots kick Godzilla's ass (I loved PR, saw it in 3D, and have to say it's one of the best 3D films ever, very satisfying).

Also, Guillermo Del Toro who directed Hellboy and PR could combine the aesthetic really seamlessly.

Otherwise, I suppose all the Marvel characters are subject to cross-overs.
I mean, the mid-credits scene in Thor 2 was effectively a Thor/Guardians of the Galaxy cross-over.

I feel like there's sort of scope for a Matrix/Tron crossover, as they have some remarkable similarities. Anyway, I think that the aesthetic that Kosinski created in Tron legacy was just mesmerizing, and would like to see it again ( having seen Tron Legacy a bunch of times on DVD, I've grown to appreciate it, as it has some very lofty themes, just not executed that well).
The Tron legacy world has so much potential, it would be great to see it
feature in a story alongside some other well established characters. Hmmm.... I'll have to go away and think about that some more.

Oh wait, the obvious one, Robocop/Terminator ! There was even a comic and video game back in the early 90's. What a great concept, because Robocop is the exact inversion of the Terminator. Yeah, that had a lot of potential for a film or Tv series, or something.

I think that Green Lantern would be a potential crossover, as an animated character, with the Star Wars Rebels (again animated). For some reason I don't think it would fly (literally) live action. But there's no reason out there in the depths of space that there wouldn't be a GL for that Galaxy that's far far away.

Hell, while we're on Star Wars. Imagine this...... Darth Vader vs Alien or Darth Vader vs Predator. Either one of those would be such a great comic.

(the Superman vs Alien comic was great !) Imagine either a predator hunting jedi, or an alien infects a stormtrooper and gets loose on Vader's star destroyer. If it was a comic, and it was drawn by Dave Gibbons, it would be
out of this world ! (literally)

I realise I'm moving away from the film medium, but I think that a lot of crossovers wouldn't work on the big screen, but would be absolutely kick-ass either as a comic or a 3D animated series.

Spider-Man vs Predator, wow that would be awesome. Spider-Man stories that have a cat and mouse element to them are always entertaining. Spidey is often at his best when he's being hunted.

I'm inspired now......WOLVERINE VS PREDATOR ! I think someone may have done this on Youtube.

Sorry Krypton, I know I'm getting off topic, and more into a "VS" sort of paradigm, but that's often the underlying concept of any crossover.
Heck, the classic JLA/Avengers starts with a brawl (in which we see one of my favourite Superman moments where he KO's Thor cold !).

I remember reading the Darkseid/Galactus crossover, by John Byrne, it was a-mazing ! So I think that comics really are the safest place to have crossovers, there's just something about the medium that allows us to further suspend disbelief.

In terms of TV series, I'm waiting for a Supernatural Crossover. There are so many shows that would be compatible with the Supernatural universe (Sam and Dean have visited at least one alternative world).

Sorry, again getting off topic. Anyway, I agree with the OP that there's a lot of scope for crossovers, particularly with sci-fi/ supernatural continuities.
Man, I haven't even touched on DR WHO, you could pretty much drop him into any other continuity (including Guardians of the Galaxy).

I'll be back when I've thought of something else interesting.


Wow... That one is so obvious as to go over my head. Yes. You even see a glimpse of the "Old Ones" in HB1, and they look very kaiju. Hmm... So perhaps in this Hypothetical, the inter-dimensional aliens are in league with the elder gods? Just a thought. Seeing the B.P.R.D. characters getting their own Jaeger (that is of course designed to look like Hellboy) would be funny.
Conan the Cimmerian while stopped at a local tavern is hired by a small village to locate warriors to help defend a village from an army of bandits under the command of a rumored to be immortal war lord. CONAN does his best and collects a rag tag band with the meager offerings the village has. He finds the now wondering King Dar, also known as the Beast Master, an aged swordsman of incredible skill called Mad Martigan (WILLOW), a former wizard's apprentice that has slain a dragon (DRAGON SLAYER), a mystic blade weilder called Hawk (HAWK THE SLAYER) , the She-Devil with a sword Red Sonja and a wondering elf archer, perhaps the last of his kind named Legolas. CONAN will need all the help he can get, for he soon learns that the war lord's immortality is no myth or rumor, for this war lord goes by the name, The Kurgan!

And yes... I am well aware that this is a SEVEN SAMURAI riff.
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Arnie from Jingle all the way in Gremlins. Arnie goes totally out of his way to find a Turbo Man action figure and winds up in Kingston Falls just as the Gremlins hatch and multiply. He arrives at the toy store just as it closes but sees several Turbo Man toys behind the shutters. He camps out overnight infront of the store and when the Gremlins attack the store he sees them heading straight for the Turbo Man toys. He launches into a frenzy, destroying the shutters and running straight towards the dozens of gremlins, plowing through them, smashing them against the walls, crushing them underfoot and generally destroying them. Billy, Kate and Gizmo show up and see this crazed man screaming at the top of his lungs and tearing the gremlins apart with his bare hands. They sees Stripe about to attack him from above and shout a warning, Arnie whirls around, grabs him out of the air just as Stripe leaps. He takes Stripes head in his hands and with a death glare he says "NO ONE IS GOING TO STAHP ME FROM GETTING A TURBO MANH!!!" and crushes Stripes head in his hands. Surrounded by the gooey remains of the gremlins, he stalks towards the two kids and Gizmo. He reaches up to Billy with his gore stained hands... and pats Gizmo on the head. "Isn't he a cute one." He then reaches up, grabs a Turbo Man, walks to the cash, leaves money for it and then walks out of the store and tells them all to have a merry christmas. Roll Credits.
Star Wars/Star Trek would love to see the Empire fight the Federation.

Bourne/Taken/Bond/Batman. They team up to take down the Joker who has taken over Spectre.

Sherlock Holmes faces his cleverest opponent in Hannibal.
We talking the Cumberbatch PBS version or the offbeat RDJ one?

Guess it would have to be Cumberbatch, RDJ one would be pretty old in the late 20th century.
Die Hard/Lethal Weapon/Beverly Hills Cop

Back in the day it would have been awesome.
Arnie from Jingle all the way in Gremlins. Arnie goes totally out of his way to find a Turbo Man action figure and winds up in Kingston Falls just as the Gremlins hatch and multiply. He arrives at the toy store just as it closes but sees several Turbo Man toys behind the shutters. He camps out overnight infront of the store and when the Gremlins attack the store he sees them heading straight for the Turbo Man toys. He launches into a frenzy, destroying the shutters and running straight towards the dozens of gremlins, plowing through them, smashing them against the walls, crushing them underfoot and generally destroying them. Billy, Kate and Gizmo show up and see this crazed man screaming at the top of his lungs and tearing the gremlins apart with his bare hands. They sees Stripe about to attack him from above and shout a warning, Arnie whirls around, grabs him out of the air just as Stripe leaps. He takes Stripes head in his hands and with a death glare he says "NO ONE IS GOING TO STAHP ME FROM GETTING A TURBO MANH!!!" and crushes Stripes head in his hands. Surrounded by the gooey remains of the gremlins, he stalks towards the two kids and Gizmo. He reaches up to Billy with his gore stained hands... and pats Gizmo on the head. "Isn't he a cute one." He then reaches up, grabs a Turbo Man, walks to the cash, leaves money for it and then walks out of the store and tells them all to have a merry christmas. Roll Credits.

Classic KevG. :woot:
It would be another classic Xmas not-Xmas movie, like Die Hard.
Warcraft and Diablo.

I've never gotten into Warcraft, but I'm stoked as hell for the movie not only because I love fantasy epics, but because if it's good and it makes a ton of money, then perhaps the Diablo movie I've been craving for the past 14 years will become a reality. It wouldn't exactly have to be a shared universe thing (though that could work); they could just use Blizzard heavily in the marketing of both films.
Birdman + Whiplash

Didn't think of it until NPH did that bit at the Oscars which was genius!
Aliens vs. Terminator. Directed by James Cameron. :)

In a two track story we see Capt. Jack Sparrow lock horns with One Eyed Willie for possession of a powerful magical macguffin that can grant immortality in the past, and the now grown up Goonies and their children embark on a quest to find Chunk and Sloth, as Sloth is dying and Chunk believes in the legend of the magical item hidden by Willie. What ensues is a meeting of the old gang and romantic entanglements and friendships forged with their children during the adventure to find their missing friends, but what we learn is that the macguffin was used... By both Jack and Willie who are awakened from and immortal slumber to continue their battle in the modern day.

Unfortunately Willy's skeleton was on the ship at the end of The Goonies. Otherwise, good idea.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer/Friday The 13th

Set between Seasons 4 & 5 of Buffy, as well as Parts 7 & 8 or Friday The 13th. Buffy and Riley go to Riley's family cabin by Crystal Lake for a romantic getaway, where they meet Riley's cousins and their girlfriends and college buddies. During a lightning storm, a bolt of lightning strikes the lake, awakening Jason from his watery grave. Jason works his way through Riley's friends and family until it's down to Buffy, Riley, and Jason. After a very tough battle, The Slayer chains Jason to a fuel pump, douses Jason with gasoline, lights him on fire, and blows him up (actually the explosion just throws Jason out into the middle of the lake and gets pinned by debris).

Criminal Minds/Predator

Someone is attacking people during parties, butchering all of the guests, and taking their heads, and sometimes even their skins. The police believe they have a serial killer on their hands and call in the BAU. Turns out it's a Rogue Predator, a poacher, a criminal on his planet. A second Predator follows him to Earth to bring him to Justice, a sort of "Game Warden". During a confrontation between the two Predators, the Game Warden is injured and seeks the aid of the BAU.

Incidentally, I've written fan fics for both of these ideas. The Predator/Criminal Minds one is still a work in progress though.

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