I think Sam Raimi has everyone fooled.....

I'm still not sure on Harry's surfer outfit...Fair enough, he's not his father and would be "lucky to be half of what [Norman] is" but if you discovered your father's secret lair of weapons, tools and stuff why would you waste time making yuor own stuff? Why not just spray-paint/modify the old outfit and glider to look more like a Hobgoblin, call yourself the Hobgoblin, chuck a cloak on and fly out and attack Spider-Man/Peter as the Hobgoblin? That'd still be a New Goblin and he could still use his little sword and even a different glider really, and would probably look a bit better because he wouldn't just be a white Rocket Racer...

I imagine Harry will deliver the goods though, it's just a bit disappointing that it's not more like the comics in that respect. I liked the original Green Goblin suit from Spidey 1, coulda used a cloak though. If Harry were to wear his father's suit into the last battle then that might be pretty kewl. To be honest, Norman's "ghost" might actually be proud because Harry would be paying tribute to his father and using his technology how it was meant to be used: for good.

Either way, it won't matter much once Venom rips his heart out lol :D
Harry isn't really a goblin. he's not going to laugh like the Green Goblin did or make jokes. this is a serious harry osborn that only has one mission, I mean seriously if harry was out to be a goblin he would be laughing and being happy and stuff. sure Norman is dissapointed in harry for not killing peter parker and joining peters side but that means harry turned on his father which was the right thing to do. I'm glad harry didn't follow his fathers foot steps into the path of destruction because that would have taken harry down a road he doesn't want to go.
Maybe not that exactaly, but the sketch it was based off of. I don't have it, but the concept art for GG that this suit was based off of was pretty bad ass. It looked freakier and a lot more goblin like, the studio ended up going with a dumbed down version of the design for $$ purposes, but I've been hoping that they go with something simmilar to the concept sketch since I saw it.

Does anybody have the drawing? I know it was posted on here quite a bit a while ago.


just it case it doesnt work, heres the link http://pub44.bravenet.com/photocenter/album.php?cp=7&usernum=3697894404&album=14034
I think Harry should come to the battle royale with the original Green Goblin suit, but without the mask on because it's pointless and represents his father's madness. It has been hinted that Harry's "New Goblin" outfit is taken out of the picture after he is injured by Peter. The old GG suit would provide the protection he needs and look really cool indeed, with of course necessary upgrades for a more flexible costume and a less robotic look. I think that it would be cool and it makes sense to use this if not simply for nostalgia. Raimi claims to have respect for the Silver Age comics, so it makes sense to pay respect to Norman's character by having his son don the suit like he did in the comics. But this time he's doing what Norman would have done, the right thing, and not what the Green Goblin alter ego would do. This puts an end to the Goblin legacy, and if Harry dies to save Peter it certainly has the closure needed for this storyline.

Yes! That is exactaly what I was talking about. This would have been amazing to see on screen in action.

Harry isn't really a goblin. he's not going to laugh like the Green Goblin did or make jokes. this is a serious harry osborn that only has one mission, I mean seriously if harry was out to be a goblin he would be laughing and being happy and stuff. sure Norman is dissapointed in harry for not killing peter parker and joining peters side but that means harry turned on his father which was the right thing to do. I'm glad harry didn't follow his fathers foot steps into the path of destruction because that would have taken harry down a road he doesn't want to go. Today 07:37 PM

Harry should be a goblin, it's what happens to him in the comics and it's what should happen to him in the movie. You think Harry shouldn't be a Goblin because being a goblin means he has to "make jokes and be happy and stuff?".....I'm sorry, but how much do you really know about the Goblin legacy? The Green Goblins in the comics were not happy people who walked around cracking jokes all day, they were homicidal.

And Harry taking up the Goblin legacy does not mean he will be just like his father. See my post in the other thread about this in response to a simmilar post you made.

harry doesn't want fufill his fathers destiny, all harry was going to do is kill peter and then he would never put on a battle suit again.

why would he want to complete his fathers legacy? he doesn't want to kill maultiple people or kidnapp anybody. he wants his main target and be done killing. now as for harry wearing the goblin suit, he won't wear and in fact he shouldn't.

would it make sense if he wore the GG costume? no it wouldn't because harry is not even close to being as phsycotic as his father ever was. sure harry see's his father in the mirror a few times being haunted by him but atleast harry doesn't have a split personality unlike his father. It actually IS in his character NOT to wear the GG suit because that is not what he is meant to follow by in the film.

Harry doesn't want to complete his father's legacy? All Harry has done his entire life is try to live up to his father. He tried involve himself in science and try to find the next "big thing" in scientific inventions, hence why he sought out Otto. He couldn't invent things like his father, but he was still trying to do for Oscorp what his father did. He tried to make Oscorp a successfull buisness, as his father did, he tried to become a sucessfull buisnessman, as his father did, and now he's trying to kill Spider-man, as his father did. For a guy who doesn't want to follow in his dad's footsteps, he sure seems to be doing so.

Harry veiws everything his father has done as the goal he wants to meet, and even rise above.

Now, yes, Norman wore the GG suit because he was nuts. Harry isn't as nuts, but he does have some problems. Seeing your dead father in a mirror definatley isn't normal. But the reason he sees his father in the Mirror is because all his life he's wanted to gain his father's approval. That's why Harry would wear the Goblin costume, and that's why he tries to kill Spider-man. Not simply for revenge, but in his own messed up mind, Harry thinks his father wants him to carry on what his father started.

But, when Harry puts on the Goblin costume, it's not because he's going to go out and kill random people. No, he's not reliving that part of the Goblin legacy, Harry's Goblin is exclusivley the battle between Goblin and Spider. That's why he puts on the costume, because Norman Osborn never had a problem with Spider-man. The Green Goblin fought Spider-man, and to follow in that particular area of his father's legacy, he must become the Goblin to battle Spider-man.

That's the way it was in the comics, and that's just the way I think it should have been in the movie. It obviously won't be, because we know that Harry probably won't wear the suit (again, as I've said, a terrible miss on a treat for us, because that concept art for the GG suit would have been amazing to see on screen) but it's just what I think should have happened.
I'm reading posts wrong, whatever. Bottom line: The suit should be brought back at the end, but not with a mask and I wouldn't mind some cool upgrades, and Harry should die a hero not a villain.
Infinity, you may be right about Harry following in his father's footsteps in the comics... but is that really right for Harry's movie character? He may have a lot of problems with his father being killed, his work and family name being a mockery, and so on, but the theme of this film is forgiveness and redemption and I can't see him dying a mindless villain on film because his friendship with Peter holds more weight. Even though film Harry may not be close to the comic Harry, try and remember exactly how he died in the comics, saving his best friend's life.

I'm not saying he should die a mindless villian, I want Harry to go out on a good act just as he died in the comics too. I just think it's important to show Harry in a Goblin suit as posted above.

Now, you do have a point in saying that Harry probably shouldn't wear the Goblin suit after he's worn another. If he's going to wear a Goblin suit, it should be in the beggining. If he goes after Peter with the "night surfer" attire in the movie first, and then switches to the Goblin outfit once he goes to help Pete....well that wouldn't make sense.

Basically I've resigned myself to the fact that we probably won't see the Goblin suit in the movie, which I think is a mistake on Raimi's part, especially since this movie could have been his chance to show everyone how good you can make a Goblin outfit.

Really my post was more making the point that Harry should have worn a Goblin suit, and that by not having him wear it, it goes against his character.
I'm reading posts wrong, whatever. Bottom line: The suit should be brought back, but only at the end of the movie, and Harry should die a hero not a villain.

Well, I suppose it could work at the end, if instead of going to help Peter Harry is even closer to the edge, and puts on the suit to fully show how far he's fallen. Then, at the end during the battle he turns and decides what he's doing is wrong and helps pete, I could see that working.
Some people actually want to see the Power Ranger costume back??

Talk about gluttons for punishment :dry:
Yes! That is exactaly what I was talking about. This would have been amazing to see on screen in action.

Harry should be a goblin, it's what happens to him in the comics and it's what should happen to him in the movie. You think Harry shouldn't be a Goblin because being a goblin means he has to "make jokes and be happy and stuff?".....I'm sorry, but how much do you really know about the Goblin legacy? The Green Goblins in the comics were not happy people who walked around cracking jokes all day, they were homicidal.

And Harry taking up the Goblin legacy does not mean he will be just like his father. See my post in the other thread about this in response to a simmilar post you made.

Harry doesn't want to complete his father's legacy? All Harry has done his entire life is try to live up to his father. He tried involve himself in science and try to find the next "big thing" in scientific inventions, hence why he sought out Otto. He couldn't invent things like his father, but he was still trying to do for Oscorp what his father did. He tried to make Oscorp a successfull buisness, as his father did, he tried to become a sucessfull buisnessman, as his father did, and now he's trying to kill Spider-man, as his father did. For a guy who doesn't want to follow in his dad's footsteps, he sure seems to be doing so.

Harry veiws everything his father has done as the goal he wants to meet, and even rise above.

Now, yes, Norman wore the GG suit because he was nuts. Harry isn't as nuts, but he does have some problems. Seeing your dead father in a mirror definatley isn't normal. But the reason he sees his father in the Mirror is because all his life he's wanted to gain his father's approval. That's why Harry would wear the Goblin costume, and that's why he tries to kill Spider-man. Not simply for revenge, but in his own messed up mind, Harry thinks his father wants him to carry on what his father started.

But, when Harry puts on the Goblin costume, it's not because he's going to go out and kill random people. No, he's not reliving that part of the Goblin legacy, Harry's Goblin is exclusivley the battle between Goblin and Spider. That's why he puts on the costume, because Norman Osborn never had a problem with Spider-man. The Green Goblin fought Spider-man, and to follow in that particular area of his father's legacy, he must become the Goblin to battle Spider-man.

That's the way it was in the comics, and that's just the way I think it should have been in the movie. It obviously won't be, because we know that Harry probably won't wear the suit (again, as I've said, a terrible miss on a treat for us, because that concept art for the GG suit would have been amazing to see on screen) but it's just what I think should have happened.
I know ALOT ALOT about the goblin legacy. I was simply stating we would hear harry laugh if he was the green goblin. harry is different in this film than he is in the comics. in the comics harry died saving his best friend which is what is going to happen in this film. now to me it makes sense harry wouldn't be wearing the goblin costume, if he relives the goblin legacy then he will continue to try to destroy peter. but harry's good side and mary jane helped him fight away the evil so that he doesn't end up like his father.

he starts off like his father but he doesn't end like his father now does he? nope, he dies a hero by saving his best friend which is something Norman never did. when harry starts off wanting to get revenge on peter but after he tries to get back at peter he's still recovering. harry probably is trying to hold back on killing peter....atleast until his father demands him to. now I know harry wants to gain his fathers approval but he fails at it. he doesn't even bother doing it, he turns his back on his father to help his best friend which was the right path to take in my opinion.
Yeah, I think he's going to need a more protective suit and all around it would be cool to see him wear the suit, but it wouldn't be right for him to wear the mask. I just completely misinterpreted your previous post. My bad. Anyways, he should definatly bring back the suit except use it for good and not evil because that's what the real Norman Osborn would have done and not his evil alter ego.
Some people actually want to see the Power Ranger costume back??

Talk about gluttons for punishment :dry:
if you ask me, it wouldn't be a good look for harrys character....especially in the movies but it does work for Norman.
Hate to change the subject but Dafoe was so great as the Goblin. Totally over the top
As much as I hate the paintball mask,I would of hated this mask even more:

Hate to change the subject but Dafoe was so great as the Goblin. Totally over the top
he sure was, his laugh was so creepy and the way he played a split personality was magnificent.

As much as I hate the paintball mask,I would of hated this mask even more:

I remember that concept for the first film. that concept is hideous in my opinion, I mean look at his army color cloths and his batman like ears and......it's just not right.
Those antennas get him radio reception.
I know ALOT ALOT about the goblin legacy. I was simply stating we would hear harry laugh if he was the green goblin. harry is different in this film than he is in the comics. in the comics harry died saving his best friend which is what is going to happen in this film. now to me it makes sense harry wouldn't be wearing the goblin costume, if he relives the goblin legacy then he will continue to try to destroy peter. but harry's good side and mary jane helped him fight away the evil so that he doesn't end up like his father.

he starts off like his father but he doesn't end like his father now does he? nope, he dies a hero by saving his best friend which is something Norman never did. when harry starts off wanting to get revenge on peter but after he tries to get back at peter he's still recovering. harry probably is trying to hold back on killing peter....atleast until his father demands him to. now I know harry wants to gain his fathers approval but he fails at it. he doesn't even bother doing it, he turns his back on his father to help his best friend which was the right path to take in my opinion.

Ah, alright, that was my misinterpretation about the laughing thing.

Now, I want to make it clear that I don't want Harry to die a villian. I've never said that. In the comics he wore a costume and died a hero, I do not see why it should be any different in the movie.

No, Norman did not die a hero, and he wore a Goblin costume. But Harry did die a hero, and he did wear a Goblin costume, so I don't understand why you think Harry won't die a hero if he wears a Goblin costume.

If he wears a Goblin costume, he will still realize at the end that what he's doing is wrong and help peter and die a hero. Wearing a Goblin costume in no way hinders that option. I don't know why you think it would.

Doc Ock= Some people actually want to see the Power Ranger costume back??

Talk about gluttons for punishment :dry:

I don't want to see the old costume back, I want to see the original concept implimented, hence the picture above.

also....that second concept art work is really horrendous. The costume Harry wears now is better then that.
he sure was, his laugh was so creepy and the way he played a split personality was magnificent.

I remember that concept for the first film. that concept is hideous in my opinion, I mean look at his army color cloths and his batman like ears and......it's just not right.

^It's a freakin nightmare that someone actually wanted that to be the actual Goblin costume.
Ah, alright, that was my misinterpretation about the laughing thing.

Now, I want to make it clear that I don't want Harry to die a villian. I've never said that. In the comics he wore a costume and died a hero, I do not see why it should be any different in the movie.

No, Norman did not die a hero, and he wore a Goblin costume. But Harry did die a hero, and he did wear a Goblin costume, so I don't understand why you think Harry won't die a hero if he wears a Goblin costume.

If he wears a Goblin costume, he will still realize at the end that what he's doing is wrong and help peter and die a hero. Wearing a Goblin costume in no way hinders that option. I don't know why you think it would.
well I personally thinl the goblin costume is what symbolizes the evil that came from Normans Green Goblin. I mean if harry is going to help spidey and be on the good side would it really look great for harry to wear the evil suit that everybody fears?

sure harry can wear the goblin costume nd still die a hero but would it exactly look right for wearing an evil representing suit while being a hero? I just don't find it making sense. it works great in the comics but for harry in the movie it just seems odd, but you have your opinion and I have mine:yay:.

^It's a freakin nightmare that someone actually wanted that to be the actual Goblin costume.
I would have died if that was the actual green goblin suit they were going to use for spidey1.
I wonder if were gonna see any new Goblin concept art on the SM3 dvd.
well I personally thinl the goblin costume is what symbolizes the evil that came from Normans Green Goblin. I mean if harry is going to help spidey and be on the good side would it really look great for harry to wear the evil suit that everybody fears?

sure harry can wear the goblin costume nd still die a hero but would it exactly look right for wearing an evil representing suit while being a hero? I just don't find it making sense. it works great in the comics but for harry in the movie it just seems odd, but you have your opinion and I have mine:yay:.

I would have died if that was the actual green goblin suit they were going to use for spidey1.

Yeah. Well, as I posted above, if Harry comes to help Peter in the end of the movie, then yeah, he shouldn't wear the Goblin costume because he's already over being the bad guy. The costume wouldn't be appropriate there, and shouldn't be used that way.

Now, if Harry isn't okay with Pete by the battle Royale, and he's sinking even deeper into his hatred, then I could see him donning the Goblin suit for the battle royal, and then having him realize what he's doing is wrong during the battle and switch and help Pete.

But yeah, it wouldn't make sense for him to wear the costume if he's going to help Spidey. Really, in my above posts I was more making the point that I thought he should have worn the Goblin costume instead of the other costume he has on. In my opinon anyways.
I never really got why people called The Green Goblin's suit a Power Ranger suit.


Clearly there is a difference. I could see if GG's eyes were like Harry's mask, and the suit would be tight green and purple tights, but as you can see they're not. I mean really, it played into the storyline and it wasn't over the top like all the other goblin concepts they had.
^I thought it was fine. It was armored for protection, it was green, and he had a goblin mask. The mask was fine and was very creepy.

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