Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 Thread 2.0 - Part 1

I'd love a MUA3 that was more inline with the first MUA and X-Men Legends.

I'd love a MUA3 more in line with Mass Effect, Marvel is raking in cash big time, their games need to have the same amount of effort that is put in the films.
I want a Marvel/Avengers game with gameplay like inFamous. Give me and some buddies free reign over a full city with all kinds of huge monsters and battles going on.

Altho, i guess i want a Marvel game thats just as good as inFamous period, dont care if its a team up or not.
I want a Marvel/Avengers game with gameplay like inFamous. Give me and some buddies free reign over a full city with all kinds of huge monsters and battles going on.

Altho, i guess i want a Marvel game thats just as good as inFamous period, dont care if its a team up or not.
I dont think free roam is a good idea. A game like this needs some focus and I dont think being that open ended would work well, especially with so many diverse characters. If they brought it down smaller in scale to like 10 or less characters then maybe, but then again limiting the roster could definetly hurt the game

I'd love a MUA3 more in line with Mass Effect, Marvel is raking in cash big time, their games need to have the same amount of effort that is put in the films.
It wouldnt be MuA then if it was like ME. Might as well just create a new franchise, which I dont think is a bad idea. A single player squad based Avengers/Marvel game could work

Playing through ME2, really made me want for a Starjammer game bc I could see it playing like that. Too bad the characters and concept arent big enough to warrent a title, but it definetly would have been an interesting and unexpected way to go. I would envision it being as Havok in the role of Shepard with the rest of the Starjammers as the crew. Visiting different alien planets and races like Skrulls, Phalanx, Kree, Shi'ar, etc....could have been fun especially if they tied it into the larger Marvel Cosmic Universe
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Playing through ME2, really made me want for a Starjammer game bc I could see it playing like that. Too bad the characters and concept arent big enough to warrent a title, but it definetly would have been an interesting and unexpected way to go. I would envision it being as Havok in the role of Shepard with the rest of the Starjammers as the crew. Visiting different alien planets and races like Skrulls, Phalanx, Kree, Shi'ar, etc....could have been fun especially if they tied it into the larger Marvel Cosmic Universe

But then we'd have to play as those crappy Starjammer characters though :p
IMO there was nothing really wrong with the MUA formula. I'd be fine with a sequel in the same style as the first. I just think the second game kinda lost the charm a bit and the character roster was god awful.
IMO there was nothing really wrong with the MUA formula. I'd be fine with a sequel in the same style as the first. I just think the second game kinda lost the charm a bit and the character roster was god awful.

Id like a mix of both, but this time id only like classic avengers. Spidey, Wolvie, fan 4, dd, etc should all be dlc,.
IMO there was nothing really wrong with the MUA formula. I'd be fine with a sequel in the same style as the first. I just think the second game kinda lost the charm a bit and the character roster was god awful.

As long as the characters are as fun to play as in MUA2. In MUA1 almost everyone felt the same.
I barely remember character similarities in MUA1 to be honest, but I can tell you from playing MUA2 the other day the characters very much play the same. Almost every heavy hitter (Thing, Hulk, Juggs, whatev) plays the same with their one ground pound move and one area effect move, etc. and almost all of their fusions are identical: pick up a chunk of the earth and throw it at someone.

I do remember, though, that in MUA1 some characters had tripping moves, some had area effect moves, some had projectiles, some had distance-closing melee moves, etc. Seemed a bit more diverse, but hey, I could be remembering's been, what, 5 years?
I would love a 4 player online co-op free roam game. Give you a whole city, Iron Man, Captain America (Plus motorbike) Hulk and Thor. Helicarrier as hub base, and free roam NY gradually deteriorates due to a Skrull invasion or something.

All I want is a game that can recreate that feeling from the final Avengers city battle scene. MUA just doesn't cut
It. Punching on a bunch of cardboard cut outs with samish characters is just lame now. Either inject something radically different into the MUA formula to catch it up with contemporary games or just try something new.
I dont think free roam is a good idea. A game like this needs some focus and I dont think being that open ended would work well, especially with so many diverse characters. If they brought it down smaller in scale to like 10 or less characters then maybe, but then again limiting the roster could definetly hurt the game

It wouldnt be MuA then if it was like ME. Might as well just create a new franchise, which I dont think is a bad idea. A single player squad based Avengers/Marvel game could work

It could easily work, just not with a roster the size of mua. It's not like mua has any focus itself. The games are as generic as they come. They try to make each character feel different, but the ultimately all feel the same.
I honestly wouldn't mind a small roster, as long as the game itself is as ambitious as inFamous or that canceled THQ Avengers game. And everyone should be absolutely unique. Cap could be like Ezio from Assassin's Creed or maybe stick to the Arkham City type style they already copied for his solo game, Iron Man should play like Jehuty or basically any random Mecha, Hulk, Ultimate Destruction ('nuff said), Thor, well, aerial powerhouse with crowd control abilities due to his weather control. Heck, give him some of Cole's abilities from inFamous. I want to cast down a giant bolt of lightning and fry everything in my path. If they could make a game like that, I'd be ok with 5 characters tops. Though I'd love to have at least 10 different characters.
I've been meaning to pop this in with the hype of Avengers looming, but a busy work load denied me from playing. I'm gonna try to jump on sometime this weekend if anyone would like to join up for some co-op.
360, my g/t is the same as my username is on here. If anyone adds me shoot me a message so I know.
I have always wanted to play these games. But it seems like you can not buy them new anymore
Try ebay. And even if you can't find them new, there are a lot of very good used copies with no scratches.
I'm still bothered that the DLC was limited time only and now I have a bunch of unobtainable achievements. :o
Doesn't the Platinum version come with the DLC characters?
Is the PS3 version still active online? I was going to pick it up for $15 lol
One of my favorite things about MUA1 were the unique grab-throws. Those all but disappeared in MUA2. In the first one, everyone had a unique move, like Dr Strange spinning the opponent in the air, or Invisible Woman turning invisible as she punched them, or Spider Woman venom blasting them, or may favorite Mr Fantastic rolling around womping on an enemy as long as you kept pressing the button.

I really wish a "Gold" edition had been released on the PS3 or PS2. Xbox users got how many new characters, 8?

Or I wish I could mod like on the computer so that I could have crazy characters that they'd never put in the game.



If I had a PC I'd have Anole and Surge and Dust and Elixir on my team...

I loved that characters such as Iron Fist, Black Panther, Psylocke, Songbird, and Magneto were in MUA2. Some of the roster of MUA1 was laughable (Blade, Elektra).

I want the next game to get back to a XML/MUA1 roots while retaining the good things about MUA2 (some of the teamups were legit, the graphics were a lot better).
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I actually liked Blade in the first game. I wouldn't mind seeing a new game with 2's graphics, 1's more fun and loose feel (I was totally okay with an excuse for all the heroes to go everywhere and fight all the villains), and a better line-up of characters. Thanks to the fact that the movie just prints money, a better assortment of classic Avengers would be guaranteed (like in one of the modded screens up there).

They also need to forgo or totally revamp "fusion" attacks. They were so boring and repetitive, and that was coming after a game whose "extreme" attacks all basically ended up as extra-powerful radials.
I think the next game should also give you Extremes and Fusions. It shouldn't be that you always have to rely on a 2nd character, to pull off a powerful move.
I think this series is always doomed to mediocrity and I blame it completely on the fans.

I mean, even here in a hypothetical wishlist of how to improve this series, NO ONE is being ruthless about what was crap and what needed to go. This is why Activision releases the same game everytime, with different little trimmings and gimmicks, because fans will buy it regardless as long as it has their favourite characters in it.

I think this franchise needs to be completely redone, from the ground up. It needs to commit to it's genre, with proper RPG elements, proper dungeon crawler elements and proper, fun, beat em up combat, not a crappy, watered down version of all these things. Combat needs to be more than the same boring 3 combos (stun, pop up, etc) that have been in place since XM Legends and attacks need to feel unique to each character. Less static than just one generic block move and one generic dodge.

Instead of working over the fan service, how about working on giving people a game that is actually polished, deep and rewarding?

Has anyone played the Dynasty Warriors games? They are a deeply flawed series, but the one thing they have always done well is that feeling of just cutting and smashing your way through thousands of enemies. That's what I want, I want to actually FEEL like a superhero, not a river city ransom reject who is painted to look like Spider-Man. In my opinion, the games have NEVER made you feel like a superhero.

The closest I've come to that was in the very first X-Men legends game, when strong characters like colossus could break through walls, Iceman could make ice bridges and flying characters could pick up characters and things like that.
The games arent built to make you feel like a superhero; its made to make you feel like a team

I wouldnt blame the fans for its shortcomings. Thats a crock and its purely on the developers. I thought XML2 was great and they should have expanded upon that but they kept moving away from it with the following 2 games. Less RPG, less customization and simplified across the board

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