Sequels MCU X-Men storylines

professor x has been dead in the comics for years, so maybe they could lead up to that

Some astral plane craziness maybe?
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yeah, using phantomex's body, i read that on marvel unlimited. I really enjoyed everything but that
I wish they would do something with Charles other than killing him off, bringing him back, killing him off again and repeat
Fans joke all the time about how many times Jean has cheated death, but honestly she's got nothing on Charles.

Looking back on the animated series, I always felt it was a cop-out that they didn't just let Xavier die in the finale, instead having Lilandra scoop him up. If the X-Men storyline develops organically, eventually Xavier has to go while the X-Men carry on his legacy. But because the comics have no need to, y'know, end, stuff like that tends to just come back around again.
I wish they would do something with Charles other than killing him off, bringing him back, killing him off again and repeat
leaving him out of one movie.
that would be quite a fresh option lol.
That is so funny. I guess coming back from the dead is quite common for a lot of comic book characters.
Marvel Comics is literally running out of ideas and just keep recycling things.
That's why writing Emma Frost into the X-Men team in the 2000s and splitting Cyclops from the X-Men in 2012 is kinda cool.

They need to be bold enough to do stuff like that. Transforming characters, bringing new characters in, etc. And it's okay to bring people back from the dead, it's all about trial and error, right?
IMO, I'd go with this

Phase 4 (extended past the current 5-year plan)
Avengers: Kang Dyansty (Would set up a dystopian future ruled by Apocalypse)
Uncanny X-Men
Deadpool: A Whole New World
X-Treme X-Men
Ultimate Extinction

Phase 5
Wolverine: Ground Zero
Uncanny X-Men: Fall of the Mutants
Deadpool 2
X-Treme X-Men: The Brood Saga
X-Factor 2
Avengers: Secret Invasion
X-Cutioner's Song

Phase 6
Wolverine: The Truth
X-Force 2
Deadpool 3
X-Factor 3
Avengers: Siege
X-Men: Messiah Complex
Avengers vs. X-Men
Age of Apocalypse
House of M
Secret Wars

Eternals - The ending would need the Eternals to announce that the Celestials gifted Humanity long ago and humanity is now evolving into them. Naturally, most of humanity isn't delighted but horrified.

Wolverine - 1st film is an adaptation of The Lazarus Project which replaces Pinnochio with Omega Red. It's a Southeast Asian Gangster film which morphs into a vampire film with Logan tormented by flashbacks of a doctor with a West Country upper-class English accent performing some sort of experiments on him which are triggered by him running into Maverick. Maverick mentions that he doesn't fully remember either but he remembers hearing "Alkelai Lake" and that somebody named Xavier is putting a team together in upstate New York. Omega Red keeps talking about Afghanistan in the 1980s and how he's hated Logan for a LONG time. The second film is based on The Shiva Scenario, Nightmare Quest and Hulk's Ground Zero arc. Logan and Maverick head to the Alkelai Lake facility where they fight off Shiva only to encounter Alpha Flight. Wolverine says that he learned that Mac's uncle experimented on him and asks how long he's been lying to him. After a fight between Wolverine and Alpha Flight, Mac calls for backup and Logan has to fight off the Hulk. Hulk and Logan manage to fight each other to a stalemate and Mac says to head to Las Vegas to find out more about what Weapon X are up to since that's where he last met one of their scientists. Logan and Maverick part ways while Hulk joins Logan. When Wolverine and Hulk find a secret Weapon X base inside Area 51, Leader detonates a Gamma Bomb which stuns Wolverine for a few minutes but transforms the Hulk into a new grey form who doesn't recognize Logan and runs off. The new Hulk is named Joe Fixit, lives on the couch of Rick and Marlo Jones and works as a Casino bouncer having next to no responsibility. Logan looks up who can bring back the Hulk's old personas and tracks down Betty Ross and Doc Samson who have long since gotten divorced. The hope is that Joe/Hulk may still have a connection to Betty or may at least listen to him and that can get Samson to hypnotize the Hulk and bring out his old personalities. One of the Area 51 soldiers is now named Half-Life and another is named Flux and they serves the Leader while most of the personnel are now radioactive zombie soldiers who are brainlessly obedient to the Weapon X project. Hulk doesn't recognize Betty so she gets Logan to deliberately cheat at cards which summons Hulk to kick him out and that's a long enough time for Logan to fight Hulk a second time and manages to subdue him. Samson hypnotizes Hulk and gets him to suppress Joe and bring back Bruce, Hulk and The Professor and the latter is notably angry. The scene would be shot as a therapy session in Hulk's mind with the four Hulk personas and Doc Samson sitting down. The Professor is back and he teams with Logan so the two of them can head out to fight Leader and they bring Samson in tow. Maverick also returns without any warning. This time around, Hulk shapeshifts into his various forms throughout the third act and manages to defeat various irradiated troops. Samson gets irradiated himself by Half-Life which turns his hair green and gives him super strength so he can defeat Half-Life. Hulk and Wolverine manage to defeat Flux before they confront the Leader who claims that Hulk's blood made him the man he is today and he plans on turning the population of the entire world into gamma beasts. Hulk just replies with, "Mr. Blue, you looks different. Your head used to be a lot smaller... and you weren't GREEN." The Leader mentions being new to Weapon X and that Logan should simply let him get away with his forced evolution plan since the men he REALLY wants are Dr. Essex and Victor Creed. Logan doesn't want to hear it and manages to defeat Leader with a single punch. Hulk asks Logan if he wants to join the Avengers and proposes to Betty. Rick and Marlo also get a room in Avengers HQ because they have a spare one. Post-credits scenes are Logan joining the Avengers and General Ross hearing from Leader in custody that he's perfected the super soldier process and a patriot like himself should be VERY interested. Wolverine 3 would be about Logan finally getting all and answers to his past and meeting Sinister and Sabretooth as well as Donald Pierce and the Reavers. Pierce, Deathstrike, Bonebreaker and the other Reavers are defeated and Logan meets his daughter X-23 who he hands off to Emma Frost in Boston to be trained as an X-Man but Sinister and Sabretooth manage to escape to set up the Messian Complex movie. Maverick dies and Silver Fox is introduced as a new ally to Logan who is actually working for HYDRA and also dies.

Uncanny X-Men - Cyclops, Storm, Jean Grey, Beast, Bishop, Thunderbird, Magneto, Gambit, Rogue, Psylocke and Archangel. Archangel and Psylocke leave in the second film and then join X-Force, Gambit and Rogue join in the second film. Thunderbird dies in the first film. Wolverine is also part of the team for the 1st film but then gets his own team. Storylines adapted would be a combination of Mutant Genesis, Fatal Attractions E is for Extinction where Magneto appears to be the villain but it's really Fabian Cortez and then Cassandra Nova reimagined as a mutant-hating General who launches a missile strike at Avalon and kills millions of mutants. Magneto would be changed from a Holocaust survivor to a veteran of the 1980s Lebanon War who lost his family in the Second Intifada in the 2000s. Second film would be an adaptation of Fall of the Mutants and Endgame where Cyclops and Jean are parents of a baby Nathan Summers who gets infected with the Techno-Organic virus. Archangel is now Apocalypse's horseman of death alongside Sugar Man (Pestilence), Fabian Cortez (War) and Holocaust (Famine). Holocause and Sugar Man kidnap Nathan. After killing Cortez, Apocalypse tries to lure Magneto to his side while Psylocke tries to get Archangel to come to his senses. Archangel betrays Apocalypse and Magneto naturally isn't interested in Apocalypse's plans to round humans up in extermination camps while Cyclops defeats Apocalypse by taking off his visor and blasting him with a full-power optic blast. Nathan is infected with the transmode virus and will have to be kept in cryogenic storage until Beast can come up with a cure. Apocalypse lies on his hands and knees and tells Scott that he is among the strong and he is ready to die. Scott just says that Apocalypse is going to The Raft instead because, "that's not our way." Apocalypse's ship crashes into New York and gives the X-Men a second HQ in Central Park.

X-Treme X-Men - Wolverine, Shadowcat, Colossus, Cecelia Reyes, Iceman, Captain Marvel, Omega Sentinel, Warpath and Nightcrawler. Rogue and Bishop would be part of this team for the first film. Cassandra Nova, Master Mold, Bolivar Trask and Nimrod are the villains. Omega Sentinel joins the team at the Sentinel factory in India. Trask thinks that the Sentinels will simply police mutants and doesn't realize that they were created to wipe them out. Nimrod and Master Mold's programming is revealed to merge after the credits into one of the abducted humans converted into a Sentinel. Nova dies. Rogue absorb's Carol's powers after Carol is called in to defend Master Mold and stop the X-Men. After her powers are stolen, Carol tries to fight Nimrod and gets injured and is in a full body cast in the X-Mansion when she's welcomed onto the team. Stories adapted are Night of the Sentinels and various Sentinel stories over the years. Second film is based on The Brood Saga and the Ms. Marvel stories from Brian Reed's run involving Cru and The Brood. The end of the film has the X-Men convince the Starjammers to come to Earth so that Corsair may meet his sons.

X-Factor - Mystique, Havok, Forge, Polaris, Shatterstar, Layla Miller, Rictor, Strong Guy, Val Cooper, Darwin and Multiple Man. X-Factor is a government-run team of superheroes assembled after Project Wideawake's failure from the first X-Treme X-Men film. The knowledge that Sentinels aren't the answer gets Val Cooper and Mystique to bring together superheroes accountable to the public who unlike the Avengers and X-Men are designed to protect American interests. The first film revolves around Shatterstar with Spiral and Mojo as villains. The second film introduces Layla Miller and has the Children of the Vault as villains. The third film is what I'm drawing blanks on but I'm guessing Graydon Creed with Rogue and Nightcrawler guest starring.

X-Force - After the second Uncanny film, Archangel is now a fugitive and Psylocke chose to travel with him instead of with the X-Men. They've teamed up with Cable, Domino, Siryn, Deadpool and Fantomex. First film is about X-Force fighting Black Tom and Juggernaut at first before realizing the Genesis/Tolliver/Tyler Dayspring and his Dark Riders are the real villains. Second film is an adaptation of X-Tinction Agenda with Cameron Hodge as the villain who naturally gets infected by the Phalanx.

First big crossover is X-Cutioner's Song. After the first X-Force film, we see the Avengers team up with both X-Men teams, X-Force, the Fantastic Four and X-Factor and fight off Stryfe. Stryfe is Cable's perfected clone who ruled over the world after killing Apocalypse and then eventually destroyed it when he learned that Cable was going to travel back in time to stop him by killing Apocalypse. Apocalypse manages to team up with the heroes when Stryfe is revealed to have traveled back in time. Stryfe is shown to be powerful enough to split planets in two with his powers and have absolutely no mercy for anyone. Just a figure of pure evil who's entire motivation is power for himself and a desire to kill a frozen baby Cable since he would rather have never lived than live in a future where he won't rule. Stryfe is defeated when Cyclops uses a time vortex grenade to defeat Stryfe when he's standing over a defeated Cable which allows Cable to fight him across time and space and eventually Stryfe and Cable land in medieval France where Apocalypse has been manipulating the downfall of the Cathars but his power is waning and he must drain a new host body. Stryfe's defeated self lies before Apocalypse as Cable timeslides back to the present.

Both film series, X-Factor and X-Force merge for Messiah Complex which would be based on Messiah Complex, Mutant Massacre and Inferno. In Bishop's future, one of the X-Men will betray the others which will cause the downfall of mutantkind after a child with nearly unlimited power falls into Mr. Sinister's hands. This is naturally after the third Wolverine film. Sinister and the Marauders (including Sabretooth) kill off the Morlocks introduced in the second Uncanny film and take one of their children with him. The X-Men are slow to respond to the massacre but see Sabretooth escape with the kid. The suspects for the traitor to the X-Men are Magneto, Wolverine, Gambit, Xavier, Bishop, Warpath and Rogue. I'd throw in as many red herrings as possible with foreshadowing of Xavier becoming Onslaught but Bishop and Wolverine are talked down and forced to help the X-Men defend the child. Cable has a team-up with everyone and eventually take the girl and raises her in the future. X-Force's own Domino, Deadpool and Fantomex were created by Weapon X which makes the fight against Sinister personal for all involved. Cyclops defeats Sinister by hitting him with a blast so hard, only his bones remain. Sinister reveals that he's the one who ensured that Cyclops and Jean would join the X-Men in the hope that they would breed the perfect child and is ashamed that Cable's techno-organic virus prevent him from being, "the perfect being." Wolverine fights and kills Sabretooth who reveals that he was Wolverine's closest friend since the 19th Century. Sinister is actually the one who even played a role on Captain America's origin, he helped assemble the Avengers to stop Thanos, he assembled the X-Men to stop Apocalypse, he's been behind every single major event in the MCU and the heroes have only gotten this far because he's allowed it. With his death, time appears to be restored. After the credits, we see that there are actually two traitors, Wolverine and Carol who both have plans to eliminate the X-Men if they go rogue or wind up in conflict with the Avengers or X-Factor.

This leads immediately into Avengers vs. X-Men. The Avengers and Fantastic Four get word of Cable returning to the Present with an adult Hope right as the Phoenix Force arrives on Earth to cause Bishop's horrible future. Except Bishop and Cable's meddling manages to cause the Phoenix Force to merge with Jean instead of Hope. After the X-Men and X-Force refuse to surrender Hope or Jean to the Avengers, The Avengers and Fantastic Four attack and Wolverine and Captain Marvel from within decide to decimate the X-Men themselves. Carol fights Jean while Logan kills Xavier in his sleep. After Carol thinks she killed Jean, she resurrects as the Dark Phoenix while Xavier comes back as a psionic entity called Onslaught. The Dark Phoenix is stopped by the combined might of the heroes, particularly Cyclops who apologizes to Jean before landing the final blow against her right before Onslaught surfaces and begins killing almost every hero in the Marvel Universe. The only survivors are Bishop who lies in tears knowing that his attempts to change the past have only managed to kill the very heroes he once idolized and created an even worse future, Val Cooper who calls the military in for backup, Scarlet Witch who was tempted by images of a reality in which her brother still lives by Doctor Doom and Magneto who offers one final stand against Onslaught. Magneto, the one who has always been a reluctant X-Man and has been the most willing to criticize Xavier's dream of peaceful coexistence is now the last vestige of that dream. He notes the irony and demands that Xavier stop. It's no use and Wanda is forced to watch Xavier kill her father. Wanda's only hope now is to shatter reality and give in to Doom's temptations to escape to another universe. Reality ends as Wanda tells Xavier that she'll never let him win. This kicks off a trilogy of films which manage to soft-reboot the entire MCU.

Epilogue 1 - Age of Apocalypse
Wanda destroyed all reality and she and Bishop remain only to see a world in ruins run by Apocalypse himself. Where those with powers have planned to exterminate those without them. Vision is bonded with Cerebro and used to track humans down so that Captain America can infiltrate their communities and slaughter them which shocks Wanda until she learns that Vision willingly merged with Ultron and now wonders why Wanda would want to save humanity and she comes to the realization that even though she has her brother back, she's lost her love for Vision. Tony Stark leads a rebellion alongside Doctor Doom against many of the heroes who we have come to love now depicted as utter monsters while Colossus is a remorseless rebel leader who defected against Apocalypse and fully willing to kill his own underlings and Captain America serves as the leader of a squad of super soldiers tasked with hunting down and killing anyone Apocalypse deems, "weak." Wanda manages to meet with her brother Pietro again who claims that he's fighting alongside their father who leads the only true group of heroes left in the world, the X-Men. After Apocalypse killed Xavier, Magneto now leads the X-Men with his wife Rogue. Except in this world, Wanda is dead. Bishop remains with all his memories because he never existed in this reality. Together they must get the X-Men to ally with Tony and Victor's Avengers and rally them to defeat Apocalypse once and for all except by the time Magneto kills Apocalypse, he's mortally wounded and remains the only hero standing as Wanda watches in horror and nuclear weapons are about to be used on Apocalypse's capital of Cairo. Bishop tells Wanda that she must do it again, she must shatter this reality as well which leads to

Epilogue 2 - House of M
In this reality. Wanda is a princess who has the memories of her MCU self and herself in this reality. It's a world in which those with powers rule over those without them. A world where mutants and aliens are appreciated for their gifts instead of hated and feared. Where Asgard has its own embassy. Where the X-Men are seen as true heroes and the Avengers are the ones regulating the public instead of having to register with the government. Except... humans are now seen as lesser and the Black Widow is the one who wants things to return to the way things were before the world's heroes took over. Magneto simply presents himself as a benevolent dictator of the world but even with world peace, most of the world's population consists of second-class citizens. Wanda realizes that this is HER perfect world but it isn't for anyone else and Bishop is the one who gets her to sacrifice her dream and her perfect reality to create a new world before things went wrong to avert the Avengers taking action against the Phoenix Force but where Quicksilver lives. Right as Wanda is about to do so, Doctor Doom from the original MCU hijacks her spell and claims that she has simply been a useful pawn until now and shatters not just this new reality but shows Wanda how many realities he himself has destroyed. Doom in most worlds is known as Rabum Alal, the one who will destroy the world. And now he will destroy Wanda's paradise. Enter..

Epilogue 3 - Secret Wars
Battleworld. Not what Doom actually wanted. Doom wanted to resurrect all realities, including those Wanda destroyed so he may rule over all existence as God. But a cosmic entity has managed to get in the way. The Beyonder has been manipulating all the Dooms to make them end countless realities and Doom thought he was manipulating Wanda but didn't understand that he himself was being manipulated. He's hardly pleased by this as the Beyonder tells him that he can't give him infinite power. Doom asks the Beyonder what it would take to allow him his dream of godhood. The Beyonder tells Doom that his ambition must match the resolve of those who would stand against him and if he is not fit to rule, then he will be overthrown. Among Doom's forces lie Baron Zemo and his Thunderbolts who the Beyonder informs are wildcards who must either give up their dream of world domination to serve Doom or they must join forces with those who have stopped them from ruling. A world in which the MCU's heroes and villains are resurrected to fight in Battleworld to stop Doom with the Thunderbolts allying with the heroes to defeat various villains to cause the rebirth of their world. Cosmic entities like Eternity, Dormammu and Galactus join in the final battle to fight Doom before Doom faces down Reed Richards who has been cosmically empowered by Galactus and now wield the Power Cosmic. Doom watches as his forces are routed and the combined forces of Reed and Zemo have given the now cosmic Reed the upper hand after Beyonder depowers Doom as Reed asks Wanda to being back the old worth with, "a few minor adjustments." The new world resembles the MCU but with classic heroes and villains who perished resurrected. Wanda hugs Pietro as they stand atop Avengers Tower and smile at the new world created, one which promises to not make the mistakes of the old one.
Oh well they’re going to happen eventually, although I’m not sure what other subject matter there is to cover
I really don't want to see Wolverine solo films.
Nothing about the idea for Messiah Complex leading into AvX, leading into AoA, which leads into HoM which finally culminates in Secret Wars? I want to see Reed kill Doom and be the last living being in existence and then plead with the Beyonder to create a, "world of hope" which leads to all the fallen heroes be resurrected.
I'm fine with the Wolverine appearing in team X-Men and Avengers movies, but another solo trilogy??? I feel like Marvel Stud10s should just dedicate their time/money on more X-Men ensembles than mutant solos.
I'd only want a Wolverine solo if it meant having him fight Hulk, and they can do that in a bigger team movie like they did with the Hulkbuster.
I'd only want a Wolverine solo if it meant having him fight Hulk, and they can do that in a bigger team movie like they did with the Hulkbuster.
See above. Wolverine 2 would be a Wolverine/Hulk team-up. Hulk appears at the end of the 1st act and the 2nd Act is more Hulk's story than Logan's.
Had this idea: Remember that thing where two mutants who are closely related (like the Summers brothers) are immune to each other's powers?

Say Magneto shows up in the MCU. Wanda gets to be part of the team that fights him. They get the helmet off, and Wanda zaps him in the head with her hex powers like she did throughout 'Age of Ultron,' see if they can stop him that way. doesn't work. And that would be the first clue that they're related.
Didn't they end up not being related in the comics recently
Yeah, they separated them out because of the movie rights being split up. I could give a damn what the comics do, but the MCU will have all the ingredients to do what the Fox-Men films wouldn't or couldn't.
well, I do love the way Magneto became a sovereign nation and I do love Genosha as well.

Recently got my hands on Xmen 1991 #32 from Mexico where Marvel's presenting selections of several properties as "origins" stories and what I found for X-Men is mostly 1991 issues. #32 features Psylocke dealing with some identity issues with Archangel by her side and Angel a few issues earlier was still just Angel so I feel like this is probably the most relevant X-Men run of all time.
I'll never forget in the first episode of "Wolverine and the X-Men", they show that Magneto rules Genosha and touts it as a safe haven for mutants (spoiler: it doesn't last). I'd love to see them get to that point.
I enjoyed that show. I was hoping we’d get season 2 someday
Honestly I have no interesting in magneto not being the father. I will believe that to the day I die
at this point i don't see them keeping elizabeth olsen on board by the time the x-men appear, maybe they'd recast her and quicksilver for that.

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