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Iron Man 2 OFFICIAL: Rate & Review Iron Man 2

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In SuperHero sequels the hero or hero's have already established themselves,people are aware of them and their heroics and now look to them as saviors even role models,but their identities remain secret.
The unique thing about Tony Stark/Iron Man the general populace of earth knows he's Iron Man.So of course this sets up a ton of troubles,for Stark
The government wants his armor,rivals want to one up him.
Aside from that the palladium that powers his suit and keeps his ticker going is slowly killing him.
First things first does the sequel surpass the original?....No
But still the film is not without its charm and hard action.
Robert Downey Jr still has the swagger,hipness,and conceit we expect from Stark.
Don Cheadle was ok as James Rhodes/War Machine enjoyed the banter between him and Downey
Gwyneth Paltrow as Pepper Potts i enjoyed every scene she had with Downey
Scarlett Johannsen was sexy and super serious as Black Widow,i wish they hadnt cut the scenes in which she loosens up a bit.
Im happy that they included Happy Hogan (Jon Favreau) more in the goings on because he's such a big part of the Iron Man circle in the comics
The Villains,i liked Mickey Rourke as Whiplash but his action sequences are far to short
Sam Rockwell starts out ok as Justin Hammer,but then heads for the land of obnoxious.
The pacing of the film was a bit off this time ,a bit to talky, now i dont mind talky when we are getting to the core of a character,or there's a deep emotional moment going on,but so many scenes between Whiplash and Hammer felt repetitive i started to yawn.
Not sure when we will see a third Iron Man film,since Thor and Captain America are next on the menu but im looking forward to where the story goes.
Scale of 1-10 an 8
It was pretty much what I expected, a nice little jaunt. Downey Jr is good in the role but it lacked a particularly strong plot. The Black Widow bits were smashing though.
My opionion was that it was an average movie. It did have it's good moments, (Like the intial fight between Tony and Whiplash Dynamo) but the fight between Rhodey and Tony was stupid IMO. The ending was a little let down. It felt more like a video-game (Beat this mass of goons before facing the boss) then a movie. And then the "Boss" fight was too quick.
I'm still stunned by some of the hating on this movie. I mean, overall, this movie was very well received but there's always that small, but loud group that have to **** on everything people like. It's one thing to dislike it, that's totally cool, but to be so venomous over it is absurd.

There's people complaining that it was just a mindless CGI-extravaganza, then say the fight scenes were too short. Huh? Then there's the really technical film studies students who judge it on trivial technicalities like "well it's fun and funny and cool but Hammer's more of a brains-type and Vanko is behind the scenes the whole time so you never get a real feeling that Stark is in danger other than the poisoning which goes away midway so therefore it's not a good movie like the first" while the first one had just as much, if not less of a looming threat in Stane. Also the argument makes no sense in general.

But probably the worst complaint I've heard is that Stark goes through regression. Nuh uh. We love Stark in the first because he's a dick. It's what made him different than all the other superhero movies and why people flocked to it. The bully gets the power for once and it's fun to watch. Not to mention how much more realistic it is to have someone who is a dick remain one. Like RDJ himself said filming the first, it's not fun seeing the hero turn into a generic Dudley Do-Right just because he starts saving lives, if someone's an ******* and has a change of heart, he should at least maintain a sense of humor. So at the end of the movie, Stark disobeys very specific orders from a big organization to get some attention and we applaud him for it. Movie over. That line- "I am Iron Man," is pretty much a set-up for this movie. It tells us he's ego is very much not in check and that everyone knows who he is and that that's a big deal. In case you forget about this, they recap it AT THE START OF THIS MOVIE. Then we revisit him in his awesome self-indulgent appearance at Stark Expo, a scene where while he is egotistical, he's very clearly playing it up for the crowd and for fun. So that complaint makes absolutely zero sense to me.

I think some people just like to **** on things that are popular. The first had no expectations, this one did, so they sat and they waited to find its flaws (it of course isn't flawless, no movie is) and nitpick the **** out of it. Like I said, if some people didn't enjoy the movie, so be it. I understand, different strokes for different folks. But don't be a little ***** and **** all over something other people like to fill your booming ego. And this doesn't just go for this movie, BUT ALL MOVIES!


But alas, no matter what you just gotta remember,
I think some people just like to **** on things that are popular. The first had no expectations, this one did, so they sat and they waited to find its flaws (it of course isn't flawless, no movie is) and nitpick the **** out of it. Like I said, if some people didn't enjoy the movie, so be it. I understand, different strokes for different folks. But don't be a little ***** and **** all over something other people like to fill your booming ego. And this doesn't just go for this movie, BUT ALL MOVIES!

I noticed months ago that this was true. People went intending to nitpick for all sorts of different reasons. Makes me no nevermind. I enjoyed IM2 quite a bit.

In fact, I just got back from seeing Inception and I honestly think Iron Man 2 is the better all-around film. However, I'm glad I avoided hating the Nolanite crowd that bashed IM2 for their own end. I went to Inception with an open mind and enjoyed the film very much. Two excellent summer films. One works one way and one the other but both make my top three of the year so far. It's too bad that others missed the joy of a good film because they were determined to hate.
I think its pretty pathetic to hate on something just because one loves something else. It makes no sense. The good thing about being a fan is, that your not legally bound to just one specific entity. I love spidey, supes, batman, Ironman, hulk, I love them all, especially when donen right but to prejudge and say something will suck and never be as good as something else just comes off as asinine.
A solid 9 for me!,I just wish it had more action,....But I pretty much enjoyed it all!.

Instant Blu-Ray purchase for me on day 1!,Like IM1.
My opionion was that it was an average movie. It did have it's good moments, (Like the intial fight between Tony and Whiplash Dynamo) but the fight between Rhodey and Tony was stupid IMO. The ending was a little let down. It felt more like a video-game (Beat this mass of goons before facing the boss) then a movie. And then the "Boss" fight was too quick.

Isnt this how most action movies, esp comic book movies end?
even lord of the rings and starwars ended that way to an extent. (the ring was the boss in lotr and the emperor and death star, maybe even darth vader in starwars.)
I gave it a 9. It dragged a little and could've used some more action. But still a good movie IMO
Its a pity IRON MAN 2 was only half the movie IRON MAN was, real pity, too many plot holes and stupid bits! : (
The first time I saw this I thought it was generally cool, but overall it left me sort of meh.

Last night though I watched it for free on an inflatable screen on SLU's quad and liked it a lot more. Perhaps it was just because it was free though.
I do think that there were some obvious missed opportunities imho for Iron man 2. I think that it was somewhat unbelievable that Tony had not had an assassination attempt on his life happen to him sooner and by random crazed ppl before the Race Track incident. I mean they could have really dived into the whole topic on how Tony has to practically be more careful now that everyone knows that he's iron man, and given that iron man makes a lot of enemies, it's hard for me to think that no one would try and take a sniper shot at tony when he isn't in his iron man suit, let alone not try to break into his house and at least attempt to get his suits.

I also think that Ivan should have been written to perhaps find someway to discredit Iron man even further before they're final encounter at the end by targeting Stark Industries buildings and even attack those who Tony views closest to him. This could have led to Tony trying to further push ppl away in the hopes of trying to protect him.
good, not great.

war machine was gnarly.

the first movie was more enjoyable.
I'm still stunned by some of the hating on this movie. I mean, overall, this movie was very well received but there's always that small, but loud group that have to **** on everything people like. It's one thing to dislike it, that's totally cool, but to be so venomous over it is absurd.

There's people complaining that it was just a mindless CGI-extravaganza, then say the fight scenes were too short. Huh? Then there's the really technical film studies students who judge it on trivial technicalities like "well it's fun and funny and cool but Hammer's more of a brains-type and Vanko is behind the scenes the whole time so you never get a real feeling that Stark is in danger other than the poisoning which goes away midway so therefore it's not a good movie like the first" while the first one had just as much, if not less of a looming threat in Stane. Also the argument makes no sense in general.

But probably the worst complaint I've heard is that Stark goes through regression. Nuh uh. We love Stark in the first because he's a dick. It's what made him different than all the other superhero movies and why people flocked to it. The bully gets the power for once and it's fun to watch. Not to mention how much more realistic it is to have someone who is a dick remain one. Like RDJ himself said filming the first, it's not fun seeing the hero turn into a generic Dudley Do-Right just because he starts saving lives, if someone's an ******* and has a change of heart, he should at least maintain a sense of humor. So at the end of the movie, Stark disobeys very specific orders from a big organization to get some attention and we applaud him for it. Movie over. That line- "I am Iron Man," is pretty much a set-up for this movie. It tells us he's ego is very much not in check and that everyone knows who he is and that that's a big deal. In case you forget about this, they recap it AT THE START OF THIS MOVIE. Then we revisit him in his awesome self-indulgent appearance at Stark Expo, a scene where while he is egotistical, he's very clearly playing it up for the crowd and for fun. So that complaint makes absolutely zero sense to me.

I think some people just like to **** on things that are popular. The first had no expectations, this one did, so they sat and they waited to find its flaws (it of course isn't flawless, no movie is) and nitpick the **** out of it. Like I said, if some people didn't enjoy the movie, so be it. I understand, different strokes for different folks. But don't be a little ***** and **** all over something other people like to fill your booming ego. And this doesn't just go for this movie, BUT ALL MOVIES!


But alas, no matter what you just gotta remember,
I'm still stunned by some of the hating on this movie. I mean, overall, this movie was very well received but there's always that small, but loud group that have to **** on everything people like. It's one thing to dislike it, that's totally cool, but to be so venomous over it is absurd.

That will happen with every movie. I've seen the same thing for Kick Ass on IMDB.

Just check out the ratings above. 70% gave it an 8 or higher. That says it's a really good movie that most people liked a lot.
Slighty O/T (sorry)... but did anyone else really enjoy the part of the score that plays when Tony's watching the tape of his dad telling him how he built the Stark Expo model for him... the score in that scene really stands out, it's just... wow. :)
Watched this on blu ray today and I enjoyed it much more my second viewing. 7-8/10.
I'm confused how I rate the film.

I thought it was kind of a mess, it didn't really know it's tone. No one, except RDJ, really got the screentime they deserved. All the characters had the beginnings of a cool arc that didn't really follow through, save for Happy and Natasha. Happy was stuck between being an actual character and I wouldve liked him to actually have a role because I like seeing Faverau act. And ScarJo/Natasha was...bad. I thought her acting was stiff and that her character was actually the most unnecessary and the whole she's a spy thing was meh. Rockwell was good as Hammer, but Hammer who was really just a jealous wuss, wasn't that good of a villain, which was sad because Rockwell did deliver a really good performance

The action was good; but way too short, there were a couple of things that had me scratching my head, the whole SHIELD/Howard Stark thing could have been dropped, and honestly I just didn't have as much fun watching this one as I did the last one or even TIH.

In short: The action, characters, plot all had strong beginnings but felt underused/unfinished.

I agree with your feelings. The first IM was great, TIH was good, and IM2 was just "meh". I hope this isn't a continuing trend with Marvel studios films. By the time we get to Avengers, it will rank alongside Elektra. :wow:
The costumed, leather-clad consorting in the diner was ridiculous.

It was at first but on second viewing I caught the dialogue between Fury and Black Widow as she's entering and because they're SHIELD, he was able to clear the place out of customers and workers. I forget the actual dialogue but it would have been cheesy and or ridiculous if they were both sitting there while people are being served donuts.
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