Sasha Calle is Supergirl

Oh dont give me that.
As if they cared that much so far.
Be it nolan Or snyder or anybody Else.

I mean ****, drax skin is in the comics Green But i havent seen marvel Fans Lose it over this top much.
But here we are at dc and people whine because supergirl isnt blonde.
Ignoring how god damn accurate she looks to the injustice Version they might go for in the first place.

I think DC movies should stay as far way from "Injustice " as possible. Her looking accurate to some alternate version in a badly drawn and written unheroic tie-in Comic to a video Game, isnt anything I as a Comic Book fan want to automaticly cheer on.

Its completely fine not to embrace and love everything Hollywood adapts from books and comics .

I dont think that Supergirl costume looks particulary great. The fake muscles look dumb.I showed the image to a civilian friend who thought it looked like "Spider-Man with Henry Cavill S logo ". But it might look better in the film, and I have no ideal how the girl is as an actress.
It's not like the most interesting comics are those that tried something else, and those that stick to the usual patterns are garbage that you will not remember about a year later.
Oh you mean when Melissas contract came up, she just had a baby and doesnt enjoy being based out Vancouver?

And CW Supergirl's ratings plummeted. I understand that there are cheaper to produce shows on CW with even lower ratings, but for a show with SG's budget.. it obviously didn't make business sense to continue it. This was a corporate decision. Just like the cancellation of Black Lightning.

Or the fact that you forget that Supergirl has been around 6 years, is shown on Netflix AROUND THE WORLD, and the Arrowverse brings in over 1billion a year. The Arrowverse shows perform extremly on streaming but you can try to downplay it all you want.

Back in the early 2000s, you'd find people claiming Tom Welling was the definitive Superman for this generation supposedly, and his show was far more successful than CW's niche Supergirl show, and actually had mainstream cultural appeal for it's early run.
It even got to the point where there were embarrassing 'Tom Welling for Superman' campaigns, and people harassing WB well into the later part of that decade...

Then Smallville ended.. and a few years later, (aside from the hardcore obsessive nerd-base in the vast minority) nobody cared about him or his version of 'Supes.' Benoist will be forgotten even faster; just being realistic. There will obviously be certain obsessive pockets of Twitter weirdos that will still be fans (like the shippers), but Sasha Calle basically has free reign to claim the title of definitive Supergirl portrayal here. She's gonna have major exposure with the reach of a major motion picture debut, and more to come. Even the marketing alone for a project like this.. is on a completely different level than the CW.

I'm not saying I want this Sasha Calle version to be the current mainstream's first exposure to 'Supergirl'... but realistically, that's probably what will happen.

Its completely fine not to embrace and love everything Hollywood adapts from books and comics .

And WB/DC's track record for consistency and quality isn't so good, to say the least. We all know the corporate shenanigans that go on behind the scenes. This is a very executive-driven movie from the Hamada regime.
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Liking what I'm seeing so far both from fan theory & visuals if accurate. :up:

From a suit perspective I like that they've went with a MoS themed suit, the only thing I'm not liking is there is so much blue from the logo down. I'd have liked if there was some red or yellow to break it up. Wouldn't even have to be full on red boots, even some red line accents that signify the start or top of the boot would probably suffice.
Another possibility that people seem to be speculating about..

Could she be a gender-bent Kal-El?


Because of Flash and the multiverse.. and all that stuff.
And CW Supergirl's ratings plummeted. I understand that there are cheaper to produce shows on CW with even lower ratings, but for a show with SG's budget.. it obviously didn't make business sense to continue it. This was a corporate decision. Just like the cancellation of Black Lightning.

Back in the early 2000s, you'd find people claiming Tom Welling was the definitive Superman for this generation supposedly, and his show was far more successful than CW's niche Supergirl show, and actually had mainstream cultural appeal for it's early run.
It even got to the point where there were embarrassing 'Tom Welling for Superman' campaigns, and people harassing WB well into the later part of that decade...

Then Smallville ended.. and a few years later, (aside from the hardcore obsessive nerd-base in the vast minority) nobody cared about him or his version of 'Supes.' Benoist will be forgotten even faster; just being realistic. There will obviously be certain obsessive pockets of Twitter weirdos that will still be fans (like the shippers), but Sasha Calle basically has free reign to claim the title of definitive Supergirl portrayal here. She's gonna have major exposure with the reach of a major motion picture debut, and more to come. Even the marketing alone for a project like this.. is on a completely different level than the CW.

I'm not saying I want this Sasha Calle version to be the current mainstream's first exposure to 'Supergirl'... but realistically, that's probably what will happen.

And WB/DC's track record for consistency and quality isn't so good, to say the least. We all know the corporate shenanigans that go on behind the scenes. This is a very executive-driven movie from the Hamada regime.

The CW deals in streaming and deals. Ratings are the least of their worries. If your lead doesn't renew their contract, the show ends.
They could have continued it without her if the show was supposedly such a hit. If there's anything this thread shows, there can be multiple versions of 'Supergirl' it seems. Hundreds of people lose their jobs and livelihoods when the show ends. Ultimately, there are a myriad of factors at play when a show like this gets cancelled, viewership being one.

Even "Agents of Shield" (for example) was billed as 'choosing to end on it's own terms' by the producers.. but that was a euphemism to hide that ABC cancelled the show, and Loeb's regime of Marvel TV was canned.
They could have continued it without her if the show was supposedly such a hit. If there's anything this thread shows, there can be multiple versions of 'Supergirl' it seems. Hundreds of people lose their jobs and livelihoods when the show ends. Ultimately, there are a myriad of factors at play when a show like this gets cancelled, viewership being one.

Even "Agents of Shield" (for example) was billed as 'choosing to end on it's own terms' by the producers.. but that was a euphemism to hide that ABC cancelled the show, and Loeb's regime of Marvel TV was canned.

Now you're just trying to make excuses. Arrow ended after Stephen Amell walked away, Smallville ended after Tom walked away, The Flash will likely end when Grant walks away.
Honestly, if Grant is in the Flashpoint film, I expect him to steal the show, as far as him compared to Miller. And even though Smallville has been over for 10 years, it still has a solid fanbase. And it still streams on Hulu, bringing in new fans.

It's okay if you're not a fan of the CW shows, completely get it. But I wouldn't discredit them either. Ezra Miller was the first actor to play Flash on the big screen, but I would say Grant Gustin's version is probably the more definitve version at this point.
For people who are still watching the program.

I dropped this show after third season and after watching the last few episodes, I started to hate even Barry.
Now you're just trying to make excuses. Arrow ended after Stephen Amell walked away, Smallville ended after Tom walked away, The Flash will likely end when Grant walks away.

That was the statement they made, regarding Amell. However, Arrow was also Cancelled due to low ratings and it's audience basically gone.

If the CW was so confident in Arrow and it's core viewership, the Katarine McNamera/Kate Cassidy Green Arrow spinoff would have had a chance. It didn't.

Flash is a different beast than the other CW DC shows. It has actually proven to be a big hit (and still is) for the network and on streaming. It wouldn't be unrealistic for them to attempt to continue it in some form without Gustin, especially with the introduction of Jordan Fisher as Barry's son.

It's okay if you're not a fan of the CW shows, completely get it. But I wouldn't discredit them either. Ezra Miller was the first actor to play Flash on the big screen, but I would say Grant Gustin's version is probably the more definitve version at this point.

Yeah man.

Gustin's Flash is the closest of any of the CW DC leads to have mainstream cultural impact, the Flash show was a big hit outside the niche nerd base that the CW DC shows generally cater to.

Nowhere close to Smallville at it's height, but easily the most impactful of the current batch.
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That was the statement they made, regarding Amell. However, Arrow was also Cancelled due to low ratings and it's audience basically gone.

If the CW was so confident in Arrow and it's core viewership, the Katarine McNamera/Kate Cassidy Green Arrow spinoff would have had a chance. It didn't.

Lol what? Amell made it known he was done with S7 and they approached him about S8. He was done. CW has also stated why GA&TC didnt get picked up and it was due to money. These are stone cold facts. It's been fun though.
If Arrow's viewership was stronger, spending the money on the Green Arrow series would have been justified.

Again, there wasn't much left of Arrow's core audience by the end.

There wasn't an audience to justify the Black Lightning Painkiller series either.

Regarding Supergirl, I suppose there's no point predicting the future. We'll find out in a year from now when CW Supergirl would have ended it's run several months prior, and WB Mass Marketing for Calle's version is starting to roll out.
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Grant Gustin is most definitely the definive version of The Flash/Barry Allen for me aswell evethough the show itself really went downhill after Season 3 and has never recovered IMO.

Despite the weak writing his peformance is what kept me watching that show over the years, but to be fair its much easier to develop a tv version of a charceter that has had multiple seasons compared to Ezra Miller who has just appeared in a few live action movies excluding his cameo on Crisis.

As for Sasha Calle if shes indeed Lara Lane Kent the look is pretty much spot on, but I'm way more interested in her actual performance than the costume itself which is usually what I care about most anyways.
Yeah, there is a lot to be said about the performance for sure.

The movie version of Flash could have easily eclipsed Gustin if the writing and portrayal were better.

Instead we got weirdo Ezra Miller stammering awkwardly and making unfunny 'jokes' about brunch...

Lacking the charm of Evan Peters, who played a similar comedic speedster.
My thoughts are, ironically, that anyone with issues with Miller being cast need look no further to blame than the mirror if one supported the mediocrity that is anything CW but ESPECIALLY the Flash series. Because getting a non-blond zygote Barry Allen whom they write like a bad ripoff of Peter Parker?

That's Grant Gustin's character all over.

And if ya'll liked JL/JLU Flash by Rosenbaum with him being the youngest, most flippant and most prone to jokes/quips of the team that was 99.9% the use of the character on the series?


What is REALLY the issue with Miller for some is always my question beyond that sure, I can seee how YMMV in regards to his or any other actor's quirks, ticks or over all style of performance?

If he just ain't someone's cup of tea... Fine.

But this is actually consistent with he last twenty years or so use of the character in most mass audience outings.

For myself... I like Gusin as a performer and had no big issues, despite my druthers for an older actor, with his Barry in season one of the show. I get what hey we're going for with their Sub-Spidey take and that is a more than serviceable set up for the character... But the suck soon began and the writing and characterization of everyone and everything just made me question why I was continuing to watch year in and out so I cut bait and never looked back.

If anything I have liked and enjoyed seeing Miller in the Snyder Cut where I think he worked like gangbusters and washed the CW taste out of my mouth.
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IMO, like most of the figures involved in the “Snyder-verse,” my issues with Ezra’s Barry has less to do with Ezra and more to do with the guy(s) behind the camera.

From what we’ve seen of this Barry so far, his stuff has been split between a creative whose “thing” is decidedly not comedy, thus making his comedic moments come off as… odd, and a creative with a very specific brand of dialogue/humor that — if not for a very select group of performers in his circle — can easily come off as annoying (and that’s without getting into the fact that he, at best, wasn’t bringing his A-game and, at worst, was actively trying to sabotage that damn thing).

As far as I’m concerned, my experience with Christina Hodson has been good (loved BOP, but still need to watch Bumblebee, and I imagine that’ll be thematically closer to what’s developing here than anything in BOP) and despite a bit of over-reliance on gags in IT Chapter Two, I do trust Muschietti to bring out at least a decent performance from Ezra.
With her costume having continuity with the MOS costume is she the daughter of Cavill's Superman?
With her costume having continuity with the MOS costume is she the daughter of Cavill's Superman?
I doubt it. Not just because she's presumably from another universe but because they're pushing the whole "latina Supergirl" angle so her having 2 white parents is out of the question

That's probably the most intriguing part about her imo. Her shield being so similar Cavill's (kryptonian writing included) despite (presumably) being from a different universe
With WB presumably done with Henry Cavill, I'm pretty sure she's not Kal-El cousin.

My guess is she's from another universe where Jor-El and Lara had a baby GIRL, so basically she's the "Superman" from her universe.


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