Daredevil Season 1, Episode 5 "World On Fire" (USE SPOILER TAGS!)

Please stop. This show is above that teeny lovey-dovey nonsense.

I was joking, of course. I'm already at Ep 6 to appreciate the fact the show is in proper hands of someone who isn't like Greg Berlanti
I was joking, of course. I'm already at Ep 6 to appreciate the fact the show is in proper hands of someone who isn't like Greg Berlanti

Phew! I thought you were going all Tumblr on us. :oldrazz:
Phew! I thought you were going all Tumblr on us. :oldrazz:

Never! But I have a feeling the Tumblr!Babies will find a way to make slash ships out of Matt & Foggy and Matt and Kingpin soon enough knowing how their minds work
They said they'd never end episodes in cliffhangers. What the hell? The story had two threads that I thought both worked beautifully. The first was the slumlord storyline, which is the other staple of Foggy and Nelson stories. Glad to see them take a few - it's certainly better than only murder cases (how many murder cases can a young law firm get before it gets absurd?). I love Foggy throughout. Him talking down the big firm was just fun. I love them pitching in with repair work as well. On the other hand, it's interesting to see Karen and Foggy's relationship develop (although Matt's absence seems to be a big part why).

The other story explains Matt's absence and it's the gang war storyline. I love the cabal meeting at the beginning. You get a true sense of the scale of the organization and of things to come. The cops also added to that quite well. The Kingpin has his claws in everything. Have to say that bomb at the end must have been huge to do all that.

I could probably just spend awhile talking about Matt's Radar Senses (to use Bendis's way of thinking, which is what they're going for) - although "impressionistic painting" works too. Seeing it as a sort of sight rather than feeling isn't my preference, but they did a good job of explaining and defining what "combination of all his senses" works like. They cram so much into every episode that I almost forgot to talk about this, but I feel it was worth mentioning.
Let's go...

Looks like Matt is headed for Claire's temple

Mr Cage shan't be happy
Or Mr Foster :cwink:

Cage is probably going to be to be hooking up with Jessica Jones anyway.

You really don't want to say this guys name! People who say his name get body bagged :eek:

Foggy bear has got game :)

Senor murdock :funny:

My favourite line of the episode was "you scream and that arm becomes your good one"

"Ascot that's a bit much"
Decent episode,basically served to get us somewhat into Wilson's head. (Are they ever gonna call him Kingpin? would work better than "My Employer")

Kinda glad they stopped the Claire train before it got started.

Very old school Foggy/Karen set up. I'm looking forward to the Matt/Karen relationship.

I know this is basically "Daredevil Begins", but I have to admit my fears were well founded. It seems like a "Sopranos-type" crime drama with a little DD on the side. You can complain about CW's shows forcing in their trite little romances,but I'm willing to deal with it for some spectacle. Here we get DD hitting people. Again. Each episode is starting to blend together at this point.

I want the red costume,the billyclub,the full on Radar Sense. It feels like they've watered the whole character down for TV. During the whole "bad buzz outrage" someone said "It gets good after the 5th episode." I'm hoping so.

Speaking of the CW,I am relieved that they're not doing the whole "Voice Modulator" thing. The CW can keep that. I'm willing to suspend disbelief.
What about the Chinese guy singing in the car?

It was kind of catchy and an odd way to start a fight scene.

Lastly, Matt's Spanish. It was nailed very well. :atp:

That alone won a lot of fangirls over. :ilv::hrt::DV:
Lol "Some guy approached me in a white suit and an ascot." Nice, Deknight, I see what you did there. Great subtle reference.
****ing russians ************ Kingpin.
Pinning the blame on the vigilante for killing the Russian mobster by planting his mask on the deceased.
I saw this in the 60s Spider-Man cartoon, and it was silly even for something on the standards of that show.

Speaking of the 60s Spider-Man cartoon; someone made a video inspired by the Ralph Bakshi portion of that show, something like a live action episode of that cartoon, and the villain in that was Kingpin, and he looks like this show's Kingpin.

Russian words have subtitles, Chinese have none. Weird.
And the Chinese gang make people blind before enslaving them to manage their drug packing, that's stupid and awkward. I know it was shown in the first episode, but seriously?

Kingpin wants a war with the Russians, when one of their heads was ready to pledge allegiance to him. Is this guy thinking straight?
Not dissing the show, but yeah, not what I'd call miles ahead of other superhero shows when it comes to writing..
Russian words have subtitles, Chinese have none. Weird.
And the Chinese gang make people blind before enslaving them to manage their drug packing, that's stupid and awkward. I know it was shown in the first episode, but seriously?

Not dissing the show, but yeah, not what I'd call miles ahead of other superhero shows when it comes to writing..

My guess is that...
they've been blinded so that they can't testify.
So... This episode ramped a few things up.

1. Claire and Matt are a nice match and this is something that mirrors an aspect from the comics. Matt seems unable to walk around a corner without running into some woman who wants to be in a romantic relationship with him. Dawson is a strength of the show for sure. She's not just a pretty face. She needs to return next season.

2. While I don't think I hold the show in quite the regard others do, the show surprises me. It's definitely hits the high notes of the best of basic cable and network shows more often than not, even with little touches that back in the day for a show like this wouldn't even be present. For instance, the audience seeing Vladimir cleaning up his brother's corpse by hand. It's a little detail but it makes him more than just a cardboard cutout, even if he's not a major player in the drama per se, it helps to ground the world in general of the show. To show that there are deeper emotional reservoirs in the characters makes them more real. Those extra ten minutes that the show has as compared to a show on basic cable or network allows for nice touches like that.

3. I liked the way that Cox described his senses, though I do wish that there was more of his POV. Perhaps the creators feel that's too out there for the general audience?

4. Fisk's cabal is an interesting mix. You can see how he has many balls in the air. Gao is a force to be reckoned with, yet it is interesting to see how Wilson handles her. Harada is silent but deadly obviously. Leland is a wonderfully droll character, and a lot of fun. He injects lots of fun dialog and energy into every scene he is in. We can see that Fisk has tentacles everywhere. It would be nice to find out how all that came to be. How did he get such influence, yet be so unknown, not just in underworld circles, but obviously in the City government as well?

5. The show has more going for it than merely the dialog, or tone. This is a masterfully shot production, given it's budget and scope. It just always seems to be punching way above it's weight class visually and with production values. A big part of that is just the location shooting. Marvel Comics longtime appeal was always that it mirrored the real world. There's no need to set dress NYC in all it's glory on this show. It's just there for the viewer to drink in all the time. DD tangles with some gangsters in an alley and it's a real NYC alley.

6. I am surprised that it took this long to bring in a character like Mrs. Cardena. I originally thought case of the week as it were, would make up more of the show. 5 episodes in and this is their first legit client. I liked how they handled the character. I know plenty of real life Mrs. Cardenas, hell, I am related to a few. That was nice to see.

7. Okay... we are 5 episodes in and... I want Foggy to be more! Sorry, but I feel that this is one element I just am an outlier on, but it's how I feel. Foggy needs more meat on his bones dramatically. I feel his is too CBS sitcom. No, I don't want him super serious all the time but, I don't know, there's and element of flop sweat both in the performance and the writing. Yes, from time to time I see what others do, but for the most part I find the phrase "trying to hard" comes to my mind. Plus, again, I am not sure if the writers themselves have a handle on him. I do think that Foggy is at his best with Karen. Their trip to the old firm he and Matt worked in again shows this. Karen at this point seems more attached to Foggy than Matt I think and I don't mind. Keep love triangle stuff to a minimum I say.

8. World On Fire, indeed. The show shocked me a bit with the ending. I went back and forth since there seemed little build up to this, or at least build up I could notice. But I finally felt that it worked. Being unpredictable is something more super hero adaptations needs to be.

Well, on to number 6.
I'm watching this episode again right now, and there is one thing I don't hear well:
What the heck is the first line masked man tells the rotten cop he jumped? "Scream and blah blah good one".
Did anyone catch the full line?
I'm watching this episode again right now, and there is one thing I don't hear well:
What the heck is the first line masked man tells the rotten cop he jumped? "Scream and blah blah good one".
Did anyone catch the full line?

By masked man I assume you mean Daredevil? Oh and you don't have subtitles on your netflix account? :oldrazz:
"Scream and that arm becomes your good one".
By masked man I assume you mean Daredevil? Oh and you don't have subtitles on your netflix account? :oldrazz:
"Scream and that arm becomes your good one".
Thank you.
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