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The Defenders Season 1, Episode 8 "The Defenders" (USE SPOILER TAGS!)

This was an excellent finale. Probably my favorite out of all the Netflix Marvel finales.

I was very happy (although I wanted more) to see the [BLACKOUT]Trish/Karen[/BLACKOUT] interaction. I was afraid it was cut. I wish we had more of the supporting characters interacting. They're just as fun as seeing our heroes interact.

I liked the quieter moments at the end after [blackout]the big fight and sacrifice [/blackout]to show where everyone's head is at. I agree that it would've been the perfect time for [BLACKOUT]Danny to don a costume[/BLACKOUT] but whatever. I liked the [BLACKOUT]Jessica and Luke bar[/BLACKOUT] conversation. I'm still wondering if [BLACKOUT]those two will still be endgame or if that ship has sailed[/BLACKOUT].

Finally, [blackout]Misty lost her arm[/blackout]! BTW what will come first? S2 of IF or LC? Because if [blackout]it's IF then I suppose that's when she'll get her bionic arm[/blackout].

Karen and Foggy [BLACKOUT]not seeing Matt come through the door[/BLACKOUT] was an excellent,[BLACKOUT] heartbreaking[/BLACKOUT] scene. Very excited too to see where DD S3 is headed given the ending. I'm assuming they're doing the [BLACKOUT]Born Again [/BLACKOUT]story, right?

Do we know the timeline for The Punisher? Will it be after the events of The Defenders? Or during?

I love Wu too. That doesn't mean that the placement wasn't awkward to me

Ditto. It was awkward and abrupt. They had a soaring epic score before that and then suddenly it changed. It was just odd timing and totally threw me off.
This was an excellent finale. Probably my favorite out of all the Netflix Marvel finales.

I was very happy (although I wanted more) to see the [BLACKOUT]Trish/Karen[/BLACKOUT] interaction. I was afraid it was cut. I wish we had more of the supporting characters interacting. They're just as fun as seeing our heroes interact.

I liked the quieter moments at the end after [blackout]the big fight and sacrifice [/blackout]to show where everyone's head is at. I agree that it would've been the perfect time for [BLACKOUT]Danny to don a costume[/BLACKOUT] but whatever. I liked the [BLACKOUT]Jessica and Luke bar[/BLACKOUT] conversation. I'm still wondering if [BLACKOUT]those two will still be endgame or if that ship has sailed[/BLACKOUT].

Finally, [blackout]Misty lost her arm[/blackout]! BTW what will come first? S2 of IF or LC? Because if [blackout]it's IF then I suppose that's when she'll get her bionic arm[/blackout].

Karen and Foggy [BLACKOUT]not seeing Matt come through the door[/BLACKOUT] was an excellent,[BLACKOUT] heartbreaking[/BLACKOUT] scene. Very excited too to see where DD S3 is headed given the ending. I'm assuming they're doing the [BLACKOUT]Born Again [/BLACKOUT]story, right?

Do we know the timeline for The Punisher? Will it be after the events of The Defenders? Or during?

Ditto. It was awkward and abrupt. They had a soaring epic score before that and then suddenly it changed. It was just odd timing and totally threw me off.

I hope not. I mean I know that is a scene from the storyline. But they need to do that thing more justice than how they set it up
Ahh. Thanks man.

It looked to me the same church stick took him to when he was a kid? Or maybe I'm remembering that wrong.

Stick didn't take him there.

The night boxer Jack Murdock opted to throw the fight against Carl "Crusher" Creel (sealing his fate in the process), you may recall that he also phoned his ex-wife (Matt's mother). He implored her to look after young Matt in his absence. Without explanation, we next see the boy at St. Agnes Orphanage. Hint #1

It's here that one of the on-site nuns, unable to make sense of Matt's rapidly developing abilities, reaches out to Stick.

In DD S2, during another flashback, we see a nun with a large crucifix tending to young Matt Murdock. Her face isn't shown. Hint #2

In The Defenders season finale, we're finally given a name: Sister Maggie. Hint #3

That's right, they've been building toward this from the very beginning.
LC season 2 is being filmed now. Iron Fist season 2 starts by year's end.

I believe we are suppose to see Misty in Iron Fist.
and JJ was plain annoying and I didnt like her snark.

Yep, so much this. Useless character in this series. Not mention Rand gets his ass handed to him too often. Only competent fighter was DD among that four.
I like the idea that the substance that makes the Hand immortal comes from the bones of dragons. After all, it is Shao Lao the Undying. Of course, the reason he's undying is because he keeps his heart separate from his body, but that's fine for this story's purposes. I also liked Elektra being fully back. This conflict of evil and good is something I've wanted to see for awhile.

The best part of the episode is the denouement, imo. It's good to see everyone talk out what happened. That being said, [blackout]while I love the allusion to Born Again, I can't say it makes much sense that Matt's out alive.[/blackout] Four and a Half Stars.
This was an excellent finale. Probably my favorite out of all the Netflix Marvel finales.

I was very happy (although I wanted more) to see the [BLACKOUT]Trish/Karen[/BLACKOUT] interaction. I was afraid it was cut. I wish we had more of the supporting characters interacting. They're just as fun as seeing our heroes interact.

I liked the quieter moments at the end after [blackout]the big fight and sacrifice [/blackout]to show where everyone's head is at. I agree that it would've been the perfect time for [BLACKOUT]Danny to don a costume[/BLACKOUT] but whatever. I liked the [BLACKOUT]Jessica and Luke bar[/BLACKOUT] conversation. I'm still wondering if [BLACKOUT]those two will still be endgame or if that ship has sailed[/BLACKOUT].

Finally, [blackout]Misty lost her arm[/blackout]! BTW what will come first? S2 of IF or LC? Because if [blackout]it's IF then I suppose that's when she'll get her bionic arm[/blackout].

Karen and Foggy [BLACKOUT]not seeing Matt come through the door[/BLACKOUT] was an excellent,[BLACKOUT] heartbreaking[/BLACKOUT] scene. Very excited too to see where DD S3 is headed given the ending. I'm assuming they're doing the [BLACKOUT]Born Again [/BLACKOUT]story, right?

Do we know the timeline for The Punisher? Will it be after the events of The Defenders? Or during?

Ditto. It was awkward and abrupt. They had a soaring epic score before that and then suddenly it changed. It was just odd timing and totally threw me off.

Agreed on all fronts.

[BLACKOUT]Matt not coming back hit me hard as well. Unexpectedly so. The worst part was the look on Foggy's face that suggested he fully expected this but was crushed by it anyway. And the probable realization that he was partly the cause for it. Really well done indeed.

I'm thinking Misty will make modest cameos in LC and become a regular on IF seeing how she's got this new friendship budding with Colleen that will probably be explored to set up their comic book relationship in the future.
Also the fact that they drew attention to the fact that Danny was going to take an interest in helping her (likely get her arm like you said). I'm curious to know who's technology they'll be using for the arm though... Stark?
Hammer? Something the Rand corporation can cook up?

Lastly, if I had to guess, Punisher will probably take place right after the end of DD S2's events which might even put it slightly before the events of Defenders. Wouldn't be surprised if its explained to be concurrent with it though. It'd be cool to see Frank's reaction to news that Daredevil is "dead".[/BLACKOUT]
Agreed on all fronts.

I'm curious to know who's technology they'll be using for the arm though... Stark?
Hammer? Something the Rand corporation can cook up?

Would be a great chance for a Stark cameo but alas...
Great finale episode! Really loved this series.
I am not sure why folks are saying it is the best Netflix finale when both DD Season 1 and JJ had epic finales.

With that said really enjoyed it. Mostly for Daredevil's stuff and how it finally addressed Jessica Jones and Luke Cage's past in a satisfying way, and I absolutely grinned ear to ear at the [blackout]setup for Born Again in DD Season 3.[/blackout]

With that said, I think the finale like much of the season was kind of handicapped by the fact that the Hand are just kind of lame. Elektra was cool, but as a whole the Hand just did not work for me in DD Season 2 and they only marginally improved to serviceable here. Also, some of the special effects (like all the horrendous blue screen effects around the elevator) left a lot to be desired.

Anyway, I cannot wait to see Matt and Jess go back to fighting something a little more grounded in reality next time they come back to bat.
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[BLACKOUT]I think they will get Misty's arm from Rand. I know they like to go on about how grounded these shows are but a mechanical arm really isn't far fetched anymore. Some people have some very hi-tech artificial limbs these days [/BLACKOUT]
The Hand didn't feel like a threat here. They're were more vicious and scary and DD S2. Also i didnt like Alexandra. Shes the weakest of Netflix Villains. Even Bakudo was mkre interesting. Alex was just bland and forgettable. Those are my only complaints.
Arm amputation and decapitation in one episode. Comic books and superheroes are for children, right? :oldrazz:

Gao getting knocked on her back and then punched again is satisfying.

Anyone else remembered the movie when Matt removed his mask in front of Elektra?

The big battle made me think "Boy, they sure could use having Frank Castle with a gattling gun on their side right now".
Only complaint was that we didn't get to see JJ leap...
With that said really enjoyed it. Mostly for Daredevil's stuff and how it finally addressed Jessica Jones and Luke Cage's past in a satisfying way, and I absolutely grinned ear to ear at the [blackout]setup for Born Again in DD Season 3.[/blackout]

Did they set that storyline up well? I mean they took an element from it but the key points of the storyline that happen at the beginning are missing
Did they set that storyline up well? I mean they took an element from it but the key points of the storyline that happen at the beginning are missing

If you ask me, now is not the time for [BLACKOUT]Born Again[/BLACKOUT]. Maybe that's the plan but I kinda hope they just "stole" that particular scene away from the proper context.
If you ask me, now is not the time for [BLACKOUT]Born Again[/BLACKOUT]. Maybe that's the plan but I kinda hope they just "stole" that particular scene away from the proper context.

Great finale to a great season. It played all the parts well, from the action to the emotions.

Who else was like "**** YEAH" when the [BLACKOUT]Wu Tang music came on when the team got together during the final fight? That was the perfect song choice imo.[/BLACKOUT]

That's a bit funny since after seeing the whole season that's the only thing I remember strongly disliking. It was completely jarring from everything they had done in the season so even if I thought the song was any good I wouldn't have liked it.
Did they set that storyline up well? I mean they took an element from it but the key points of the storyline that happen at the beginning are missing

I will say it does feel like they set themselves up at a disadvantage that it isn't Fisk who [blackout]wrecks Matt[/blackout], but they can still get there. They also set it up in DD Season 2 when Fisk threatens Matt, and unlike the Hand, even under the new writers, D'Onofrio's Fisk is a true terror. He can still find other ways to destroy Matt's life, as he has always indicated he's put Karen and Foggy in his crosshairs. I imagine that will have much to do with [blackout]Matt coming out of "death" retirement in Season 3.[/blackout]

Would I prefer it was Fisk instead of Elektra who instigated this? Sure, but I am fine with it finally happening next year.
I will say it does feel like they set themselves up at a disadvantage that it isn't Fisk who [blackout]wrecks Matt[/blackout], but they can still get there. They also set it up in DD Season 2 when Fisk threatens Matt, and unlike the Hand, even under the new writers, D'Onofrio's Fisk is a true terror. He can still find other ways to destroy Matt's life, as he has always indicated he's put Karen and Foggy in his crosshairs. I imagine that will have much to do with [blackout]Matt coming out of "death" retirement in Season 3.[/blackout]

Would I prefer it was Fisk instead of Elektra who instigated this? Sure, but I am fine with it finally happening next year.

On matt

it was emphasized a few times the consequences of matt getting outed. Maybe the conversations with foggy are the set up and the last scene is a hint. s3 of daredevil matts back up, doesn't know how he got out of the pitt, life is good, bit by bit the kingpin brings his world down. When he is at his lowest ebb his mother steps forward, reveals what the audience already know, or not just putting it out there.
I will say it does feel like they set themselves up at a disadvantage that it isn't Fisk who [blackout]wrecks Matt[/blackout], but they can still get there. They also set it up in DD Season 2 when Fisk threatens Matt, and unlike the Hand, even under the new writers, D'Onofrio's Fisk is a true terror. He can still find other ways to destroy Matt's life, as he has always indicated he's put Karen and Foggy in his crosshairs. I imagine that will have much to do with [blackout]Matt coming out of "death" retirement in Season 3.[/blackout]

Would I prefer it was Fisk instead of Elektra who instigated this? Sure, but I am fine with it finally happening next year.

I will say it does feel like they set themselves up at a disadvantage that it isn't Fisk who [blackout]wrecks Matt[/blackout], but they can still get there. They also set it up in DD Season 2 when Fisk threatens Matt, and unlike the Hand, even under the new writers, D'Onofrio's Fisk is a true terror. He can still find other ways to destroy Matt's life, as he has always indicated he's put Karen and Foggy in his crosshairs. I imagine that will have much to do with [blackout]Matt coming out of "death" retirement in Season 3.[/blackout]

Would I prefer it was Fisk instead of Elektra who instigated this? Sure, but I am fine with it finally happening next year.

But again that's not really setting up that story.

THe whole premise of that story is [BLACKOUT]someone finds out Matt's identity because someone Matt trusted sold him out.[/BLACKOUT]

How does the end of Defenders set that up? It just borrows that one aspect of the story.
I just don't think the time is right for that story with Daredevil.

I think they can take elements, but they can't go 100 percent with it.
I just don't think the time is right for that story with Daredevil.

I think they can take elements, but they can't go 100 percent with it.

I don't think it's right either. The element they took is not a bad one. But to do it full blown leaves me kinds Ehhh right now
I don't think they were setting up Born Again, I think they just liked that shot/moment from the comics.

Though I would love a 2 season arc that combines both Born Again and Bendis' "Outed" run.

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