BvS Should Justice League Be The Third Snyder/Goyer Film?

It's strange how this Snyder/Goyer trilogy is evolving less into a Superman trilogy, and more into a DCU trilogy.

I don't blame Snyder and his team for that. It's obviously creative interference from WB; greedy for Avengers money.
A studio that makes five billion dollars a year is not desperate or greedy for avengers money.
My guess is that despite what some here may think, that WB is "meddling" and dictating things to Snyder and Co. (they OWN the characters, so... Duh!) that in fact as seen in the final products, that both Snyder and Nolan were given relative freedom to do as they like as compared to the directors hired by Marvel NOT named Joss.
If DC/WB are trying to create a shared movieverse then the directors/writers can't have complete freedom. I'd guess they are doing similar to what Feige and Marvel does which is basically giving them bullet points or key factors that must be included.
I believe the best thing we could have happen for the future of solo Batman films is to have Affleck direct from a script both himself and Kevin Smith created together. Now THAT would be a great movie that would stay true to the Batman comic mythos.
A studio that makes five billion dollars a year is not desperate or greedy for avengers money.

The only reason we're building towards JL, is Avengers.

After JLM fell apart and GL tanked, WB had abandoned plans for JL. They only started making statements about it during the summer of 2012 when Avengers broke worldwide records.

They aren't invested in this for creative purposes. They're invested in it to make money off their DC properties while the market for superheroes is hot.
Purely from a logistical point of view if JL is to be released the year after this MoS sequel it will be difficult for Synder to be Directing JL while also working on post production of this movie. There is almost as much work involved in post production as there is directing. It would make sense to have Affleck take over the directing of the JL. It really depends on the scheduling of release dates and if these are actually being shot back to back.

There's actually no proof they will be filming back to back. I'm quite certain they won't be. WB would want to see how BvS performs first before beginning a project as massive as JL.

The only sites that claim that they are filming back to back are the bogus ones, like Cosmicbooknews.
Goyer and Snyder pretty mush started to alienate Nolan from the project, so it would be very funny if Affleck and Terrio ended up doing the same to them.
I'd be very happy with that scenario. Our best chance to get a DC film as well praised as BB and TDK is to have Affleck in the director's chair and his team doing the script. It would be a dream come true.
The only reason we're building towards JL, is Avengers.

After JLM fell apart and GL tanked, WB had abandoned plans for JL. They only started making statements about it during the summer of 2012 when Avengers broke worldwide records.

They aren't invested in this for creative purposes. They're invested in it to make money off their DC properties while the market for superheroes is hot.


Though truthfully, Nolan would be alienated by a shared DCU. I'm sure he's secretly thinking that Avengers is a kids film :cwink:
Goyer and Snyder pretty mush started to alienate Nolan from the project, so it would be very funny if Affleck and Terrio ended up doing the same to them.

Right because they have all of a sudden have the power to do that to the director of the movie and Goyer who's screenplay they are working from unless you've heard Terrio is completely rewriting the script.
Right because they have all of a sudden have the power to do that to the director of the movie and Goyer who's screenplay they are working from unless you've heard Terrio is completely rewriting the script.

It was an ironic and hypothetical scenario, i never said it would happen. Ever heard of food for thought? :o
It was an ironic and hypothetical scenario, i never said it would happen. Ever heard of food for thought? :o

Sorry man you never know i've seen people say crazy things on here and be very serious.
A month's enough time for a studio to not be satisfied with something....especially given all the stellar reviews MOS got after letting so many down. Wouldn't surprise me one bit if Batman being in the "Superman sequel" wasn't put together very long before they made the announcement. WB (and most studios, I imagine) likes to make a big splash ASAP - literally an hour after Cavill found out had got the part as Superman the announcement was made and the world was shown. His family didn't even know yet. That's how they do things.

I think the very fact that they're shoving Batman in here speaks of what they thought of MOS' "success" and their faith in a "sequel" and how desperate they are to ride The Avengers success while it's hot.

Take your logic elsewhere good sir.

And for people saying there was no way that MOS was ever going to break a billion, I don't think you understand the type of buzz this movie had heading into it's release. There's a reason it opened as strong as it did and broke the record for June.

Had it delivered on expectations, I don't see why word of mouth couldn't have carried it to the billion dollar mark or somewhere close to it. Because up until the first few RT reviews started to poor out all signs pointed to MOS being a colossal hit.

I have no doubt that Batman was in their back of minds but not this quickly and not until we had gotten the ultimate "Dark Knight-esque" Superman/Lex movie.
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I have no doubt that, had MOS been a stronger film it could've made a billion worldwide. The interest was definitely there.
I am sure that Batman was one of the auxiliary options they had set up, one of a few options. After MoS failed to meet expectations they went the conservative route: one more film gets made, with batman in it.

The fans who think that WB would have implemented the same follow up regardless of the reaction to MoS are out to lunch.
I'm starting to wonder whether they'll replace or reboot Cavill, Adams, Fishbourne and Lane after the third Snyder/Goyer film (likely Justice League).

Their 3 picture contracts would be up. They could always be resigned. Adams though, is like Bale, a fan of the character but ultimately someone who wants to do their own films and not be tied to a character forever.
It never had a chance to get to a billion, the competition was way too high.

It only had a week to itself, it had a chance to break 750 but to suggest that if it had 30% points higher on rotten tomatoes would led to 340 million extra dollars is pretty silly
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It's more about critical reception in general
Give it to Affleck.
I'm gonna have to agree.

Make Affleck an offer he'd have to be insane to turn down.
I don't even trust Snyder on this film. Affleck is a much better director all around, knows how to tell a good story, knows how to get the most out of his cast. Yeah, I fell for Snyder's MoS trailers, don't give a crap how 'good' it looks next time around he's had more than enough chances in my book.

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