Infinity War Soul Stone - Resolved?


Mar 2, 2018
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From a different website and a Reddit user altogether, but makes complete sense.

Wait, do not go further if you don't want a soul stone potential spoiler.

It seems, we have already seen the soul stone. In the trailer. It was right before our very eyes, and we ignored it. Marvel hid it in plain sight.

What, you ask. Where?

Well, look at the first frame of the trailer. And the "planet" where Tony and Thanos fight.

Strange, eh? orange planet...the same color of the soul stone.

Wha...!?! That's ridiculous. Preposterous.

But wait, there's more. Check out the Marvel prelude to infinity war comics!

Wong tells Dr. Strange that the soul stone is the most and biggest threat to the universe. BIGGEST. Get it? No? Well, take a closer look at the panel that shows the soul stone. They are planets! Three planets in alignment, and that picture is representing the soul stone.

We have been looking at a GEM. Remember Aether? It's a stone. But in gaseous form, till date.

So the soul stone, is the largest stone. And it's a frikkin' planet!

The battle of Tony and Thanos is not happening on an Alien Planet! It's happening ON THE SOUL STONE ITSELF!!

What do you guys think?
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Exclamation mark!

Eh I saw this proposed on Screen Rant earlier in the week and I'm not a fan of this theory.
I like the idea that someone proposed in the main News thread that the "planet" is actually be the Saturn's moon Titan and the soul stone being located somewhere on it.
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It being on Titan is definitely possible, and the tie-in book sort of points to that. Now it BEING Titan, no.

But has it always been there or did it end up there, and will maybe Captain Marvel bridge that gap? I think it is possible.
Perhaps the soul stone is the soul stone. It's power is that it can teleport people inside it into another reality. What if...and bare with me here ;)
as this isn't my theory. What if the soul stone can contain an entire universe and we surprisingly spend time inside a sort of pocket dimension, inside the soul stone, and that's where the battle happens?

So the soul stone is the strongest stone and most dangerous? lol check again LokiD. Man, the guy was run off the board for being a speculative insider but everything he told me years ago is seemingly coming to fruition. Said the soul stone is the strongest, and if Thanos is creating an alternate reality to gather the gems then man, dude may have been legit.
The planet in the trailer is in a binary star system. It's not Titan.
The soul stone is under the herbs in Wakanda. It is what gives them the powers.
Given that some of those reddit leaks more a few months back are turning out be true from some of merchandise reveals...
it seems like the Soul Stone is definitely on this other planet.
Going with the old "H" letter needed for thanos.... and Fiege saying it would pay off something set up....

Harken (H pun intended) back to the Avengers with me...

"What does Fury want me to do? Swallow it?"

H is for Hulk. That is why it is the Science Bro's team on the new cup? I am probably wrong, but what if (puts on his skin skull cap and toga) the Hulk found the Soul Stone on Sakaar, amid the rubbish, thought it looked sweet and edible....

Yeah, bad theory. But would pay off the "swallow it?" line.
It was great to see
the Red Skull again and discover he was watching over the soul stone
Any idea on what the deal was with Thanos in that second-to-last scene talking to kid Gamora? Like the location? He's "inside" the Stone/whatever crazy demonry the stone creates, Gamora's a sort of death/soul projection of the stone?
We still [BLACKOUT]don't know what it is capable of. Thanos got it but never used it, I think the Avengers will get it and use it to bring others back.[/BLACKOUT]
I can't believe people actually bought into that ridiculous, moronic mnemonic device idea.

Why would the locations spell out Thanos name in English. He's a freaking alien from another planet.

Also, necklace for ****ing time stone? Really? You can't frelling turn Eye of Agamotto into freaking Necklace. Then the Tesseract should be frelling C for Cube.

solved it bros!!1eleven1
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[blackout]The gatekeeper is The Red Skull! Totally unexpected and so well conceived. See this just proves how integral Captain America: The First Avenger plays in the narrative. The first stone is revealed in Captain America, The Tessaract aka the cosmic Cube, housing the Space gem. And Ultimately The Red Skull own demise is banishment to another galaxy for years. I'm actually glad it wasn't in Wakanda.[/blackout]
I can't believe people actually bought into that ridiculous, moronic mnemonic device idea.

Why would the locations spell out Thanos name in English. He's a freaking alien from another planet.

Also, necklace for ****ing time stone? Really? You can't frelling turn Eye of Agamotto into freaking Necklace. Then the Tesseract should be frelling C for Cube.

My belief was that it started as a coincidence and, at some point, the producers caught wind of it and thought it would be fun to do. The whole point was to make it an inside joke, not to explicitly reference it on screen. Obviously, it was wrong, but if you keep it in appropriate context, it's not as absurd as it seems.

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