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SpiderMan First Hunt Custom Script


Feb 7, 2023
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Scene 1 A New Start

Shows Peter Parker with a hood on walking down a new york street looking behind him to check if followed. He walks down an alleyway and hides behind a new york dumpster camera not seeing him directly. Then suited up spiderman swings up from the building next to him. He then lands on the wall and swings from building to building. He keeps swinging till landing on the Daily Bugle building. Then he slowly climbs down a straight vertical web till on the ground behind the building. Then Peter Parker walks to the front desk and says “Hi Im Peter Parker Im here for an interview with J. Jonah Jameson for the photographer position.” “Hello, I’m Betty Brant. You can sit in the chairs here in the lobby.” “Didn’t you use to do the news for Midtown High School?” “Yeah, I was for a few years. Did you go to school?” “Yeah, I did.” “Well, I'm sure if you were I would remember you, sit down.”He sighs and sits in the lobby looking around at the different stories on the wall.One says crime rates in New York increase drastically.Then Peter goes back and sits in the office. “Why do you think you should be our photographer for our company?” “I have seen much crime in my hometown of Queens and could help cover and get professional pictures for your paper.”

“Hhm I think this over I’ll let you know when I make the decision.”

Scene 2 A New Life

Spiderman swings into his New apartment’s window and changes into his regular clothes. Peter says to himself “This bed ain’t as comfortable as Aunt May's place was.Peter lays down for a good night's rest.When he wakes up the next morning to the ring of his phone.He picks it up. “Parker, you got the job, get here by 9.”Peter looks at the time and sees it's 8: 45.He then puts on his spider suit and swings to the Daily Bugle building. He then jumps to the back parking lot of the building.He then changes into his business suit and walks in.

He goes to his office. “Good, you’re here go get pictures, good ones, none of the fake stuff.I got rid of a different reporter for faking his story.” Peter then walks to his new cubicle and opens his laptop.He then looks at the last stories at the Daily Bugle Website and really realizes what he’s really getting into.He then remembers all the things he had been through and how this is probably the last chance he has at a normal life.He starts writing about Adrian Toomes and his complete disappearance from his cell with no evidence of his escape.Peter walks down to deliver it to Jameson and drops it on his desk. “This isn’t a bad start.Didn’t he fight Spiderman and strangely disappears.I like the idea I’ll take care of it.” Scene cuts to the paper the next day headlined “Spider Man's former involvement with an arrest strangely goes missing.” Peter reads this and becomes completely amazed how Jameson turned this on Spiderman yet again.

Scene 3 An Unusual First Encounter

That night Peter dresses up and swings through the streets of New York until hearing an alarm going off down below.He looks down and sees a man in a metal rhino suit destroying a bank scene ripping it apart piece by piece.He swings down to try and stop the man but is unprepared for the pure strength of the rhino dressed thug.He gets thrown across the whole bank while the Rhino gets straight through the vault.Spiderman gets up and shoots the Rhino with webs holding him against a wall.Spiderman then gets thrown aside by a man dressed in a Lion’s fur cutting catching the rhino in a net pinning it with electrical wire not allowing the Rhino to break through.He then looks at Spiderman and says “This is my hunting ground now.My past land needs me no more.Don’t get in my way again.” Spiderman in tons of pain feels like he has been hit by more than just a normal person.He struggles to get up but just as he painfully swings away the police get there finding the suspect stopped in the act.They assume Spiderman had stopped a robber again but they were much mistaken.

Scene 4 The African Prideland

“Sergei! Come in for dinner. Your father has some gazelle from his hunt.”Child Sergei Kravenoff walks in and looks at the incredible skin from the gazelle his dad had hunted. “Dad!When can I hunt like you?” “You’re too young , it takes a lot of hard work and determination to hunt.” “I will do anything to become the best hunter I can be.” It jumps to him briefly older following his dad while he goes hunting chasing down a gazelle tackling it after it ran through the woods. His father turns around holding the animal over his shoulder while walking back to his camp. “Sergei! What are you doing out here you could get hurt!Why did you follow me?”

“I want to be a hunter so I wanted to see how you do it.I’m destined to be a hunter and I needed to learn.” “Do you really think you can stay committed to this?” “Yes. I’ll do anything to be a great hunter.” “I’ll start your training tomorrow morning, don't let me down.”Sergei’s father teaches him to watch his prey and to set different traps to catch gazelle and to hunt. It shows his training on screen.Then Sergei tells his father he’s going hunting. His father says “Do you think you can go by yourself?” “Yes. I'm ready.” His father let him go but after hours got worried and went looking for his boy. He finally catches him hiding in high grass crawling down near a big adult lion.His father runs full speed trying to stop his boy from trying to catch a lion but right as he’s caught up with him he see a huge handmade net catch the lion pulling it up into a tree holding the lion by its neck choking it while hanging from the tree. Kravens father says “How did you know to do that?” “I watched it eat the gazelle I was going to catch so I hunted it down this whole week to show him that I was the best hunter there is.” “You are finally ready to take our responsibility of hunting for this family now that I have grown older. You have proved yourself by catching something so young of age I have not caught my whole life.” It skips ahead some time to a adult Kraven cutting through a dark forest looking into a cave hoping to hunt a bear eating the village's animals.He goes into the cave holding a spear.He wears a coat from the lion he had slain with a teeth necklace around his neck.He went deeper into the cave finding the bear.The bear charged him.He was not scared and stabbed the bear with his spear then jumping over the bear while catching a smaller net around the bears throat.Holding the animal until it was breathing no more.He then took the bears teeth adding it to his necklace of all the predators he had defeated. He then after the kill saw a stream deeper down the cave. He then walked down up to the stream where he saw a plant he had never seen before in all his hunting years. He saw a flower from the plant so bold and distinct in color almost glowing in the dark cave. He grabbed the flower and felt an energy force that was equal to no power he had seen before. He then eat of the flower and immediately felt stronger.He then felt a greater strength,agility,and pure reflexes paired with his hunting skills made him unstoppable for the savannah.He went back to his village and went to see his wife Sasha. “Sasha I have reached a limit of anything I could accomplish in this land. I plan to head to a new place where I shall be the most powerful hunter there.Kraven remembered the stories his dad had told him about a city so advanced with people with special abilities and corrupt men who live in those streets.Kraven knew that he had to go there and show that he is the ultimate hunter.

Scene 5 The Next Prey

Peter Parker looked online hoping to find something about the man who had thrown him out of the way that night to capture the Rhino.He found different stories about criminals stopped in nets and in bear traps with no clear understanding who it was that did it.He immediately knew this had to be the same man.He wrote down the locations and went down that night to take pictures of the incidents.He took a picture of a claw print from a new york street. When he looked into it the creature went by the name the Jackal and was caught inside a heavily tied down dumpster with hand made rope.He checked the next area and found a metal suited man he had once interviewed early in his spiderman career by the name of Aaron Davis caught in a bear trap.He then heard a different noise a few alleys away he swinged into that alley to see that Kraven was there holding a man in a big super strength bear suit being held in a headlock. “You again. Stay outta my way, my hunt has nothing to do with you.”Kraven said.Spiderman then said “Leave him alone!” Kraven then threw the bear into the brick wall with no resistance in power. “ Leave me alone or I’ll make you!” Kraven tried to throw a punch over the top of Spiderman but he ducked out the way. Kraven then tried to do a hook punch which Spiderman stopped by webbing his arm to the brick wall. Kraven then pulled out a knife and cut the webbing off his other hand. Spiderman then used a web grenade to fire at Kraven. This was then met with his spear slowing down the explosion of webs. “Don’t make me kill you spider!” Kraven then cut all the webs with his spear. Spiderman tried to kick the spear out of Kraven’s hand but Kraven didn’t budge.He then cut spider man's chest. Spiderman then webbed the spear end to the ground. Kraven used his brute strength to pull the spear out of the ground. Kraven threw spiderman to the ground, lifted his spear over spider man's head pulled it back and started to swing but got hit in the back by Grizzly getting back up from the ground. Spiderman then took this moment to get back up. Kraven punched Grizzly once getting off the ground and threw him into the ground knocking him unconscious.Spiderman then webbed Kravens hand to the wall. Then webbed his leg to the same wall. Spiderman then did a flip over Kraven and webbed the back of Kravens leg to the same wall making him unable to move that side of his body.He then wrapped a web around the waist of Kraven and shot it to the wall.Kraven with his incredible strength started to pull the webs off his body slowly. Spiderman then webbed the open arm and twisted it backwards before attaching it to a wall. Spiderman then made a call to the police and said he had found the suspect of an attack on a man on the scene in a grizzly suit.He also said it was the same man from the other two crimes. Spiderman started to flee but before he was gone made sure to take a cover photo for his next magazine.

Post Credit Scene- Police arrive at the scene to see Kraven escaped. “We really messed up this time. Next time he comes back it will be harder than ever.” Scene Cuts to Kraven talking to Vulture “I need to possess the power the spiderman does not deserve. The powers of the predators I once fought against.” Vulture says“I think I know someone who works with animal DNA making him stronger. Come on out Micheal” Morbius walks out to greet Kraven.
Scene 1 A New Start

Shows Peter Parker with a hood on walking down a new york street looking behind him to check if followed. He walks down an alleyway and hides behind a new york dumpster camera not seeing him directly. Then suited up spiderman swings up from the building next to him. He then lands on the wall and swings from building to building. He keeps swinging till landing on the Daily Bugle building. Then he slowly climbs down a straight vertical web till on the ground behind the building. Then Peter Parker walks to the front desk and says “Hi Im Peter Parker Im here for an interview with J. Jonah Jameson for the photographer position.” “Hello, I’m Betty Brant. You can sit in the chairs here in the lobby.” “Didn’t you use to do the news for Midtown High School?” “Yeah, I was for a few years. Did you go to school?” “Yeah, I did.” “Well, I'm sure if you were I would remember you, sit down.”He sighs and sits in the lobby looking around at the different stories on the wall.One says crime rates in New York increase drastically.Then Peter goes back and sits in the office. “Why do you think you should be our photographer for our company?” “I have seen much crime in my hometown of Queens and could help cover and get professional pictures for your paper.”

“Hhm I think this over I’ll let you know when I make the decision.”

Scene 2 A New Life

Spiderman swings into his New apartment’s window and changes into his regular clothes. Peter says to himself “This bed ain’t as comfortable as Aunt May's place was.Peter lays down for a good night's rest.When he wakes up the next morning to the ring of his phone.He picks it up. “Parker, you got the job, get here by 9.”Peter looks at the time and sees it's 8: 45.He then puts on his spider suit and swings to the Daily Bugle building. He then jumps to the back parking lot of the building.He then changes into his business suit and walks in.

He goes to his office. “Good, you’re here go get pictures, good ones, none of the fake stuff.I got rid of a different reporter for faking his story.” Peter then walks to his new cubicle and opens his laptop.He then looks at the last stories at the Daily Bugle Website and really realizes what he’s really getting into.He then remembers all the things he had been through and how this is probably the last chance he has at a normal life.He starts writing about Adrian Toomes and his complete disappearance from his cell with no evidence of his escape.Peter walks down to deliver it to Jameson and drops it on his desk. “This isn’t a bad start.Didn’t he fight Spiderman and strangely disappears.I like the idea I’ll take care of it.” Scene cuts to the paper the next day headlined “Spider Man's former involvement with an arrest strangely goes missing.” Peter reads this and becomes completely amazed how Jameson turned this on Spiderman yet again.

Scene 3 An Unusual First Encounter

That night Peter dresses up and swings through the streets of New York until hearing an alarm going off down below.He looks down and sees a man in a metal rhino suit destroying a bank scene ripping it apart piece by piece.He swings down to try and stop the man but is unprepared for the pure strength of the rhino dressed thug.He gets thrown across the whole bank while the Rhino gets straight through the vault.Spiderman gets up and shoots the Rhino with webs holding him against a wall.Spiderman then gets thrown aside by a man dressed in a Lion’s fur cutting catching the rhino in a net pinning it with electrical wire not allowing the Rhino to break through.He then looks at Spiderman and says “This is my hunting ground now.My past land needs me no more.Don’t get in my way again.” Spiderman in tons of pain feels like he has been hit by more than just a normal person.He struggles to get up but just as he painfully swings away the police get there finding the suspect stopped in the act.They assume Spiderman had stopped a robber again but they were much mistaken.

Scene 4 The African Prideland

“Sergei! Come in for dinner. Your father has some gazelle from his hunt.”Child Sergei Kravenoff walks in and looks at the incredible skin from the gazelle his dad had hunted. “Dad!When can I hunt like you?” “You’re too young , it takes a lot of hard work and determination to hunt.” “I will do anything to become the best hunter I can be.” It jumps to him briefly older following his dad while he goes hunting chasing down a gazelle tackling it after it ran through the woods. His father turns around holding the animal over his shoulder while walking back to his camp. “Sergei! What are you doing out here you could get hurt!Why did you follow me?”

“I want to be a hunter so I wanted to see how you do it.I’m destined to be a hunter and I needed to learn.” “Do you really think you can stay committed to this?” “Yes. I’ll do anything to be a great hunter.” “I’ll start your training tomorrow morning, don't let me down.”Sergei’s father teaches him to watch his prey and to set different traps to catch gazelle and to hunt. It shows his training on screen.Then Sergei tells his father he’s going hunting. His father says “Do you think you can go by yourself?” “Yes. I'm ready.” His father let him go but after hours got worried and went looking for his boy. He finally catches him hiding in high grass crawling down near a big adult lion.His father runs full speed trying to stop his boy from trying to catch a lion but right as he’s caught up with him he see a huge handmade net catch the lion pulling it up into a tree holding the lion by its neck choking it while hanging from the tree. Kravens father says “How did you know to do that?” “I watched it eat the gazelle I was going to catch so I hunted it down this whole week to show him that I was the best hunter there is.” “You are finally ready to take our responsibility of hunting for this family now that I have grown older. You have proved yourself by catching something so young of age I have not caught my whole life.” It skips ahead some time to a adult Kraven cutting through a dark forest looking into a cave hoping to hunt a bear eating the village's animals.He goes into the cave holding a spear.He wears a coat from the lion he had slain with a teeth necklace around his neck.He went deeper into the cave finding the bear.The bear charged him.He was not scared and stabbed the bear with his spear then jumping over the bear while catching a smaller net around the bears throat.Holding the animal until it was breathing no more.He then took the bears teeth adding it to his necklace of all the predators he had defeated. He then after the kill saw a stream deeper down the cave. He then walked down up to the stream where he saw a plant he had never seen before in all his hunting years. He saw a flower from the plant so bold and distinct in color almost glowing in the dark cave. He grabbed the flower and felt an energy force that was equal to no power he had seen before. He then eat of the flower and immediately felt stronger.He then felt a greater strength,agility,and pure reflexes paired with his hunting skills made him unstoppable for the savannah.He went back to his village and went to see his wife Sasha. “Sasha I have reached a limit of anything I could accomplish in this land. I plan to head to a new place where I shall be the most powerful hunter there.Kraven remembered the stories his dad had told him about a city so advanced with people with special abilities and corrupt men who live in those streets.Kraven knew that he had to go there and show that he is the ultimate hunter.

Scene 5 The Next Prey

Peter Parker looked online hoping to find something about the man who had thrown him out of the way that night to capture the Rhino.He found different stories about criminals stopped in nets and in bear traps with no clear understanding who it was that did it.He immediately knew this had to be the same man.He wrote down the locations and went down that night to take pictures of the incidents.He took a picture of a claw print from a new york street. When he looked into it the creature went by the name the Jackal and was caught inside a heavily tied down dumpster with hand made rope.He checked the next area and found a metal suited man he had once interviewed early in his spiderman career by the name of Aaron Davis caught in a bear trap.He then heard a different noise a few alleys away he swinged into that alley to see that Kraven was there holding a man in a big super strength bear suit being held in a headlock. “You again. Stay outta my way, my hunt has nothing to do with you.”Kraven said.Spiderman then said “Leave him alone!” Kraven then threw the bear into the brick wall with no resistance in power. “ Leave me alone or I’ll make you!” Kraven tried to throw a punch over the top of Spiderman but he ducked out the way. Kraven then tried to do a hook punch which Spiderman stopped by webbing his arm to the brick wall. Kraven then pulled out a knife and cut the webbing off his other hand. Spiderman then used a web grenade to fire at Kraven. This was then met with his spear slowing down the explosion of webs. “Don’t make me kill you spider!” Kraven then cut all the webs with his spear. Spiderman tried to kick the spear out of Kraven’s hand but Kraven didn’t budge.He then cut spider man's chest. Spiderman then webbed the spear end to the ground. Kraven used his brute strength to pull the spear out of the ground. Kraven threw spiderman to the ground, lifted his spear over spider man's head pulled it back and started to swing but got hit in the back by Grizzly getting back up from the ground. Spiderman then took this moment to get back up. Kraven punched Grizzly once getting off the ground and threw him into the ground knocking him unconscious.Spiderman then webbed Kravens hand to the wall. Then webbed his leg to the same wall. Spiderman then did a flip over Kraven and webbed the back of Kravens leg to the same wall making him unable to move that side of his body.He then wrapped a web around the waist of Kraven and shot it to the wall.Kraven with his incredible strength started to pull the webs off his body slowly. Spiderman then webbed the open arm and twisted it backwards before attaching it to a wall. Spiderman then made a call to the police and said he had found the suspect of an attack on a man on the scene in a grizzly suit.He also said it was the same man from the other two crimes. Spiderman started to flee but before he was gone made sure to take a cover photo for his next magazine.

Post Credit Scene- Police arrive at the scene to see Kraven escaped. “We really messed up this time. Next time he comes back it will be harder than ever.” Scene Cuts to Kraven talking to Vulture “I need to possess the power the spiderman does not deserve. The powers of the predators I once fought against.” Vulture says“I think I know someone who works with animal DNA making him stronger. Come on out Micheal” Morbius walks out to greet Kraven.

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