Steven Spielbergs Greatest Film

I can't say what my favorite Spielberg film is, but here are a few that I enjoy greatly (in no particular order):

Last Crusade
Jurassic Park
Saving Private Ryan
Minority Report

Surprisingly, I have yet to see Munich and Schindler's List...
It's a tough choice but I may have to go with "Schindler's List", a truly fantastic movie. Btw I can't wait for "Tintin".
For anyone who hasn't seen Munich, I highly recommend it. A very intense film and I think his best of the 2000s.
Easily, the answer is Schindler's List. He has made some great films, though the majority of his recent work is lazy and uninspired, but Schindler's List is his masterpiece by far. Now, saying that is not an insult to what he did prior to that, it is praise for Schindler's List.

Agreed. It's is his materpiece and by far his best film. Its his best, but not my favorite: That goes to Raiders, but the title of this thread is "Greatest film" so I chose Schindler's list.

Raiders and all the Indiana Jones are in the 'okay-fun' category. Exciting movies but nothing else.

But Raiders was nominated for BP at the Oscars. :o
Why is Empire of the Sun so overlooked when it comes to film?
Why is Empire of the Sun so overlooked when it comes to film?
At the time it was one of the most mature and challenging films Spielberg had made. I don't think audiences were too excited to see him do something like that at that time. The late 80's in general were pretty lukewarm, except for The Last Crusade. Empire just kind of got lost in the shuffle, which is a shame.
Raiders of the Lost Ark.

It's such a fantastic movie, I honestly can find any problems with it. It has great acting, great action, a great soundtrack, a great story & great characters. Though, maybe I'm just biased since it's my second favorite movie.

Saving Private Ryan, ET, Jurassic Park & Schindler's List are all pretty close though.
A.I is really good imo, BUT the ending is terrible wish it had ended with him at the bottom of the sea - it was the natural ending point for the film

It's hard to put into words...but there was something I quite liked about the ending. But also parts that were just disturbing such as the Flesh fairs.

Raiders and all the Indiana Jones are in the 'okay-fun' category. Exciting movies but nothing else.

And Jurassic Park had great effects and action scenes (well action as in people running from dinosaurs). But many of the main roles were bad for me. The Santa-Claus-esque owner of the park. The annoying I'm-a-genius-so-I-mumble-and-stutter superficial characterisation of Jeff Goldblum character and his unbearable monologues about nature finding its path. The ridiculous, obviiously ugly and ever-greedy lawyer.

But the kids... oh the kids got my eyeballs hurting from so much eyerolling. I swear I was happy when I thought that little brat had been eletrocuted to death. I don't know why Spielberg seems to think that the most idiotic and annoying a child is the better. That prevented me from liking JP. And the second one, I just hated it.

Hey El Pay, I am curious what do you think about AI and ET?
Spielberg has been hit and miss, but his hits are what has made him the most popular director in the last forty years. What's strange is everyone is hit and miss, half of Hitchcock's movies sucked, it's the ones that hit that cause fame. However, I find it strange that Christopher Nolan has not released a movie to date that has not been a success at the box office, critics, and general audience. Everything that guy touches is gold, I think he will go down as one of the greatest directors of the 21st century.
you must have hated the book then; half of it was nothing but monologues about nature and science and how to ethically handle the two.

Well I haven't read the book but if those monologues were interesting it can't hurt. The movies' monologues about nature were basic and poor. And quite bad acted.

As for the kids; i thought they were fine. I've seen far worse portrayals of children.

Yeah, there are probably worse. Don't know how that helps though.

But Raiders was nominated for BP at the Oscars. :o

Erhm... so?

I have seen much worse movies winning and masterpieces being snubbed. Oscars are far from a standard of quality.

Hey El Pay, I am curious what do you think about AI and ET?

I hated the guts of AI the first time I saw it. The very premise of it was so severely flawed I couldn't stand that Kubrick's name was attached to this. I have seen it some other times and I have accepted it for what it is. It has a very good atmosphere at times.

They open the movie with this serious explanation about how to make robots completely acceptable for humans. And then that very business man creates a robo-son that's able to love. But... isn't it a little strange that this intelligent man would assume that people will accept this unique son when THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME??? And I think they were all called the same. And yes, they don't age which is essential for every parents-son relationship. Kids grow and as they do parents help them in different ways.

I liked how the story resempled Pinocchio and some verbal reference to it wasn't out of order. Except that Steven started to throw utterly obvious referenbces all over the movie and overkilled it.

I seemed to me that Spielberg was eager to do anything just to make this movie as tear-jerking as possible.
I own minority report... along with Jurassic Park, Jaws, & Last Crusade. So, I think it's underrated.
I honestly think 1993 was Spielberg's year. First Jurassic Park and Schindler's List. Both were excellent films. But I think Spielberg's lost his touch after that -- most of his films were blah (A.I., WOTW) to pretty good (Minority Report). Munich is a proficient, well-made picture, but the film is too long (blame Tony Kushner for that) and I couldn't muster any feelings or sympathies for the characters. Maybe it's because I wasn't born around that time period...

I'm not a big fan of Spielberg's Indiana Jones series. I enjoy the first one, but I find it tremendously overrated. Second one was fun, third one was warmed-over Raiders redux, and the fourth was enjoyable. (I know people bag on Shia and the overusage of CGI in the fourth one, but at least they did something different with it.)
Agreed. It's is his materpiece and by far his best film. Its his best, but not my favorite: That goes to Raiders, but the title of this thread is "Greatest film" so I chose Schindler's list.

Schindler's List is my favorite in a few ways, but my overall favorite Speilberg film is probably Jurassic Park. Raiders is a better movie and I enjoy it almost as much as Jurassic Park, but that was my favorite movie as a kid for years, so it has a special place and nostalgia for me.
God... so many good ones!
Jurassic Park is in my opinion his best film, if not the best film of the 90's.

1. Jurassic Park
2. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
3. Minority Report
4. E.T.
5. Hook

I really enjoy Hook. It's not just a nostalgia thing either. I, personally, think it is vastly underrated. It's a great story of a man who has lost his way and forgot about what was really important in his life: his family. It's not really just a story of Peter Pan, but of a man finally growing up and realizing he's lost his way.
I love Hook too speedball, couldn't agree more!

And El pay, thanks for the assessment. About the allusions to Pinocchio being heavy handed, I thought they were there to actually tell us that the film was not an adaptation of Pinocchio, but rather just greatly influenced by it by acknowledging the story. I was really torn the first time I saw it, had no idea what to think.
Jurassic Park
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Catch Me If You Can
Schindler's List

In that order.
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
His greatest is either Raiders or Schindler's.

My favorite is A.I.. I love the honesty of that movie.

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