Suicide Squad: General Discussion and Speculation - - - - - - - - - Part 26

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The problem with false advertisement is, it's false advertisement. Yeah you might get people into the theatre early on. But they they'll, you know, actually watch the film and go "wait, that's not what I was promised in the marketing, WTH."

And it may discourage them from going back to see it again (that's a big part of why CW, or TFA, or TA, or heck even TDK made as much as they did, people seeing them over and over and over again), or recommending that their friends who haven't seen it, go to see it.

Still that's just 10 mins of screentime in a 2+ hour film for a character so heavily marketed in a majority of this films marketing.

Some serious false advertising on WB's part if that's the case.

Given how heavily he was featured in the advertising of the movie, people being disappointed with the Joker not featuring much is perfectly understandable.
By milking the Joker they unfortunately turned people against the Joker. By milking the fun side of the movie they unfortunately make the non fun moments very noticeable. The BvS fallout played a big role in how they marketed this movie.

Im sure the reaction will get ww into the editing bay to make it more like antman or something

Dceu is missing a key figure to oversee ever film ala feige. Now I'm not saying copy marvel films but you can't deny that the marvel studio set up is working.

I don't think the issue is tone. But I do think there needs to be a collective effort to produce a general audience/critic friendly films.

Man of Steel is a great Sci Fi movie. Its out of the wheelhouse for superhero movies.

Batman v Superman is an awesome elseworld story. Its not what people want to see for the first Batman/Superman movie.

Suicide Squad looks like an awesome John Carpenter flick. Not a fun Superhero/villain film for a mass audience.
Supposedly, that's the role of Johns and that other executive producer guy.

Yeah I'll believe when the films get better. And that the main problem it's two people the directors have to report to and the two people control different aspects. And I don't care what they say the hack Snyder still has his fingers in so many pies it's sours the taste

The who too many cooks encompasses the decu perfectly. I'll still see this film but my high hopes have been kicked in the stones. Damn it I just want good doc comics movies
I don't think the issue is tone. But I do think there needs to be a collective effort to produce a general audience/critic friendly films.

Man of Steel is a great Sci Fi movie. Its out of the wheelhouse for superhero movies.

Batman v Superman is an awesome elseworld story. Its not what people want to see for the first Batman/Superman movie.

Suicide Squad looks like an awesome John Carpenter flick. Not a fun Superhero/villain film for a mass audience.
Marvel has been playing the genre game as well, and it has worked for them. TWS was a spy flick, GotG a Star Wars satire, Ant-Man was a caper, and Iron Man 3 was basically a Lethal Weapon film.
Ding. Ding. Ding. And should have stayed that way.

DCs entire strategy was basically "catch up with Marvel". And that's no way to... Er.... Catch up with Marvel.

I disagree. I think they could totally have, if not "caught up" in a literal sense, at least put together a good movie selection. The problem is, yes, Man of Steel, which was a movie WB didn't even want to actually make. Remember, they only pushed Man of Steel because of the court battle over Superman. Not exactly the thing you should base your entire 10 year franchise plans around.

Basically, they should have waited another couple of years, so they could start the franchise off fresh with a movie designed from the ground up as a franchise-starter. Obvious choice would be a Batman reboot. *Then* go from there, without the lead anchor of Snyder around their neck.
Marvel has been playing the genre game as well, and it has worked for them. TWS was a spy flick, GotG a Star Wars satire, Ant-Man was a caper, and Iron Man 3 was basically a Lethal Weapon film.
And none have 27% on Rotten Tomatoes.
By milking the Joker they unfortunately turned people against the Joker. By milking the fun side of the movie they unfortunately make the non fun moments very noticeable. The BvS fallout played a big role in how they marketed this movie.

I don't think the issue is tone. But I do think there needs to be a collective effort to produce a general audience/critic friendly films.

Man of Steel is a great Sci Fi movie. Its out of the wheelhouse for superhero movies.

Batman v Superman is an awesome elseworld story. Its not what people want to see for the first Batman/Superman movie.

Suicide Squad looks like an awesome John Carpenter flick. Not a fun Superhero/villain film for a mass audience.

THAT'S what makes me love those films and hopefully Suicide Squad. MARVEL is giving us way too many superhero films made for the masses that I loved BVS way more than CW because it was different. It didn't play to the majority. It played to a very singular minority that I was a part of. I seriously hope DC continues down that path. Screw critics, screw the masses, make these niche films that people in that niche audience can truly love. I'm not saying I don't love MARVEL films, I do - I just don't want every single superhero movie to be that way. Might be a bad or awkward business model, but it's a great creative one because it just makes without thinking bottom dollar which it would be if DC bowed down and tried to immitate the MARVEL way (we need diversity, these two playing off each other like this - masses and niches, is the best of both worlds to me). Not every hero movie needs to be "fun!"
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Marvel has been playing the genre game as well, and it has worked for them. TWS was a spy flick, GotG a Star Wars satire, Ant-Man was a caper, and Iron Man 3 was basically a Lethal Weapon film.

That's generally because they seem able to tell a decent story. Something the DC movies are sorely lacking.
Yeah I'll believe when the films get better. And that the main problem it's two people the directors have to report to and the two people control different aspects. And I don't care what they say the hack Snyder still has his fingers in so many pies it's sours the taste

The who too many cooks encompasses the decu perfectly. I'll still see this film but my high hopes have been kicked in the stones. Damn it I just want good doc comics movies
Are we really surprised? Someone had to sign off on this Joker, the same one Batman will be facing off against in an actual Batman film in the future.
Yeah I'll believe when the films get better. And that the main problem it's two people the directors have to report to and the two people control different aspects. And I don't care what they say the hack Snyder still has his fingers in so many pies it's sours the taste

The who too many cooks encompasses the decu perfectly. I'll still see this film but my high hopes have been kicked in the stones. Damn it I just want good doc comics movies

Same here, man. I'm hoping this is one of those times when I don't agree with the majority of critics but... after BvS, it's hard for me to just ignore the bad reviews. Because at least in that case, I agreed with most of them.

And yeah, I don't know how involved Snyder was with SS, but he co-wrote Wonder Woman and is directing JL, so it's hard to be optimistic going forward.
Yeah I'll believe when the films get better. And that the main problem it's two people the directors have to report to and the two people control different aspects. And I don't care what they say the hack Snyder still has his fingers in so many pies it's sours the taste

The who too many cooks encompasses the decu perfectly. I'll still see this film but my high hopes have been kicked in the stones. Damn it I just want good doc comics movies

It's one of the things I loved about the Young Justice toon. By watching it and seeing some of the interviews and whatnot, you could tell how much of their version of the DC universe was meticulously created from the get-go.
Aw sh** the memes are here.

from what I'm hearing about things like Leto's Joker, I'll probably enjoy this movie the same way I enjoy Frank Miller's All Star Batman
Are we really surprised? Someone had to sign off on this Joker, the same one Batman will be facing off against in an actual Batman film in the future.

You know, if this movie doesn't perform, and WW doesn't perform... I'm not so sure that'll actually be happening...
The negativity is twitching in some
That's generally because they seem able to tell a decent story. Something the DC movies are sorely lacking.

DC movies seem to mostly have editing problems and pacing issues but ive liked the overall stories of both MOS and BVS(ult cut was miles better). I'll see how i feel about SS squad but i imagine it'll be the same.
That's generally because they seem able to tell a decent story. Something the DC movies are sorely lacking.
Yep. The problem isn't just the style of film, it is a lack of a whole.

I read this great thing on Kotaku the other day explaining the real problem with BvS. It was something I had been trying to say for a while, but couldn't. It was also the same problem I had with MoS, even as I love it.

These DC films aren't trying to tell stories and thus are low on sustainable characters. They are all about the "moments". Now these moments can be fun, but they can also come off as hollow because there is nothing there supporting them. You can come up for a reason why Batman is fighting Superman or this rag tag group came together. But if the story doesn't support it, if the writing doesn't support it, you have built these pretty moments on no foundation and everything collapses.
You know, if this movie doesn't perform, and WW doesn't perform... I'm not so sure that'll actually be happening...
I'm quite sure if this trend continues, WB will pull the plug after JL. Frankly, some part of me kind of hopes that it does happen because this is just painful to watch.
You know, if this movie doesn't perform, and WW doesn't perform... I'm not so sure that'll actually be happening...
Oh it is happening. At least a Batman movie. If everything else fails, they will at least roll that dice.
I'm quite sure if this trend continues, WB will pull the plug after JL. Frankly, some part of me kind of hopes that it does happen because this is just painful to watch.

The thing is I'm pretty sure these films are successful so just like Transformers they'll keep on coming and coming and coming. And thank God for that because I love DCEU thus far and if anything these reviews have made me more excited because it's an Ayer film and not the much dreaded Guardians of the Villains I so didn't want it to be. So I'm doing a happy dance - dark, mean, cruel these are words I wanted associated not pop, light hearted, and fun/ny. These are villains, I want it to be off the cuff as it were.
So to anyone who saw it how was Batman? Was he as cool as Ayer described?
Marvel has been playing the genre game as well, and it has worked for them. TWS was a spy flick, GotG a Star Wars satire, Ant-Man was a caper, and Iron Man 3 was basically a Lethal Weapon film.

Either Marvel or DC need to get on this and do more of it.
The thing is I'm pretty sure these films are successful so just like Transformers they'll keep on coming and coming and coming. And thank God for that because I love DCEU thus far

Pretty much. Every studio wants glowing reviews for their films, but the box office numbers mean much more. I'm just glad that no matter what happens, I'll still get to see Wonder Woman and Justice League.
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