Sequels THE BLACK WIDOW (post-Avengers film starring Scarlett Johansson)

Can we please have more of the comic's BW. I mean, I'm assuming this will be released after Cap 2, and hopefully we'll get Winter Soldier. I want James and Natasha together please, no more Black Widow and Hawkeye, little do the movieverse fans know that that is VERY old news :o
i basically want Budapest: the movie

natasha revealed to banner that she was recruited very very young. i want to see this, i want to see the grit, and show us some of the red in her ledger
tell it in flashbacks, or intro to movie or whatever, but we need to see that she's actually done a lot of damage in the past to atone for

then progress to where hawkeye is sent to take her out. develop it from there, super huge mission in budapest as the big hurrah and maybe end it with her taking that job where she ends up tied to the chair at the beginning of avengers

just my two cents

I'd like to see a "History of SHIELD," period. That includes what you said, but also how Fury put the organization together, how it evolved during the Cold War and after, maybe pit them against a reborn HYDRA, give us some more Coulson (without having to literally resurrect him), and take the story right on up to "We're putting together a team."
that could be cool

Coulson could be in a Black Widow backstory/origins like movie as well. he could come in sort of like he did with Iron Man and make a proposal of recruiting her for shield
I'm down for anything that gives me more Coulson.


I am intrigued by the three of them though. They seemed really close.
I'd love to see more of the Widow, including her backstory, but I'm not entirely sure a full solo movie is the way to go. Instead, I'd prefer to see a catch-all SHIELD movie centering on Fury, Natasha, Hawkeye, Coulson and Hill, with some other cameos from SHIELD in the comics.

I'm not that big on the idea of seeing solo films for characters who are traditionally "team players" who never really headlined their own titles (at least for more than a few issues). Ant-Man, Black Widow and Hawkeye are some of the ones I'm thinking about. (Although it looks more and more like Ant-Man is about to become the real deal, so by god, if Hank Pym can get his own joint, Natasha can, too.)

I am with you on this one. and LOL at your antman comment
I think they should combine black widow with Hawkeye and Shield.
She-male SHIELD agents is pushing it. The GA will not have it.
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I saw Ironman 2 yesterday, for the third time since the releaase...

and really liked Black widows part.

I want more from her on next movies. I find her a really interesting character that we dont have much info about, in fact that's what makes her interesting
So Im working on a story that takes place in the Marvel Comic Universe... Been at it for a month and then today I opened it up even more to how the story would be set and went with the idea of it being set in a Universe that Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Captain America, Nick Fury, Agent Coulson and Maria Hill exist. And I'm talking about the movieverse too. But the most notable characters that will be in it since this has S.H.I.E.L.D in it are Maria Hill (who will be more involved in the story) with appearances of Nick Fury and Agent Coulson who will show up at the end. This story takes place prior to The Avengers. And yes, Im considering that the hilocopter appears but not until the very end. Some of the Avengers will appear but only briefly.

I had an idea and this was before I decided to open it up even further, to do a story that involves Maria Hill and a fellow S.H.I.E.L.D agent after I saw the Avengers. And then the idea of having the story take place in the Comic Universe gave me the idea of combining that story with Hill into the story I am currently working on. So... ha.. hit two birds with one stone. :)
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Uh...I think I know enough to write this. also, it may add a little more to the character of Maria Hill, whom I'm still getting to know. All I know is that she's second in command of S.H.I.E.L.D and at one point, she takes over Fury's part when he goes rogue but she's still getting orders from him regardless.

... If it weren't for the movies, I probably wouldn't have like gone back and look up everything comic wise on the wiki. Wiki is your friend. Mind you, I've grown up knowing about the Marvel Comic Universe as a kid. I don't know everything but I know enough as it is. :)

Well if anyone is interested in hearing my ideas so far...PM me or something.
Just give me a Black Widow & Hawkeye film.

It's going to make money and the best part is that you could probably make the film on a much smaller budget than any of the big-name superheroes.

Especially if you add either 1) a new superhero that's yet to be in the franchise or 2) have a cameo by one of the superheroes currently in the film and market it as such.
Just give me a Black Widow & Hawkeye film.

It's going to make money and the best part is that you could probably make the film on a much smaller budget than any of the big-name superheroes.

Especially if you add either 1) a new superhero that's yet to be in the franchise or 2) have a cameo by one of the superheroes currently in the film and market it as such.

I wouldn't be opposed to that. Originally, the grand plan was that Marvel would also make smaller (30 million budget) movies in addition to the two tentpoles (150+ million) per year, but we haven't seen any further discussion of those "smaller" films yet.

'Course, The Sun just reported that ScarJo was going to make 20 million off Avengers and/or Avengers 2, so that would likely eat up your budget right there. So....yeah
They should just put Black Widow and Hawkeye in a movie together and let Whedon direct it.
I wouldn't be opposed to that. Originally, the grand plan was that Marvel would also make smaller (30 million budget) movies in addition to the two tentpoles (150+ million) per year, but we haven't seen any further discussion of those "smaller" films yet.

'Course, The Sun just reported that ScarJo was going to make 20 million off Avengers and/or Avengers 2, so that would likely eat up your budget right there. So....yeah
Even if the biggest parts of the budget were in salary to Renner, ScarJo, Jackson and Gregg, I still don't see the need for a big budget -- especially if the villian's aren't some crazy CGI stuff. The only crazy stuff you'd need is for Hawkeye's trick arrows.

A Black Widow & Hawkeye movie could probably be made with a $75M budget (including salaries) and still be very good. Especially since Renner and ScarJo have pretty big names at this point of the game (especially with Renner's Bourne movie coming out).

I very much doubt it makes the amount of money of an Iron Man or Avengers flick, but there is no question in my mind that could make $200M domestically.

Look at a movie like Serenity - it only needed a $40M budget. Still can't believe that flopped, but you can make a great movie on a small budget.
I think I'd like to see a Black Widow solo film more than a Catch all S.H.I.E.L.D. film, which would just be "Avengers without Superheroes". Hawkeye and Fury would still be in it, but I think BW should be the main protag.

Basically the Budapest movie.
I know the perfect way to set up the movie. Remember that opening interrogation scene...well, why not follow up that storyline since it didn't get finished?

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