The Create-A-Hero RPG Season II OOC Thread

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That's Right you tell her a, straight go raw dog.

Man when i read that i was crying it was to funny. People at work looking at me like im crazy. That sounds like something me and my friends be saying to big chicks.

Why thank you. That was my first idea, but I sat at the computer screen and racked my brain for something maybe a little bit better to say. That's why you always go with your first instinct.
Why thank you. That was my first idea, but I sat at the computer screen and racked my brain for something maybe a little bit better to say. That's why you always go with your first instinct.

Yeah. We might as well shut it down now. I don't think anyone is going to be able to top the long **** of the law.
Speaking of working together Spartan needs to go after someone, start doing his J.O.B. Would any one like to work together?
Sorry about that last post. I had something cool and witty all lined up, then I went to reply....and I had nothing.
If you want, you can PM me what the villain looks like and I can make a Micro of him as well. If you look at the roster, a certain amount of those villains are actually NPC villains (Rogues to the PC heroes).

I still haven't got his look, or his name, down yet, but when I do I'll let you know.
My play finally ended this evening, so I've now got time to commit to posting, and have celebrated by having the Survivor arrive on the scene at last! Huzzah!

Gonna try to get a post up today. Sorry, this week I've been preoccupied with other stuffs.
Here's the completed work:


As you can see...there was slight "artist interpretation"...aka my bro forgot that I mentioned that the fire sword is of the same color as his angel-fire wings. Ah well. And...the wings have a blue hue to them rather than a white one. I guess for now on I will have the angel-fire sword be orange. :oldrazz:

EDIT: ...hopefully my bro doesn't kill me seeing as I'm a hallway away but I made the wings look less blue. :p
Last edited:
Create a Hero RPG SEASON II Application

Character you have created: Paige Douglas
Alias: Psychique

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using, don't go "Like this", or what not): Purple Bold Trebuchet MS

Character Alignment: Walking the line


Character Personality (Give information on how your character acts, what he/she believes in, how they handle situations): She only trusts herself and often get's her own way by her seducing charms and her physic abilities. She has no difficulty killing someone as if she has the money, then she does the job. She often uses her abilities for her personal again. As a mercenary and a free agent, she often is used on both sides of the law. She's not a typical hero nor villain as she trusts no one and is only on the job for money or either herself.



Origin Info/Details:

Paige Douglas, daughter of rich business man Marcus Douglas and part-time model Maisey Douglas, Paige was born into Luxury. Marcus owned the world-wide famous Douglas Airlines. Paige was born in San Fransisco in one of the big Douglas family house, on the date November the 18th 1988.

Paige was put in a private school for girls and made friends with lot's of people, soon becoming quite popular. As a child, she made great friends with a girl named Dianna Ricks, a mix-raced young girl who's mother was famous actress Cindy Ricks. At the age of 14, her family fell apart.

Maisey found out Marcus had been cheating on her with air hostesses he had hired for his airline. Maisey quickly filed for Divorce, and soon their Divorce was one of the most talked about things of Spring 2002. Being an only child, Paige spent lots and lots of time at Dianna's house during this time.

After everything had been resolved, Paige soon started to spend more time at the house with her mother. Marcus had tried getting in touch with Paige but she just rejected him. Little did she know, he was calling out for help.

Paige agreed to meet up with him, but by the time she got to his apartment, he had gone. The door had been broken and his laptop was still on. Paige, being curious of what was going on, searched and searched through his files. She found out that he was involved with the Mafia and was a member of an elite Adopting Agency, which took in babies who were failed experiments of creating the most powerful meta-human on the earth. Paige had been built up with psychic powers but her gene's could not handle all the abilities the scientists wanted to give her, thus handing her over to the Adopting Agency. The scientists wanted to get hold of Paige as they realized they were her best experiment and sent the Mafia after Marcus.

Paige couldn't believe her eyes, but as she stood away from the computer, she was drugged and taken away.

Paige had been kidnapped, along with Marcus and Maisey. The three of them were tied up, on the floor, in a dark room, one spotlight shining down on them. Two mafia men stood behind Professor Knox, a young Russian scientist, who didn't accept 'No' for an answer, thus kidnapping Marcus and his family, as she wanted Paige no matter what. Knox explained how she needed Paige, but Maisey put up a fight, screaming a shouting. Maisey was the first to be shot dead. The bullet slamming right into her forehead. Paige's scream nearly burst Knox's eardrums and the loud sobbing of Marcus echoed the room. Paige tried to control him but Marcus shouted abuse at Knox, which lead him to be killed. This time, Paige feel silent, her head bowed down. But, when Paige looked back up again, her pupils expanded to the size of her eyes and glowed purple. She screamed in rage, which is when her powers were unleashed.

Purple rings expanded from her head and soon expanded to fit the whole room. The room crumbled around Paige, who had a purple field of force around her, almost like a bubble. She watched in rage and pleasure as the room burst and rubble flew everywhere, killing most Mafia members. The dead bodies of her parents were carefully buried beneath the floors, purple rings surrounding them. As the loud echo of the destruction boomed down the street, Paige opened up her bubble and ran. She looked back at Knox, who was slumped on a chunk of rubble, eyes closed and a small pouch of blood on her forehead.

Running away, she soon met a mysterious man named Ray. Ray offered to take her in and told her how he knew about her being 'different'. She accepted was introduced to a rebellious group of meta-humans, who were against Knox. Much to her surprise, Dianna was there. Dianna consisted the ability to read people's aura's and change them according to her will.

After the two of them had intense training for a year and a half, they were ready to become the mercenaries. Paige was keen to start her life as a mercenary and was now only known by the name 'Psychique', after what Ray use to call her, as he was french and Paige was a 'psychic'. Ray had died of a tumor and trusted in Paige to live on the legacy of being a mercenary. Dianna decided against these and parted off to England.

Harnessing her abilities, along side expertise Espionage and martial arts skills, as well as good knowledge of arsenal use - Psychique moved to Lost Haven and is a well known face within the Prison but always has people on the inside.

Hero Type (Select one):

Power Level (Select one below):
City Level / World Level

NOTE: Having only one or two powers does not automatically make a character a level 2. The levels reflect how powerful the powers themselves are, not only the variety. A level 3 may be more powerful then a level 4. These levels serve to show where your powerful hero operates, as heroes this powerful may be cosmic wonderers or Earth-bound. Also, Game Masters will be wary of approving level 3 or 4 characters. An extremely well-thought out and great sample post will be needed to be approved for a high level character. Your post should be as powerful as your character.

Powers (Be Specific):

Her powers expand based on her emotions. When feeling neutral or just plain feelings, she harnesses the ability of tactical telekinesis, as well as mind reading and levitation to when she can nearly fly.

When she focuses, or is enraged her powers grow to World Level and she is able to create, telekinetic fore fields, easily move objects and people/animals around with her mind, but focuses it through her hand. She can also fly a certain height. Her telepathic powers expand to where she can read everything stored in the subject's thoughts and past thoughts, as well as get into their mind and persuade them.

She is also an expertise in Martial Arts, Gymnastics, Espionage, Hand-to-Hand combat and Weaponry.

Attributes (Select one at each category):

Strength Level:25

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 30

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 3-4

Agility: 15X

Intelligence: Average

Fighting Skill: Mastered

Resources: Average

NOTE: Even if all attributes chosen are Normal human when Super-Genius, Mastered, and Extreme are chosen for the final three attributes, this player is a level 3 or 4 character, such as Batman.

Weaknesses (If your stats chosen are deemed powerful enough by a Game Master with no weakness, the character will fall under rules of Level 3 and 4 characters. Even with a weakness, a Game Master may rule it as a Level 3 or 4 character): Telepathic blasts and usual things such as bullets, knifes, lasers, etc.

Supporting Characters (Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?):

Marcus & Maisey Douglas - Parents. Murdered by Knox's mafia agents

Dianna Ricks - A childhood friend of Paige and another meta-human baby created by Knox. Was trained by the same person as Paige and the two's fighting skills are exactly the same. Able to see people's Aura's and change them according to her will - disappeared to England after refusing to become a mercenary.

Danny Chase/Raven - Also trained by Ray. Psychique's competition, as they are often hired for the same jobs to see who can complete it first. They flirt a lot and time-to-time they sleep together. Has the ability to blend in with shadows.

List a few reasons why you've created that character:

  • Mercenaries rule!
  • She can get involved in quite a lot of things, interacting with lots of different characters
  • She'll definitely bring Sugar & Spice to the game.
  • If your character needs a job done but doesn't want their hands dirty, Psychique is the girl.
What can you bring to the RPG?:
A fun character who's up for any job if the money's right.

Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards?:

Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue):


Psychique hummed a tune as she slowly walked down the corridor, heading towards the office of Marlon Silver, her target. She held a gun by her side and patted it along to the tune she was humming.

A maid slowly walked out the lift and gasped at the sight of Psychique. Psychique grinned and then shot the maid, right in the chest. The maid groaned in pain before falling onto her chart and sliding off it, a trail of blood appearing on the cart. The camera's all had been switched off and she continued to hum until she got to the big office doors.

She could see through the key hole. Her eyes suddenly widened and she gasped.

"No! Not this time! It's already 3-1"

Her tactical telekinesis flung open the door. Her eyes glared at Mr Silver's shadow, the form of it was a man holding a gun to the head of Mr Silver. Mr Silver jumped out his seat and pressed the security button, but it was broken.

Suddenly, the shadow exploded and out jumped Raven. Psychique's competition, part-time lover and part-time ally.

"It's about to be 4-1 baby" Raven winked and cocked back his gun.

smirked in amusement and caused Raven's gun to fly to the wall.
Ceasing her chance, she quickly pulled the trigger of her gun and the bullet plunged into Mr Silver's head. Mr Silver collapsed back into Raven, who caught him then chucked him to the floor.

"3-2, 'baby'" Psychique winked.
Create a Hero RPG SEASON II Application

Character you have created: Paige Douglas
Alias: Psychique

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using, don't go "Like this", or what not): Purple Bold Trebuchet MS

Character Alignment: Walking the line


Character Personality (Give information on how your character acts, what he/she believes in, how they handle situations): She only trusts herself and often get's her own way by her seducing charms and her physic abilities. She has no difficulty killing someone as if she has the money, then she does the job. She often uses her abilities for her personal again. As a mercenary and a free agent, she often is used on both sides of the law. She's not a typical hero nor villain as she trusts no one and is only on the job for money or either herself.



Origin Info/Details:

Paige Douglas, daughter of rich business man Marcus Douglas and part-time model Maisey Douglas, Paige was born into Luxury. Marcus owned the world-wide famous Douglas Airlines. Paige was born in San Fransisco in one of the big Douglas family house, on the date November the 18th 1988.

Paige was put in a private school for girls and made friends with lot's of people, soon becoming quite popular. As a child, she made great friends with a girl named Dianna Ricks, a mix-raced young girl who's mother was famous actress Cindy Ricks. At the age of 14, her family fell apart.

Maisey found out Marcus had been cheating on her with air hostesses he had hired for his airline. Maisey quickly filed for Divorce, and soon their Divorce was one of the most talked about things of Spring 2002. Being an only child, Paige spent lots and lots of time at Dianna's house during this time.

After everything had been resolved, Paige soon started to spend more time at the house with her mother. Marcus had tried getting in touch with Paige but she just rejected him. Little did she know, he was calling out for help.

Paige agreed to meet up with him, but by the time she got to his apartment, he had gone. The door had been broken and his laptop was still on. Paige, being curious of what was going on, searched and searched through his files. She found out that he was involved with the Mafia and was a member of an elite Adopting Agency, which took in babies who were failed experiments of creating the most powerful meta-human on the earth. Paige had been built up with psychic powers but her gene's could not handle all the abilities the scientists wanted to give her, thus handing her over to the Adopting Agency. The scientists wanted to get hold of Paige as they realized they were her best experiment and sent the Mafia after Marcus.

Paige couldn't believe her eyes, but as she stood away from the computer, she was drugged and taken away.

Paige had been kidnapped, along with Marcus and Maisey. The three of them were tied up, on the floor, in a dark room, one spotlight shining down on them. Two mafia men stood behind Professor Knox, a young Russian scientist, who didn't accept 'No' for an answer, thus kidnapping Marcus and his family, as she wanted Paige no matter what. Knox explained how she needed Paige, but Maisey put up a fight, screaming a shouting. Maisey was the first to be shot dead. The bullet slamming right into her forehead. Paige's scream nearly burst Knox's eardrums and the loud sobbing of Marcus echoed the room. Paige tried to control him but Marcus shouted abuse at Knox, which lead him to be killed. This time, Paige feel silent, her head bowed down. But, when Paige looked back up again, her pupils expanded to the size of her eyes and glowed purple. She screamed in rage, which is when her powers were unleashed.

Purple rings expanded from her head and soon expanded to fit the whole room. The room crumbled around Paige, who had a purple field of force around her, almost like a bubble. She watched in rage and pleasure as the room burst and rubble flew everywhere, killing most Mafia members. The dead bodies of her parents were carefully buried beneath the floors, purple rings surrounding them. As the loud echo of the destruction boomed down the street, Paige opened up her bubble and ran. She looked back at Knox, who was slumped on a chunk of rubble, eyes closed and a small pouch of blood on her forehead.

Running away, she soon met a mysterious man named Ray. Ray offered to take her in and told her how he knew about her being 'different'. She accepted was introduced to a rebellious group of meta-humans, who were against Knox. Much to her surprise, Dianna was there. Dianna consisted the ability to read people's aura's and change them according to her will.

After the two of them had intense training for a year and a half, they were ready to become the mercenaries. Paige was keen to start her life as a mercenary and was now only known by the name 'Psychique', after what Ray use to call her, as he was french and Paige was a 'psychic'. Ray had died of a tumor and trusted in Paige to live on the legacy of being a mercenary. Dianna decided against these and parted off to England.

Harnessing her abilities, along side expertise Espionage and martial arts skills, as well as good knowledge of arsenal use - Psychique moved to Lost Haven and is a well known face within the Prison but always has people on the inside.

Hero Type (Select one):

Power Level (Select one below):
City Level / World Level

NOTE: Having only one or two powers does not automatically make a character a level 2. The levels reflect how powerful the powers themselves are, not only the variety. A level 3 may be more powerful then a level 4. These levels serve to show where your powerful hero operates, as heroes this powerful may be cosmic wonderers or Earth-bound. Also, Game Masters will be wary of approving level 3 or 4 characters. An extremely well-thought out and great sample post will be needed to be approved for a high level character. Your post should be as powerful as your character.

Powers (Be Specific):

Her powers expand based on her emotions. When feeling neutral or just plain feelings, she harnesses the ability of tactical telekinesis, as well as mind reading and levitation to when she can nearly fly.

When she focuses, or is enraged her powers grow to World Level and she is able to create, telekinetic fore fields, easily move objects and people/animals around with her mind, but focuses it through her hand. She can also fly a certain height. Her telepathic powers expand to where she can read everything stored in the subject's thoughts and past thoughts, as well as get into their mind and persuade them.

She is also an expertise in Martial Arts, Gymnastics, Espionage, Hand-to-Hand combat and Weaponry.

Attributes (Select one at each category):

Strength Level:25

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 30

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 3-4

Agility: 15X

Intelligence: Average

Fighting Skill: Mastered

Resources: Average

NOTE: Even if all attributes chosen are Normal human when Super-Genius, Mastered, and Extreme are chosen for the final three attributes, this player is a level 3 or 4 character, such as Batman.

Weaknesses (If your stats chosen are deemed powerful enough by a Game Master with no weakness, the character will fall under rules of Level 3 and 4 characters. Even with a weakness, a Game Master may rule it as a Level 3 or 4 character): Telepathic blasts and usual things such as bullets, knifes, lasers, etc.

Supporting Characters (Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?):

Marcus & Maisey Douglas - Parents. Murdered by Knox's mafia agents

Dianna Ricks - A childhood friend of Paige and another meta-human baby created by Knox. Was trained by the same person as Paige and the two's fighting skills are exactly the same. Able to see people's Aura's and change them according to her will - disappeared to England after refusing to become a mercenary.

Danny Chase/Raven - Also trained by Ray. Psychique's competition, as they are often hired for the same jobs to see who can complete it first. They flirt a lot and time-to-time they sleep together. Has the ability to blend in with shadows.

List a few reasons why you've created that character:

  • Mercenaries rule!
  • She can get involved in quite a lot of things, interacting with lots of different characters
  • She'll definitely bring Sugar & Spice to the game.
  • If your character needs a job done but doesn't want their hands dirty, Psychique is the girl.
What can you bring to the RPG?:
A fun character who's up for any job if the money's right.

Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards?:

Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue):


Psychique hummed a tune as she slowly walked down the corridor, heading towards the office of Marlon Silver, her target. She held a gun by her side and patted it along to the tune she was humming.​

A maid slowly walked out the lift and gasped at the sight of Psychique. Psychique grinned and then shot the maid, right in the chest. The maid groaned in pain before falling onto her chart and sliding off it, a trail of blood appearing on the cart. The camera's all had been switched off and she continued to hum until she got to the big office doors.​

She could see through the key hole. Her eyes suddenly widened and she gasped.​

"No! Not this time! It's already 3-1"

Her tactical telekinesis flung open the door. Her eyes glared at Mr Silver's shadow, the form of it was a man holding a gun to the head of Mr Silver. Mr Silver jumped out his seat and pressed the security button, but it was broken.​

Suddenly, the shadow exploded and out jumped Raven. Psychique's competition, part-time lover and part-time ally.​

"It's about to be 4-1 baby" Raven winked and cocked back his gun.

Psychique smirked in amusement and caused Raven's gun to fly to the wall.

Ceasing her chance, she quickly pulled the trigger of her gun and the bullet plunged into Mr Silver's head. Mr Silver collapsed back into Raven, who caught him then chucked him to the floor.​

"3-2, 'baby'" Psychique winked.

Approved. Welcome aboard.
You mean a universe with alternate versions of the game's characters, or a completely unrelated world?

Either way, it shouldn't be a problem.
You mean a universe with alternate versions of the game's characters, or a completely unrelated world?

Either way, it shouldn't be a problem.

Yeah, I've got no problem with it either. In fact, Blacklight sorta did that type of thing in his BL reborn arc
You mean a universe with alternate versions of the game's characters, or a completely unrelated world?

Either way, it shouldn't be a problem.

i thinking along the lines of alternate world with versions of our heroes/villains. There is something i been think of for a while now. Just wants sure if i'd be able to do it.
Trusty, if a superhumanly strong punch to the kidney is too much (I'm not sure what evil Archangel's durability would be against something like that), lemme know and I can edit.
Yea, that is fine. There was a post where Goddess noticed that while Michael was powerful, he needed a bit more umph to stand up to Icon. So she buffed up his strength, durability, and speed a bit.

So sorry guys. I've just been...ugh...boggled down with other things. I promise to post tonight. And to help, I'm going to try to stay away from MSN til I get that post up after work so I don't get messages from people to do other things lol.
Sorry guys... had quite a bit going on of late and have had to look for a new job for after March.

I'll slam something out at work tonight.
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