The END of the DC movie franchaises may be upon us... - Discuss Here

From CBR Article:

Last year's big WB superhero release, "Batman Begins" didn't cross the $100 million mark until day ten, making "Superman Returns" an equally well-reviewed and more profitable film. This upward trend bodes well for WB's next superhero flick, "Wonder Woman," and will no doubt encourage fast tracking of the oft-discussed "Green Lantern" and "Flash" films
I wish that article was from WB and not CBR.

I want to hear them confirm that Superman's results are successful enough and they want to make GL, Flash and WW happen.
Well, I think SR will make $215m domesticly and $453m in worldwide.

WB will make sequels of SR, because they think sequels will make more than 1st movie, and they are right.

I doubt Wonder Woman will make more than even $150m, it will be potential bomb.

But BB2 and SR2 will make higher numbers, what means success in box office.

My predictions are:

Opening weekend: $62m
Domestic: $255m
Overseas: $186m
Worldwide: $441m

Opening weekend: $68m
Domestic: $263m
Overseas: $288m
Worldwide: $553m

Flash and GL will also make solid numbers.

So I think better will be, if WB continues making superhero movie, but with smarter vission.

I mean, they should make smarter promotion for BB2 and give Singer $180m to make SR2.
Hollywoodland said:
I wish that article was from WB and not CBR.

I want to hear them confirm that Superman's results are successful enough and they want to make GL, Flash and WW happen.
The WB has already said that they were pleased with the results. Several times. I think everyone is just expecting far too much, as if them suits should be rolling out the parade and blasting champagne everywhere or something. As movie grosses go, Superman Returns is doing well and the WB has released positive statements. What more should they do?

Chillax, everyone, it'll all be okay;).
BrianWilly said:
The WB has already said that they were pleased with the results. Several times. I think everyone is just expecting far too much, as if them suits should be rolling out the parade and blasting champagne everywhere or something. As movie grosses go, Superman Returns is doing well and the WB has released positive statements. What more should they do?

Chillax, everyone, it'll all be okay;).

You do realize they are putting a positive spin on things, don't you? You can't really believe that they think the film is doing what they privately thought or hoped it would do. We are talking about WB after all, and this was supposed to be their crown jewel of a film for superheroes. It is falling flat. It's boring, and really not well-written. WB is not going to say, "Our film sucks" anymore than if it were blowing everything out of the water they'd say, "We knew we have a monster film, it's just the greatest thing in the world". PR has to put a positive spin on things, while they can privately assess the direction if any for the next film to be made.
Yes I do realize this, since you've already told me.

I also realize that this kind of attitude is pointless and illogical, since by this way of thinking they could just be lying about anything they say, so what the heck's the point of listening to anything they say at all?

You're letting your own negative attitude about the movie influence the way you think other people feel about it. They could say that they've orgasmed all night over these numbers, and you'd just say that they're trying to put a positive spin on things. How do you know what the WB thinks? No one does, except them. The only thing we have to go by is what they tell us. And they tell us that they're happy. Could they be lying? Of course. But by that same exact line of logic, they could say they're unhappy and I could just say that they're lying for whatever reason. So I choose to take them at their word since I have no logical evidence otherwise. You can't just claim something with no evidence and assume that it's true.

Someone said that they wished WB would release some positive statements, and I said they already have. That's just all there is to it.
Yeah, what does anyone expect the WB to say? they had a $100 million + Opening Week, if they complain it looks really, really bad on their part. Did they want/expect it to make more? Of course, we all did. But if they complain about a weekend like that it will make them look like really big cry-babies. Superman Returns is, like Batman Begins and King Kong before it, a succesful film, just not MEGA succesful. What's wrong with that? I'd rather have a mature, thoughtful Superman film that makes less than a testosterone fueled ADD Driven Toy commercial any day. I'm thrilled Warners had the guts to go with a more mature take. I easily put Superman Returns only slightly under Spider-Man 2, Batman Begins, and X2 as great modern comic book films. It's Eons ahead of X3, Fanatstic Four, Daredevil, Hulk ( Which, I think, is at least and interesting failure ) and even Spider-Man 1 and X-Men. Although I loved both of those. We geeks should be happy instead of *****ing....we are getting actual good films made from the comics we love, not just mildly entertaining movies with no substance. Remember the 90's guys?? Batman Forever, Batman & Robin, Steel, Spawn.....we've come a long way baby. Even FF and Daredevil are better than all of those. Sheesh.
yeah, that is a shame, sometimes people can be picky:confused:. I liked sR, sure it had a retro feel to it especially the end when he was flying. It might require some risk to keep DC in the box office, may have to take a chance and show the critics that comics can make great movies, they don't have to stay in the comics. I personally think that is the critics problem, I don't think it has anything to do with the quality of the film, even though batman begins and SR were high quality, I think they have their minds made up that certain comic book heroes or maybe all only belong in the comics.
I think that people are forgeting that Batman and Superman are coming away from some very crippling movie franchises. People still laugh at those old movies and think that more of the same will come. It doesn't help that HBO has been showing the older Batman movies more than BB. Why the WB always has to smother this character in cartoony-ness is beyond me?

Its sad to say but I think that the next Batman movie will be lighter, funner and happier. I have faith that Nolan would walk away before letting Batman go fairytale on us again so at least we would have a sign not to see the next Batman movie.
Zilleraut #66 said:
I think that people are forgeting that Batman and Superman are coming away from some very crippling movie franchises. People still laugh at those old movies and think that more of the same will come. It doesn't help that HBO has been showing the older Batman movies more than BB. Why the WB always has to smother this character in cartoony-ness is beyond me?

Its sad to say but I think that the next Batman movie will be lighter, funner and happier. I have faith that Nolan would walk away before letting Batman go fairytale on us again so at least we would have a sign not to see the next Batman movie.

Nolan is doing the next batman movie and will proably doing the third back to back.

it won't be lighter....I tihnk I read some reports about this possibly being darker maybe with a little sex added into it...
I don't want sex in a Batman movie.
Really, sex doesn't have a place in superhero comic book movies at all. Superman II did it tastefully, but the theatrical cut of Daredevil... :(
They need for the sequal for Supes to beating and getting beat around by Doomsday or Darkseid or someone along those lines that can really put in some epic action, all this natural disaster thing is getting old and fast, Returns..although they call it a restart is more of a re-introduction. Begins was a restart and is better for it, Returns is a re-introduction but it poses more questions about the future of the franchise than it does answers.

After Begins came out, even with the "lackluster" opening box office (thank god for positive word of mouth) even with that there was NEVER any doubt that there would be a sequal. Thats because the general public know whats coming next, the studio the writers the director the star all know what they need to do next to make it better. With Returns people are just kinda sat there scratching there heads, where do we go from here?

Although people would of scoffed at the mere thought, maybe the previous attached directors (in thought process only not actual plans..robotic suits anyone? suits in a can?) were right, maybe Superman DID need a complete reboot from origin up, something like "Birthright" or something, to freshen things up. Just seems that although the movie for the most part is apparently good (ive not seen it) there is as much questions and uncertainty as there was before Singer came on board. I dont think it's Singers fault either, I just think WB should of stuck to there guns and rebooted it as opposed to all this brief origin tied into 1 and 2 stuff, the Donner movies (well 1 and most of 2) were great as was Burtons Batman (well err 1 and err most of 2) just leave them there and reboot.

Well thats my 2 cents anyway, im sure there would be other thoughts from other people but I just think its an opportunity missed, which they probably thought considering the money they've spent thus far and the backlash they had to other ideas WB probably just wanted something "safe" and thats what they got with Superman Returns a "Safe" movie.
Infamy said:
They need for the sequal for Supes to beating and getting beat around by Doomsday or Darkseid or someone along those lines that can really put in some epic action, all this natural disaster thing is getting old and fast, Returns..although they call it a restart is more of a re-introduction. Begins was a restart and is better for it, Returns is a re-introduction but it poses more questions about the future of the franchise than it does answers.

After Begins came out, even with the "lackluster" opening box office (thank god for positive word of mouth) even with that there was NEVER any doubt that there would be a sequal. Thats because the general public know whats coming next, the studio the writers the director the star all know what they need to do next to make it better. With Returns people are just kinda sat there scratching there heads, where do we go from here?

Although people would of scoffed at the mere thought, maybe the previous attached directors (in thought process only not actual plans..robotic suits anyone? suits in a can?) were right, maybe Superman DID need a complete reboot from origin up, something like "Birthright" or something, to freshen things up. Just seems that although the movie for the most part is apparently good (ive not seen it) there is as much questions and uncertainty as there was before Singer came on board. I dont think it's Singers fault either, I just think WB should of stuck to there guns and rebooted it as opposed to all this brief origin tied into 1 and 2 stuff, the Donner movies (well 1 and most of 2) were great as was Burtons Batman (well err 1 and err most of 2) just leave them there and reboot.

Well thats my 2 cents anyway, im sure there would be other thoughts from other people but I just think its an opportunity missed, which they probably thought considering the money they've spent thus far and the backlash they had to other ideas WB probably just wanted something "safe" and thats what they got with Superman Returns a "Safe" movie.

I agree. A reboot of the 'entire' franchise is what we needed not an 'insert' into the existing old one. I'd have like to see an updated Kryton destruction and origin story, then the Lex Luther angle would not have been so played out. Ah, wishful thinking.
Kane said:
Superman Returns was an amazing film but it seems to be doing badly in the Box Office despite an extremely strong marketing campaign by WB.

Superman Returns was an amazingly BAD film which is why it's doing badly at the box office. The marketing campaign by WB was the standard lame attempt as usual.

I hope that all DC film projects go back to basics and let Dini and Timm take the helm since they've been the most successful at translating the comics into another medium.
JBElliott said:
Superman Returns was an amazingly BAD film which is why it's doing badly at the box office. The marketing campaign by WB was the standard lame attempt as usual.

I hope that all DC film projects go back to basics and let Dini and Timm take the helm since they've been the most successful at translating the comics into another medium.

Imagine anything from Dini/Timm in live action!!!!!!!!!!
They'd make a Catman movie good.
JBElliott said:
Superman Returns was an amazingly BAD film which is why it's doing badly at the box office.

*bangs head on desk repeatedly*

Superman Returns has a 79% Fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes. It is doing better than Batman Begins. It is #1 at the box office. It has made over $100 million and is still rising. It still has other markets to open in. And it's huge-ass budget that the media reports includes over ten years plus of trying to get a fifth Superman movie off the ground. This movie is a success despite what your ******ed logic says. And BTW, the movie f**king rocked!
Ben Urich said:
I don't want sex in a Batman movie.
Really, sex doesn't have a place in superhero comic book movies at all. Superman II did it tastefully, but the theatrical cut of Daredevil... :(

Sex in a batman movie is okay, as long as it's Catwoman, Talia, or maybe Sasha Bordeaux. and it should done tastefully, and not make the rating higher or be WAY too much is seen.
SpeedballLives said:
Sex in a batman movie is okay, as long as it's Catwoman, Talia, or maybe Sasha Bordeaux. and it should done tastefully, and not make the rating higher or be WAY too much is seen.

There is a way to do it tastefully, and I'm sure that Nolan could do that.
I just don't want romance to dominate the story UNLESS IT'S TALIA. :o
I wouldn't mind seeing Sasha, at least she would have a legitmate reason to disappear (Checkmate).
SR needed a way better writing staff, .....and a better lois lane....and a better story........and a better director.......and um....i think thats everything....another it superman is dead! cause thats what he is to me now....dead......thanks alot hollywood, you have done it again....i ear....yes i am a man and i am crting....don't make fun of me lol i am just saying sometimes we gotta look at it the way do. MONEY HAHAHAHA yea if anyone should have been lex luthor it should have been the WB
JBElliott said:
Superman Returns was an amazingly BAD film which is why it's doing badly at the box office. The marketing campaign by WB was the standard lame attempt as usual.
Utter rubbish. Superman Returns is not a bad film. The reason why it has been doing abysmal sales is quite simply that the general masses don't give a toss about Superman, so they don't bother to see it.
Zilleraut #66 said:
I think that people are forgeting that Batman and Superman are coming away from some very crippling movie franchises. People still laugh at those old movies and think that more of the same will come. It doesn't help that HBO has been showing the older Batman movies more than BB. Why the WB always has to smother this character in cartoony-ness is beyond me?

Its sad to say but I think that the next Batman movie will be lighter, funner and happier. I have faith that Nolan would walk away before letting Batman go fairytale on us again so at least we would have a sign not to see the next Batman movie.

Not gonna happen. Recent reports are showing that Batman 2 will be even darker than Batman Begins
Amisfitdirector said:
SR needed a way better writing staff, .....and a better lois lane....and a better story........and a better director.......and um....i think thats everything....another it superman is dead! cause thats what he is to me now....dead......thanks alot hollywood, you have done it again....i ear....yes i am a man and i am crting....don't make fun of me lol i am just saying sometimes we gotta look at it the way do. MONEY HAHAHAHA yea if anyone should have been lex luthor it should have been the WB

God damnit. Why the hell does every hater except dpm come off as a complete idiot :mad:
i read that a lot, warblade. "But it's the people that are the problem." It's never just one thing to me though. In theory it could possibly be because it was a sub-par film that relies too heavily on nostalgia to give it legs to stand on and uses tasteless shock value like passion of the christ to bluntly compel you to feel something.

But that's really unpopular to say...

I believe this myself that people may have not liked this movie because it's a pretty depressing, and unexciting superman film that ends where it really begins to get interesting and contains a lot of weird stuff, but who knows... Maybe they have some conspiracy against superman. I don't know. People these days yunno...
hippie_hunter said:
*bangs head on desk repeatedly*

Superman Returns has a 79% Fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes. It is doing better than Batman Begins. It is #1 at the box office. It has made over $100 million and is still rising. It still has other markets to open in. And it's huge-ass budget that the media reports includes over ten years plus of trying to get a fifth Superman movie off the ground. This movie is a success despite what your ******ed logic says. And BTW, the movie f**king rocked!

It has a 75% freah rating. Good but hardly great. That is lower then the first X-Men which I thought was just a average movie and way lower then the first Spiderman.

As for doing better then Begins, with the opening of Pirates Returns BO just took a big hit and its second weekend take will be less then Begins second weekend of $27 million by about $5 to $7 million and it will now make less then Begins for its remaining weeks so whether it ends up with more then Begins is still in doubt.

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