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The Flash The Flash Season 3 Episode 8 - "Invasion"


We are now only missing The Dark Knight, The Amazonian Warrior Princess, The King Of Atlantis, The Green Guardian of The Cosmos !!!!!
Seeing the above youtube video and having Supergirl in the Flarrowverse. I wish they could just merge the universes already. How do you have a universe with all of those heroes and not have Supes(man & girl) and Batman. Would be cool to see Martian Manhunter join the teamups.

They could have some kind of event that merges the worlds and the only people who remember the changes are the heroes.
Putting Wallers achievements on a guy...no me gusta

I couldn't take that line seriously. I mean, he might be saying that to Lyla now, but we *saw* Waller. She answered to no one other than her own bloodlust. I am fairly certain that guy only acted that way, because Lyla is relatively unintimidating and Waller was safely dead.
Well, given what we saw in the beginning of the ep, it's probably the only reason they aren't ALL turned evil. So maybe splitting up was an accidental smart move, lol.

Nah. Its a lucky stupid move. A stupid move that happens to work out is still stupid.
I think this episode has made a very convincing argument for why Supergirl's Earth should NEVER be fully merged with the Arrowverse. She's too damn powerful. Throw in Superman, Martian Manhunter and (in the future) Miss Martian and Mon-El too? Yeah...not a good idea, imo, geektastic as it may sound.

OTOH, part of that was the rest of the team benching everyone who could actually stand a chance against her. Note who didn't participate in the "training": Flash, Firestorm, Steel, Vixen. Basically, everyone who actually isn't prima facie ineffective. Which is why that training was laughably useless.
Can someone explain to me on why Steel wasn't in this episode? They didn't even give a reason as to why he was missing.

1. Budget

2. Because if they weren't benched, Supergirl wouldn't be able to trounce on the heroes in "training" nearly so much
Martian Manhunter is weak to fire. Firestorm and Heat Wave, anyone?

There is no evidence on Supergirl that this is true.

There's no logical way that the likes of Batman, Green Arrow, the Question, Speedy, Nightwing, Black Canary, etc should be relevant in fights involving the likes of Superman, Green Lantern, The Flash, etc. And yet we all love the Justice League (or the Avengers... you're telling me Hawkeye and Black Widow belong with the likes of Hulk and Thor?).

Actually, they totally do have a place, because they bring skills that the other members don't have. Its not all about who can punch who, you also need ninjas and tacticians and gadgeteers and scientists.

Of course, this would require that Team CW have their lower powered heroes spend their time doing something other than charging at Supergirl. *cough*
Haha; yeah, I know that we won't see either Superman or MM in this year's crossover. I hope next year's different though.

And what I meant, in regards to the Hawks, was that I wonder why Barry never went looking to recruit the Hawks as well for the mission.

"Primal Slayer" also pointed out on how it was odd that they didn't bother giving a reason as to why they didn't call for the Present day Vixen.

In any case, I already find this year's Crossover to be better than the last. Namely because we don't have to sit through the overdramatic portrayal of Vandal Savage. And I'll take the current Team Legends and Supergirl over the Hawks any day of the week.

This episode, while the first part of the crossover, already felt like an EVENT episode.

I would like to think that the heroes considered looking for the Hawks, and then embarassingly looked around and admitted "Nah, I don't like them. Hawkman especially is a creepy *****e."
Btw, do you guys think that Cisco was completely justified in how he was handling things regarding Barry in this episode?

I think his reaction was understandable, but wrong. He's being irrational, but I can sympathize with why. My main worry is that he's going to embrace the dark side, so to speak, and not further embrace his anger rather than admit all the ways he's being unreasonable. Because, when you get right down to it, Cisco's brother died in an unpredictable accident of time. Barry's parents were murdered, intentionally. Cisco insisting that Barry is wrong is basically Cisco saying "You are bad for trying to keep your parents from being flat out murdered, because it *might* have a bad effect on me."
From what I understand (I don't watch the show), the "Legends" frequently - frequently - **** with time, so I thought them getting up on their high horses about Barry altering the timeline was hypocritical.

I almost understand where Cisco was coming from by forcing Barry to reveal the truth to everyone, but it seemed to me like he was doing it not because he thought everyone deserved to know what he'd done, but because he wanted everyone to dislike and shun Barry so that he could feel justified in his own feelings. A petty, selfish move that made him come across as...well...selfish and petty.

And I guess Cisco doesn't think he's a bad person for snooping through other people's possessions, because that's exactly how he found the recording in the first place.

Indeed. And yeah, the Legends had *no* business talking. They are casually reckless with time basically every episode, and have outright caused temporal changes much more severe and far reaching than Flashpoint, and just plain left them to remain.
I totally agree with you guys. While I can understand Cisco's issue with this, I thought he was going way overboard with his actions and came off very petty for it.

I really loved the fact that Kara and Oliver stood by Barry and how Oliver thought it was silly with how everyone was acting.

I should probably add that Ollie was generally great this episode. I wish we could have this Ollie on Arrow, it'd be much improved.
But the difference is it is the mission of the LoT to repair the timeline when it gets damaged. Such as the last episode where an outlaw named Turnbull had taken over half the United States because
a time pirate let Turnball get ahold of something powerful he shouldn't have. So the LoT repaired the timeline by disrupting Turnbull's scheme. Thus the United States still exists coast to coast.
Barry screws up the timeline not to correct damages to it, but through his own selfishness and disregard to the consequences.
Sort of like the difference between a police officer and a chimpanzee with a gun. :cwink:

One, for every episode like Turnbull, there's an episode where the Legends caused the aberration in the first place. . . and a third where they didn't, but make it vastly worse by their incompetence.

Two, I find it rather disturbing how "prevent a first degree murder" somehow became an act of selfishness.
I think Barry said something about it being an old lab that STAR Labs used to own, but probably didn't use as much. It looks different than the hangar we saw in "Rogue Air," but like the new DEO in Supergirl, it could be something that's been in the universe all this time, but just never shown.

Hey, maybe it *is* the old hangar, but Flashpoint retconned its appearance. ;)
So I just binged through the whole Invasion crossover in one sitting starting from Supergirl all the way to Legends just now. It started off strong with The Flash, took a nose-dive with Arrow and sorta returned with Legends.

I'd give the whole thing about a 7/10.

We are now only missing The Dark Knight, The Amazonian Warrior Princess, The King Of Atlantis, The Green Guardian of The Cosmos !!!!!

Seeing the above youtube video and having Supergirl in the Flarrowverse. I wish they could just merge the universes already. How do you have a universe with all of those heroes and not have Supes(man & girl) and Batman. Would be cool to see Martian Manhunter join the teamups.

They could have some kind of event that merges the worlds and the only people who remember the changes are the heroes.

It'd just diminish both Flash and Arrow as the "IT" superheroes.
Seeing the above youtube video and having Supergirl in the Flarrowverse. I wish they could just merge the universes already. How do you have a universe with all of those heroes and not have Supes(man & girl) and Batman. Would be cool to see Martian Manhunter join the teamups.

They could have some kind of event that merges the worlds and the only people who remember the changes are the heroes.
You mean like a Crisis? :woot:
My thoughts exactly
I don't buy all these concerns if Supergirl Earth merged with the Flarrow-Earth. How many times has Green Arrow been in a major fight and could have used the Flash and he wasn't there (well except for ratings crossovers ;) )? Just because Supergirl and Superman exist in the world. Doesn't mean Green Arrow has no place. It works in the comics.

I do wonder if ratings are good for this crossover. Will their be more of a push from CW to merge the universes? You can't tell me that is Supergirl AND Superman appear with Green Arrow & Flash it won't be huge. Plus, with the Supergirl reference to her cousin working with a guy with gadgets and personal demons...They could mean a Bats appearance. Just saying.
I don't buy all these concerns if Supergirl Earth merged with the Flarrow-Earth. How many times has Green Arrow been in a major fight and could have used the Flash and he wasn't there (well except for ratings crossovers ;) )? Just because Supergirl and Superman exist in the world. Doesn't mean Green Arrow has no place. It works in the comics.

I do wonder if ratings are good for this crossover. Will their be more of a push from CW to merge the universes? You can't tell me that is Supergirl AND Superman appear with Green Arrow & Flash it won't be huge. Plus, with the Supergirl reference to her cousin working with a guy with gadgets and personal demons...They could mean a Bats appearance. Just saying.

I kinda prefer them to keep Batman fabled, a name drop here and there is enough. I don't want them potentially ruining him with a crap actor and crap TV leather suit costume.
I don't buy all these concerns if Supergirl Earth merged with the Flarrow-Earth. How many times has Green Arrow been in a major fight and could have used the Flash and he wasn't there (well except for ratings crossovers ;) )? Just because Supergirl and Superman exist in the world. Doesn't mean Green Arrow has no place. It works in the comics.

I do wonder if ratings are good for this crossover. Will their be more of a push from CW to merge the universes? You can't tell me that is Supergirl AND Superman appear with Green Arrow & Flash it won't be huge. Plus, with the Supergirl reference to her cousin working with a guy with gadgets and personal demons...They could mean a Bats appearance. Just saying.

You could do all of what you said above using the device that Cisco gave Kara....no need for a merge.
You could do all of what you said above using the device that Cisco gave Kara....no need for a merge.

Yes, but if they merged, then she wouldn't the device.:gngl:

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