The Flash The Flash Season 4 Episode 16: "Run, Iris, Run"

Firing her would solve all the shows problems. Unless there is a stark reason not to. Her contract as far as I heard didn't seem as long as the others. More like 4 years. Something is going on behind the curtain. The prodigious amount of hate this episode got before and after should really scare the producers. They need to make a decision already.

Ratings would say otherwise. It was watched by slightly more people then 4x15. And since she was female lead since day 1 her contract most likely mirrors Grants for 7 years. So good luck!
Doubt it's 7 years. What are they gonna do with her character? Have Westallen babies? Emasculate Barry even more by giving her more Mary Sue moments? Drive more people aware with new ways to shoehorn her character in another character's purpose? Like with Caitlin and Cisco being sidelined this season. Keeping her on the show this long will only make things worse. Ratings are at an all time low, they haven't changed, nor have they gone up. A filler episode that was heavily promoted didn't make any big changes.
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Who said otherwise? We know she isn't THE main lead but there is that little thing of male leads and female leads even if they arent THE lead.
Top billing as in first name is THE lead. Grant Gustin is the first name billed. The Flash is still the show's name. Candice falls below Grant, she's not a lead but a supporting.

I guess I forgot that when you have a male lead and a female lead they are listed side by side.
Yeah...I'm not gonna touch this Iris/Candice stuff with a ten foot pole.

Given that the show has been pretty meh lately I'm gonna check out of it.
They're not listed side by side. But keep schilling that. Also:

David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson are male and female leads of X-Files.
Tom Mison and Nicole Beharie were male and female leads of Sleepy Hollow.

Justin Baldoni isn't male lead on Jane the Virgin.
Malcolm Goodwin, Rahul Kohli and Robert Burkley: none are the male lead on iZombie. They are all supporting character.
Ava isn't a Legend nor female lead. She's a supporting character
Mon-el isn't Supergirl nor the male lead. He's a supporting character
Felicity isn't Arrow nor the female lead. She's a supporting character
Iris isn't Flash nor female lead. She's a supporting character.
Amaya and Nate are Legends and are 2 of several leads.

Hope this helps.

ETA: I think I know what Candice will demand next.
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Just as SA was the lead on Arrow and KC was the female lead...before being replaced as female lead.

Even AK stated that KC was the 2nd lead though the show was about Oliver.

You don't have to be THE lead to be the male/female lead of a show. McDreamy was the male lead of Greys Anatomy even though the show wasn't about him.

Justin Baldoni is for all intents and purposes the male lead of Jtv.

Oh but hey then we have this reputable news site calling Candice the female lead

Not to mention this other reputable news site calling her female lead

Who can forget this site

and that site

Even The Flash MOVIE has a female lead when she isn't hte TITLE character? How is that?

and this site

Even our OWN SHH calling Iris in the TF movie the female lead


But what do they know when they work in the business?
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Thanks for pointing that that you can be a lead without being the lead, ie that's a courtesy title for a supporting character.
Being the lead means you see their name first in the credits, why this is so hard to understand?
If your name is listed #2 you are not the lead, there.
No one is saying that she is THE lead. But the proof that she is the female lead (which is nothing new)is right in front of you with multiple sources so if you refuse to accept the facts then....have fun.
You brought up Katie Cassidy, still not the lead as she was again billed after Stephen, the only lead, and part of the team until Season 4. Everyone else is supporting. That's how TV works. I guess Jessica Jones is all about Rachel Taylor's character Trish since she too, like Candice, is second billed therefore making her "the lead" over Krysten Ritter who plays the main title.
Did I say that being the female lead made them the focus on the shows? Did I gain amnesia?

If I remember correctly..I said KC was the FEMALE lead of Arrow. She was looked at as the FEMALE lead. Um just as Candice is the FEMALE lead of the show. The countless articles I gave, if you even bothered to click them said FEMALE LEAD. Never said they were THE LEAD character but the FEMALE lead character. That means when it comes to females on the show that revolve around a guy, they are top dog. They are usually the love interest and considered important to the main character.

Get it straight since you like to use "facts" about who is popular and who isn't. And conspiracy theories about who has dirt on who to get some screen time.
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She's not a lead, she is a SUPPORTING female character in a show about the Green Arrow. I wouldn't argue that she is an important teammate to Oliver on the battle ground but in the show, especially in her introduction, she is a love interest who was sometimes a DA. Being a love interest is secondary as for the plot devices and drama purposes which the CW is known for. Candice is still not a lead on a show called and about The Flash, nor was she one in the comics, she was always supporting. Her name should be added to the title and the first one I see as the credits roll before Grant Gustin's then I'll give you that one.
I'm going to have to side with "Primal Slayer" on this as well.

As far as concepts go, it's too my understanding that most shows always has both a male and female lead, regardless if the show itself revolves upon a single character.

Lois Lane has been called the "leading lady" of Superman's life and Iris is to Barry's mythology on what Lois is to Clark (according to their comic counterparts that is).

She may not be my favorite love interest (or character) but I still acknowledge her as the female lead of the series.
She's not a lead, she is a SUPPORTING female character in a show about the Green Arrow. I wouldn't argue that she is an important teammate to Oliver on the battle ground but in the show, especially in her introduction, she is a love interest who was sometimes a DA. Being a love interest is secondary as for the plot devices and drama purposes which the CW is known for. Candice is still not a lead on a show called and about The Flash, nor was she one in the comics, she was always supporting. Her name should be added to the title and the first one I see as the credits roll before Grant Gustin's then I'll give you that one.

I'm going to have to side with "Primal Slayer" on this as well.

As far as concepts go, it's too my understanding that most shows always has both a male and female lead, regardless if the show itself revolves upon a single character.

Lois Lane has been called the "leading lady" of Superman's life and Iris is to Barry's mythology on what Lois is to Clark (according to their comic counterparts that is).

She may not be my favorite love interest (or character) but I still acknowledge her as the female lead of the series.

The comics are still called Superman though. Not Lois Lane and Superman. "Leading lady" is another way of saying "love interest." And love interests don't get this much screen time in a show about superheros.

Iris in the new 52 is a secondary character she isn't even a love interest to Barry which this show derives material from. It's sure not from the Silver Age of the comics.
She is such a central figure to the show,” Kreisberg said about the decision to bring Laurel back for the centennial episode. “I mean, she was the second lead on the show, and even though the show has evolved, Laurel is at the heart of it. She was Oliver’s great love, she’s Sara’s sister, she’s Lance’s daughter,” he continued.

So you know more then one of the people that created the show?
A man responsible for ruining the show with his Westallen/Iris fetish and creating a horrible work environment for the cast and crew, sure I value his opinion above all else.
He is totally a horrible person no argument there but wooo lol you are to funny. I can't even go on with this anymore because the delusion is strong.
I love how some people who are Iris haters think that the show's flaws are primarily due to her, when that's not even remotely true. If Iris left the show tomorrow, those same faults with the writing would still remain, because those faults are largely independent of Iris' role. Repairing the show's flaws means fixing the flow and pacing of the storytelling, and not relying so much on conventional metahuman-of-the-week plots. None of that necessitates Candice Patton (or any other cast member, really) vanishing from the show. Anyone who thinks the show's problems would be solved by Iris leaving the show is mistaken.

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