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The Defenders The full Defenders team


May 11, 2012
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So obviously the main players are gonna be Daredevil, Jewel, Power Man, and Iron Fist. But just like how the Avengers had teammates that didn't have their own franchises (Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch), I think Defenders should also include

Gladiator, Hellcat, and MAYBE Punisher (for a cameo).

Making the full team Daredevil, Gladiator, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and Hellcat.

What do you think?
I don't think that Melvin will become Gladiator until DD season 3.

I think that the full team is going to be Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Misty Knight, Colleen Wing and Hellcat with Punisher as a wild card who's on his own side.

The aftermath will have Elektra no longer leading The Hand and setting out on her own to fight them. Rand-Meachum will buy Alias Investigations and rename it Heroes For Hire. Daredevil will opt out of joining because he does his superhero work pro bono. Hellcat will go back to being a radio host but if New York is ever threatened again, she'll be there as will Daredevil. Punisher is going to be doing his own thing and heads off to parts unknown.
So obviously the main players are gonna be Daredevil, Jewel, Power Man, and Iron Fist. But just like how the Avengers had teammates that didn't have their own franchises (Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch), I think Defenders should also include

Gladiator, Hellcat, and MAYBE Punisher (for a cameo).

Making the full team Daredevil, Gladiator, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and Hellcat.

What do you think?
There's no way Punisher isn't included IMO
I don't think that Melvin will become Gladiator until DD season 3.

I think that the full team is going to be Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Misty Knight, Colleen Wing and Hellcat with Punisher as a wild card who's on his own side.

I kinda agree with this and kinda don't. I could see it going a variety of different ways:

-The team will just be the main four with their friends just being supporting characters throughout the miniseries

-Their friends will be part of the team, but the main 4 will be the primary focus. If it does go this route, I think the roster will be exactly what you mentioned. (This is what I hope happens)

-They will play into the Defenders history of being a non-team, coming together for big threats and disbanding after it's over in a rinse-repeat cycle (I know this version has nothing to do with the comic book Defenders and the name was probably just chosen because it fits better than Heroes for Hire and fits in line with Avengers and Guardians, but I think there's a possibility of them using that angle)

There's no way Punisher isn't included IMO

He will be included, but no way is he apart of the Defenders. Punisher is not a team player. At best, he'll be a reocurring character throughout the show.
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So yeah, obviously Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist.
Misty Knight and Colleen Wing are likely.
Punisher will be a part of the show, but definitely not of the team.
Patsy is not yet Hellcat, so she won't be part until she has actually become Hellcat
Melvin is not yet Gladiator, and even when he becomes Gladiator he will first be a "villain" going after Matt. (Presumably when Kingpin hurts/kills Betsy in DD s3, so when Matt broke his promise of protecting her). Even then I don't really see him be on the team anyway.
Elektra might sometime join the team, but probably not in the first season. (Unless it´s at the very end or something)
If we're definitely getting Shang-Chi, who knows. He might or might not be on board.
I don't think there will really be *anybody* else besides the four actual heroes. Its only eight episodes, and its about *them*. Anyone else will have tangential supporting roles.
I kinda agree with this and kinda don't. I could see it going a variety of different ways:

-The team will just be the main four with their friends just being supporting characters throughout the miniseries

-Their friends will be part of the team, but the main 4 will be the primary focus. If it does go this route, I think the roster will be exactly what you mentioned. (This is what I hope happens)

-They will play into the Defenders history of being a non-team, coming together for big threats and disbanding after it's over in a rinse-repeat cycle (I know this version has nothing to do with the comic book Defenders and the name was probably just chosen because it fits better than Heroes for Hire and fits in line with Avengers and Guardians, but I think there's a possibility of them using that angle)

He will be included, but no way is he apart of the Defenders. Punisher is not a team player. At best, he'll be a reocurring character throughout the show.
I definitely think that's they way they're going with it I think the four will be the main focus (possibly adding a new character to shake things up) and their supporting character can be utilize if the story calls for it. I'd love to see Hellcat, Shang-Chi, Misty Knight, and Colleen Wing depending on the scope of the story. If not this season, then definitely next season.

For some reason I'd rather they nor have the Punisher, I'd like to save his return for his own series. I feel he needs more distance from the rest of the heroes, I'd actually like his series to take place in a different city each season.
On the team -Daredevil
-Luke Cae
-Iron Fist
-Jessica Jones

Elektra is dead right now, probably gonna come back evil. Punisher is a murderer, which goes against the morals of these heroes. And they haven't really set-up any other heroes for the team yet. That could all change though.
On the team -Daredevil
-Luke Cae
-Iron Fist
-Jessica Jones

Elektra is dead right now, probably gonna come back evil. Punisher is a murderer, which goes against the morals of these heroes. And they haven't really set-up any other heroes for the team yet. That could all change though.
if punisher is a "murderer", jessica jones has committed a "murder" as well.

i'm predicting elektra will just be the villain of defenders.
Jessica killed a man in defense of self and others. She didn't go and hunt down people to kill who were not imminent threats to the life of others.

She certainly did a *lot* of illegal, or at least dubious, stuff, but a comparison with Frank Castle really doesn't work.
Jessica killed a man in defense of self and others. She didn't go and hunt down people to kill who were not imminent threats to the life of others.

She certainly did a *lot* of illegal, or at least dubious, stuff, but a comparison with Frank Castle really doesn't work.
well, neither did punisher. he only hunted people who were imminent threats to the lives of others.
"Being a murderous criminal" is not "imminent threat". You have to actually be in the process of trying to murder someone.
Jessica killed someone when there was absolutely no other way. Couldn't be contained, couldn't be stopped.

Punisher is a serial killer who eliminates entire groups of people, just for being connected to a gang or mob.

Jessica doesn't -want- to kill people. Punisher relishes in it. It's apples and oranges.
well, neither did punisher. he only hunted people who were imminent threats to the lives of others.

Therees a difference though. Jessica did it because it had to be did. It was a last resort.

Castle practices it like a hobby. He enjoys it. Heroes have choices to spare of villain or kill them. Jessica made the choice to kill in only that moment. Franj doesnt have this choice system. If he has the chance to kill someone he'll kill them regardless.
I think a much smarter way of dealing with Kilgrave would have been to take away his ability to speak, and then lock him up Hannibal style. But it is what it is.
Therees a difference though. Jessica did it because it had to be did. It was a last resort.

Castle practices it like a hobby. He enjoys it. Heroes have choices to spare of villain or kill them. Jessica made the choice to kill in only that moment. Franj doesnt have this choice system. If he has the chance to kill someone he'll kill them regardless.
well it depends on your perspective. Punisher even said "what I do I just do, it's out of necessity. Which is pretty much how you described what JJ did.

It's not that I disagree with you, it's that, I don't think everyone on the team will have too much of a hard time getting along with Punisher. At the end of the day they're all on the same side.
True, true. It'd just be kinda weird to see them let Punisher off the bad guys. Especially after what we've seen in S2 of DD. But I would not complain if they did do it. Besides what we come to the MCU for is the connected universe aspect so seeing Punisher interact with all these other characters would be a gift. Plus, how awesome would it be to see Punisher and Cage in a quick show off scene where Cage lets loose a machine gun on Cage and Cage tanks it like a boss. :D
I can't see Frank hosing Cage down unless he *knows* the guy won't get hurt. To date, he's done quite thorough recon on his possible targets, such that he doesn't go shooting somebody unless he *knows* they are a serious criminal. Enough recon to actually identify Cage as Carl Lucas, would be enough recon to show that at his worst, he was a small time gang banger who once killed another gang banger, escaped prison under odd circumstances, and has kept his nose clean since. Not really the kind of thing to really draw Frank's attention.
Ik, but it'd be cool if Frank knew Cage was bulletproof and was like

"Can I try something"

*cut to epic scene of Frank letting loose a machine gun on Cage, Frank runs out of ammo*

Cage: Heh, tickles.
Actually, even better would be if they are in some kind of major fight where nobody is overly concerned about deadly force ( say, giant army of Hand ninjas ), and Frank hoses down a Cage that is swarmed with foes. Bullets hurt them, they don't hurt him.
Actually, even better would be if they are in some kind of major fight where nobody is overly concerned about deadly force ( say, giant army of Hand ninjas ), and Frank hoses down a Cage that is swarmed with foes. Bullets hurt them, they don't hurt him.
I can easily imagine that. So you have all my yes. :D
Did Marvel Comics Just Signal Additions to Netflix's DEFENDERS?
Could more heroes be joining Netflix's Defenders line-up than just the stars of its solo shows? Marvel Comics revealed a series of what they call Defenders-themed variant covers featuring Netflix solo stars Daredevil and Luke Cage, but also some of their small-screen supporting characters Elektra, Misty Knight, and Colleen Wing - characters the publisher touts as "street-level heroes."





I doubt it. She's probably the Big Bad, in the sense of being the possessed host of the Beast or whatever evil demon/dark god thing the Hand worship.
I'd say it's very likely Misty Knight & Colleen Wing will be apart of the team, and I'd like to think they'll work out a way of bringing Hellcat in, although the slow pace the shows move at may prevent that.

Elektra will probably be a villain.

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