The Official Jaimie Alexander/Sif Thread

Some sort of more recent confirmation that she is indeed going to be in TR.

Glad to see she is returning. She needs to be given more to do in these movies!
Glad to see she is returning. She needs to be given more to do in these movies!

She probably won't have that much to do as she's been busy with her TV show etc, on top of that she's not one of the 4 core heroes.
Jaimie Alexander is 0k in the role. She never really had a chance to do anything of note in the previous Thor movies. She could have had much more interesting and meatier roles in both of those movies.

Sif has been an utter waste of a character so far. She didn't do s**t in Thor and again did nothing in TDW. I don't recall her part in TDW at all and I've seen Thor recently and she had a laughably small and insignificant role in that one. What the kak will she do here??

Ragnarok will hafta continue the existing story lines of Thor, Loki, Hulk and Odin while introducing new characters like Hela, Valkyrie and Skurge. Plus they hafta set up the world of Saakar as well. Where does she fit in??
Where does she fit in and what will she do??

Might just be a cameo, essentially, with the Warriors Three also making a minor appearance. Defending Asgard, or whatever.

Maybe we will be pleasantly surprised, but a small role seems most likely.
Might just be a cameo, essentially, with the Warriors Three also making a minor appearance. Defending Asgard, or whatever.

Maybe we will be pleasantly surprised, but a small role seems most likely.

That's just awful. Why bring her back for such a small role??

I'm glad that we are getting Valkyrie in Ragnarok. I hope she is an interesting character who actually does noteworthy stuff in the movie.
That's just awful. Why bring her back for such a small role??

I'm glad that we are getting Valkyrie in Ragnarok. I hope she is an interesting character who actually does noteworthy stuff in the movie.

You'll always get more out of a familiar face than a random, no-name character.
Why bring her back for such a small role??

Well, they wanted to go in a different direction overall, which I can understand. The first two movies are cluttered up by a bunch of supporting characters that aren't very important.

There's the "earth group," consisting of Selvig, Darcy and Jane, which is the one that people tend to complain about. But there's also the "Asgardian group," Sif and the Warriors Three. That's a group of 4 characters who basically fill a role that one supporting character could easily play. (The script actually drops Hogun early in The Dark World, but the same basic problem remains.)

Having said that, Sif is a popular character with fans. Jaime Alexander is also a fan favorite.

And it would be weird for Asgard to be attacked, and somehow Sif and the Warriors Three are nowhere in sight.

So a minor role probably makes sense from that point of view.
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I would preferred for Sif's role to be beefed up rather than include Valkyrie.
Unpopular opinion, but I've never understood all this hype about Sif. She hasn't gotten much development and hence isn't that interesting to care about.
Unpopular opinion, but I've never understood all this hype about Sif. She hasn't gotten much development and hence isn't that interesting to care about.

People who are comic fans take issue with her lack of development really
^^ what he said. Really wish she had more of a role in TDW and bigger for this one...
I heard she was going to have a larger part in TDW, but Jaime Alexander broke her back early during filming and she had to mostly be written out.
Unpopular opinion, but I've never understood all this hype about Sif. She hasn't gotten much development and hence isn't that interesting to care about.

That's the point, we wanted her to have development in this film.
That's just awful. Why bring her back for such a small role??

Because the alternative is probably not bringing her back at all. Plus her show schedule probably conflicted with Ragnarok filming in Australia.

Thor goes away from Asgard in this film, so the audience largely follows him, I wouldnt expect a large part for Alexander here. Maybe Sif is with Heimdall, and possibly Fandrall & Volstagg. Hogun might die, we see him confronting Hela ahead of the Einherjar when she arrives in Asgard.
It's actually good to have some relatively known character like Hogun, Sif... on Asgard as Hela arrives. That will give even more weight to the hole situation. Those are characters that we know and have seen before so if they fall it will give even more weight to the situation instead of just being the Einherjar.

We actually know them and will feel fear for their survival. It will also give the fall of Asgard even more "importance" by having those relatable characters there.
I hope Hogun puts up a badass fight, I would love to see him fight Skurge one on one.

Hogun is my favorite of the Warrior's Three.
I would preferred for Sif's role to be beefed up rather than include Valkyrie.

Eh. They kinda missed the window with doing anything significant with Sif. Which is a shame but in a franchise like this, not everyone is gonna get a choice part.
Minor spoilers.

According to this, she isn't seen or even mentioned.

That's incredibly bizarre given the talkshow listed her as starring in the movie and she previously hinted on Twitter she was in it. Perhaps she filmed a minor appearance like the other members of the Warriors 3 but was cut?

When asked about it Kevin Feige says that's a discussion for another time. Perhaps she'll appear in Infinity War then?
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