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The Official 'SAW IV' Thread

I thought it was a pretty good sequel. Only thing I didnt like is that they killed off basically every charecter who had decent screen time in the first 3. They shouldve kept some alive, like whats her name (the cop who got her ribs removed or whatever in this one) she wouldve made a good central charecter for the film.

And did anyone ever find the little girl from Saw3?
I thought it was a pretty good sequel. Only thing I didnt like is that they killed off basically every charecter who had decent screen time in the first 3. They shouldve kept some alive, like whats her name (the cop who got her ribs removed or whatever in this one) she wouldve made a good central charecter for the film.

And did anyone ever find the little girl from Saw3?

I always assumed that Kerry would be a Jigsaw apprentice. She spent all of her life studying him, studying his traps, and becoming an expert on him in general. So, for me, she seemed like a natural candidate for becoming an apprentice.

As for Corbett? No, they didn't find her in this one. I'm assuming that particular plot will be used for SAW V.

I watched SAW IV again at the theater I work at, needless to say the viewings are better and better each time. There's just a feeling of more personal aspects, more tragedy, and more emotion than the previous films. It seems like you could relate to this story more and not saying you can't relate to SAW, but in this particular case, everything connected with reality and it allowed you become immersed with the characters and the story.

Many haters say these films are stupid and have no story, really? How do you explain people who love the films and have favorite characters? Evidently there's some kind of story to the film or else all the characters would be shallow cardboard cut-outs.

I must say the transformation of John into Jigsaw was a epic feeling too. It's almost as if he became Jigsaw right then and there in the hospital. You saw how his facial expression changed, his walk changed, and the way he stood even changed.

I think SAW V is going to focus on Hoffman's test and possibly Strahm/Perez trying to find Corbett.
Ive thought that aswell...But Im not sure if they will try to find corbett...She's probably dead...I mean she had a limited supply of oxygen in saw 3...
yea but saw 3 and saw 4 are ending at the same moment basically...
I haven't seen Saw IV and pretty sure I never will(stopped after Saw II), but I'm wondering if the Jigsaw autopsy scene from the NC17 trailer was actually placed in the movie?
I haven't seen Saw IV and pretty sure I never will(stopped after Saw II), but I'm wondering if the Jigsaw autopsy scene from the NC17 trailer was actually placed in the movie?

Yep, you should see it. It's very, very good and is more emotional, tragic, and epic than the previous SAW films. Not saying the other films aren't great, but this one has so much more riding on it in terms of the emotion and tragedy behind the story.

As for the Autopsy scene? Yes, it's in the film and it's somewhat longer than the NC17 trailer.
Sorry, if that scene is in, as well as more gore, I will not see it. That trailer was the most disturbing one I've ever seen. I actually liked Saw I, it wasn't too over done, but Saw II was too gory for me so I stopped there and I know they only get worse.
Sorry, if that scene is in, as well as more gore, I will not see it. That trailer was the most disturbing one I've ever seen. I actually liked Saw I, it wasn't too over done, but Saw II was too gory for me so I stopped there and I know they only get worse.

SAW 4 is gory for sure. But the gore is downplayed quite a lot and they focus more on the characters and the story. While the decision is up to you, I can honestly say the autopsy scene is the sequence that pushes the gore to the limit in terms of SAW 2 and 3. Only scenes that come close in my opinion is Cecil's Knife Chair trap, the Pig Mask scalping, and possibly the Feel What I Feel trap with Ivan.

But as a whole the gore is very much downplayed in this one in order to further the story.
autopsy scene was gory...But I dont mind...Its good entertaining and more should be done in the next 2 films..
I never got around to seeing Saw 4 in the theater. But I'm waiting for the 2 disc version to come out this October
Its little over 3months away? Anyone heard or seen any pics from it yet? Maybe its still too soon,maybe like 1-2months shoudl hear/see anything???
i love all these,ovies and never saw the first 2 in theaters and when i saw the 3rd on the big screen i loved it me and a friend of mine were laughing our asses off the whole time " not because we thought it was stupid just cuz were demented lol) and i didnt get to see 4 cuz i was umm incarcerated and everytime i saw a saw4 trailer i was like "Damn i hope i get out soon so i can see it in theaters" low n behold i got out the day after it came out on dvd coincidentally the day after heath ledger died
Its little over 3months away? Anyone heard or seen any pics from it yet? Maybe its still too soon,maybe like 1-2months shoudl hear/see anything???

in the Saw V thread theres an awesome new poster for it
does anybody have any credible information on if they are going to release a 2-disc version of saw 4 before number 5 comes out this year? i've waited for the 2-disc versions of each film and havent' heard anything about this one yet
does anybody have any credible information on if they are going to release a 2-disc version of saw 4 before number 5 comes out this year? i've waited for the 2-disc versions of each film and havent' heard anything about this one yet

They usually release the two-disc versions with the singles. I don't know why they didn't this time. I hope they do though.
So the teaser looked good, but I dont know. After Saw 4 (Which I didnt like much) I'm not sure I'll see this until it hits on dvd.
Yeah, first day this comes out, I'll be in the theatre.
I found that this movie had too many inconsistencies, plot holes, and essentially went against the grain that the previous movies had set-up IMO.

First trap: There was no tape explaining anything. We're led to believe that this was the start of Jigsaw's planned game following his death. However, this trap didn't seem to follow Jigsaw's methods so it seems like it was set-up by somebody else, but by the end of the movie, it was indeed set-up by Jigsaw apparantly. I'm unsure really.

Art: He passed his test only to get RE-tested, WTF? Plus I didn't like how he was a trap victim because of him mainly being a lawyer. Defending criminals is his JOB. If Jigsaw feels that way, he might as well test every lawyer out there.

Rigg's game: For him to pass his game (which was just a carbon copy of Jeff's game), all he had to do was nothing? Lame. I also didn't the fact he got to run around the city. Jigsaw's M.O. is to capture somebody, stick them in an enclosed location, and they lived or died, usually at the cost of a sacrifice, period.

Trap victims: In the other movies, they would reveal what their names or at least what their crimes were. In SAW IV, they did a very poor job here. I didn't know who half the victims were and as far as I know, some of their crimes weren't even revealed like the guy who had his eyes wired shut. Very poor characterization and lazy writing in my book.

Transition Shots: While I enjoyed them in SAW II and III, they went overboard with them in SAW IV. When you do them in the middle of a trap going on or start having flashbacks WITHIN flashbacks, there is something very wrong there.

Eric Matthews: They should've kept him dead. The whole fight with Amanda and her killing him is what caused her to evolve into a serial killer. By changing that, you betrayed the character development. That's like saying Batman became Batman, even though his parents survived the mugging.

With how much the emotionally unstable Amanda hated Eric (the guy who framed her so she went to prison, beat the sh** out of her, tried to kill her, and then continued to berate her afterwards), she would've made DAMN sure he was dead!

I just felt like Matthews being used again was needless as he served his purpose in the past 2 SAW films instead of being used as sequel bait AGAIN. It was more fitting he died because he couldn't keep his mouth shut still being Mr. Tough Guy instead of hanging around for a couple of hours, being a whiny wimp.

Oh, and his death was over the top and stupid. The worst part is he died without even know what happened to his son. Some people say his fate should've been left ambigious and I could agree with that.

Jeff: They had an interesting storyline set-up with Jeff and they literally copped out on it. Again, lame. Just because it was a surprise doesn't mean it was a good one. (If anything, Jeff's second game should've been the opening sequence where he rescues his daughter, but dies in the process.) Also, Jigsaw planned Jeff to die even though he also planned a second game for him, WTF? Oh, and Jeff had an equally stupid death.

The time twist: The same time crap ruined the movie. It complicated SAW III's plot, created more loopholes, and essentially doesn't work (Jigsaw is soooooo smart that he could time exactly WHEN people like Strahm would act? ********!). It's bad enough that Jigsaw plans long enough just for one game. I couldn't take it seriously that he would play two major games at once. Plus it cheated the audience because it wasn't Jigsaw's final game as we had gone to see the movie for.

The final twist: I didn't have a problem with Hoffman, but the fact Jigsaw apparantly has a THIRD apprentice is stupid. I know Jigsaw always has a Plan B, but him having further more than that is just ridiculous.

Final thoughts: The biggest mistake was taking Eric and Jeff, the main characters from past films, and killing them both off in the SAME movie. Great way to piss off a majority of your fanbase! To me, they might as well just have given us the middle finger.

SAW IV would've been better if it was a direct sequel. If Rigg's game was solely masterminded by Hoffman, that would make perfect sense and explain all the inconsistencies I mentioned since it shows that he doesn't follow Jigsaw's patterns exactly. Maybe he's still learning or he's purposely deviating or adding in his own Jigsaw elements?

SAW V filled in a few gaps to improve the storyline, but all the errors I mentioned were pointed out based on what was presented to me.

I still think IV is the weakest SAW film in the franchise. This is what happens when new writers are used. Things are overlooked, forgotten about, or just ignored and since Leigh or Wan didn't contribute to the script (the quality would've been way better). SAW 4 through 6 is just officialized fan fiction to me.

I do love the other SAW movies and SAW 5 was an improvement. Rant over.

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