Far From Home The Spider-Man Costume Thread


I got nothin'
Jul 2, 2003
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What changes would you like to see made to the costume in the sequel?

Personally, I'd like them to dial back on all the tech stuff (the AI especially), though I imagine that's not going to happen.

As for the design itself, give me this:





Fire away.
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That looks absolutely amazing.

Do that.
Prefer the Homecoming chest spider, but otherwise this looks great.
Prefer the Homecoming chest spider, but otherwise this looks great.


Tough to tell. This obviously looks like Meinerding’s work or someone from his team so it’s definitely legit Marvel Studios. But with theme parks, it can be confusing. I think Spidey for the longest time at Disneyland had the ASM2 suit on. Sometimes the suit is different for theme parks because they “translate” better to kids. So it’s hard to tell. But I wouldn’t be surprised if this is a more “refined” Mark I for the sequel..
They should take out all the high-tech stuff and especially the AI voice.
I hope that's the suit for the sequel, and more importantly I HOPE it isn't another Stark suit with unnecessary bells & whistles
I hope that's the suit for the sequel, and more importantly I HOPE it isn't another Stark suit with unnecessary bells & whistles

Still don't know why Spidey is web slinging in the Avengers trailer. That Iron boy suit should have flight capabilities built in....:o
Serious improvement.

We'd better not get that goddamn Tony tech Iron Spider one again anytime after Infinity War, though. Abomination.
Design wise, the Homecoming suit was alright, although I probably preferred all of the previous Sony incarnations suit attempts from a design perspective. It's not a deal breaker because it still looks like Spider-Man, with a few minor changes it can be made to look even better.

The biggest thing that irritated me from what we've seen of the MCU Spider-Man to date, is the suit having AI which is just a dreadful idea in my opinion & the sheer amount of gadgetry that his suit has. Just so unnecessary & the character is made to feel so reliant upon it as well in Homecoming. Needs to be toned down drastically for my tastes.

Not CGI either, other than the lenses I don't want any shots of a CGI suit. I can't be the only one that think's the IW suit from what we've seen of it so far looks as terribly fake as it is. (and the CW suit for that matter as well)
Spidey never had a bad costume in the movies! All of them were at least great, imo.

This is one of the best (if not the best)! Amazing!
I actually didn't mind it that much, though I cannot unsee the basketball head.
The ASM costume is awful.

I feel like I'm all by myself in the "people who actually liked the ASM suit" camp. I know people hate on the texturing but, I loved how it looked at night/"popped" onscreen. Also, to me, it truly did feel like a real costume. I've said this many times before but I felt, if Spider-Man were real, that's how he'd look swinging around New York city.

I commend the costume designer for trying something different/including multiple iterations of Spider-Man. I do think the lack of a belt was a mistake but it definitely catered to Andrew's physique.
If Spider-man was real, he wouldn't be swinging through N.Y.

That's the thing, I don't care how realism is informing the costume. I just want it to look goooood.
I love this suit and I hate it. The glowing blue lines are horrible.
Is that the real back? Can't say I like that they're going back to the ASM route of the back spider being the same as the front. While it did work for that costume, I loved that we finally got one of the really big tick back spiders on the Homecoming suit.

They took two big steps forward and one small step back from the last suit.

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