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Theresa May calls for a snap election.

John Oliver calling May "Thatcher in The Rye" on his election coverage was pretty funny. That running through the wheat field comment came back to bite her.
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They also made a fool of her over that one on 'The Last Leg'
It made me smile how Corbyn managed to defy all the media assault against the guy leading up to the election. In light of the Grenfell tower disaster, Corbyn appeared more sincere and was there to listen to the plight of victims but what does May do? She has a photo taken with firefighters. Much reminds me of former NZ PM John Key in the event of the Christchurch Earthquakes when all he did was have a photo taken of him wearing a hardhat. Typical neoliberal behaviour right there.
I'm not Corbyn's biggest fan but the tabloid press hate campaign against him was just embarrassing to see. There wasn't intelligent insightful analysis of the man and his views. There was a a bunch of bias slanderous nonsense which many people saw through.

Even David Dimbleby said Corbyn did not receive a fair shake of things from the press.

It was actually a smart strategy to side step some of the old media and spend lots campaigning on new media platforms (which obviously helped him in the youth vote area).
There's no balance to media write ups these days. Everything is so obviously biased one way or the other.
There's no balance to media write ups these days. Everything is so obviously biased one way or the other.

True. Left or right leading media is nothing new. At least at times we have journalists providing compelling well thought out critique pieces. Mud slinging slanderous garbage we see in the tabloids though doesn't inform the public with useful information and only fuels the political discourse.
Wasn't Parliament recently hacked or something? Putin at it again?
Wasn't Parliament recently hacked or something? Putin at it again?

Oh yes, Russia Russia Russia... ha! Corbyn is too classy for that, unlike Hillary Clinton who continues to act like a sore loser blaming everybody from Comey, to Russia and WikiLeaks. Leading the resistance against what?! The Progressives, not Trump.
Oh yes, Russia Russia Russia... ha! Corbyn is too classy for that, unlike Hillary Clinton who continues to act like a sore loser blaming everybody from Comey, to Russia and WikiLeaks. Leading the resistance against what?! The Progressives, not Trump.

Getting bored with the brown-nosing of Corbyn atm... It's fine for him to use dead bodies as propaganda, fine for him to disrespect the armed forces to hold a political rally at Glastonbury instead... fine for him to put in the Labour Manifesto a promise to tax people if their garden is too big... Fine that he was going around in the campaigning openly admitting he wouldn't do what it takes to defend the UK...

But God forbid that May took 24 hours after Grenfell to visit the victims....
Wasn't Parliament recently hacked or something? Putin at it again?

Putin will probably say it was just very patriotic russian civilian hackers again :whatever:

It was either the Russians or the North Korean state backed hacking group that launched the ransomware a couple months ago I would bet.
I seriously think a few years down the line when they're in like Doctor Doom territory people are gonna be asking, why didn't we do anything? lol
He's all over the place now but was nowhere to be seen during the vote that actually mattered!
Corbyn spent more time slagging off the EU during the brexit debate than praising it... and he was supposed to be pro-EU as well.

People don't like what's happening atm, they're tired of austerity and cuts... but they don't realise that the majority of the cuts were needed because of the last Labour government... and Corbyn's actions & words in this last election show that he's learnt nothing from how Brown's leadership fell apart. This will end up worse under Labour than they are under the Tories.
May is doing worse and worse in the polls. The Tories need to replace her.
Corbyn spent more time slagging off the EU during the brexit debate than praising it... and he was supposed to be pro-EU as well.

People don't like what's happening atm, they're tired of austerity and cuts... but they don't realise that the majority of the cuts were needed because of the last Labour government... and Corbyn's actions & words in this last election show that he's learnt nothing from how Brown's leadership fell apart. This will end up worse under Labour than they are under the Tories.

You mean as a result of the banking crisis?

I didn't care for Brown either but blaming Labour for the banks mess is stretching things isn't it?

And yet May found a billion pounds to obtain the DUPs backing, now had they paid out of their own resources rather the tax payers you might have a point.

As it stands the Tories keep forgetting a Hung Parliament isn't a victory and paying a billion pounds they supposedly can't afford given the austerity cuts only confirms their hypocrisy!

Could Labour afford to pay for their manifesto?

Don't know, but given the Tories are making us pay to ensure they remain in power shouldn't you be worried what depths they will descend to, to remain in power?
Not blaming them for the banking crisis.... but what I am blaming them is the fact they (Blair & Brown) put the country in a position that saw the 08 crash impact us far harder than it should ever have done. Take a look at the NHS (the thing Labour are meant to adore)... the PFI lending schemes saw NHS trusts saddled with insane levels of debt and high payment fees along with expensive facilities to staff and operate... None of them could cope when the 08 crash hit... Tory cuts haven't made things easy at all, but Labour's actions have helped **** it all up.

How much would Labour have had to pay out (through actual payments or promises) to the other parties to form a (still) minority government that would have seen the vast majority of their bills shot down because they didn't have the votes needed? The DUP money is a lot... but don't sit there and ignore the fact Labour would have done worse for less.

No party won the GE... the Tories got the most seats and therefore had the right to form the government, but they didn't win.... Neither did Corbyn, despite all his and his cult followers claims, Corbyn lost yet another GE.

No, Labour couldn't afford their so called 'costed manifesto'... which, IMHO, makes it no different to the Tories uncosted one. They put all their funding on the naïve belief that the rich and big businesses would stay around when Labour put their tax rates higher than elsewhere (No one believes with how Labour demonise the rich & big business, that they wouldn't raise tax rates higher and higher until it became financially better for them to be out of the country)... and even then, we're now seeing that their promises were impossible...

the Tories are not perfect, not by any means... but when people ignore the failures of Labour and the policies, recorded quotes & history of both Corbyn & McDonnell.... no one in their right mind would think they'd be a better option.
May is doing worse and worse in the polls. The Tories need to replace her.

Replace her with who?

May's main leadership rivals are Boris Johnson and David Davis. Neither of those two are popular at the moment.
Politicians being focusing on a internal power grab instead of running the country isn't going to go down well with the general public either.

If people don't like May then they should not of voted for the party she is the leader of in the election we had this year.
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Replace her with who?

May's main leadership rivals are Boris Johnson and David Davis. Neither of those two are popular at the moment.
Politicians being focusing on a internal power grab instead of running the country isn't going to go down well with the general public either.

If people don't like May then they should not of voted for the party she is the leader of in the election we had this year.

Chuka Umunna :woot:
Chuka Umunna needs his wife's permission first :cwink:


In all seriousness I hope the next leader of the country (whenever they take over) is more competent than May or Corbyn. The country needs a move to the centre to stop all this unhealthy mudslinging from both fringes with no common ground, either a socially conscious Tory (I thought Cameron was fine) or someone like Umunna at Labour. I was very disappointed when he dropped out.
Given he could have stayed and fulfilled the goal of becoming the pm who dealt with Brexit his actual actions make it clear he was anything but!

In retrospect would it have been cheaper if May instead of the dementia tax she promised to begin raising that 1% pay cap during the next term say ultimately increasing it to say 2% by 2020 might have won her the majority she lost?

Edit:Sorry meant Cameron!
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Given he could have stayed and fulfilled the goal of becoming the pm who dealt with Brexit his actual actions make it clear he was anything but!
Was that about Cameron or Umunna? Cameron didn't have any goal of dealing with Brexit. I think he had little idea that it could even happen.

In retrospect would it have been cheaper if May instead of the dementia tax she promised to begin raising that 1% pay cap during the next term say ultimately increasing it to say 2% by 2020 might have won her the majority she lost?
I knew the dementia tax would F her up. What a crazy new idea to put into a manifesto when you have a sound lead and your oppostion is promising the earth. the day before that she was doing fine and that opened the floodgates for Corbyn to take advantage.
Was that about Cameron or Umunna? Cameron didn't have any goal of dealing with Brexit. I think he had little idea that it could even happen.

Apologies meant Cameron!

I knew the dementia tax would F her up. What a crazy new idea to put into a manifesto when you have a sound lead and your oppostion is promising the earth. the day before that she was doing fine and that opened the floodgates for Corbyn to take advantage.

Oh yes, frankly I'm surprised she still got a Hung Parliament, especially after sending Amber Rudd to speak on her behalf!
Made me wonder what if she had sent Boris instead!
Eventually we will see a return to the center ground but at the moment there are too many factors pushing both of extreme ends of the political spectrum to the forefront

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