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Age of Extinction Transformers 4 Twitter Reactions/Critic Review Thread

Pretty early for that conclusion imo. Not only have 'the people' not exactly spoken yet(the critics aren't doing anything new and the internet is always torn). But the biggest films of the past few years vs the 'disappointments' as far as audience turn out/reception might argue the opposite.

I mean pacific rim was relatively new and fresh...xmen being the biggest film of this summer thus far is isn't just 'another' xmen men in a long line but very much a return to what it used to be(see cast, director etc).

Hard to say really. I'm not certain the audience tends to speak to your point here. Then again, there was spiderman.

I'm going on what I felt when I watched the film, there was fun and entertainment to be had when I watched This movie but after the movie was over I didn't feel like i couldn't wait to watch it again. I see your point with x-men, but there was a break from the franchise for several years after x3 there was several years break until first class came out and the same between first class and Xmen DOFP.

Plus I came away from xmen wanting to watch it again. I didn't feel that with this film. Again it was an entertaining summer blockbuster movie but it did just feel more of the same when it comes to this franchise as a hole. This is just my opinion of course I can see why some people will love this movie but I can also see why some will hate it.
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I'm going on what I felt when I watched the film, there was fun and entertainment to be had when I watched This movie but after the movie was over I didn't feel like i couldn't wait to watch it again. I see your point with x-men, but there was a break from the franchise for several years after x3 there was several years break until first class came out and the same between first class and Xmen DOFP.

Plus I came away from xmen wanting to watch it again. I didn't feel that with this film. Again it was an entertaining summer blockbuster movie but it did just feel more of the same when it comes to this franchise as a hole. This is just my opinion of course I can see why some people will love this movie but I can also see why some will hate it.

I get how any one can feel that way or any ways about this(just look at the history of how people have stated they feel about these films). It's just in your post you mentioned 'the people'. Something done often that tends to allude to a slightly different analysis. I personally grow tired of meta comedy with each one I walk out of but..that's me. The people would probably argue something different as far as fatigue(for meta comedy). I think this weekend will speak to how the people feel but moreso next weekend. I also think apes picked a great spot for critical reviews lol.

If you go away too long, you risk loosing momentum and all things being equal but with the loss of that. That's when you are really screwed. There are no doubt some examples of the opposite working, I'm just saying it's a tricky game. TF is almost coasting on momentum right now, might be best to strike whilst the iron is hot and before hollywood changes what is accessible to audiences again.
I get how any one can feel that way or any ways about this(just look at the history of how people have stated they feel about these films). It's just in your post you mentioned 'the people'. Something done often that tends to allude to a slightly different analysis. I personally grow tired of meta comedy with each one I walk out of but..that's me. The people would probably argue something different as far as fatigue(for meta comedy). I think this weekend will speak to how the people feel but moreso next weekend. I also think apes picked a great spot for critical reviews lol.

If you go away too long, you risk loosing momentum and all things being equal but with the loss of that. That's when you are really screwed. There are no doubt some examples of the opposite working, I'm just saying it's a tricky game. TF is almost coasting on momentum right now, might be best to strike whilst the iron is hot and before hollywood changes what is accessible to audiences again.

Yes you make a very good point and I totally agree with what your saying, I read your posts all the time and your one of my favorite posters to read cuz you always debate with respect. Ok now as far as the momentum for this movie is concerned I think it is still riding the momentum from its previous entries, what I'm saying is that this franchise is on the verge of running dry and this could be a good stopping point for it.

I think with good timing this franchise could get rejuvenated after some years, I just think that this franchise could benefit from a new direction. And I am not a bay hater at all
People now a days want something new and exciting and being burnt out like you said is a perfect way to feel about this film.

Pretty early for that conclusion imo. Not only have 'the people' not exactly spoken yet(the critics aren't doing anything new and the internet is always torn). But the biggest films of the past few years vs the 'disappointments' as far as audience turn out/reception might argue the opposite.

I mean pacific rim was relatively new and fresh...xmen being the biggest film of this summer thus far is isn't just 'another' xmen men in a long line but very much a return to what it used to be(see cast, director etc).

Hard to say really. I'm not certain the audience tends to speak to your point here. Then again, there was spiderman.

Transformers is a different animal, it's one of the few examples that a movie can be absolutely panned and yet do well in the box office.

In the Top 20 top grossing domestic movies of all time, there are only 3 on there that is listed as rotten. Star Wars: Episode 1, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.

I don't think it's necessarily about something being relatively new. I think there's many factors. I think what hurt Pacific Rim was lack of promotion.

I think in terms of the bigger blockbuster movies, word of mouth can go a long way ESPECIALLY if it's backed up by critics. I think TWS and DoFP are excellent examples of this, and why TASM2 has underwhelmed in the theaters despite being close in gross.

I do think movies like Pacific Rim which I thought was really good probably should have done better but it doesn't have what TF has which is a recognizable commodity.

Transfomers never needed to be artisticly good movies or well thought out masterpieces. They have to deliver what is expected of them. Giant transforming robots that fight each other. That type of appeal is what it has going for it and honestly I think it's all the Studio cares about.

I personally would love a really well done Transformers movie and not just a bunch of cool action shots strung together.
Yes you make a very good point and I totally agree with what your saying, I read your posts all the time and your one of my favorite posters to read cuz you always debate with respect. Ok now as far as the momentum for this movie is concerned I think it is still riding the momentum from its previous entries, what I'm saying is that this franchise is on the verge of running dry and this could be a good stopping point for it.

I think with good timing this franchise could get rejuvenated after some years, I just think that this franchise could benefit from a new direction. And I am not a bay hater at all

I see what you are saying, I would imagine however that your line of thinking would only really kick in after part 5. As far as things taking a turn and the studio starting to worry about profit and making things 'viable' again. Ignoring just how relatively cheap these films are to make, they are still hugely popular and profitable. I'd say the same for spidey had it not been for the very clear showing in popularity/financial decrease. Ignoring domestic stuff, the idea that tf is going to probably be the highest gross earner this year...this speaks volumes to shareholders about what their brand is doing with the audience, it's almost irresponsible to risk change at this point. And if the domestic number is over 300, it's a wrap.
Again maybe after the 5th will they be in asm 2 territory. That's what I think anyways. I think they are already talking about a new direction with director off earth adventure.

I just think if this very film came out 8 years after the TF3, it would no possibly make far less than it would riding off of the cultural wave and remembrance of the last. Time heals but it can also hurt is my point.

Anyways thanks for the nod, we do what we can.
I almost forgot that I actually enjoyed the first transformers movie when it came out.
Like someone else said, it was flawed but at the very least there was personality and effort put into it.
That's because most action films offer the action as the main course instead of making it a bonus, they love films where the action complements and improves upon the plot, not films where the plot is an excuse for the action.

The thing with majority of critics is that if a movie doesn't even have any action, they would still call it best movie. For us, we might call it the Most boring movie ever. Their love for action just does NOT seem to be as important as we action fans would like to think.
I almost forgot that I actually enjoyed the first transformers movie when it came out.
Like someone else said, it was flawed but at the very least there was personality and effort put into it.

It goes without saying that this is simply your opinion but still...
There seems to be plenty of effort and personality present. A tripod and small crew in a basement on a weekend making a small movie about winning a lotto ticket...I assume by effort you mean creative story crafting and not 2 years worth of technical/artistic labor and problem solving.

I do find it interesting the sheer amount of praise that first film seems to get these days. If only more people spoke up back then instead...the contempt has seemingly been consistent since the jump. Only now the praise being applied to belittle the here and now. I suppose there is something to be said for perspective.
I almost forgot that I actually enjoyed the first transformers movie when it came out.
Like someone else said, it was flawed but at the very least there was personality and effort put into it.

Same here, I loved the first and was pleasantly surprised. Not to mention Bay was held in check by spielberg and relagated to a certain amount of cgi effects and only a certain amount of robots on both sides which made it easier to follow who and what was going on. That seocnd one though just did the opposite.
The thing with majority of critics is that if a movie doesn't even have any action, they would still call it best movie. For us, we might call it the Most boring movie ever. Their love for action just does NOT seem to be as important as we action fans would like to think.

That's because a best movie doesn't need to have action.
It goes without saying that this is simply your opinion but still...
There seems to be plenty of effort and personality present. A tripod and small crew in a basement on a weekend making a small movie about winning a lotto ticket...I assume by effort you mean creative story crafting and not 2 years worth of technical/artistic labor and problem solving.

I do find it interesting the sheer amount of praise that first film seems to get these days. If only more people spoke up back then instead...the contempt has seemingly been consistent since the jump. Only now the praise being applied to belittle the here and now. I suppose there is something to be said for perspective.

The 1st film was more restrained and had more heart in comparison to what followed. Shia helped sell the bumblebee relationship and autobot interaction. Just go back and look at how much smaller and personal it felt and even the main city battle felt confined in scale. I kinda like Michael Bay being forced to work with a certain amount of effects shots and certain budget, He just needs focus and guidance and he can turn a decent film in. I feel like part 2 til now is him running wild with no restraint as a director.
That's because a best movie doesn't need to have action.

Thats debatable really, sometimes in certain movies you need an action beat every 10 pages in a script or else it could hurt the movie, case in point superhero movies. Predator is a good example of an action movie not needing alot of action and more mystery and discovery. It just depends on the movie in particular. Imagine if the Avengers didnt have much action til the end battle.
The 1st film was more restrained and had more heart in comparison to what followed. Shia helped sell the bumblebee relationship and autobot interaction. Just go back and look at how much smaller and personal it felt and even the main city battle felt confined in scale. I kinda like Michael Bay being forced to work with a certain amount of effects shots and certain budget, He just needs focus and guidance and he can turn a decent film in. I feel like part 2 til now is him running wild with no restraint as a director.

I get how one can feel those things about the first in relation to the second film. I'd argue the third film is perhaps the most personal(given shia's story of life after college and trying to find a place in the world like the rest of us after school and being neglected after saving the galaxy and having his girlfriend kidnapped and having himself to go out and save her..etc), however, simply pointing to how much smaller the first one supposedly felt isn't something I see as an inherent positive. I mean one could easily suggest that the first fantastic four felt smaller and more personal(see family/ see city battle) than avengers but what does that mean? More heart? arguable. Better because of that simply fact? Not at all. Penalizing a film for a wider scope isn't something I agree with. I'd also ague that keeping the humans front and center(something most fans hate) as opposed to the alternative does this very thing of smaller and more personal into itself. That's what I think anyways.

I think people need to look into the situation the TF2 production actually faced vs just suggesting bay woke up one day and decided to be 'un restrained'. That film is a hollywood success story when it comes to the industry imo.
Thats debatable really, sometimes in certain movies you need an action beat every 10 pages in a script or else it could hurt the movie, case in point superhero movies. Predator is a good example of an action movie not needing alot of action and more mystery and discovery. It just depends on the movie in particular. Imagine if the Avengers didnt have much action til the end battle.

You're talking about films that were designed to feature action, but the problem with them is that this mostly takes away from character development and actual plot in order to feature gratuitous action scenes. Complaining that a film like Transformers isn't as loved by the critics as something like Before Sunrise or Her for example is kinda weird
Except that the "it's just an action movie" defense doesn't work. There have been plenty of critically-praised movie that also featured a lot of action. But they also featured a decent script, decent characters, good pacing, etc. Bay just doesn't do any of those things well.
Except that the "it's just an action movie" defense doesn't work. There have been plenty of critically-praised movie that also featured a lot of action. But they also featured a decent script, decent characters, good pacing, etc. Bay just doesn't do any of those things well.

The problem is that, there have been a good amount of critically praised films that just do action. Moreover that do action well and all the other stuff less so.
The first movie has its flaws but its a very entertaining movie. The sequels particularly Revenge of the Fallen is where this franchise goes completely down hill. ANNOYING characters, terrible dialogue, immature unfunny humor, offensive racial stereotypes, WAYYY to much focus on the human characters, and uneven story telling are the major issues with the movies.

I mean Bay's transformers movies have little continuity to them as each movie can really be a stand alone film. For example, Bumblebee speaks at the end of TF 1 but can't speak in Revenge of the Fallen and they give NO explanation for it. Instead Bay spends time showing us dogs humping or wasting screen time showing Sam's mom high on pot brownies..... I really wanted Age of Extinction to be good but it seems its more of Bay doing what he does best with no regard for improving the franchise. I still might see this at a cheap early bird screening this weekend but I am going in with super low expectations.
I'm going on what I felt when I watched the film, there was fun and entertainment to be had when I watched This movie but after the movie was over I didn't feel like i couldn't wait to watch it again. I see your point with x-men, but there was a break from the franchise for several years after x3 there was several years break until first class came out and the same between first class and Xmen DOFP.

Plus I came away from xmen wanting to watch it again. I didn't feel that with this film. Again it was an entertaining summer blockbuster movie but it did just feel more of the same when it comes to this franchise as a hole. This is just my opinion of course I can see why some people will love this movie but I can also see why some will hate it.

completely AGREE
Do people actually watch films twice in theaters? I'm just curious cause I don't. I did for TDK though.

Maybe if they were cheaper.
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The problem is that, there have been a good amount of critically praised films that just do action. Moreover that do action well and all the other stuff less so.

Name a handful please.
Sounds like most ppl were disappointed. I haven't seen it yet but have no desire even before the reviews came out. Franchises will always make decent coin even if they suck (xmen before recently is a great example ) but people can still hate them badly! I think taking the original cast out when they are familiar with the audience in the peek of their careers was bad. I'm not a Shia lover but he was perfect in his punk turned hero role and everybody else played their part. When they brought Marky Mark in I immediately lost interest. That would be like takinf Christian Bale out of Dark Knight Rises when he's available. We already identify with dude! I'm not surprised by the reviews.
Sounds like most ppl were disappointed. I haven't seen it yet but have no desire even before the reviews came out. Franchises will always make decent coin even if they suck (xmen before recently is a great example ) but people can still hate them badly! I think taking the original cast out when they are familiar with the audience in the peek of their careers was bad. I'm not a Shia lover but he was perfect in his punk turned hero role and everybody else played their part. When they brought Marky Mark in I immediately lost interest. That would be like takinf Christian Bale out of Dark Knight Rises when he's available. We already identify with dude! I'm not surprised by the reviews.

When you say it was a bad idea to replace shia(I'm sure many would disagree given his current affliction with trouble as well as his 'annoying' character'), do you mean in terms of profits or in terms of critical reception?

If you are talking about movie gross, I'd say it's a pretty tricky thing. On one end you make a good point. Replacing bale at that point only means a loss for sure. But at the same time, it's a basic fix for franchise fatigue, imagine 12 tf films with shia. Now imagine replacing him with the rock?
It's a tricky thing but, you may be right, things may dip due to the change.
Name a handful please.

Off the top of my head;
-The Raid 1/2
-Expendables(1 or 2, can't remember which one got the positive scores)
-The Crank films
-Face Off(remember that film getting really high scores even though I found it to be nonsense corny but awesome action)
-Last Stand(more recently saw it in a free screening)
-Tropic thunder(lots of action)
-dusk till dawn
-Rumble in the Bronx
-Under siege
-Shanghai noon and sequel
-A bunch of Chans other dubbed north american transfers I'm sure
-Rush hour
-Once upon a time in mexico(only theater experience I ever passed out in)
-death proof
-Pacific Rim

That's all I can remember off the top of my head at this time of night.
Critically praised that do just action well, rather that do action and the other stuff less so, as is the case with the current film in question.
When you say it was a bad idea to replace shia(I'm sure many would disagree given his current affliction with trouble as well as his 'annoying' character'), do you mean in terms of profits or in terms of critical reception?

If you are talking about movie gross, I'd say it's a pretty tricky thing. On one end you make a good point. Replacing bale at that point only means a loss for sure. But at the same time, it's a basic fix for franchise fatigue, imagine 12 tf films with shia. Now imagine replacing him with the rock?
It's a tricky thing but, you may be right, things may dip due to the change.

It wasn't the 12th it was the 4th movie. And it wasn't the Rock it was Marky Mark.
The problem is that, there have been a good amount of critically praised films that just do action. Moreover that do action well and all the other stuff less so.

Name a handful please.

Off the top of my head;

-The Raid 1/2 - Agreed, great movies, the knock against it is they are foreign Asian film and the highest grossing one I think was Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
-Expendables(1 or 2, can't remember which one got the positive scores) Expendables 2 got 61% but it was also an August release. There's only been a handful of films that have made $200 or above released in August.
-The Crank films Both Cranks got over 60% positive. I can't find any reason why this didn't do better other than possible star power.
-Face Off(remember that film getting really high scores even though I found it to be nonsense corny but awesome action)I mean this was in the Top 11 for 1997, and there were only 5 movies that made $175 and above
-Last Stand(more recently saw it in a free screening)An older Schwarzenegger who doesn't have the bo
-Blade2 Blade 2 got 59% on RT, which I'm kinda surprised at because I'd rank this as one of the better CBM movies.
-Tropic thunder(lots of action) Tropic Thunder, another August release
-predators Predators 65% postive, it was a good movie
-dusk till dawn I saw this in the movies in 96, but I don't really remember it being really being promoted. Felt this was more of a cult movie.
-Rumble in the Bronx I think this was Jackie Chan's first "American" film but again for the most part films with Asian leads don't do as well in the States
-Under siege Under Siege is a 92 movie. It did decent for it's time. Only a couple action movies made more and Steven Seagal has never been a top box office draw
-Shanghai noon and sequel I know Chan has done well with the Rush Hours but I think the premise wasn't there
-A bunch of Chans other dubbed north american transfers I'm sure Again, most Asian films don't really do that well with some exceptions
-Rush hour Was the highest grossing action movie that year
-Commando This was before Schwarzenegger hit it big.
-Machete Could be Tujo as the main character
-Once upon a time in mexico(only theater experience I ever passed out in) The El Mariachi trilogy is more of a cult film, I felt. Even with Johnny Depp staring in the last movie, I don't think most people even realized this was the 3rd movie.
-death proof Grindhouse movies were a 3 hour + affair
-Pacific Rim Pacific Rim I feel should have done much better

I think there's a variety of excuses why a lot of these movies didn't do well. Foreign movies, star power and lack of marketing or bad release date.

There's only a couple of movies of why I can't think it didn't do better like the Expendables.

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