Ultimate One Universe RPG: OOC Thread

Sorry I've been MIA last few days. Been busy with the RNC in town, but should be able to get a couple posts up tonight. If not, definitely tomorrow since I start my five day vacation then. :BA
You heard it here first, folks. JB is Mitt Romney! I knew it!
If we ever have a Luthor that runs for office in this game, that should be his entire campaign platform.
"Dick slid open the window and crawled through into the apartment inside."

Best opening line I've read in a long time. Kudos, Byrd. You made my nipples hard. :up:
I did it for you, JB. I know how much you love Dick.
Little late to the party here, so forgive me for not noticing before... But where the hell did this game come from?! I feel so out of the loop...
The idea was pitched a month or so ago, it got some interest, and an OOC Thread was made. The game still in it's infancy, so there's still quite a few major characters up for grabs.
First few posts will give you all the info you require, including links to NPC characters that have already been introduced.

So quit your stalling and sign up before I rape your soul. :yay:
Hey, sorry for the lack of posting at the moment, moving into the new digs and the start of the new college year is right around the corner.

Will be back up and running once I've settled in.
What A-Listers are still available for play at this point? I see Spidey's taken. Congrats on that JB. Whether or not I join I'll have to read your stuff.:up:
Anyone that's not on the current roster is available, man. But off the top of my head:

Iron Man
The Hulk
The Fantastic Four (though I used them in my Superman stuff)
Ghost Rider
Dr. Strange
Ms. Marvel
Black Panther
Black Widow
Moon Knight
Luke Cage

Martian Manhunter
Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner, Guy Gardner, or John Stewart (the current GL is Norrin Radd)
Green Arrow
Black Canary
The Atom
Hawkman and Hawkgirl
Blue Beetle
Booster Gold
Red Tornado
Pretty much all of the Teen Titans
Captain Atom
Doctor Fate
Animal Man
Swamp Thing

There's also a distinct shortage of villains at the moment. Pretty much all of the 'arch-enemy' roles are still readily available, though I highly suggest you have a word with whomever's playing the corresponding hero first. And there's this handy list right here showing all of the characters who have been used as PCs or NPCs, and how they've been introduced and/or 'ultimized' already.
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Yeah, a PC villain would be nice, but obviously go with whoever/whatever jumps out at you, BL. Don't feel pushed into taking a black hat if'n you rather play a hero.
If you have any questions, just ask away.
I have another character in mind. App coming sometime this week.

Character Name:
Booster Gold

Alignment (Hero, Villain, Walking the Line): Hero

Character Speech Color and Font (actually say what it is, like Blue Comic Sans): Comic Sans Bold, Gold

Powers and Abilities: Booster has no discernible powers of his own. However, his equipment will give him terrific powers, including superhuman strenght, flight, heightened durability, force field creation, energy blasts, enhanced hearing, and enhanced sight.

Character Origin/Backstory:
In Gotham of the 25th century, a boy named Michael Jon Carter was born with his twin sister Michelle to a loving mother and a dead-beat dad in the poorer section of Metropolis. His mother doted on the twins, but their father was more interested in gambling and drinking than being a father.

Michael grew up as a bit of a showboat and a braggart, but was mostly a good boy. He and his sister got along famously, and the two were basically inseparable.

The boy became a football star in high school, and was determined to become a rich and famous pro, and save his sister and mother from their poor existence. Unfortunately, in his last game, Michael received a career ending injury.

The loss of his dream led Michael down a dark path, and he fell into the wrong crowd in his neighbor hood. While most overt crime had been wiped out of the city, some still remained, and Michael caught the eye of one of the remaining mob bosses in the city.

It was around this time that Micheal's mother fell victim to a debilitating disease. Now, Michael has been given a special assignment by the mob boss, with the stipulation that if he completes it, his mother will receive the treatment she needs.

What Makes This Version "Ultimate": Well, first of all, he's younger. Booster will only be about 19-20 years old in this reality, and much more of a reckless hero. Also his equipment will be a bit different and have a connection to the Marvel universe.

Also, I want to go into Booster's "great destiny" in a new way, and go more into that. It will play into his origin and hopefully be dragged out through the game.

I'd also eventually like to get him involved with the formation of the Teen Titans down the road.

What can you bring to the RPG:
A fun character with an interesting story to tell, and a wealth of interaction possibilities.

Provide a short sample post as your desired character, in three paragraphs or more:

"Carter drops back, goes through his reads, the end comes around the left tackle and-Oh my! Carter gets hit low, and it looks like his leg buckled under the end. Oh no...the players are motioning for the trainers to come out and to bring the cart. This does not look good for Michael Jon Cart-"

The holoscreen in front of me goes off, and I turn to find my sister's silhouette back lit from the hallway light seeping into our darkened room.

"How many times are you going to watch that?" Michelle says, her voice half filled with pity, half with disgust.

"Don't have anything better to do," I respond groggily.

"Yea, well, mom says hi," my sister says angrily, before slamming the door.

I look back and stare at the door for a few seconds before turning back to the holoscreen and flipping it to the replay yet again.
If the app looks good, yeah. You can be Hulk.
Hell, yeah! Awesome to see a Booster Gold! Hope that means that a JLI will happen down the road. :woot:

And to HandsomeFrog, welcome to the Hype. Always good to get some fresh talent in the games.
As Byrd said, by all means, put up a Hulk app. If it's good and uncontested after 48 hours, you're good to go.
Gotta say, I'm loving all the creative twists and stories so far in the game. Really got a lot of quality ideas and concepts taking place, and it's ****ing awesome.

Keep up the great work, people, as I'm enjoying reading your stories, watching your characters grow, and your "fleshing-out" of this Ultimate One Universe. :up:
I've been trying to catch up on my reading in this RPG and I just realized that Byrd introduced Marcus Stone as Dick Grayson's partner before I did.

So heads up to everyone: I will be editing my Sentry posts to replace Lt. Marcus Stone with FBI Special Agent Lindy Lee and her partner Special Agent William (Bill) Turner
Yeah, I noticed. But I didn't want to say anything. I figured you had more in mind than just a glorified name drop like I did in said post. If you want to go back to the original, then feel free.
Its cool Byrd. To be honest you've already done more with him than I have and Lindy and Bill give me more options

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