Where are all the Marvel games??

Man, why couldn't Marvel treat their MMO like DC Universe Online? I would have mixed the two concepts. I enjoy playing as actual Marvel character, but I prefer DCUO's gameplay.
I need an X-Men game that plays like a 3rd person squad game. Kinda like Mass Effect. Telekinesis would work like Biotic powers. Everyone with projectiles would probably play like a 3rd person shooter character. Gameplay would need to be tweaked though, for melee heavy characters like Wolverine and Colossus.
Ive always said Mass Effect served as the perfect template for a Starjammers game. Someone really should have done a game centered around the Space X-men from a few years.


Imagine going to different planets and meeting the different alien races across the Marvel Universe. That concept would probably work best for a Guardians of the Galaxy game now since they are whats in and relevant
Give me a Guardians of the Galaxy game like that, and I won't even think twice about buying it.
Ive always said Mass Effect served as the perfect template for a Starjammers game. Someone really should have done a game centered around the Space X-men from a few years.


Imagine going to different planets and meeting the different alien races across the Marvel Universe. That concept would probably work best for a Guardians of the Galaxy game now since they are whats in and relevant
Havok and Polaris joined his dad's space pirates crew?
Havok and Polaris joined his dad's space pirates crew?
LOL...yeah that happened years ago. They were actually in space for quite some time. Havok took over as leader after Corsair was killed off and Lorna, Rachel along with Korvus (new Shi'ar character) joined the team
Man, why couldn't Marvel treat their MMO like DC Universe Online? I would have mixed the two concepts. I enjoy playing as actual Marvel character, but I prefer DCUO's gameplay.

one of the producer's at marvel said how they(all of the marvel writers and head editors) were in love with diablo and seein as how both Xmen ledgends and MUA and both their sequels were inspired by it, so they made there , what their calling an ARPG instead of a MMO these days that way. that's why. this producers name for the games side of marvel wood said this at SDCC 2013 -14 on both their Q&A live streams.

of which i stated that before though if it was for that well...

but the thing that's the same between the two is when your Spec your character's with gear amd load them from your inventory that marvel heroes and DCUO both share kind of look there. as to the world it was cause of their obsession of MUA XML which that producer admitted to why it has this look.
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Marvel Heroes is the furthest thing from an Action RPG. If that's the genre they wanted to aim for, they missed the mark as DCuO is more of an embodiment of that. MU is a click and play RPG
yet this is what the press has be putting out since they made that statement and it was from marvel them selves as well as gaz it's an ARPG you can play online with others. cause the meaning of MMO had changed from the time when Diablo(when brevik became known with the game) was popular which shows you how old some people are when talking about this .
A second look at the Free to Play ARPG Marvel Heroes

by John Gillooly | Thursday 7 November 2013 | 6 Comments

With the game about to hit version 2.0, we return to this rapidly evolving online game, and like what we see.

We last looked at the free to play Action RPG Marvel Heroes as it exited its beta phase, and while we were generally impressed by its direction, we had some fairly serious worries about the game in the longer term.
Our major issue, that we were experiencing some fairly serious lag when using the beta servers, disappeared by launch time, while other worries about the long term viability of the game have been put to rest with ongoing work put into the title by developer Secret Identity Studios.
This weekend marks the first major milestone for the game since its launch, with the release of patch 2.0, timed to coincide with Thor: The Dark World hitting cinemas globally. This new patch not only brings with it new content set in Norway and Asgard, but also a raft of long promised UI changes, new item types and the most villainous playable hero so far, Loki (There has been talk of introducing more villains from the marvel universe in the future, after all, the nature of comic books means that pretty much every villain turns magento-like into a hero at times, briefly forgetting the crimes of the past).
But before we look at this new content, it is worth stopping and taking a look at the game as it stands. One of a growing number of Action RPGS being released as free to play titles, Marvel Heros thrusts players into the Marvel comics universe with a chance to play as many of the iconic heroes from the comics. This involves a huge mix of characters, from the iconic ones like Wolverine, Hulk, Thor, Iron Man and Spiderman, all the way down to more obscure members of the Marvel pantheon, like the recently released Squirrel Girl and the “soon to be movie famous” Rocket Raccoon.
Since the game’s launch, it has recieved numerous new characters to play, and the developers are currently working on releasing at least one every month (this month will start with Loki, which was a surprise announcement last week, and should also include X-Men’s Gambit as well). But more than this, the team is in the middle of a long process of going back through the initial roster of heroes and revamping them, tweaking abilities and playstyle to make them all feel like the superheroes they are supposed to be.
Not only is this being done to ensure that all the characters are fun to play, but also to ensure they stay up to date with the vast number of changes made to the underlying mechanics of the game since release. One of the most refreshing things about marvel heroes is the interaction between developers and players. Not only does the team actively seek out player feedback when making changes, but in some notable cases it has implemented suggestions from forum users in spite of what seemed rigid stances being taken against design philosophies.
Generally speaking the changes made to marvel heroes since launch have led to positive quality of life improvements to the game. New heroes can be unlocked through the cash store, or through the collection of ‘Eternity Splinters’, ingame drops that happen with fair regularity. Low amounts can be gambled on a random hero, or you can save more to unlock specific heroes at different pricing teirs. This has led to a much more enjoyable system than the original one, which had heroes as drops with an incredibly low drop rate.
This has also led to such things as a revamped defense system, which now uses a percentage damage reduction, despite the fact that lead designed David Brevik (of Diablo 2 fame) was vocally against percentage based systems. The initial defense mechanic just wasn’t working for a lot of melee heroes at maximum level, so it was changed, and done so in a pretty quick timeframe.
In many ways this quick turnaround from concept to implementation is the most impressive thing about the ongoing evolution of Marvel Heroes. Things are announced, discussed, and then often pop up in a patch a week or two later. It happens to everything from content to game systems, and has led to it rapidly becoming one of the most enjoyable ARPGS out there. Things aren’t perfect, and there are still some big holes when it comes to end game enjoyment, but more is on the way with the Asgard patch, with the promised introduction of group content like raids (in which the philosophy is to encourage short blasts of team-focused gameplay, rather than get players to commit serious chunks of their lives, Wow-style, to the experience).
Asgard also brings in a bunch of improvements to itemisation. In recent months this has been expanding through the inclusion of unique, character specific items with very low drop rates, but with Asgard players received slots to equip more artifacts (trinkets that boost specific build types), up to four from the initial two, as well as new legendary items which level up over time. These reward players for continuing to play as their toons after hitting level cap, rewarding those who focus down on a single character, and work alongside the synergy system that was recently introduced for the more alt-focused players. Synergies give your characters small boosts based off the other characters you have levelled.
The process of unlocking Asgard is set to run for several weeks, with content slowly trickling out through patches and player activity. When it launches this weekend, it will be a refreshing content boost for players, and will continue to build upon the already impressive body of content added to the game since launch. It has been quite some time since we have experienced a title that has evolved at such a rapid pace, one that has focused on making things more fun rather than constantly nerfing characters to a homogenised state. If you are a fan of the Marvel universe this is a game that is well worth a look, even if you tried it at launch and were put off.


Via: pcauthority.com.au
source: Marvel heroes.com
from here: http://forums.superherohype.com/showthread.php?t=459431&highlight=justin&page=7

It had a different meaning from what it is now. this said with reporter when both destiny and tom clansy's the division were being talking for thefirst time too and the word MMO lost it's meaning.

I was also there in the Marvel hero's forum ( that went through 4 revamps )when they said the old school term when people were flipping out on the dev's saying it wasn't a real MMo cause you can't create your own characters and some one from marvel came in and called it that an "ARPG " and since then that what's been pushed to the gamer press in articles like this one uptop.

And DCUO is an Action MMO RPG, so it's a bit different in it's self too. take up with them.

the Producer name is Justin Woods from marvel's game's division. he has a twitter and I'm sure he'll repeat what he said the SDCC and nyCC 2013 and 14 from their live stream Q&A's at you. at how marvel wanted marvel heroes to be and how MUA and XLM were inspired from their chose for it which was all from Diablo it's why it became this way.

it's the very reason their deal cryptic studio's the city of heroes makers fell part. cause of how they wanted it to look / play like.

This is what happen's when people are always changing the meaning to thing's to fit what they want out of life.
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Wow, that game shut this discussion down, real quick
just as it will people's interest in playing it, I'm sure

free-to-play online rpgs barely count, real AAA quality-titles is what we want!
Any word on why we don't have a MUA 3?

it's cause marvel cut ties with Activision over what happened with Deadpool the game with Activison Screwing high moon over that game. so Disney stepped in took the ip's back for marvel. They went their separate ways . and most the the games of late weren't doing as well as when they first started with that games publisher . Until they find a new publisher that will head to them for all their chose's on what should be allowed in the games and so forth.

So they can't be screwed over again, there won't be another MUA and they might not use that name ether for all we know ether. We'll see.
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That partially explains why there wont be a new one in the near future, not why there hasn't been one released in 4 and a half years since the last game's released. Deadpool has nothing to do with it. Plain and simple, Activision lost the license not long after MuA2's release, when Marvel gave it to Capcom to make MvC3. Now neither have it
yeah well the last MUA wasn't received that well. I still meet people with some complaints. as much as I do that love the series. we'll just have to wait till marvel finds a publisher or does what did with marvel movies studio's with their games side.

They have some one that worked with a games studio and was in the games industry for a while all they have to do is start from there, it's what Dc did with Jim lee after all. And Joe Mad is a great place to start with. They just have to notice that.
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That partially explains why there wont be a new one in the near future, not why there hasn't been one released in 4 and a half years since the last game's released. Deadpool has nothing to do with it. Plain and simple, Activision lost the license not long after MuA2's release, when Marvel gave it to Capcom to make MvC3. Now neither have it
Actually, EA had the fighting game rights. Remember Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects? That good ol' Marvel vs. EA crossover. Personally, I think it would have been better if EA used their own characters instead of creating the Imperfects. Think about it. Spider-Man vs. John Madden. Wolverine vs. a Need for Speed car, Captain America vs. Jimmy Patterson, the Hulk vs. an army of Sims!
Ok I laughed at the army of sims. Do you remember why Activision lost the rights after MUA2 ? so as I'm not mistaken and so I don't make any mistakes in the future.
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Actually, EA had the fighting game rights. Remember Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects? That good ol' Marvel vs. EA crossover. Personally, I think it would have been better if EA used their own characters instead of creating the Imperfects. Think about it. Spider-Man vs. John Madden. Wolverine vs. a Need for Speed car, Captain America vs. Jimmy Patterson, the Hulk vs. an army of Sims!
Nemesis came out in 2005, before MuA was even released. EA had planned to do another fighter, which was cancelled, and the rights for that went to Capcom for MvC3. EA was pretty much a nonfactor by that point
yeah well the last MUA wasn't received that well. I still meet people with some complaints. as much as I do that love the series. we'll just have to wait till marvel finds a publisher or does what did with marvel movies studio's with their games side.

Yeah I hated MUA2 personally, it felt like such a huge leap backwards in quality from the first. X-Men Legends, Legends 2, and the first MUA were all magnificent games, and I'd love to finally see a Legends 3 made by Disney on next gen.

That, or have Naughty Dog or Rockstar or one of them make a good 3rd person actioner, I'd especially like a quality Thor game, since his movie tie-ins have been such let-downs
I'd love to see:

An X-Men Squad Third Person Co-op Action Game. Gears of War meets X-Men Legends.

I'd love a kind of "Marvel World War" RTS, with SHIELD, Wakanda, Lateveria, Attilan, Atlantis and Utopia as available armies.

I'd like to see Captain America and Iron Man (maybe both together?) get the full Arkham Asylum treatment. Cap specializing in all the combat, stealth and thrown weapons type stuff, with Iron Man specializing in all the transportation, gadget and vehicle type stuff.
This may be crazy but Ive always wanted a vehicular combat game. Think Marvel meets Twisted Metal. You wouldn't play as the actual characters, but a driver in Marvel themed cars with different abilities based on different characters, fighting it out Twisted Metal style in various Marvel locales. I don't know. I think that would be an interesting, original and unexpected use of the license. Maybe the premise behind it could be Arcade locking you up in Danger Room style simulations for his amusement
The game would fail immediately without the Spider Mobile.

Indeed. Punisher's Van. A Ghost Rider Motorcycle (or muscle car!), a grounded Fantasticar, sounds like fun.
The Punisher needs a muscle car.

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