Rogue One Where do you rank Rogue One?

This would be my list:

1. The Empire Strikes Back
2. Star Wars
3. Return of the Jedi
4. Rogue One
5. The Force Awakens
6. Revenge of the Sith
7. The Phantom Menace
8. Attack of the Clones
The poll is based only on the live action movies.
I'll go 3rd best. First two are pretty obvious. The third place is shared between TFA, RotJ and RO. All three are flawed, but still provide memorable drama, revelations and spectacle.
A little bit of time has to pass. The originals and prequels are so etched into my mind.
Little note: my review will be spoiler-free

HOLY S--T! What I just saw blew me away. What I came out of was "Star Wars" at it's best. "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" is, IMHO, now the TRUE best Star Wars film since "The Empire Strikes Back". Set before the original "Star Wars" from 1977, this film shows us a true WAR in "Star Wars" by having spies of the Rebel Alliance go up against the evil Galactic Empire to steal the plans to their original Death Star. And, since Gareth Edwards, the director of this movie, really wanted to deliver a war film set in the Star Wars universe, akin to "Saving Private Ryan" and "Black Hawk Down", he was telling the truth coming out of what I saw. It really feels like a Star Wars movie in a whole new way. I will admit that I enjoyed "The Force Awakens", but, after a while, I've come to realize that while it is watchable, it feels safe in some ways. This one, really showed how original, different and new it was while being familiar when it knew too and it payed off big time in what I consider it's most serious, if not darkest, Star Wars ever. The entire cast of this movie shines. Felicity Jones plays Jyn Erso, our lead hero with strong brashness but such vulnerability you can't help but feel bad for her when you see how things play out for her in the film, especially with her father Galen (played by the always devious yet charming Mads Mikkelsen). Diego Luna puts effort into his role as Cassian Andor and makes it as memorable as his character's arc in the film is. Riz Ahmed really shows how conflicted his character, Bodhi Rook, is as he delivers playing a former Imperial cargo worker now struggling to redeem himself. Donnie Yen," and Jiang Wen are awesome as the pair of Force-believing warrior Chirrut Imwe and trigger-happy gun-wielding Baze Malbus. And, Alan Tudyk as the sarcastic reprogrammed droid K-2SO rounds out the cast to help make this movie work in their best way and they all get moments to shine in such iconic ways. Ben Mendohlson really showed his determination playing Orson Krennic in a different kind of villain for "Star Wars" to show. Darth Vader when he shows up really shows in this time where the film is set, he really is the Vader everyone grew up with. But, I cannot get off the hook without saying how impressed I am by Forest Whitaker's performance of my most anticipated character from this movie, Saw Gerrera from "Star Wars: The Clone Wars". While he was in this movie for more or less of what I expected, Forest Whitaker REALLY got into character as Saw and portrayed him in all the ways he was portrayed when we first saw him in "The Clone Wars". Also, if you generational Star Wars fans are hoping for ties to the Prequel Trilogy instead of just the Originals, well you're in luck, as we get appearances of not just characters and actors from the Prequels but also planets from the Prequels as well. We also visit new planets that help expand many parts of the Star Wars mythology such as where people stand in believing the Force and what it took to build the Death Star. Plus, be on the lookout for appearances and mentions of certain characters and ships from "Star Wars Rebels", which you can watch on Disney XD, when it returns with new episodes in January. Also, two important characters from the Original Trilogy make a return in some of the most well-made VFX ever put to film. I'm not spoiling who they are, so, you'll just have to watch for yourself. And, you'll feel like you're part of the action especially once you get to the epic space battle in the climax of the movie. Finally, Michael Giacchino really delivered with his score for this movie that really brings out the action and emotional development these characters go through to complete their mission as well as bringing something new to score in "Star Wars" while sprinkling familiar scores when needed. Overall, if you're looking for a phenomenal "Star Wars" film, "Rogue One" is that. It truly delivers on taking huge risks, like abandoning the traditional opening crawl, and finding its place into the "Star Wars" universe while remaining a standalone movie that really doesn't need to setup anything for the future of "Star Wars". And, that's good. I hope this movie is successful enough to do more riskier Star Wars spinoffs, especially if Episode IX is the last of the core Star Wars saga. I hope you all love this film, because I most certainly did. This film is for all generations of Star Wars fans. Go see it. You'll be glad you did. 5 stars. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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Unfortunately, it's in last place for me. Never thought I'd see another Star Wars film as bad as the prequels, let alone worse. Just an absolute squandering of opportunity, talent and story. At least the prequels have some good qualities, which are just outweighed by what a wreck the narratives are. This film has barely anything going for it.
I'm not going to rank it with the other films in the series yet but I will say, I give it an 8/10.
If the first half was as good as the second half it would be giving ESB and ANH a run for its money, just a shame it took so long to find its stride but when it did, boy it paid off. Still probably top of the rest for me.
I need to see it again (and again) but I don't think I would have a problem putting it 2nd,I currently have it 3rd behind ANH as I think Rogue One has in a way made ANH a better film
I'll go 3rd best. First two are pretty obvious. The third place is shared between TFA, RotJ and RO. All three are flawed, but still provide memorable drama, revelations and spectacle.

Yeah i am close to that. currently i rank RO a little above RotJ and TFA but that might just be my current hype. It is somewhere in that ballpark.
Not sure but I do know that episode 5-7 blow this out of the water.
I feel like I didn't enjoy this much as a lot of people did, which bums me out. I'll have to watch it a few more times to really judge it... but as for now, I think I'd put it in 4th-5th.
This movie was boring. And I hate to say it but Star Wars is finally starting to lose my affection. But for point of reference:

A New Hope (10/10)
Empire Strikes Back (10/10)
Return of the Jedi (10/10)
The Force Awakens (9/10)
Rogue One (7/10)
Revenge of the Sith (6/10)
Attack of the Clones (3/10)
Phantom Menace (3/10)

Starting to wholly believe its the characters in the Original Trilogy that were the reason we loved them. Not the universe, not the force, and hardly the writing or direction.
Rogue One

The rest of the movies never happened
1. The Empire Strikes Back
2. The Force Awakens
3. Star Wars
4. Rogue One
5. Return of the Jedi
1. Rogue One
2. Force Awakens
3. A New Hope
4. Darth Maul fight scene

everything else... :o
  1. Empire Strikes Back
  2. Rogue One
  3. A New Hope
  4. Force Awakens
  5. Return of The Jedi
  6. Revenge of The Sith
  7. Phantom Menace
  8. Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure
  9. Holiday Special
  10. Attack of The Clones
2. TFA
3. ESB
4. Rogue One
5. TPM
6. ANH

Come at me!!!

Yep. The original star wars movie is a ground breaking film, but nowadays I wouldn't call it a truly great movie. It has some pacing issues, and clunky acting and dialogue (Empire was a big improvement in these regards).

Return of the Jedi is enjoyable but very flawed. I really like Force Awakens, but I hesitate to call it "great." Less said about the prequels the better (though I can enjoy them).

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