Inhumans Who Should Direct The Inhumans


Nov 19, 2010
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There's a thread for directors in both the Black Panther and Captain Marvel boards, so why not here? Who do you want to see direct the upcoming Inhumans movie?

I'll start off - I like the idea of Francis Lawrence or Greg Beeman. Maybe Jack Bender? Less sure of him though.

Oh, and I know he's everyone's choice for everything, but Brad Bird would be great.
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Duncan Jones would be cool. She's shown an affinity for offbeat sci-fi. Though his bump in profile from doing the Warcraft movie might put him out of the running.

Another guy I'd really like for the job, though he generally seems uninterested in directing Hollywood studio fare, is Ben a Wheatley. He's a great British director who's made some excellent films like Kill List, Sightseers and A Field in England. I think he could really channel the off-kilter strangeness at the core of The Inhumans.
I'm a big fan of Ben Wheatley. I'm looks forward to seeing his upcoming more mainstream films such as High Rise and Free Fire.
I always wished Spike Jonze would do a major superhero movie and this would be perfect for his cerebral surrealism.
Not sure who I'd go with here. You definitely have to be visionary to wrap your head around this one.
Tarsem or whatever his name is that did The Cell with Jennifer Lopez. His movies have been mostly misses for me but he has visual flare and I think he could capture the weirdness of the Inhumans. With a good script he could pull it off.
Tarsem or whatever his name is that did The Cell with Jennifer Lopez. His movies have been mostly misses for me but he has visual flare and I think he could capture the weirdness of the Inhumans. With a good script he could pull it off.
I don't know. That guy is a little too out there for my taste.
I know, that's why I suggested him. The Inhumans are supposed to be the weirdest of the Superteams.
Yeah, but it still needs to have some cohesion with the MCU to look like part of the same universe which is what we've been getting so far.
The more I think about it, the more I like the prospect of Ben Wheatley getting this gig. He has the weird, off-kilter vibe that I think would fit great with the source material.
Matthew Vaughn, Joe Cornish, Duncan Jones, Rupert Wyatt, Martin McDonagh.
I think Joe Cornish might not want to be involved with Marvel after the whole problem with the Ant-Man script
The Wachowskis. They have the capabilities of bringing the inhumans to life, under marvels influence its likely to be a hit. And they need a win in their careers right now. Hopefully they'd cast Vin Diesel as BB.
That was based on some seriously "out there" speculation from Latino Review's Da7e Gonzales. While I wouldn't rule McKay out, I just don't see it as of now.

I can see them giving him another Phase 4 movie, but Inhumans does not seem like a good fit at all. Maybe a Spider-Man sequel if they really want to showcase Spidey's comedic side, or more likely, an Ant-Man sequel, assuming the first one does well enough to warrant one.
Yeah, the Inhumans have never been all that funny. That being said, who knows if McKay will do a funny movie. Certainly, people would have expected the Russo brothers to make funnier movies based on their track record (granted, You, Me, and Dupree wasn't funny, but it was at least supposed to be).
What's with Marvel's obsession with Adam McKay? Outside of the Anchorman movies, he sucks.

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