Who Will Be The New MCU Trinity?

People don't spend money on characters they don't like. I think most do rather like her (but that may very well be because I do). I doubt the movie would have made as much money as it did if most people thought the character sucked. The two are related; not necessarily a one to one correclation, but they are related. As to debate, that seems like a fan issue rather than a CM issue. I think it's probably men that have the most "dislike" for her and I also think some of that is related to Brie's political bent. For those, it probably has very little to do with the character and more with their own opinions or biases. It would take a lot for me to not go to an interesting movie I would want to see because of a character's political bent or personal tastes.

It would be interesting to see how men and women feel about the character.

OK, but again, I wasn’t talking about the movie. I’m referring strictly to the character.

The movie itself is your average marvel brand movie and I have no issues with it, but Carol is what I’m talking about. I consider her the weakest aspect of the movie, if I’m being honest.

Most people I talked to irl never even heard of Carol before the movie, so a lot of people went to see the movie because she’s a new hero from what I was told.

Only those who are into comics would know who she is and that isn’t the majority of the population as far as I can tell.

I have a bias against her because of the comics.

I don’t think it’s fair to say that men dislike her the most, since I am a woman and most of my female friends don’t particularly like her either.

I do think it comes down to personal preferences of each individual.

I myself am just incredibly picky, and Carol doesn’t fit the type of characters I’m interested in. Most don’t tbh.
Right now the safe bet is...

- Black Panther
- Captain Marvel
- Doctor Strange

With Thor being used as the MCU linchpin between the old and new.
And Spiderman as the "joker" in the team up movies.
Black Panther = Iron Man. Super-intelligent, charismatic, and popular tech-based king (or king of industry in Tony's case).

Captain Marvel = Captain America. No-nonsense traditional soldier hero with a black and white view on morality.

Dr. Strange = Thor. Magical hero who delves heavily into fantasy and mysticism/mythology.

This is complicated by Thor still being around. So it could easily be Black Panther/Captain Marvel/Thor, if he stays around long enough. The first two are pretty much a given though unless Chadwick Boseman gets fired over sexual abuse allegations or something.
I don't see a 400M "Avengers bump". It helped, but not by that much IMO.

Where was that extra 400M when Ant-Man & Wasp came out in between Infinity War and End Game?
If they squeeze Spidey in there it'd make the dynamic more fun to me since they'd need one more smart ass on the team aside from Carol I think. I could see those four and maybe one more lesser member who joins up later deal with a few threats.
Where was that extra 400M when Ant-Man & Wasp came out in between Infinity War and End Game?

Yeah, but that was EARLY after IW so it doesn't count.....

OK, let me try this one....

Ant-Man and Wasp wouldn't have cracked 250M without the IW EG bump....

Uh.....never mind.....
OK, but again, I wasn’t talking about the movie. I’m referring strictly to the character.

The movie itself is your average marvel brand movie and I have no issues with it, but Carol is what I’m talking about. I consider her the weakest aspect of the movie, if I’m being honest.

Most people I talked to irl never even heard of Carol before the movie, so a lot of people went to see the movie because she’s a new hero from what I was told.

Only those who are into comics would know who she is and that isn’t the majority of the population as far as I can tell.

I have a bias against her because of the comics.

I don’t think it’s fair to say that men dislike her the most, since I am a woman and most of my female friends don’t particularly like her either.

I do think it comes down to personal preferences of each individual.

I myself am just incredibly picky, and Carol doesn’t fit the type of characters I’m interested in. Most don’t tbh.

Most movies don't do well if most people don't like the main character. Most of the negativity seemed to come from men and I think it's entirely fair to say that. Go out on the internet and see for yourself. That being said, I don't consider it a definitive statement that it was mostly men who had a negative view of the character, but it seemed that way to me. Of course there are going to be men and women who don't like ANY character. It's easy, and I fall into this at times, to think whatever one thinks is generalized to a larger population. Anecdotal information is just that.

Anyway, welcome to the hype. I didn't notice before you brought it up to CLee that you were new to this site.
I still say the only reason Captain Marvel made as much as she did is because of the Infinity War bump. It's going to be interesting to see how good her sequel does, especially if she doesn't have any guest. I really don't see it doing anywhere near what it made now.
I still say the only reason Captain Marvel made as much as she did is because of the Infinity War bump. It's going to be interesting to see how good her sequel does, especially if she doesn't have any guest. I really don't see it doing anywhere near what it made now.

I don't think that's up for debate. In my (alleged) mind, there's no doubt being set between IW and EG helped the BO numbers. What IS up for debate is "how much did it help?". Of course, we'll never really know for sure. In case you didn't notice, I was being a bit glib in my post regarding AM&W and CM. CM was almost certainly helped more by its release date than was AM&W because it played directly into the narrative of IW and EG. THAT being said, not everyone was aware of this. Mainly, it was just us nerdy types who talk about movies ad nauseam and not the general movie going public.

Still, a movie doesn't make over 1.1B just because of its release date. BvS had a huge opening and fell off a cliff because it wasn't widely liked. There's just no doubt CM was well received. We don't know what the numbers would have been had this or that happened, but it was a successful release for a number of reasons; not the least of which was that it was well received by the public (in spite of the attempted trolling which was a direct attempt to hurt it even before it was released).
I agree but man I just don't see that sequel being a part of the $1B club. I would love for it to happen but I just don't see it.....................
Maybe it is just me but I think the trio of Strange-CM-Black Panther will not make a good dynamic.

What makes the Big Three of Thor-Cap-Iron Man (and also DC's Superman-Batman-Wonder Woman) special is that they complement each other. They are different yet at the same time they feel like they fit together. The same cannot be said with Strange-Carol-T'Challa.

I honestly dont know what makes BP-CM-Strange as a good Big Three besides they three are now the only heavy hitters left (and box office makers) in MCU.
Popularity and Box Office wise, yes...they are perfect, but character wise? To me, that is like giving the title of New Trinity to randomly (forgive if my comparison is bad as my DC knowledge is limited) Dr.Fate-Black Lightning-Wonder Woman.

If MCU will ever have their new big 3, I think it will be characters from former Fox Marvel characters (Wolverine, Storm) or legacy characters.

Besides, with the exception of T'Challa, either CM and Strange is not exactly a kind that will hanging around with a group like The Avengers (Strange is more fit with kind of magic stuff and horror characters like Blade, Ghost Rider, Hellstrom, while Carol is more space adventurer with Alpha Flight).
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I don't think that's up for debate. In my (alleged) mind, there's no doubt being set between IW and EG helped the BO numbers. What IS up for debate is "how much did it help?". Of course, we'll never really know for sure. In case you didn't notice, I was being a bit glib in my post regarding AM&W and CM. CM was almost certainly helped more by its release date than was AM&W because it played directly into the narrative of IW and EG. THAT being said, not everyone was aware of this. Mainly, it was just us nerdy types who talk about movies ad nauseam and not the general movie going public.

Actually, AMaTW played far more directly into the Infinity Saga than CM did - though I agree, there was an expectation going into things (fed by Kevin Feige) that the opposite would be true.
Most movies don't do well if most people don't like the main character. Most of the negativity seemed to come from men and I think it's entirely fair to say that. Go out on the internet and see for yourself. That being said, I don't consider it a definitive statement that it was mostly men who had a negative view of the character, but it seemed that way to me. Of course there are going to be men and women who don't like ANY character. It's easy, and I fall into this at times, to think whatever one thinks is generalized to a larger population. Anecdotal information is just that.

Anyway, welcome to the hype. I didn't notice before you brought it up to CLee that you were new to this site.

If it’s got ‘Marvel’ on it, or Disney even, people are going to spend money on it, especially with the movies.

I never particularly cared for Ant-Man and I was HIGHLY sceptical of Dr Strange, who I thought I wasn’t going to like. But I went to see them anyway at the cinema and I really like both characters now. This is an anecdote so I can’t say the same for everybody, but the point I’m trying to make is that BEFORE going to see the movie, how are you supposed to know if you like the character or not?

Most people go see a movie no matter what the trailer looks like if it’s connected to a larger franchise.

Also, a lot of mediocre movies make a lot of money, especially Disney’s recent movies (yes I am salty) so saying a movie made a lot of money at the cinema doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good.

If you look at reviews outside of the US (I’m French), especially China’s (who are very important to Disney because money) a lot of them aren’t very favourite towards to the movie.

Anyway, sorry I went on a tangent.

I would LOVE so definitive statistics or ratios that showed how everybody felt about any of the marvel movies/character (so I could stop using my flimsy anecdotes), but I don’t trust any site or person to not be immensely biased with how they get that information, even against or for the movie.

Thanks :)
Yeah I’m new, still getting used to how forums work since I’ve never been in one before.
Sorry for throwing words at you, I get a bit too passionate.
If it’s got ‘Marvel’ on it, or Disney even, people are going to spend money on it, especially with the movies.

I never particularly cared for Ant-Man and I was HIGHLY sceptical of Dr Strange, who I thought I wasn’t going to like. But I went to see them anyway at the cinema and I really like both characters now. This is an anecdote so I can’t say the same for everybody, but the point I’m trying to make is that BEFORE going to see the movie, how are you supposed to know if you like the character or not?

Most people go see a movie no matter what the trailer looks like if it’s connected to a larger franchise.

Also, a lot of mediocre movies make a lot of money, especially Disney’s recent movies (yes I am salty) so saying a movie made a lot of money at the cinema doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good.

If you look at reviews outside of the US (I’m French), especially China’s (who are very important to Disney because money) a lot of them aren’t very favourite towards to the movie.

Anyway, sorry I went on a tangent.

I would LOVE so definitive statistics or ratios that showed how everybody felt about any of the marvel movies/character (so I could stop using my flimsy anecdotes), but I don’t trust any site or person to not be immensely biased with how they get that information, even against or for the movie.

Thanks :)
Yeah I’m new, still getting used to how forums work since I’ve never been in one before.
Sorry for throwing words at you, I get a bit too passionate.

Yes, every Marvel movie gets a franchise boost, but no movie makes more than a billion dollars if most people who saw it didn't like it. If the main character was really that disliked, word of mouth would have stopped lots of people from going to see it at all. And, realistically, no movie gets over 1b without a lot of repeat viewings as well, which typically will not happen unless people liked it the first time.
Yes, every Marvel movie gets a franchise boost, but no movie makes more than a billion dollars if most people who saw it didn't like it. If the main character was really that disliked, word of mouth would have stopped lots of people from going to see it at all. And, realistically, no movie gets over 1b without a lot of repeat viewings as well, which typically will not happen unless people liked it the first time.

Oh yeah, I’m not denying that.
Wasn’t there a guy who went to see the movie 116? So clearly people to went to see it again.

I was never in the camp that said the movie wasn’t going to make money, I just don’t like the character. Again, I already have a bias against her because the comics.

It’s great that her movie made money and I’m happy that people enjoyed it.

This is where I usually go into conspiracy theories about Disney and Hollywood but I think my conversation went into enough of a tangent that isn’t really relevant to the thread.
If it’s got ‘Marvel’ on it, or Disney even, people are going to spend money on it, especially with the movies.

I never particularly cared for Ant-Man and I was HIGHLY sceptical of Dr Strange, who I thought I wasn’t going to like. But I went to see them anyway at the cinema and I really like both characters now. This is an anecdote so I can’t say the same for everybody, but the point I’m trying to make is that BEFORE going to see the movie, how are you supposed to know if you like the character or not?

Most people go see a movie no matter what the trailer looks like if it’s connected to a larger franchise.

Also, a lot of mediocre movies make a lot of money, especially Disney’s recent movies (yes I am salty) so saying a movie made a lot of money at the cinema doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good.

If you look at reviews outside of the US (I’m French), especially China’s (who are very important to Disney because money) a lot of them aren’t very favourite towards to the movie.

Anyway, sorry I went on a tangent.

I would LOVE so definitive statistics or ratios that showed how everybody felt about any of the marvel movies/character (so I could stop using my flimsy anecdotes), but I don’t trust any site or person to not be immensely biased with how they get that information, even against or for the movie.

Thanks :)
Yeah I’m new, still getting used to how forums work since I’ve never been in one before.
Sorry for throwing words at you, I get a bit too passionate.

I go see comic book movies because I grew up on them. DS was one of my favorite characters and I think Cumberbatch is a terrific actor so that was a day one for me. AM wasn't a particular favorite of mine, but I ended up seeing the movie 3 times. Alone, with my wife, and then took my mother. Both of them told me later they thought "We're going to see Ant-Man? Really?", but, guess what, they both liked it. So, yeah, you should definitely see a movie before you make up your mind. I thought I was going to like Man of Steel, but, basically, I thought it sucked. I liked Suicide Squad, which most people thought was a mess.....so there you go....

Yeah, we can all get a little wordy.....you should hear me when I talk about the President. LOL.
I agree but man I just don't see that sequel being a part of the $1B club. I would love for it to happen but I just don't see it.....................

Oh, you could easily be correct about that. It'll depend on the movie. While cracking 1B isn't as difficult as it was, say, 7 or 8 years ago, a LOT of things still have to go right to get there.
Actually, AMaTW played far more directly into the Infinity Saga than CM did - though I agree, there was an expectation going into things (fed by Kevin Feige) that the opposite would be true.

True dat.
Maybe it is just me but I think the trio of Strange-CM-Black Panther will not make a good dynamic.

What makes the Big Three of Thor-Cap-Iron Man (and also DC's Superman-Batman-Wonder Woman) special is that they complement each other. They are different yet at the same time they feel like they fit together. The same cannot be said with Strange-Carol-T'Challa.

I honestly dont know what makes BP-CM-Strange as a good Big Three besides they three are now the only heavy hitters left (and box office makers) in MCU.
Popularity and Box Office wise, yes...they are perfect, but character wise? To me, that is like giving the title of New Trinity to randomly (forgive if my comparison is bad as my DC knowledge is limited) Dr.Fate-Black Lightning-Wonder Woman.

If MCU will ever have their new big 3, I think it will be characters from former Fox Marvel characters (Wolverine, Storm) or legacy characters.

Besides, with the exception of T'Challa, either CM and Strange is not exactly a kind that will hanging around with a group like The Avengers (Strange is more fit with kind of magic stuff and horror characters like Blade, Ghost Rider, Hellstrom, while Carol is more space adventurer with Alpha Flight).

When we first got IM, he wasn't that well known and was considered, at the VERY best, a B list character (and probably not quite that). Of course, those of us who grew up on comics knew of him. Thor and CA were also pretty well known. Much more so, I would say than CM, BP, and, maybe DS. Marvel wanted to do the Avengers from the get go, so it made sense to introduce those 3 along with Hulk (much more well known) and a side cast. After they were about to be played out, Marvel needed some new blood and got it.

It took me a while, but here's my point.....Yeah, Thor, IM, and CA are as different as are BP, CM, and DS. When you say they "feel" like they fit together, I think it's because of the writing. Of course, they were the early Avengers so there's that. With the right scripts, I could see DS, BP, and CM pulling all of the elements you mention (Space, Magic, and more "Avengery" stuff LOL) together into a big, fun adventure that spans more than one movie.

We'll see how the additions of FF, X-Men, new, awesome villains, and others play out. My head keeps going to Secret Wars, but there's still some fertile land out there.
If asked this question after Endgame, I would have immediately said Black Panther, Captain Marvel and Spiderman.
They all had significant highlights in the end battle with Thanos. However, since we've seen the issues developing between Sony and Marvel of how best to move forward with Spiderman - I don't now know who the 3rd would be? If they ever manage to get the solo rights from Universal, maybe Hulk?
I go see comic book movies because I grew up on them. DS was one of my favorite characters and I think Cumberbatch is a terrific actor so that was a day one for me. AM wasn't a particular favorite of mine, but I ended up seeing the movie 3 times. Alone, with my wife, and then took my mother. Both of them told me later they thought "We're going to see Ant-Man? Really?", but, guess what, they both liked it. So, yeah, you should definitely see a movie before you make up your mind. I thought I was going to like Man of Steel, but, basically, I thought it sucked. I liked Suicide Squad, which most people thought was a mess.....so there you go....

Yeah, we can all get a little wordy.....you should hear me when I talk about the President. LOL.

DS was is definitely one of my fave characters too. Even my parents who don't really like Marvel movies thought he was really cool. I like AM because of his father-daughter relationship, not so much the story, which I could nitpick to heck, haha.
I liked Suicide Squad in the cinema, and in hindsight I still enjoyed aspects of it but could point out a lot that I think could've been done better.
I mean, one of my favourite movies is X-Men Origins: Wolverine, but I'm never gonna deny that it's an absolute mess as the movie continues.

I get that, haha.
Besides, with the exception of T'Challa, either CM and Strange is not exactly a kind that will hanging around with a group like The Avengers (Strange is more fit with kind of magic stuff and horror characters like Blade, Ghost Rider, Hellstrom, while Carol is more space adventurer with Alpha Flight).

Yeah, I think so too.
Although Thor did come and go a lot, but he still hung around a fair bit too.
Besides, with the exception of T'Challa, either CM and Strange is not exactly a kind that will hanging around with a group like The Avengers (Strange is more fit with kind of magic stuff and horror characters like Blade, Ghost Rider, Hellstrom, while Carol is more space adventurer with Alpha Flight).

I don't see that as a particular issue. Carol was in space in Endgame and was able to communicate with Natasha and the rest of the group via a comms up-link. She could easily be part of the team and act as their space based anti-deterrent.
If asked this question after Endgame, I would have immediately said Black Panther, Captain Marvel and Spiderman.
They all had significant highlights in the end battle with Thanos. However, since we've seen the issues developing between Sony and Marvel of how best to move forward with Spiderman - I don't now know who the 3rd would be? If they ever manage to get the solo rights from Universal, maybe Hulk?

All things being equal, Spidey is a centerpiece for MCU. No doubt about it at all. I brought this up earlier; all things are not equal. If you invest too much in Spidey without being 100% sure you can use him long term, you have just handed Sony a gigantic bargaining chip. No way Marvel does that.

As several people have pointed out, Marvel may have decided to use a different strategy than they did when they established 3 new characters and built around them (although I would argue that Hulk was just as central a character in the Avengers as the other 3). Their palette is a lot more diverse after getting back all those characters and their approach going forward may be completely different.
All things being equal, Spidey is a centerpiece for MCU. No doubt about it at all. I brought this up earlier; all things are not equal. If you invest too much in Spidey without being 100% sure you can use him long term, you have just handed Sony a gigantic bargaining chip. No way Marvel does that.

Totally agree. Spider-Man is far too much of a risk to make him the face of the MCU unless they somehow get the rights back to him, free and clear. I don't think he's even in the conversation for this for that reason. Sure he would be if it wasn't for the complications regarding his rights, but those complications exist and can't be ignored.

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