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Apocalypse X-Men Apocalypse News and Discussion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Part 44

By repeatedly pressuring her to embrace her true form like a total hypocrite?
I don't recall him saying she should embrace her true form but rather she should be the hero the kids look up to.
She can't be the hero by being Raven. What? Is she just gonna keep elbowing bouncers and goons as Raven ala Berlin in Apocalypse?

She's limited in her abilities by concentrating on being morphed as a different character. We know this from First Class.

She has to be Mystique. And therein lies Beast's hypocrisy. And Mystique's for that matter.
I don't recall him saying she should embrace her true form but rather she should be the hero the kids look up to.

The script conflates the two, as shown after the mansion blows up and the kids recognise her in blue. Hank clearly hopes for her to stay that way, and Raven rejects her "hero" image by shifting back into Jennifer Lawrence.
Apocalypse had a crap script. Get rid of Kinberg for the next one please.
Yea like to see a new writer in future xmen films...
Problem is Singer doesn't go all the way. He had Psylocke wearing that outfit and while individually she looks great, in the context of the movie she looks awkward (it really took me back when I saw it in theatres), even her fellow horseman Storm wasn't showing much skin
It was the same with the horsemen from the epilogue.

One of them showed the most skin.
I guess Pyslocke's legs being less covered was a bit much.
The script conflates the two, as shown after the mansion blows up and the kids recognise her in blue. Hank clearly hopes for her to stay that way, and Raven rejects her "hero" image by shifting back into Jennifer Lawrence.

I did't read it that way but rather that he wants her back at the mansion and teach alongside her.
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The script conflates the two, as shown after the mansion blows up and the kids recognise her in blue. Hank clearly hopes for her to stay that way, and Raven rejects her "hero" image by shifting back into Jennifer Lawrence.

But you have to wonder....how much of her shifting back was the writer making a metaphor or part of Jennifer's contract about how often her real face is to be shown.
Guys, two quick questions:

When is the post-credits scene of DOFP set? 2500 BC?

And when is the Apocalypse prologue in Ancient Egypt set?
But you have to wonder....how much of her shifting back was the writer making a metaphor or part of Jennifer's contract about how often her real face is to be shown.

Oh it has to be the latter. Surely the only reason Mystique is "hiding" in human form is to appease Lawrence. Singer and Kinberg make it work in the story, but I find it hard to imagine they came up with it organically.
Oh it has to be the latter. Surely the only reason Mystique is "hiding" in human form is to appease Lawrence. Singer and Kinberg make it work in the story, but I find it hard to imagine they came up with it organically.

rather you like or hate apocalypse we all know real reason mystique is in human disguise for 90% of film.and that is to appease Lawrence.
rather you like or hate apocalypse we all know real reason mystique is in human disguise for 90% of film.and that is to appease Lawrence.

What about hoults who was normal looking for most of FC/DOFP and Apocalypse? oh we been through this already, moving on.
Oh it has to be the latter. Surely the only reason Mystique is "hiding" in human form is to appease Lawrence. Singer and Kinberg make it work in the story, but I find it hard to imagine they came up with it organically.

I doubt it too. I think a combination of J-Law not wanting to put on the blue make-up, and that they thought her real human face had the power to bring Hunger Games box office.

How wrong they were.

Passengers proves that it's not J-Law (or Chris Pratt, for that matter) bringing in the viewers.

You have to have a well-made movie. I don't hate XM:A but then again i'm a veteran X-Men fan... though i can see (and have talked about) all its glaring flaws.
CS: As far as the previous film, X-Men: Apocalypse, there seems to have been a split, in that the people who love the comic books really appreciated it and the people who are fans of the more grounded movies thought it went a little too far in the comic book direction. What lessons did you learn from Apocalypse?

Kinberg: As the writer of it, I thought when we started the movie and when I wrote the movie that we were telling the story of a family splitting apart and coming back together. In the final movie its in there, but it’s a little buried, and the movie on the surface became about a guy who wanted to destroy the world. The guy that wanted to destroy the world is a superhero movie from 25, 30 years ago. Today’s superhero movies that we love the most –the “Dark Knight” movies, “Guardians of the Galaxy,” the first “Iron Man” movie, those are movies about human beings in relatable circumstances that happen to have super powers. I think “Apocalypse” became more about global stakes than human stakes. That’s the lesson I learned from the movie, that human and personal stakes always trump global stakes. It’s something that Bryan did, if you go back to the first “X-Men” movie, what Magneto’s trying to do is something global in scale, but ultimately it’s about saving Rogue. The movie is about Wolverine and Rogue, a guy who doesn’t want to be connected to anybody and a girl who’s lost. They find each other, and in finding each other they find each other with the X-Men. It was a brilliant way of telling that story. I think with “Apocalypse” we got away from that a little bit. Maybe we all got a little enamored in the possibility of seeing the world get destroyed and do some things in terms of scale and scope that we haven’t done in the X-Men movies. Scale and scope don’t matter. Audiences today know it’s fake, they’ve seen the world blow up a million times in video games and movies.

CS: As far as the previous film, X-Men: Apocalypse, there seems to have been a split, in that the people who love the comic books really appreciated it and the people who are fans of the more grounded movies thought it went a little too far in the comic book direction. What lessons did you learn from Apocalypse?

Kinberg: As the writer of it, I thought when we started the movie and when I wrote the movie that we were telling the story of a family splitting apart and coming back together. In the final movie its in there, but it’s a little buried, and the movie on the surface became about a guy who wanted to destroy the world. The guy that wanted to destroy the world is a superhero movie from 25, 30 years ago. Today’s superhero movies that we love the most –the “Dark Knight” movies, “Guardians of the Galaxy,” the first “Iron Man” movie, those are movies about human beings in relatable circumstances that happen to have super powers. I think “Apocalypse” became more about global stakes than human stakes. That’s the lesson I learned from the movie, that human and personal stakes always trump global stakes. It’s something that Bryan did, if you go back to the first “X-Men” movie, what Magneto’s trying to do is something global in scale, but ultimately it’s about saving Rogue. The movie is about Wolverine and Rogue, a guy who doesn’t want to be connected to anybody and a girl who’s lost. They find each other, and in finding each other they find each other with the X-Men. It was a brilliant way of telling that story. I think with “Apocalypse” we got away from that a little bit. Maybe we all got a little enamored in the possibility of seeing the world get destroyed and do some things in terms of scale and scope that we haven’t done in the X-Men movies. Scale and scope don’t matter. Audiences today know it’s fake, they’ve seen the world blow up a million times in video games and movies.


My take is kinberg is directing supernova they just haven't finalized deal yet so he is being coy for now.

if supernova can be in style of X-Men 82% fresh X2-87 % fresh and DOFP-91
% Fresh then very good.

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