Sequels X-Men Reboot

One of the funnier things from some posters on this site is that the first one wasn't really Emma Frost. It was Emma Silverfox!!!

X-men's Fox'universe is really a mayhem
We need Cable travelling into past (WWI or WWII period) to retcon events.
If no reboot, make a 3rd timeline

Original five lineup lacks diversity IMO.

No, full team Cyclops Storm Wolverine Jean Beast Iceman colossus Rogue Kitty Gambit Psylocke Angel Jubilee Nightcrawler as adults, already former x-men
It doesnt mean include 14 main x-men in one movie but some of them can be cameos.
We can have 15 or 16 x-men members in the full team, just compose main characters and cameos
That's what most X-men appearances have been in this franchise. They've been mute, cameos.

We should be way past that.

As an X-men fan, I'm saddened when I hear GA knows more about Gamora than Rogue.
The appeal of the comics for me is we got to see the evolution of the team. We didn't see that much in the film.s. With Fox, after the third film they decided to do spin offs which then turned to a Wolverine trilogy and First Class trilogy. Then now they are into Deadpool and New Mutants. While X-Men are just in the past.

Had they continue with X4/5/6, Rogue is probably a prime member of the team by now, maybe a squad leader by now and, more familiar faces would have joined the team already like Gambit, Emma, Psylocke. Who knows if they would already had their Civil War movie by now.
Had they continue with X4/5/6, Rogue is probably a prime member of the team by now, maybe a squad leader by now and, more familiar faces would have joined the team already like Gambit, Emma, Psylocke. Who knows if they would already had their Civil War movie by now.

There was nothing to say that any of that would have happened, after all who knew X3 and all that came with it would even happen until it happened?
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X-men's Fox'universe is really a mayhem
We need Cable travelling into past (WWI or WWII period) to retcon events.
If no reboot, make a 3rd timeline

No, full team Cyclops Storm Wolverine Jean Beast Iceman colossus Rogue Kitty Gambit Psylocke Angel Jubilee Nightcrawler as adults, already former x-men

Divide them in to two teams at the start. Then reunite them all in the sequel or the third movie. That's a massive line up and we would have it gotten by now if these spin offs didn't get in the way.
Divide them in to two teams at the start. Then reunite them all in the sequel or the third movie. That's a massive line up and we would have it gotten by now if these spin offs didn't get in the way.

Oh who did you hear that from? no one? you are just assuming because we ain't got it so obviously it would have ended up how you wanted it to be?
That's what most X-men appearances have been in this franchise. They've been mute, cameos.

We should be way past that.

As an X-men fan, I'm saddened when I hear GA knows more about Gamora than Rogue.

IThey should use Rogue more than Mystique!:csad:
really people moan about use of characters and some want 14 X_men in one film:whatever:
I think marvelrobbins' issue is that even in an eventual reboot, they still can't "give" Rogue flight and superstrength because Marvel somehow owns the rights to those abilities by way of Ms. Marvel. Which is the real head scratcher.

Why don't they just make Rogue's flight and superstrength be a side effect of her absorbing powers. The X-men: Evolution cartoon shows us how it can be done in future films (There's an episode where she absorbs both the X-men and the Brotherhood's powers. Then, when the Brotherhood tries to capture Rogue at the graduation ceremony, she flies away).
rogue's powers is absorbing engery and that including abilitys temporily of mutants and other super powered beings.MS marvel isn't even a mutant.

X-Men evolution and wolverine and the X-Men animated shows which fox had nothing to do with also didn't use the ms marvel powers.

people need to remember fox had to trade ego the living planet to tweak TNW.and that was bad deal for fox giving away a poential important character for FF
to tweak a minor character who wasn't even essential for deadpool.

from 2017-2020 fox will have at 5 films before X-Men reboots

New Mutants
Deadpool 2
Next X-Men film
Deadpool 3:X-Force

poently 6 if gambit hires new director and sets release date

FF will revert to disney In if after Deadpool III fox decered to reboot they wouldn't have anything disney wanted to allow for rogue tweaking.and even if fox decered to complete deadpool trilogy and then reboot X-Men for 2022 release rogue might not even be in lineup for first film.
As far as Fantastic Four goes, at this point, I don't know if Fox would even attempt doing anything with them. Not that making a Fantastic Four is impossible- an uphill climb, sure, but probably nothing tasking for Marvel Studios, should they get the property. But I wonder if Fox would still find it salvageable. I doubt it and also doubt that the plan to have F4 and X-Men exist in the same world is as dead as Gambit's film prospects.
As far as Fantastic Four goes, at this point, I don't know if Fox would even attempt doing anything with them. Not that making a Fantastic Four is impossible- an uphill climb, sure, but probably nothing tasking for Marvel Studios, should they get the property. But I wonder if Fox would still find it salvageable. I doubt it and also doubt that the plan to have F4 and X-Men exist in the same world is as dead as Gambit's film prospects.

I say it's very unlikely fox does anything with FF.they most likely lets it revert
In 2022.Still I think trading ego for tweaking TNW powers was a bad deal.Disney got better end of that.

I say the most likely reason for legion and another show being allowed to go ahead by disney is to get on fox's good side so they poential make deal before the 2022 deadline or at most doesn't decide to spite disney and make another attempt.Still I am inclinded to think nothing will be done by fox on FF and it reverts In 2022.New mutants and next X-Men film reaction will tel us if fox reboots X-Men at same time as FF reverts.
Don't think its quite as simple as that.

I disagree.if both new mutants and next X-Men films are seen as disappointments i can totaly see fox rebooting after completing deadpool
trilogy.The franchise can't survive on deadpool alone.who isn't even an

while I believe fox and producers would rather DOFP be seen as the reboot of
X-Men.If fox thought it would be more profitable to just start over they would
do it.with Jackman gone there isn't anything stoping them.Jackman doing another wolverine film is why first class was prequel and not reboot.
rogue's powers is absorbing engery and that including abilitys temporily of mutants and other super powered beings.MS marvel isn't even a mutant.

X-Men evolution and wolverine and the X-Men animated shows which fox had nothing to do with also didn't use the ms marvel powers.

Then Rogue in the movie verse would get her "Ms. Marvel" powers a different way similar to how X-men evolution and WATXM had nothing to do with Carol Danvers.

I don't get what your issue with this is?

Correct me if I'm wrong but from your original comment it sounded like Fox's Rogue can never have her flight and super strength because she doesn't "own" them.
Then Rogue in the movie verse would get her "Ms. Marvel" powers a different way similar to how X-men evolution and WATXM had nothing to do with Carol Danvers.

I don't get what your issue with this is?

Correct me if I'm wrong but from your original comment it sounded like Fox's Rogue can never have her flight and super strength because she doesn't "own" them.
rogue in X-Men evolution and wolverine and the X-Men didn't have rogue with ms marvel powers eather and they were produced by marvel.

Rogue's mutation is to absorb engery including temporary use of other mutants powers.the powers that make rogue come off as southern supergirl flight,super strength,and invulenabilty all come from ms marvel not her own abiltys.

for all the crying about being faithful to comics and many don't seem to get
that much of the abiltys the 1990's animated show had rogue doing are not rogue's abiltys but powers she absorbed from ms marvel that ended up being permeant at least untill marvel themselves took them away in 2000's.Now they could have rogue tmeporly absorb other mutants powers for an action sequenze.
I'm glad Lawrence is officially done hopefully Fassbender kicks rocks with Jackman as well
And James mcavoy too. Oh right he is allowed to come back.

Fans want him to come back because he's actually talked about loving the role and the franchise and fans love his interpretation of Xavier. How hard is that to understand?

rogue in X-Men evolution and wolverine and the X-Men didn't have rogue with ms marvel powers eather and they were produced by marvel.

X-men Evolution and Wolverine and the X-men both came out after the first X-men movie. So it's fair to say Marvel based that from Fox's adaptation, not the other way around.

Rogue's mutation is to absorb engery including temporary use of other mutants powers.the powers that make rogue come off as southern supergirl flight,super strength,and invulenabilty all come from ms marvel not her own abiltys.

No one's disputing that but for most of Rogue's existence since her first appearnce, she's had mutant-absorbing powers *and* flight/super strength.

If anything, including a storyline where Rogue inadvertently absorbing another mutant's powers permanently and having to live with that guilt adds another layer to her already tragic storyline. And it doesn't have to be Ms Marvel.

for all the crying about being faithful to comics and many don't seem to get
that much of the abiltys the 1990's animated show had rogue doing are not rogue's abiltys but powers she absorbed from ms marvel that ended up being permeant at least untill marvel themselves took them away in 2000's.Now they could have rogue tmeporly absorb other mutants powers for an action sequenze.

You say that as if the 90s TAS cartoons invented that Rogue having flight and super strength and adding those two powers to her arsenal somehow makes it...unfaithful to the comics?

The same TAS series you're bashing also showed the Ms. Marvel storyline so I'm not sure where you're getting your complaint that its fans are somehow uneduMAcated in Rogue's powerset.
Fans want him to come back because he's actually talked about loving the role and the franchise and fans love his interpretation of Xavier. How hard is that to understand?

Well since even you spoke about wanting quicksilver to not coming back it's clearly more down to how you want the set up, which is always gonna come down to who you personally feel is important to this vision and who you personally feel isn't.

Although you might as well just buy your own action figures to play with in that respect so you can personally decide whose ok to stay and who isn't.
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Jen should move on to new films. She would skyrocket as Ms. Marvel, I feel.

Now Rogue really deserves a chance in X-Men. And I think they could easily sneak her into a film the way they snuck in Colossus into Deadpool. I don't know how those guys did it, but it's like we finally met the real Colossus in that film and at the same time it felt like we'd known him all along. say what...?
Although you might as well just buy your own action figures to play with in that respect so you can personally decide whose ok to stay and who isn't.
That's pretty much what the filmmakers do, and you just decide to accept it or not. Maybe Endzone doesn't want to. And given that you've taken such a "comics don't matter" stance all of a sudden, I suppose you're now okay with the treatment characters like Angel got in Apocalypse?

These characters are used precisely because people already know them. You can't discredit the opinions of what people want from the movies based on comics. If they truly didn't matter Shuler Donner and Kinberg should make original movies instead of X-Men movies.

Anyway going by the FC =} DOFP character murders, it's fair to say there's no way to accurately predict what characters are staying and which are not, you are a set on believing they're keeping Mystique because it fits your narrative that her character is super important with or without JLaw, we'll see if that remains to be true once JLaw jumps ship, she kind of has already.

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