5 changes you would make to some of the movies


Jul 25, 2007
Reaction score
- Have Elektra be a assassin that the Kingpin hires along with Bullseye to kill Daredevil, but she still meets Matt during the day.
- Give Bullseye more of a costume.
- Put stuff from the Directors cut in the actual movie.
- Change Daredevil's costume to be more like Spider-Man's.
- Have him be trained by Stick coming up as a child.

- Get rid of Abby and Daddy
- Have Elketra assassinate more people
- Have her fight more like a dozen or more ninjas
- Save the real Typhoid for a Daredevil sequel
- Get rid of those scenes from the past and all that messed up memory bullish

X-Men Origins Wolverine
- Have the Weapon X facility look like it did in X-Men Origins
- Have forge be Silver Fox's brother, and make Emma just another prisoner
- Change the ending to Gambit and Wolverine's fight scene
- Keep Blob alive for future movies
- Make Deadpool, DEADPOOL!!! not Baraka
1. No. It was better in the movie.
2. No. A costume would probably look dumb.
3. I see the Director's Cut as the actual movie, because it's what the movie intended to be.
4. No, I like the leather.
5. Stick? Maybe, but It worked fine with him being alone. I liked him being alone.

Elektra, should never have been. They should have just made a Daredevil 2.

X-men Origins Wolverine:
1. I liked the look of the Facility, and I think you mean "like it did in X2"?
2. Idk.
3. No.
4. Yeah, Blob's supposed death was a little bit pointless.
5. Yes, I think Deadpool, from the comics would be cool. Though, I'm not a huge fan.

So, I agree with a couple of those things, but for the most part, I don't see much problem with Daredevil. Elektra is an abomination. X-men Origins Wolverine didn't focus enough of it's efforts on a good story. Most of it was probably Fox's doing.

OK, let me see. 5 Things I Would Change In A Marvel Film?

Spider-man 3:
1. Only villain... symbiote. With Harry as a side arch. (sense that's pretty much the focus, but if they changed the story, it could have been Sandman) I would have used John Jameson as the tool of bringing the symbiote to earth.
2. I would do similar with what they were trying to do with the symbiote, but less emo, less campy humor, less dance sequences, more of a build up to extreme changes. Starting very small, and building, as you see it change Peter.
3. Build up Brocks character, making you understand his hatred for Peter more, building up what would eventually become Venom. Focus more on the character of Venom, beyond just being a tough bad guy, get into Venom's head, show the two personalities of Brock and the Symbiote, fighting and agreeing. Similar to what Spectacular Spider-man did.
4. I would have not involved Mary Jane as the person the villain steals...AGAIN. Let it only be between Peter and Brock. Mary Jane is obviously apart of Peter's personal life, but her being involved with the villains became to repetitive. Unless they were going to do something new, like kill her, in a emotional way. Maybe similar to Gwen's death.
5. Build up Harry's change to villain better, then just taking the green, and going insane. Build it up, so Peter uses the symbiote to almost kill Harry, (which he almost does), and focus on that as the side arch. Of how evil Peter was becoming.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head.
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- Remove the playground fight scene
- Not have everyone take off Daredevil's mask all the time

- Replace Mary Jane with Gwen Stacy

X-Men: The Last Stand
- Keep Cyclops and Xavier alive
- Have Cyclops be more of a major character and Wolverine's role more like it is in Joss Whedon's Astonishing X-men
- Make Rogue steal powers and be awesome!:awesome:
- Give Angel more to do
The Incredible Hulk
1. Sequel, no reboot.
2. Grey Hulk vs. Hulkbusters in rainforest
3. Grey/Savage Hulk vs. Abomination (Abomination wins)
4. Samuel Sterns and Bruce Banner at odds
5. The Leader and Abomination vs. Grey/Savage/Professor Hulk as finale

1. Minimize/eliminate wire work
2. Sharpen CGI

X-Men Origins: Wolverine
1. Have the Weapon X scene be as close to the same as the flashback in X1 (I agree, QWoods)
2. Have Stryker be played by Brian Cox, or someone who looks like him more
night0250 you lost me at #1 on SM3... uhhhh NO!
Construct... you are just a mess. What is Hulk to you? A freak n' Transformer?
QWoods... Make Electra kill more ppl? Dude... it still is a comic book movie. Yes Fox FOXED it up but having her "off" some ppl would not have made it better. How about staying closer to the source material in all of the above? For any Comic Book Movie made at that!

Nuff sed!
Iron Man

1. Give us the Iron Man vs the Raptors like Favreau had promised.
2. A fully powered Iron Man vs Iron Monger
3. A glimpse or a mention of the Mandarin like they did in the novel

I can't think of two more. My real big gripes about Iron Man though are the action sequences.
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Construct... you are just a mess. What is Hulk to you? A freak n' Transformer?
Technically, yes.

Like in TIH, Banner would try to tame the beast within, which would result in different manifestations of the Hulk, which would be the Grey Hulk at first (#2 on my list). Like in Hulk (2003), there would be some internal battles seen on-screen between the Grey persona, the Savage persona, and Bruce Banner to see who will win out; that's an integral part of the character, the fact that he's fighting others like him, but also what lies within his own psyche.

Problems arise when the Grey manifestation, though more intelligent, is not as strong as the Savage, but even that is still (slightly) weaker than Abomination, which results in his loss. When Sterns becomes the Leader, Banner now has a villain who is at least as intelligent as he and definitely more intelligent than either Hulk, and a villain that is somewhat more intelligent than the Savage Hulk, and definitely stronger than either Hulk (Abomination). Therefore, the resolution is to merge both Grey and Savage manifestations and Bruce Banner to create the Professor, an incarnation that can match wits with the Leader, as well as outsmart and outmuscle Abomination.

This idea is based in the comics, and it would've made for a more exciting and dynamic film than TIH, especially since TIH had a noticeably weaker Hulk than the one in 2003 and only one fight between the Gamma-radiated characters.
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This should be fun:

-Establish “codenames” as a trend among mutants. Some mutants gave themselves wacky codenames after their powers came up, and it caught on. Xavier and Magneto took this trend and ran with it. Marie gave herself the nickname Rogue because she was a runaway and she didn’t want to give away her powers.
-Wolverine and Sabretooth know each other. It could be as simple as Logan telling Charles, “we’ve met. I didn’t know he’d gone mercenary.” Also, they exchange banter in the snowy forest fight before Sabretooth knocks him out.
-Stop sending X-Men out in pairs. If anybody goes out on assignment, it should be three or more characters on the job.
-Don’t kill Gyrich or Senator Kelly. They’re too important to just throw away as cannon fodder.
-Make some mention of other X-Men who are on assignment.

Iron Man (Since this is the best one we’ve gotten, I only have a few minor points).
-After his return from captivity, Tony gets some kind of charity thing going in Yinsen’s name.
-It seemed kind of dumb for Tony to suggest reviving the arc reactor thing to Stane, then hoard it for the Iron Man gear and give Stane nothing whatsoever to show to the board of directors. Maybe design some specs that only produce half as much power as the armor, just so he’ll still have an advantage if someone tries to misuse it.
-Give Obadiah Stane some kind of scheme that he’s running beyond building his own tech-suit, something that Iron Man must stop.
-Get an action director to help Favreau out.

-Have Peter stay in high school for the first three movies, and have him graduate at the end of SM3.
-Introduce Gwen in Part 1 as well as MJ.
-Have Spider-Man crack jokes while in costume.
-Let the burglar live in Part 1 (and while you’re at it, don’t have Peter rip off his damn mask.)
-Like Iron Monger above, give Green Goblin some kind of scheme that Spidey has to foil. Worked in SM2.

X2 (Just two for this one, since it’s already the best one.)
-Wolverine cuts the sleeves off his uniform. Just because.
-There’s a wonderful pair of deleted scenes from the DVD where Jason, probing Xavier, makes Xavier THINK that he and Cyclops escaped, and they head back to the mansion where Xavier finds the little girl with the multi-colored eyes who’s really Jason. Put those back in, ‘cause that’s good stuff.

Daredevil (I’m starting with the Director’s Cut so I don’t have to cheat.)
-Make Karen Page the primary love interest and save Elektra for the sequel.
-When you do introduce Elektra, she’s an assassin, not a girlfriend.
-Like Q said, have Stick train Matt as a kid.
-Kingpin does NOT find out Matt’s identity at the end.
-Cast somebody who actually looks Greek for Elektra.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine
-Switch out Deadpool and Maverick/Agent Zero, by having Wade in the chopper that Logan destroys. He survives but gets horribly burned up, setting the stage for Deadpool.
-As Wolverine and Gambit fight, they are attacked by Sabretooth and Maverick, forcing them to team up.
-The Weapon-XI that Wolverine fights is Calvin Rankin, aka Mimic, not Deadpool.
-Logan’s memory is erased through more technical means than a bullet to the head. And maybe, just maybe, he fights Weapon XI AFTER the memory wipe.
-Replace John Wraith and Bolt with a couple of other better-known mutants that I haven’t decided on yet.

X3: The Last Stand
-Split it into two movies. Cure saga first, then Dark Phoenix second. Part three ends with a cliffhanger where Jean returns. (As such, I am cheating and turning my remaining 4 bullets into 8, because that’s what this movie deserves).
-Wolverine fights Marrow in the forest instead of Spike.
-Nightcrawler is a main character, sitting in on conferences with Logan, Beast, and Storm.
-Make Jubilee a character, with a part in the Danger Room training and hanging out with Bobby, Peter, Kitty, and Rogue throughout the movie.
-Bring many more X-Men along for the final showdown, including Nightcrawler, Jubilee, and the still-living Cyclops. Rogue arrives soon after, along with Angel, maybe Gambit, and a whole mess of mutants from the cure clinic to back up the X-Men and even the odds.
-Pyro wears a jacket with flames on it. Come on, people, SOME attempt at a costume.
-Colossus battles Juggernaut as Kitty works to find Leech.
-On the subject of Dark Phoenix, if she uses her power on Scott at all, it merely knocks him out for most of the movie. If she still eviscerates Xavier, then Charles will merely leap into Jean’s mind and hide out there for a while until the opportune time.
-Give Angel more screen time.

Hulk/The Incredible Hulk
-Just one: Transform Ang Lee’s Hulk into the origin movie that precedes Incredible Hulk.
DawnWarrior, FOX needs to put you on the payroll. You get it!
LMAO @ Spidey Squad for telling us off....Hulk/Transformer and Elektra offing ppl.....that is comedy!!

@ Dangwarrior Rhona Mitra is the perfect Elektra
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DawnWarrior, FOX needs to put you on the payroll. You get it!
Wow, thanks.
Oh, and one more thing to Incredible Hulk: Fold some of those excellent deleted scenes from the DVD back in.
Superman III
One big change: introduce Supergirl in this movie. Make that the story. Then they could’ve done anything for the spin-off since Kara is already on earth.
Iron Man

1. Give us the Iron Man vs the Raptors like Favreau had promised.
2. A fully powered Iron Man vs Iron Monger
3. A glimpse or a mention of the Mandarin like they did in the novel

I can't think of two more. My real big gripes about Iron Man though are the action sequences.

What did he promise?
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
-Logan’s memory is erased through more technical means than a bullet to the head. And maybe, just maybe, he fights Weapon XI AFTER the memory wipe.
I would be fine with the adamantium bullet if it went like this:
1. Stryker is actually trying to kill Logan, and only erases his memory by accident
2. Stryker shoots him in the eye before he is stopped by Fox, which leads to Wolverine wearing an eye-patch in the "drinking to remember" epilog, thus giving us Patch. (As y'all know, the eyeball is a complex machine and takes longer to heal. :cwink:)


I've always liked the idea of MJ knowing who Spidey was from the start, but this wouldn't be revealed until at least the second movie.

The Incredible Hulk-

It would be a sequel to Ang Lee's Hulk. They wouldn't have to refer to Bruce's dad and the movie would be pretty much the same as we had seen it except that the origin sequence would be a closer re-enactment of the one in the first film (but just the lab accident part). Lou Ferrigno is the same character from part 1 and lets Bruce in because he knows him.

Stan Lee's Cameos and FF:Rise of the Silver Surfer-

The explanation for all these Stan Lee sightings is that it's actually the Watcher checking out all the Marvel heroes. Kind of like how God used to show up as George Burns all the time. Then in FF:ROTS, when all this weird stuff starts happening, someone in the crowd shouts "GALACTUS IS COMING!" The crowd parts and it's Stan. He walks over to the FF and transforms to Uatu.
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sorry double post sort of
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1.Have Banner's dad be dead by the time the events unfold in the film so that he's just a memory that torments Bruce/Hulk but can't be defeated by any amount of superstrength/Hulk-Smash type stuff. Y'know.......LIKE IN THE COMICS!!:cmad:

2. Change the origin from nano-meds and biology/genetics lab stuff to Bruce being a nuclear physicist and building a gamma-bomb. Y'know.......LIKE IN THE COMICS!!:cmad:

3. Add Rick Jones. Y'know.....LIKE IN THE COMICS!!:cmad:

4. Let the Hulk be an entire character himself so we can explore this Jeckyll/Hyde relationship he and Bruce have. Y'know.....LIKE IN THE COMICS!!:cmad:

5. Make it so the Hulk isn't neon green and puffy like some emerald Pillsbury Doughboy and get rid of the stupid purple pants as quickly as possible after they use them for a wink & nod to the fans because they serve no other purpose.

That is all.

1.Have Banner's dad be dead by the time the events unfold in the film so that he's just a memory that torments Bruce/Hulk but can't be defeated by any amount of superstrength/Hulk-Smash type stuff. Y'know.......LIKE IN THE COMICS!!:cmad:

2. Change the origin from nano-meds and biology/genetics lab stuff to Bruce being a nuclear physicist and building a gamma-bomb. Y'know.......LIKE IN THE COMICS!!:cmad:

3. Add Rick Jones. Y'know.....LIKE IN THE COMICS!!:cmad:

4. Let the Hulk be an entire character himself so we can explore this Jeckyll/Hyde relationship he and Bruce have. Y'know.....LIKE IN THE COMICS!!:cmad:

5. Make it so the Hulk isn't neon green and puffy like some emerald Pillsbury Doughboy and get rid of the stupid purple pants as quickly as possible after they use them for a wink & nod to the fans because they serve no other purpose.

So, no purple pants... LIKE IN THE COMICS???:cmad:
- Have Elektra be a assassin that the Kingpin hires along with Bullseye to kill Daredevil, but she still meets Matt during the day.
- Have him be trained by Stick coming up as a child.
Hmm... Here's how I would have done it:

I would have made both Elektra and Matt former students of Stick who had an affair when they were young. Then years lated Elektra returns to NYC as an assasin for Greek gansters who are on a turf war with Kingpin. Daredevil investigates the crimes related to the gang war. Elektra and Matt meet when Elektra visits the site of Stick's former dojo in Hell's Kitchen and Matt recognizes her scent from a block away. They begin to resume their relationship without knowing about each other's double lives (even though Elektra is curious about Matt's blind "act"). Of course, once they find out the truth, they end up as enemies.

I think my idea would avoid few of the problems I had with the movie Elektra. She was too nice, the coincidence of two superhero-level martial artists who just happen to meet at a coffee shop, the fact that we mostly saw the beginning of their relationship rather than the classic lovers turned enemies part (they had one real fight and she didn't even know it was Matt) and the moral conflict Matt has with loving a woman who has turned into a cold-blooded killer. They could even replace the stupid playground fight with a playful fight at Elektra's hotel room.
Hey the comics are LORE! except when it's stupid ;)

Oh yes. I think that's why we didn't have Rick Jones, Gamma Bomb and, since we're at it, Hulk talking like Tarzan calling himself the way his enemies called him and describing everything he does. :yay:
What did he promise?

He didn't actually make a promise, but in an MTV interview he was talking about the Raptor scene and said that it was going to be a huge fight between Iron Man and the jets. Instead we just got a chase.

-Colossus battles Juggernaut as Kitty works to find Leech.

Damn, I remember sitting in the theater excited to see that fight, then disappointment.
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So, no purple pants... LIKE IN THE COMICS???:cmad:

I said use the purple pants, but just make it brief as a nod to the classic look. It's not like using pants that aren't purple isn't comics accurate either. He's worn non-purple pants loads of times.

Oh yes. I think that's why we didn't have Rick Jones, Gamma Bomb and, since we're at it, Hulk talking like Tarzan calling himself the way his enemies called him and describing everything he does. :yay:

I don't get why Rick Jones & the Gamma Bomb are considered stupid like the purple pants or 3rd person speaking are. As far as the speaking goes, I'd have had him speak like he did in issue #1(first person speach but with an entirely different personality). But Jones & the GB are keepers. For a guy who's supposed to be the most awesomely powerful force ever to exist on the planet, a small lab accident doesn't seem to fit as an appropriate catalyst. But the most powerful weapon ever created does. Then there's the fact that as a guy making a major WMD, Banner himself was not without a measure of guilt and Hulk is in a sense a punishment on Bruce for that sin. Doesn't mean he's not a good person and ultimately a hero, but like all classic Marvel characters he's very flawed. The gamma bomb is more than just a MacGuffin or simple plot device. It always was.
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I don't get why Rick Jones & the Gamma Bomb are considered stupid like the purple pants or 3rd person speaking are. As far as the speaking goes, I'd have had him speak like he did in issue #1(first person speach but with an entirely different personality). But Jones & the GB are keepers. For a guy who's supposed to be the most awesomely powerful force ever to exist on the planet, a small lab accident doesn't seem to fit as an appropriate catalyst. But the most powerful weapon ever created does. Then there's the fact that as a guy making a major WMD, Banner himself was not without a measure of guilt and Hulk is in a sense a punishment on Bruce for that sin. Doesn't mean he's not a good person and ultimately a hero, but like all classic Marvel characters he's very flawed. The gamma bomb is more than just a MacGuffin. It always was.
I never thought of it that way, but it does make sense, especially the bold part. I think the main drawback of the gamma bomb in a lot of people's minds is its datedness. Hulk was created at the height of the Cold War and the nuclear arms race. Nowadays, nukes used for such a story idea are yesterday's news.

Not sure why there's such a reluctance to use Rick Jones. In Hulk, we had a character named "Harper" played by Kevin Rankin. He's the guy Banner saves from the malfunctioning machine, in pretty much the same set-up as the comics origin. Even if they switched out Harper with Rick, there would have been fan complaints about Rick disappearing from the movie after that point. But it still baffles me why it isn't Rick in the movie.

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