5 changes you would make to some of the movies

I never thought of it that way, but it does make sense, especially the bold part. I think the main drawback of the gamma bomb in a lot of people's minds is its datedness. Hulk was created at the height of the Cold War and the nuclear arms race. Nowadays, nukes used for such a story idea are yesterday's news.

Nukes are still relevant. As long as they exist they will always be relevant, and a threat. There are ways of updating the gamma bomb though to bring it in line with today. Rather than it being a weapon of the cold war, it could be used with more of an idea of being used as an unusual method of environmental clean up(specifically, cleaning up the irradiated areas that were used for nuclear tests during the cold war). Kind of like dropping a concussion grenade in the middle of a raging fire. If done right, it should blow the fire out. The gamma bomb could similarly be used in the story to render radioactively poisonous areas habitable once more. or at least, that could be what the gamma bomb project in the movies could be about. Then the rest still follows comics canon from there.
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I don't get why Rick Jones & the Gamma Bomb are considered stupid....For a guy who's supposed to be the most awesomely powerful force ever to exist on the planet, a small lab accident doesn't seem to fit as an appropriate catalyst. But the most powerful weapon ever created does. Then there's the fact that as a guy making a major WMD, Banner himself was not without a measure of guilt and Hulk is in a sense a punishment on Bruce for that sin. Doesn't mean he's not a good person and ultimately a hero, but like all classic Marvel characters he's very flawed. The gamma bomb is more than just a MacGuffin. It always was.

Well said.

Part of the reason why some considered it stupid or dated is because there are a lot of TV Hulk fans who really don't know the character at all. At least that's the way it seems to me.
Yeah, it seems that way to me sometimes as well. Thanks. This is one subject I happen to have thought A LOT about over the years since Hulk is my all time favorite fictional character.
He didn't actually make a promise, but in an MTV interview he was talking about the Raptor scene and said that it was going to be a huge fight between Iron Man and the jets. Instead we just got a chase.

That I remember. I thought it was in regards to an interview I might have missed.

Damn, I remember sitting in the theater excited to see that fight, then disappointment.

Same here. I wonder if it was budget reasons or not.
Nukes are still relevant. As long as they exist they will always be relevant, and a threat. There are ways of updating the gamma bomb though to bring it in line with today. Rather than it being a weapon of the cold war, it could be used with more of an idea of being used as an unusual method of enviromental clean up(specifically, cleaning up the irradiated areas that were used for nuclear tests during the cold war). Kind of like dropping a concussion grenade in the middle of a raging fire. If done right, it should blow the fire out. The gamma bomb could similarly be used in the story to render radioactively poisonous areas habitable once more. or at least, that could be what the gamma bomb project in the movies could be about. Then the rest still follows comics canon from there.
Hey, that's not bad. You have given this a lot of thought.
More than you know, actually. ;) Thanks. I'm still holding out hope that since Marvel hasn't really done a Hulk origin movie themselves that maybe in 10 years or so from now they'll do it something like this way and get a full fledged franchise going. Eh, it's a dream of mine.
Mine to brother. Then we can answer the question of what does and what soesn't work on screen.
Changes for Ang Lee's the Hulk:

I actually made some cuts of the movie when I recorded it not too long ago in a way it could be saved. This is what I did:

-I cut the first ten minutes of exposition looking at him when he was born and the whole father bit. So the movie starts with Banner in the lab and given that the viewers havn't seen the father bit, they only think that Banner becomes Hulk by being exposed to the Gamma sphere.
-I also cut all the father killing his mother bit.
-I changed some of the dialogue so that Ross is suspicious of Banner(not Kesler) not because of what his father did but because he thinks he's been selling his inventions to foreign interests.
-Nick Nolte in the movie is Gabriel Stern aka the Leader in the comic. I took the idea that Stern in the comic was a janitor in the comic and Nolte acted as a janitor in the movie. But instead of getting the big head, he gets other powers here. The dialogue between Nolte and Bana is changed also(no father references).
-Instead of a artsy mid-eastern soundtrack in the flick, I've put on a John Williams big Hollywood adventure movie track that I picked up from somewhere else to make it more joyous and fun.
-Finally the movie ends when Nolte and Bana are on their chair going nuts and Nolte going electric. It doesn't go on as a the dark mess that we saw. Instead the edit make it look like Ross launched his bomb there.

I have to say the dubbing was pretty bad but I tried. :woot:
Punisher 04:

1. Have the film set in New York, that is a given. Also, have a strong respect for his military background (go more indepth, show things over seas that played a hand in turning Castle into the Punisher).

2. Frank Castle is already the punisher when the film starts. have the event of his family being murdered appear at the beginning of the credits. That's a technique that's not over used, yet. The credits should show news paper clippings, interview footage of Castle, an attempted assassination on Frank (pushes him over the edge), and then for the actual event have certain phrases (family etc.) trigger parts of the flash backs.

3. Have him in costume. How hard is it to do this? He wears combat boots, black cargo pants, a skull shirt with kevlar underneath, and a trench coat. Other costumes could be introduced (simple leather jacket, MK costume, and full battle suit. Something like a black ops).

4. Have the villians be from the comics (Costas, not saints). Have Frank meet Russo and make him Jigsaw to set up the second movie.

5. No neighbors, no side characters, just a lonely dark man doing darker things to even darker people. Also have a heavier police presence, show contrast between certain officers (those that love Frank, those that hate him).

6. Bradstreet styled scenery mixed with better lighting.


1. No over the top cartoonish violence, just straight forward and to the point.

2. No over the top performances, Jigsaw doesn't need a crazy cannibal brother, hopped up free runners, or a bunch of terrible accents to fit his own.

3. Have a more realistic comic style. Basically due the bradstreet covers, but not as dark. Hint at the aspect of shadows and superstition surrounding Punisher. The first film was Frank on his way to coming to terms with his new life style. This is a more experienced Frank. So no killing innocents at all! Ever! Period!

4. Don't cut Frank off from the world, have the other heroes mentioned. Of course copyright issues may happen, but there could be subtle little hints. Have Frank talk about how a recon mission went wrong when a guardian devil showed up in the kitchen.

5. Have a better climax between Jigsaw and Punisher. These two are destined for each other. They are to one another as Batman/Joker, Superman/Lex Luthor, and Wolverine/Sabretooth. When they clash it should be brutal, epic, and even. Russo wasn't just some mobster, he was a world class assassin.

Ghost Rider:

1. No Nic Cage!

2. No Eva Mendes!

3. No terrible one liners, a more demonic skeletal voice for ghost rider, longer battles with elemental demons, and more Mephisto. He's the devil riding on Johnny's last nerves, he wasn't enough of a coniving presence. Have him haunt and tease Johnny with messed up images like showing his dad's accident again.

4. Have Blackheart look like his comic self.

5. No PG-13. For some movies you need to get your hands dirty, Disney won't be doing any crossovers anytime soon with GR & Mickey, he's good to go for hard R.


1. Elektra is a badass brutal assassin.

2. The movie should be about how she became a top assassin, as well as a prequel to Daredevil.

3. R-rated martial arts action, like ninja assassin.

4. Have the classic costume. Of course she'll have on undergarments, but she needs her costume.

5. Have the film end with fisk calling her for a job.


1. Have his father be his first mentor. The Murdock curse is the fall from grace. Father's a great fighter, falls on hard times, turns to crime, son discovers secrect, redemption, death.

2. Have Stick as Murdock's second mentor. That is a very important aspect. He needs that connection to find his footing. He needs someone he can relate to in order to adjust.

3. More courtroom drama. Of course we all want the kickass superhero stuff, but Murdock can do so verbally as well. Let him bring the pain in the courtroom, have him go Sam Waterson on someone's ass like no tomorrow.

4. The director's cut stuff needs to be in the film. It was awesome.

5. Watchmen style: The brutal fights, the dingy & gritty environments, the slowed down impacts, and have alot of character driven moments to balance the heroics.

6. Bullseye, Kingpin, and Elektra are introduced. A good R-rated Daredevil. I always thought a max crime story with DD would work, this could be it, but tone down the sex & violence a bit. He's DD, not Punisher.

Blade: Trinity

1. No Drake, Dracula dammit, Dracula!

2. Have Blade travel to Transylvania. Dracula basically calls Blade out for the slaughter of his kind. He thinks of him as a traitor for siding with the humans.

3. Blade meets up with the Nightstalkers (the real Nightstalkers, not ryan reynolds doing one liners, or Jessica Biel etc.) on the way to battle Dracula. Drac sends his goons to destroy blade, he meets up with Nightstalkers, and unwillingly teams with them.

4. Old school. Dracula should have all his classic powers, to just hand Blade and co. their asses to make them work for it. Dracula should be a cruel, cunning, deceptive, prick. Make him Batman basically (JK). Also have other creatures get involved, werewolves, bat like vampires, etc.

5. Very tragic ends. Have the Nightstalkers get decimated. Some will live, some will die, some left worse than dead, Blade left in a bad way, really crushed. Even though he loses, it needs to feel like Dracula won. Or even better, have Drac win and set up the next film.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

1. Should look exactly like the Barry Windsor Smith work. Dark, violent, tragic, horrific, very scientific (based in reality, like Iron Man).

2. Only Weapon X characters. No Blob or Gambit, save them for actual X-Men films.

3. Deadpool is Deadpool, not Weapon-XI. If striker is to make him up to take on wolverine have it be the actual Deadpool. During the fight Wolverine cuts his mouth open, Striker loses control, the conditioning warps Wade's mind, classic Deadpool.

4. Maverick is German/later goes rouge and becomes Agent Zero, helps Wolverine to take down Weapon X program.

5. Wolverine vs. Sabretooth should be the main attraction. As Cool as DP is, it's always been Victor and Logan. Have them go at in berserker rage. Sharper teeth, longer, wider, sharper claws, pale lifeless eyes, lots of healing factor usage, and the red stuff.
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XO:W could take a page from Book of Eli. All I could think when watching Denzel do his machete fights was "Damn! This was how the Wolverine movie should've been".
XO:W could take a page from Book of Eli. All I could think when watching Denzel do his machete fights was "Damn! This was how the Wolverine movie should've been".
That's a good point. He'll, I'd let Bolt and Wraith stay if it meant I could have a Woverine movie that was rated R.

1. A Better Second Act - Even moreso than the third film, X-Men 1 just seems so short and the problem is in the second act. We go through the whole introductory sequence and explanation of backstory and then there is just a short section at the train station and Mystique infiltrating the mansion before we head to the finale. It is just way too rushed, which is a shame because the first third of this movie is great.

2. History between Sabretooth & Wolverine - I think everyone agrees, but there really should have been a relationship between Sabretooth & Wolverine. Aside from being accurate to the comics, it gives a reason for Sabretooth to be in the film and makes the fight at the end a lot more meaningful. Speaking of which...

3. Better fight between Sabretooth & Wolverine - The idea of having it on the Statue of Liberty is good, but the thing lasts maybe 30 seconds before Sabretooth ends up getting beat by Cyclops of all people. Disappointing.

4. Recast Storm - Halle Berry did not work at all.

5. Give Rogue an attitude - I've never liked Rogue in the movies. She is just so timid and uninteresting compared to how she is in pretty much every other medium. She could have been made a lot more interesting.
5. Give Rogue an attitude - I've never liked Rogue in the movies. She is just so timid and uninteresting compared to how she is in pretty much every other medium. She could have been made a lot more interesting.

We never really saw Rogue in action as an official X-Man. The only time we even see her in uniform is in the White House in X2 and the Danger Room in X3. They just wasted the character's potential.
Fantastic Four:

1. Dr. Doom isn't some arrogant, vain, self centered pretty boy. He's an arrogant, vain, self centered genius that destroys himself by his own hands.

2. Recast Sue Storm.

3. Have the Fantastic Four do something fantastic! Have them take on a series of devious threats from not just Doom, but others as well. Anyone would work: Mole Man, Diablo, Namor, any other threat. Doom is the main villain, but other conflicts need to be established for later films. Have minor villians appear for ready to deal out major damage to really put their powers to use, as opposed to just have them fit in certain situations. Door is locked on other side Reed go under it, Johnny burn it, Ben break it down, we get it.

4. Have Doom's power be law. Showcase his Latverian rule, have the U.S. take him as a series threat to be dealt with. Showcase how other nations respond to him.

5. have the Showdown between Doom and Reed be a battle of wits. Of course there'll be the superhero smackdown ation, but show their intelligence. And when doing so use more than high school knowledge (hot metal being rapidly cooled by water).


1. The Surfer is powerful with or without his board.

2.Cut out the whole power swap angle.

3.Galactus is not a cloud. The whole a giant space being isn't realistic angle is rediculous in a movie where there's a rock man, a fire man, an invisible woman, a rubber band man, and a naked silver shiny alien on a surf board. Realistic was tossed out the window long ago.

4. Have Doom play hero. Doom is many things when the time calls for it. Reed Richards is not all knowing, occassionally he needs Doom's help. That further establishes the relationship. It's an ego thing, the great Reed Richards asking of Doom's help to save humanity? Doom would have a field day. Also, mention what the other brains of the MU had to say (Stark, Pym, McCoy, Banner).

5. Bring in the Watcher! Plus an Inhumans cameo would rock to set up the next film would rock.

Incredible Hulk:

1. Recast Doc Sampson.

2. Better Fight between Hulk and Abom. I don't know why but for some reason I thought the fight could've been way more epic and damaging then what it actually was. Tossing cars, going through buildings, trading blows,that's cool, but it's been done before. This is the "Incredible Hulk", take down whole buildings, dammit!

3. Better looking Hulk. I liked the Hulk from the Ang Lee film better. That was a Hulk. The one in this film looked more like a skinnier, male model version (imho). The Ang Lee Hulk was a little too tall though. 2003 muscle mass, 2008 height.

4. Samuel Sterns should've been a more refined sophisticated individual, not some erratic over joyed nerd. There was nothing that screamed sinister or potential super villain about him at all. I'm supposed to believe Tim Blake Nelson is going to whoop Hulk's ass? I could believe Ty Burrell as a long green haired hunk before that.

5. More character development. It's ironic, the first film was too much talk not enough action, this was a decent mix, but there still could've been more. I think Norton was pushing for that, but it didn't happen.
I guess technically you could say that Ty Burrell wasn't Sampson at all. I don't recall his name ever being uttered in the theatrical release.
^Yeah, it wasn't. We only find out in the pesky deleted scenes.
double post
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I found out from an old issue of Wizard when he was interviewed. They teased him about the green hair and stuff. I thought I heard his name in the movie though. If I can remember it might've been the scene where Ross is looking for Betty and Ty says something like "I can see what she means about you" or something.
Fantastic Four:

1. Dr. Doom isn't some arrogant, vain, self centered pretty boy. He's an arrogant, vain, self centered genius that destroys himself by his own hands.

2. Recast Sue Storm.

3. Have the Fantastic Four do something fantastic! Have them take on a series of devious threats from not just Doom, but others as well. Anyone would work: Mole Man, Diablo, Namor, any other threat. Doom is the main villain, but other conflicts need to be established for later films. Have minor villians appear for ready to deal out major damage to really put their powers to use, as opposed to just have them fit in certain situations. Door is locked on other side Reed go under it, Johnny burn it, Ben break it down, we get it.

4. Have Doom's power be law. Showcase his Latverian rule, have the U.S. take him as a series threat to be dealt with. Showcase how other nations respond to him.

5. have the Showdown between Doom and Reed be a battle of wits. Of course there'll be the superhero smackdown ation, but show their intelligence. And when doing so use more than high school knowledge (hot metal being rapidly cooled by water).


1. The Surfer is powerful with or without his board.

2.Cut out the whole power swap angle.

3.Galactus is not a cloud. The whole a giant space being isn't realistic angle is rediculous in a movie where there's a rock man, a fire man, an invisible woman, a rubber band man, and a naked silver shiny alien on a surf board. Realistic was tossed out the window long ago.

4. Have Doom play hero. Doom is many things when the time calls for it. Reed Richards is not all knowing, occassionally he needs Doom's help. That further establishes the relationship. It's an ego thing, the great Reed Richards asking of Doom's help to save humanity? Doom would have a field day. Also, mention what the other brains of the MU had to say (Stark, Pym, McCoy, Banner).

5. Bring in the Watcher! Plus an Inhumans cameo would rock to set up the next film would rock.

Yes yes YES!!!!

Fantastic Four is the most frustrating because I spend my entire time re-watching them saying, "If only they..."

What really ticks me off is the waste of budget both films deploy. They waste great CG and great looking characters on a dumb bridge rescue and saving the London Eye. Direct that budget towards actual battles for Heaven's sake.

What's worse then a production that blows it is a production that has the footage but doesn't use it. Daredevil and Incredible Hulk are prime examples. DD made up for it with the director's cut. I pray IH does the same.

The Incredible Hulk- I really liked the film until I saw the deleted scenes. If anyone checked out all the deleted scenes in the two disc or Blu-Ray version of Incredible Hulk they know what I'm talking about.

If they would've included a few of those masterful character moments, then IH would've went from entertaining and decent to a masterpiece. Honestly, they took a 10/10 film and made it a 8/10 with some of those cuts. I think that's what all the dust up was with Ed Norton. I hope they finally decide to release the "Norton Cut" or director's cut. I understand them not wanting another Ang Lee drag but they went too far.
Forest Gump - Forrest takes a cab, but the cab driver is Tom Cruise from the movie "Collateral", thus merging the two films. Twist!

For The Dark Knight, I would add...
1. More nipples on the suit
2. More black light reactive neon clad hoodlums
3. 86 bale, Chris O'Donnel has earned that spot, yo.
4. Replace Commisionor Gordon, Adam West would play a convincing Commisionor Gordon. He would be all edgy and cool, unlike that Gary Coleman fellow that reminds me of this Ned Flanders.
5. Heath Ledgers performance was meh. So was Aron Eckhart. I think Eddie Murphy should have played Joker, Two-Face, Gamble, and the mayor. He has proven in The Nutty Professor and in Coming to America that he can fit into Nolans world.

4. Have Doom play hero. Doom is many things when the time calls for it. Reed Richards is not all knowing, occassionally he needs Doom's help. That further establishes the relationship. It's an ego thing, the great Reed Richards asking of Doom's help to save humanity? Doom would have a field day. Also, mention what the other brains of the MU had to say (Stark, Pym, McCoy, Banner).

It would have been too much like the X-Men where Magneto become their allies in X2.

Incredible Hulk:

1. Recast Doc Sampson.

2. Better Fight between Hulk and Abom. I don't know why but for some reason I thought the fight could've been way more epic and damaging then what it actually was. Tossing cars, going through buildings, trading blows,that's cool, but it's been done before. This is the "Incredible Hulk", take down whole buildings, dammit!

3. Better looking Hulk. I liked the Hulk from the Ang Lee film better. That was a Hulk. The one in this film looked more like a skinnier, male model version (imho). The Ang Lee Hulk was a little too tall though. 2003 muscle mass, 2008 height.

4. Samuel Sterns should've been a more refined sophisticated individual, not some erratic over joyed nerd. There was nothing that screamed sinister or potential super villain about him at all. I'm supposed to believe Tim Blake Nelson is going to whoop Hulk's ass? I could believe Ty Burrell as a long green haired hunk before that.

5. More character development. It's ironic, the first film was too much talk not enough action, this was a decent mix, but there still could've been more. I think Norton was pushing for that, but it didn't happen.

Tim Roth as The Leader(instead of Emil Blonsky). He fit the description more of this pissed off little guy who's intelligent but has a nasty streak.

I think it would have been interesting to have three guys working together in a goverment progect for the army to capture Hulk: Doc Sampson expert and in psychology, Samuel Stern, scientist and Emil Blonsky, soldier. And then their fate would all be intwined. Each becoming a gamma-irradiated beast whether it's all in this movie or in subsequent ones.

I also prefered the Ang Lee visualy. The Hulk in the second one looked more emo than powerful. Maybe if you take Ang Lee's Hulk, reduce his size and make his skin darker it would have worked.
It would have been too much like the X-Men where Magneto become their allies in X2.

Tim Roth as The Leader(instead of Emil Blonsky). He fit the description more of this pissed off little guy who's intelligent but has a nasty streak.

I think it would have been interesting to have three guys working together in a goverment progect for the army to capture Hulk: Doc Sampson expert and in psychology, Samuel Stern, scientist and Emil Blonsky, soldier. And then their fate would all be intwined. Each becoming a gamma-irradiated beast whether it's all in this movie or in subsequent ones.

I also prefered the Ang Lee visualy. The Hulk in the second one looked more emo than powerful. Maybe if you take Ang Lee's Hulk, reduce his size and make his skin darker it would have worked.

I could see the X2 argument, but there'd of course be a way to pull it off differently. While Magneto did team with the X-Men, he only did so because he had his own motives (using Jason to kill all humans only). Now of course Doom is no stranger to having his own motives, but Doom does have his honor. When he says something he'll do it, unless it's Mark Waid's Doom who sent Franklin to hell and all that.:hehe:

I completely agree with you on TIH. Roth would've been awesome as the Leader. And Samson, Stern, and Blonsky working together to take down Hulk would've been awesome.
Punisher 04:
3. Have him in costume. How hard is it to do this? He wears combat boots, black cargo pants, a skull shirt with kevlar underneath, and a trench coat. Other costumes could be introduced (simple leather jacket, MK costume, and full battle suit. Something like a black ops).

5. No neighbors, no side characters, just a lonely dark man doing darker things to even darker people. Also have a heavier police presence, show contrast between certain officers (those that love Frank, those that hate him).

I thought they did the wardrobe fairly fine in it, he wears the skull shirt/trenchcoat when he goes out, the kevlar vest look was straight from Year One, and in Welcome Back, Frank he does wear a white shirt when fighting the Russian.

The police actually did have presence in the script originally, but a lot of stuff had to be excised or condensed because the budget got cut weeks before filming. Like the news conference scene was originally Castle getting interrogated by the police after the lobby shoot out - he's let go because being FBI he had a license to carry and it was corroborated that the kills were in self defense. As well other run ins with the law throughout the film.

Here's my list:
The Punisher (2004)

1. Having the original desert storm opening/Jimmy Weeks subplot.
2. Cut out the fire hydrant shenanigans.
3. A different actor for the villain (Travolta was alright, but they should have gotten someone else).
4. Setting it in New York would have been nice.
5. And a touch more action.


1. No over the top cartoonish violence, just straight forward and to the point.

2. No over the top performances, Jigsaw doesn't need a crazy cannibal brother, hopped up free runners, or a bunch of terrible accents to fit his own.

3. Have a more realistic comic style. Basically due the bradstreet covers, but not as dark. Hint at the aspect of shadows and superstition surrounding Punisher. The first film was Frank on his way to coming to terms with his new life style. This is a more experienced Frank. So no killing innocents at all! Ever! Period!

4. Don't cut Frank off from the world, have the other heroes mentioned. Of course copyright issues may happen, but there could be subtle little hints. Have Frank talk about how a recon mission went wrong when a guardian devil showed up in the kitchen.

5. Have a better climax between Jigsaw and Punisher. These two are destined for each other. They are to one another as Batman/Joker, Superman/Lex Luthor, and Wolverine/Sabretooth. When they clash it should be brutal, epic, and even. Russo wasn't just some mobster, he was a world class assassin.
That's pretty much it, also no characters from comics in name only. If you're gonna use them, have them do something and not just stand around and wait to be killed.
I thought they did the wardrobe fairly fine in it, he wears the skull shirt/trenchcoat when he goes out, the kevlar vest look was straight from Year One, and in Welcome Back, Frank he does wear a white shirt when fighting the Russian.

The police actually did have presence in the script originally, but a lot of stuff had to be excised or condensed because the budget got cut weeks before filming. Like the news conference scene was originally Castle getting interrogated by the police after the lobby shoot out - he's let go because being FBI he had a license to carry and it was corroborated that the kills were in self defense. As well other run ins with the law throughout the film.

Here's my list:
The Punisher (2004)

1. Having the original desert storm opening/Jimmy Weeks subplot.
2. Cut out the fire hydrant shenanigans.
3. A different actor for the villain (Travolta was alright, but they should have gotten someone else).
4. Setting it in New York would have been nice.
5. And a touch more action.

That's pretty much it, also no characters from comics in name only. If you're gonna use them, have them do something and not just stand around and wait to be killed.

1. Yeah, but there were some scenes where he was in regualr clothing, that I thought could've been worked more if he had the skull shirt on. It wouldn't be showing because the jacket would cover it up, but to just see him have it covered up it would've made it like a treat when it was fully revealed. But all in all, your right, the outfits were pretty damn faithful. It's just after having no skull in 89 and barely having one in 08, I just wanted to see it as much as possible. It's like Superman's "S" it has to be out there.

2. I didn't know that about the police. It's a shame it happend because it really would've been awesome to see that.

3. Those are some good ideas, I especially like Jimmy Weeks storyline. That was a a very great dark scene for the movie.

4. I agree, why have characters in the movie when you aren't going to use them properly. Especially how they did Pitsy & Ink. I almost cried.

Also I hear jane is open to another shot at Castle, if they involved other vigilantes do you think Jane would mind. I know he isn't fond of superheroes, but if the movie called for a moon knight or daredevil?Frank fight do you think he'd do it. It'd be awesome to see Jane taking on daredevil.
Nukes are still relevant. As long as they exist they will always be relevant, and a threat. There are ways of updating the gamma bomb though to bring it in line with today. Rather than it being a weapon of the cold war, it could be used with more of an idea of being used as an unusual method of enviromental clean up(specifically, cleaning up the irradiated areas that were used for nuclear tests during the cold war). Kind of like dropping a concussion grenade in the middle of a raging fire. If done right, it should blow the fire out. The gamma bomb could similarly be used in the story to render radioactively poisonous areas habitable once more. or at least, that could be what the gamma bomb project in the movies could be about. Then the rest still follows comics canon from there.

It's about verisimilitude. People won't buy that getting nuked will do anything but kill you unless you already have some kind of super power. The audience needs to be able to buy it. Genetic engineering works better for that. Now, genetic engineering to become a nuke proof super soldier that goes horribly wrong when tested... right there you've got the best of both worlds.

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