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World Do you think Green Lantern can work on TV?

I wrote this in a marvel netflix thread,and folks here tell me what you think.

I think most superheros from DC and marvel for live action will come on live action tv shows instead of live action bigscreen movies.
That's why netflix,peggy carter,the flash,gotham etc.. are coming ON TV.
Many of the superheros we do really want to see i have a funny feeling will be on tv.

Movies can't expanded the DC OR MARVEL UNIVERSE LIKE TV CAN,that's why DC and MARVEL are preparing us for live action tv shows.

That's why i have NO problem if misty knight or blue marvel or the green lantern corps come to tv instead of the big screen movies.

I would not mind watching them in the movies,but there are just to many superheros and the big screen movies will not be able to show them all or enough of them or do any of them justice.
It's the same with g.i.joe and the transfomers.
Star trek by the way always worked better as a tv show,so we should keep that mind too.

Marvel and DC is taking less risk on lesser known superheros it seems and focusing on selected known enough superheros and superheros connected to the more popular ones or connected to certain teams.

Look at maria hill for example,she is recent,but she is connected heavily with shield.
So it's either connections with superheros or selecting superheros that are old enough i think that will make to the big screen.

Plus marvel has plans only up to 2021 and DC has about 9 movies they are focusing on the most,BUT DC'S MAIN FOCUS WILL BE TV and even more so after their movie plans die down and the same with marvel,that's why all these tv show are coming out.

These companies will still have superhero or comic book big screen movies in the future,but it will die down and tv will be more so where the action is at.

I think a blue marvel,a sentry,a hyperion,x-men etc.. etc.. tv show or netflix type show or both will do these superheros more justice on live action tv anyway then the movies because movies are really made more so for the causal viewers then the more hardcore superhero fans and you can't fit enough of the thier stories in the movies anyway.

Daredevil,luke cage etc.. will be done better justice on the netflix shows then any superhero from the big screen movies storywise.

Plus special effects for tv is getting better and better.

We also have a better chance on tv getting a nova corps,new avengers,mighty avengers,green lantern corps,justice league dark tv show or them making a guest appearance on tv etc.. etc.. then the big screen movies anyway.

I think we have to face these facts.
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^I agree with your point that the section of the universe shown to us by films is teeny tiny in regards to the actual depth of the mythos, but I think TV works really well for characters who fit in a TV mold.

A LOT of superheroes fit very well into that Smallville mold. Drama with superhero antics as the backdrop culminating in one action sequence per episode and a smattering use of cheap-for-TV super powers, like super speed, flashes of energy and modest super strength. The mold was actually forged by shows like Lois and Clark: Adventures of Superman (see how the title tells you the focus) and blown wide open by shows like Lost, but is more concretely evidenced in shows like Arrow. Things like X-Men fit smashingly, but things like Avengers or JLDark don't really feel right with so much personal drama.

Most popular shows currently are procedurals, where the focus is on the problem, and the people fill it out. The Law and Orders and NCISes of the world have really flipped this one every whichaway and we've seen it everywhere from House to Tru Calling. But honestly... Star Trek did it first, and many Sci Fi shows from Fringe to Firefly have followed in those footsteps. Agents of SHIELD continues this trend in the superhero circles, and does pretty good for itself. Might be good for Nova Corps, JLDark or even Avengers if it's pretty much a more colorful Agents of SHIELD.

Some shows are more serial in nature, and revolve around a sprawling storyline, your Game of Thrones and Battlestar Galacticas and Losts. They center on personal drama, but the drama is usually deeper and more epic than you get in an episodic thing. This is where pretty much every Netflix and prime cable series resides, and so I wouldn't be surprised if the Marvel Netflix series fit in here as well.

So when we talk about will GL work, the question is, will a GL show in the vein of Dr. Who/Star Trek/Firefly/Stargate work? Given floating in space rather than using a ship and having a ring instead of a ship/stargate/sonic screwdriver? Does that work, or does GL only work like a Smallville in space? Or does GL do nothing interesting without using his ring and you need an SFX bonanza to do him justice?

To do GL right, with all of the different powers, races, planets, space-opera stuff. No, there's no way that it can be done on a TV show budget. They couldn't even really do it justice with a $200 million summer blockbuster. If you're doing GL, then I want you to DO GL. No "compromises," no shortcuts, no limiting the effects due to money issues, either go all out with it or don't do it at all. The movie even failed at that by barely featuring the GLC and setting the movie mostly on Earth.

If it had been $300M and all in space it would have been an even worse failure, because mis-spending money was just one of the dozen major issues with the film. It doesn't cost $200M to do GL justice, and going all out on CGI doesn't do the job either, as we've seen.
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Yes it does. They DIDN'T got all out with the movie, that was one of the major complaints about it.
^I agree with your point that the section of the universe shown to us by films is teeny tiny in regards to the actual depth of the mythos, but I think TV works really well for characters who fit in a TV mold.

A LOT of superheroes fit very well into that Smallville mold. Drama with superhero antics as the backdrop culminating in one action sequence per episode and a smattering use of cheap-for-TV super powers, like super speed, flashes of energy and modest super strength. The mold was actually forged by shows like Lois and Clark: Adventures of Superman (see how the title tells you the focus) and blown wide open by shows like Lost, but is more concretely evidenced in shows like Arrow. Things like X-Men fit smashingly, but things like Avengers or JLDark don't really feel right with so much personal drama.

Most popular shows currently are procedurals, where the focus is on the problem, and the people fill it out. The Law and Orders and NCISes of the world have really flipped this one every whichaway and we've seen it everywhere from House to Tru Calling. But honestly... Star Trek did it first, and many Sci Fi shows from Fringe to Firefly have followed in those footsteps. Agents of SHIELD continues this trend in the superhero circles, and does pretty good for itself. Might be good for Nova Corps, JLDark or even Avengers if it's pretty much a more colorful Agents of SHIELD.

Some shows are more serial in nature, and revolve around a sprawling storyline, your Game of Thrones and Battlestar Galacticas and Losts. They center on personal drama, but the drama is usually deeper and more epic than you get in an episodic thing. This is where pretty much every Netflix and prime cable series resides, and so I wouldn't be surprised if the Marvel Netflix series fit in here as well.

So when we talk about will GL work, the question is, will a GL show in the vein of Dr. Who/Star Trek/Firefly/Stargate work? Given floating in space rather than using a ship and having a ring instead of a ship/stargate/sonic screwdriver? Does that work, or does GL only work like a Smallville in space? Or does GL do nothing interesting without using his ring and you need an SFX bonanza to do him justice?

If it had been $300M and all in space it would have been an even worse failure, because mis-spending money was just one of the dozen major issues with the film. It doesn't cost $200M to do GL justice, and going all out on CGI doesn't do the job either, as we've seen.

I was thinking it will be best if superheros for tv get the mini-series treatment like marvel netflix shows coming up.

Doing it that way you get more story,but have each episode feel like more like a movie.
I think green lantern should head that way and most superheros on tv.

If the mini-series becomes really popular,you could do more with the same superheros after other superheros have thier mini-series treatment.

Just imagine a justice league 8 or 13 episode justice league mini-series and a wonder woman,flash,green lantern etc.. show leading up to that.

This could be done for other superheros and team ups.

For marvel,you could show the superheros that belong to the new avengers and show their shows first or just show solo superheros.

We could have 13 episodes of the silver surfer instead of one or two movies or instead of 3 or 4 years of normal tv show.

In another 2 or 3 years you could have another 13 episodes of the silver surfer if the first mini-series become popular enough.

Having superheros shows as a mini-series would allow for other superheros to have thier mini-series or all team mini-series could be done to show has many superheros as they can.

Getting back to main topic.
Green lantern i think would be better as a mini-series then a movie or normal tv show,and that's for all live action super hero story telling.

I think avengers would work just fine as mini-series,and that way i get to see the superheros i really want to see more so.

A normal tv show would just drag on and lost the audience,and movies will not really do superheros justice anyway in the story telling area.
I think the mini-series is the best way to go,more so then a movie or normal tv show.
Marvel has the best idea for superheros live action story telling,and that is the mini-series.

I thought about that before marvel even mention thier netflix shows.
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i wonder when we will find out the next CW spinoff.. I think they will have one prepared for next season. Hopefully a Hal Jordan/Green Lantern series. after that they can do Teen Titans with Arsenal, Kid Flash, Beast Boy, Starfire and Raven
I think NO.
Farscape, Star Trek TNG, Battlestar Galactica prove it can be done

it can work. no question imo. a lot of the cgi would just be GL flying through space, and the suit and alien effects can be practical . Syfy channel has plenty of shows right now that prove GL can be done. Green Lantern could be the next big scifi show. I'd hope that they'd build towards the War of Light just like the GL TAS show did.
Farscape, Star Trek TNG, Battlestar Galactica prove it can be done

it can work. no question imo. a lot of the cgi would just be GL flying through space, and the suit and alien effects can be practical . Syfy channel has plenty of shows right now that prove GL can be done. Green Lantern could be the next big scifi show. I'd hope that they'd build towards the War of Light just like the GL TAS show did.
What do you think will be the primary locations for a Gltv show?
For arrow its the island and Starling city.
For Flash its central city.
What would it be for Gl?
What do you think will be the primary locations for a Gltv show?
For arrow its the island and Starling city.
For Flash its central city.
What would it be for Gl?

Coast City
Thatd be kinda Lame.An earth based GL?
Secret Origin should be the basis of the first storyline of the series, and that was set mostly on earth. The show shouldn't be immediately set completely in space, there are stories to tell on earth. Hector Hammond on earth deserves to be done right.

But yeah, it should become a straight scifi series, set pretty much entirely in space.

Green Lantern TAS is the perfect framework for a live action series. They skipped over the origin, and i would start the show with the origin for the live action series. But once they get past the origin, the show should be inspired by Green Lantern TAS and Geoff Johns' run
Secret Origin should be the basis of the first storyline of the series, and that was set mostly on earth. The show shouldn't be immediately set completely in space, there are stories to tell on earth. Hector Hammond on earth deserves to be done right.

But yeah, it should become a straight scifi series, set pretty much entirely in space.

Green Lantern TAS is the perfect framework for a live action series. They skipped over the origin, and i would start the show with the origin for the live action series. But once they get past the origin, the show should be inspired by Green Lantern TAS and Geoff Johns' run

Judging by Fan reactions to the movie-an entire season set on earth would be a big mistake.Secret origin should be episode 1 and finished.
What do you think will be the primary locations for a Gltv show?
For arrow its the island and Starling city.
For Flash its central city.
What would it be for Gl?

Ferris air base and 3 Alien Planets for season 1.
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Yeah, I think I did gloss over that a wee bit.

You pretty much just have to have a boss-arse set design team who can make an alien locale on a soundstage every week or so. You split time for that with going to 'undeveloped' planets and shooting in barren areas with a filter. Of course all of it is under standings sets of Oa. Basically, the Stargate method. Having a bigger budget than any of those helps too. But yeah, you're not going to hit up three alien planets in a single episode unless you have a really fancy shooting schedule. A typical week could be like:
Sunday/Monday: Alien Planet of the Week Scenes Soundstage 2/On Location
Tuesday: Green Screen/SFX/Space Scenes, Soundstage 2
Wednesday/Thursday: Oa Scenes, soundstage 1
Friday: Review Scripts for next week/Rehearse choreography/shoot miscellany
Saturday: Rest/Day Off

Another thing I glossed over: You don't want to do green screen with guys in green costumes. They'd have to do blue screen, basically, which can be a little less crisp at times.
Like this approach.

I think each season should revolve around no more than 3 Alien planets.That way you can flesh out this planets more instead of having a dozen cliche Alien planets.

As for the Earth scenes I think they should be completely limited to scenes in the Ferris air base.To conserve budget
Have gl patrolling his sector. Oa should be his base. He returns for important mission briefings or debriefings. If Oa is too hard, have a gl outpost in a sector that connects to other sectors. where lanterns can go to communicate with OA securely. Also he can hang out with other gls there.

The Sinestro corps war would be great to see.
What do you think will be the primary locations for a Gltv show?
For arrow its the island and Starling city.
For Flash its central city.
What would it be for Gl?

Oa. Maybe Mogo. If it were me this would be some pretty tough sci-fi stuff, a little more BSG a little less Stargate, in terms of story scale.

Like this approach.

I think each season should revolve around no more than 3 Alien planets.That way you can flesh out this planets more instead of having a dozen cliche Alien planets.

As for the Earth scenes I think they should be completely limited to scenes in the Ferris air base.To conserve budget

I think once you add Earth in, you can shoot on location pretty cheaply. I also think there should be a fleshed out alien planet each season, say, Korugar (Sinestr) and Dhor (Kanjar Ro) in season 1. I think a few generic alien planets wouldn't hurt anyone, and open up storytelling opportunities as we've seen on every single sci-fi show ever.
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Have gl patrolling his sector. Oa should be his base. He returns for important mission briefings or debriefings. If Oa is too hard, have a gl outpost in a sector that connects to other sectors. where lanterns can go to communicate with OA securely. Also he can hang out with other gls there.

The Sinestro corps war would be great to see.

Oa. If it were me this would be some pretty tough sci-fi stuff, a little more BSG a little less Buck Rogers, in terms of story scale.

Whilst that would be cool-That would be completely neglecting GLs civilian identity.Supporting characters like Carol,Tom Kalmuku,would have to be neglected and they are important to GL.
I'm so okay with that. What are they important for, exactly?

I wouldn't mind flashbacks to Ferris Air. That makes sense and would be solid as his 'Island,' and you can bring Carol into space for season 2 as Star Sapphire, which would be cool. But what makes GL unique is that he's not an Earth hero. The more you try to ground him on Earth, the more generic and redundant he becomes.
I'm so okay with that. What are they important for, exactly?

I wouldn't mind flashbacks to Ferris Air. That makes sense and would be solid as his 'Island,' and you can bring Carol into space for season 2 as Star Sapphire, which would be cool. But what makes GL unique is that he's not an Earth hero. The more you try to ground him on Earth, the more generic and redundant he becomes.

It disturbs me that I cant answer that question.I just think abandoning his earth identity makes him less Human somewhat.
But yeah Flashbacks work too
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I'm so okay with that. What are they important for, exactly?

Out of costume scenes are much cheaper. They need the supporting characters to save money for FX in the actual GL scenes.
I can see the budget thing. There is a certain kind of cheapness that's very hard to escape even with really well funded sci-fi shows, like Terra Nova or Lost. A little sad though, if we're adding a whole aspect to the character's life just for budget reasons.

For me personally flashbacks would be enough to make him seem human. For extra points he can be full of Earth pop culture references like Peter Quill.
The Civilian scenes for GL would be set on Earth.
The Hero Scenes for GL would be in Space/Alien Planet.

The ratio of Hero and Civilian scenes in GL would have to be the same as in Flash and Arrow for budget sakes.

Looking at Arrow,Flash the Civilian scenes are definitely the Larger ratio.So a GL show should have larger Ratio of Civilian scenes(Earth scenes therefore).

The hero scenes in Arrow and Flash are quite adequate in number so expect the same in a GL heros scesnes(ie. Cosmic scenes).
So even though Earth scenes will be larger,Cosmic Scenes will not be Inadequate.
How about a Alan Scott green lantern TV show most of his pre crisis adventures too place on earth


Thousands of years ago, a mystical "green flame" fell to Earth in ancient China as a meteor. A voice in the flame predicted that it would act three times: once to bring death, once to bring life, and once to bring power. For the first prophecy, a lamp-maker crafted the green metal of the meteor into a lamp. In fear and as punishment for what they thought sacrilege, the local villagers killed him, only to be destroyed by a sudden burst of the green flame. For the second, in modern times, the lamp came into the hands of a patient of a mental institution who fashioned the lamp into a modern lantern. The green flame restored him to sanity and gave him a new life. after having already fulfilled the first two-thirds of this prophecy, the lantern fashioned from the meteoric metal fell into the hands of Alan Scott, a young railroad engineer. Following a railroad bridge collapse, the flame instructs Scott in how to fashion a ring from its metal, to give him fantastic powers as the superhero Green Lantern.
I can see the budget thing. There is a certain kind of cheapness that's very hard to escape even with really well funded sci-fi shows, like Terra Nova or Lost. A little sad though, if we're adding a whole aspect to the character's life just for budget reasons.

For me personally flashbacks would be enough to make him seem human. For extra points he can be full of Earth pop culture references like Peter Quill.

It wouldn't be adding anything. It would be keeping the Earth supporting characters from the comics.

Making Hal more like Peter Quill would be out of character and make it seem the show was trying to copy GOTG in that respect.
Adding to the show, keeping from the comics... semantics. If they're missing, what have you lost in terms of character development and entertainment value? GL animated series says not much. First Flight says not much. GL2011 says they're very important, and it suffered for being split so completely. Either GL is a space hero or he's an earth hero. Having two completely separate supporting casts is a bad idea, unless you're doing some really cool parallel type stuff, and I think that's way outside what the CW is about.

Making Hal a wise cracking Han Solo type would absolutely not be out of character, and shamelessly aping successful superhero movie franchises is what the CW DC verse is built on.

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